Today each American "figuratively" has to carry three government workers on his back. The number of federal government employees has grown faster over the last sixty years than the population.
There are as of 2006 statistics, 12.2 million federal employees who with the cooperation of a spendthrift Congress and Presidents who were willing accomplices are spending 1.8 trillion a year for the past few years. This cost each and every U.S. citizen $6,132.00 if you proportion it based on population. The problem is many don't pay any taxes, but receive confiscated dollars in the form of taxes from the middle class that is rapidly shrinking and may disappear if things don't change.
In 1947 the total amount of the nations economy that was gobbled up by government spending was 22%. Today the percentage of the economy that goes to government is 43%. The money left in the private sector has slipped from 78% to 57%.
Why you ask has this happened? There are many reasons, war expenditures, health care for the uninsured, but one of the biggest consumers of our tax dollars is the federal employee payroll.
On average the Federal employee makes 31% more in wages than the private sector and the benefit structure has been calculated as a whopping 60% richer than the private section. Their job security is much better. When was the last time you heard of a massive government layoff. Civil Service gives government employees more security that any private business employee could hope for.
The total of federal, state and local employees was 3.3 million in 1946 after the war. Today there are 19.2 million! This is something you must remember every time you ask your government for a new program. The employee count goes up exponentially.
We are rapidly approaching the point where the government will not be of and for the people, but an autonomous organism with a will of its own that will no longer serve the people. We will function as servants of the government.
If you don't believe this is possible. Just look at what has happened to Sweden. This Scandinavian bastion of socialism is rapidly becoming a totalitarian state, so obsessed with multiculturalism that the Swedish people are taught in their schools that Western Civilization is decadent and bad, and that people must learn to adapt themselves to society. Dissent is anathema and consensus is the rule. Individuality is considered bad for the state and students are taught that they exist to serve the state. This from the Swedish Chief Directorate of Schools, Bossom Nordbove.
Don't let socialistic type like Obama and Hillary pull the wool over your eyes. If either gets into the Oval Office we will become a very large "Sweden". You can bet the last dollar you still have on this.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Americans Are being Duped !
Every time you fill your gasoline tank for your car or truck you are being made a fool of. The ones who have caused this high price for gasoline and natural gas are not the petroleum companies or the members of OPEC. They are the people we sent to Washington and the State Capitols throughout America to serve and protect our interests.
People like the "huckster" Al Gore, and his academic ilk have perpetrated the lie of"impending doom" because of global warming. This is bad, but not the worst that has been done to We Americans.
The Congress and the Presidents since 1975 have reached deeper into your pockets to steal more and more money for their pet socialistic programs. The hidden taxes that State and Federal governments put on the cost of energy are obscene.
In the state of New York the tax payers shell out 3.4 billion dollars in hidden taxes on their electric bills each year. This is the highest hidden energy cost in the continental U.S.
The Edison Electric Institutes vice-president, M. William Brier stated this week that compliance with the Federal Rules included in "The Clean Air Interstate Rules" and the "Clean Air Mercury Rule will cost the electric industry 47.8 billion dollars between 2007 and 2020. All of this expense will be passed on to the taxpaying consumer. The horrible fact is that these two laws don't address the humongous numbers of 18 wheeler trucks belching diesel fuels or the millions of buses carting children to and from non-neighborhood schools.
Returning to the 40-60 dollars you just spent to fill up your vehicle tank. As you drive away cursing the price gouging oil companies. You should know that since the end of world war two the price of a barrel of crude oil taken at the wellhead has stayed around$23.57. The balance of the costs is the cost of refinement and shipping, profit amounting to pennies on the gallon and the biggie, taxes. The average federal tax on a gallon of gas is 55 cents and state taxes vary from 34 cents in Alabama to 52 cents in Nevada.
Compounding this problem is the fact that even though one of our mortal enemies, Iran, is presently building an oil refinery that will produce 38 to 50 thousand cubic meters of natural gas and 700-800 barrel of gasoline a day. We here in the U.S. have not built a refinery since 1976.
Not only are the present refineries not capable of producing enough to satisfy the needs of our growing population. They pose a potential catastrophic event in their being over worked and under serviced to meet current needs.
The Senate in the United States Congress is the culprit in the denial of the search for and obtaining of U.S. energy independence.
The energy bill passed into law in 2005 had provisions for offshore oil drilling and Anwar limited drilling that could of produced an estimated 19 billion barrels from the Kuparuk River region. The Senate version was dedicated to conservation an alternative sources of fuels. This from a bunch of millionaires being driven around in taxpayer funded limousines!
Heavy oil reserves in the ground made off limits by our environmental "wackos" is estimated at 69 million barrels of oil in off shore deposits alone.
Besides, there have been statements made by well known agriculturalists that if we decimate the supply of corn to produce ethanol. There could be a third world famine of worse proportions than is present today.
One final comment. It would be a lot easier to clean out pockets of terrorist resistance with a brigade of Abrams tanks in Iraq, then for our courageous foot soldiers to go from house to house subject to land mines and snipers. But we can't do that unless we have enough fuel for the tanks. God help us if we get into a war with Iran with our need for 70% of our oil coming from OPEC, and only 30% from the U.S.
People like the "huckster" Al Gore, and his academic ilk have perpetrated the lie of"impending doom" because of global warming. This is bad, but not the worst that has been done to We Americans.
The Congress and the Presidents since 1975 have reached deeper into your pockets to steal more and more money for their pet socialistic programs. The hidden taxes that State and Federal governments put on the cost of energy are obscene.
In the state of New York the tax payers shell out 3.4 billion dollars in hidden taxes on their electric bills each year. This is the highest hidden energy cost in the continental U.S.
The Edison Electric Institutes vice-president, M. William Brier stated this week that compliance with the Federal Rules included in "The Clean Air Interstate Rules" and the "Clean Air Mercury Rule will cost the electric industry 47.8 billion dollars between 2007 and 2020. All of this expense will be passed on to the taxpaying consumer. The horrible fact is that these two laws don't address the humongous numbers of 18 wheeler trucks belching diesel fuels or the millions of buses carting children to and from non-neighborhood schools.
Returning to the 40-60 dollars you just spent to fill up your vehicle tank. As you drive away cursing the price gouging oil companies. You should know that since the end of world war two the price of a barrel of crude oil taken at the wellhead has stayed around$23.57. The balance of the costs is the cost of refinement and shipping, profit amounting to pennies on the gallon and the biggie, taxes. The average federal tax on a gallon of gas is 55 cents and state taxes vary from 34 cents in Alabama to 52 cents in Nevada.
Compounding this problem is the fact that even though one of our mortal enemies, Iran, is presently building an oil refinery that will produce 38 to 50 thousand cubic meters of natural gas and 700-800 barrel of gasoline a day. We here in the U.S. have not built a refinery since 1976.
Not only are the present refineries not capable of producing enough to satisfy the needs of our growing population. They pose a potential catastrophic event in their being over worked and under serviced to meet current needs.
The Senate in the United States Congress is the culprit in the denial of the search for and obtaining of U.S. energy independence.
The energy bill passed into law in 2005 had provisions for offshore oil drilling and Anwar limited drilling that could of produced an estimated 19 billion barrels from the Kuparuk River region. The Senate version was dedicated to conservation an alternative sources of fuels. This from a bunch of millionaires being driven around in taxpayer funded limousines!
Heavy oil reserves in the ground made off limits by our environmental "wackos" is estimated at 69 million barrels of oil in off shore deposits alone.
Besides, there have been statements made by well known agriculturalists that if we decimate the supply of corn to produce ethanol. There could be a third world famine of worse proportions than is present today.
One final comment. It would be a lot easier to clean out pockets of terrorist resistance with a brigade of Abrams tanks in Iraq, then for our courageous foot soldiers to go from house to house subject to land mines and snipers. But we can't do that unless we have enough fuel for the tanks. God help us if we get into a war with Iran with our need for 70% of our oil coming from OPEC, and only 30% from the U.S.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Mixed Reviews From Syria
While liberals and fellow travelers around the world are applauding the "courage" and foreword thinking of Ms. Pelosi's visit with The Syrian President. The people who diplomats have placed their hope for regime change in Syria and Iran less we have to go to war with them, have a very different opinion of her visit.
The following quotes are taken from the Internet site of "Middle East Media Research Institute". They illustrate that we conservatives here in America are not the only ones who think her visit was ill advised and damaging to the cause of hoped for regime change.
Editor of Arab Reformist Website: "Shame on Ms. Pelosi!"
In an article titled "Shame on Ms. Pelosi for Shaking the Hand of the Damascus Hangman!" Omran Salman, the Bahraini editor of the reformist website Aafaq, wrote that Pelosi had turned her back on Syrian reformists and had harmed the cause of democracy in Syria:
"Of course no observer of Middle Eastern affairs could at all take seriously what Pelosi said [about Syria's willingness to renew the peace process]. The most [such an observer] could do would be to struggle to keep from laughing…
"What the honorable U.S. congresswoman said has no basis in reality. Syria did not say that it would stem the flow of terrorists into Iraq. Likewise, it did not say that it would close the offices of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Damascus and expel their leaders. If it had wanted to do this, it would have done so years ago, in response to American demands and pressures…"
Pelosi Delivered a Blow to the Liberal Opposition in Syria and Frustrated Reformists' Hopes
"The only result that Pelosi achieved in visiting Damascus, and in sitting down with the Syrian president and shaking his hand, was to deliver a blow to the liberal opposition in Syria and frustrate reformists' hopes for change. By breaking through the ring of isolation [surrounding] Bashar Assad's regime, Syria advanced [several] steps towards repression and despotism, and the march of reform and democracy fell behind.
"Is it any secret that the Syrian regime supports terrorism and is the prime suspect in being behind the… Hariri assassination and the assassinations of a number of other Lebanese journalists and politicians?
"Is it any secret that the Syrian regime is one of the most vicious of regimes, and one of the most repressive, in the region…?
"Perhaps Pelosi did not know… that during her visit to Damascus, this regime was specializing in torturing Syrian oppositionists - among them Kamal Al-Labwani, the founder of the Liberal Democratic Rally in Syria…
"What was Kamal Al-Labwani's crime? In October-November 2005, Al-Labwani toured Europe and the U.S. to gather support for the cause of democracy in Syria. In the U.S., Al-Labwani met with members of the U.S. government and Congress and members of Amnesty International…"
Pelosi Rewarded the Hangman and Turned Her Back on the Victim
"Instead of demanding [Al-Labwani's] immediate release [from prison], Pelosi went to reward the hangman, and turned her back on the victim. Did Al-Labwani fall victim to the trust he placed in America's promises to support democracy and those demanding it?
"This is more than saddening; it is disgraceful to the highest degree. But not all of the blame falls on Ms. Pelosi alone. Over the last four months, more than 10 U.S. members of Congress, from both parties… have made the pilgrimage to Damascus and met with Assad… What is certain is that support for reform and democracy in Syria was not on their agenda.
"Any observer cannot help but be astounded how elected representatives of the American people, which loves liberty and humanity and is devoted to democracy, can engage with a first-rate dictatorial regime..." [7]
My comment on the above is the members of the opposition party mentioned are "RINOS", republicans in name only. No loyal republican would defy the President and assume the role of diplomat not given to members of Congress by the Constitution. This role is the sole province of the Executive Branch. Why some member of The Republican Congressional
block doesn't introduce a resolution of censure for Congress woman Pelosi is beyond cowardice. Both she and Senator Reid are guilty of censurable acts, and at the very least should be called out for their actions by members of their Peers.
The following quotes are taken from the Internet site of "Middle East Media Research Institute". They illustrate that we conservatives here in America are not the only ones who think her visit was ill advised and damaging to the cause of hoped for regime change.
Editor of Arab Reformist Website: "Shame on Ms. Pelosi!"
In an article titled "Shame on Ms. Pelosi for Shaking the Hand of the Damascus Hangman!" Omran Salman, the Bahraini editor of the reformist website Aafaq, wrote that Pelosi had turned her back on Syrian reformists and had harmed the cause of democracy in Syria:
"Of course no observer of Middle Eastern affairs could at all take seriously what Pelosi said [about Syria's willingness to renew the peace process]. The most [such an observer] could do would be to struggle to keep from laughing…
"What the honorable U.S. congresswoman said has no basis in reality. Syria did not say that it would stem the flow of terrorists into Iraq. Likewise, it did not say that it would close the offices of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Damascus and expel their leaders. If it had wanted to do this, it would have done so years ago, in response to American demands and pressures…"
Pelosi Delivered a Blow to the Liberal Opposition in Syria and Frustrated Reformists' Hopes
"The only result that Pelosi achieved in visiting Damascus, and in sitting down with the Syrian president and shaking his hand, was to deliver a blow to the liberal opposition in Syria and frustrate reformists' hopes for change. By breaking through the ring of isolation [surrounding] Bashar Assad's regime, Syria advanced [several] steps towards repression and despotism, and the march of reform and democracy fell behind.
"Is it any secret that the Syrian regime supports terrorism and is the prime suspect in being behind the… Hariri assassination and the assassinations of a number of other Lebanese journalists and politicians?
"Is it any secret that the Syrian regime is one of the most vicious of regimes, and one of the most repressive, in the region…?
"Perhaps Pelosi did not know… that during her visit to Damascus, this regime was specializing in torturing Syrian oppositionists - among them Kamal Al-Labwani, the founder of the Liberal Democratic Rally in Syria…
"What was Kamal Al-Labwani's crime? In October-November 2005, Al-Labwani toured Europe and the U.S. to gather support for the cause of democracy in Syria. In the U.S., Al-Labwani met with members of the U.S. government and Congress and members of Amnesty International…"
Pelosi Rewarded the Hangman and Turned Her Back on the Victim
"Instead of demanding [Al-Labwani's] immediate release [from prison], Pelosi went to reward the hangman, and turned her back on the victim. Did Al-Labwani fall victim to the trust he placed in America's promises to support democracy and those demanding it?
"This is more than saddening; it is disgraceful to the highest degree. But not all of the blame falls on Ms. Pelosi alone. Over the last four months, more than 10 U.S. members of Congress, from both parties… have made the pilgrimage to Damascus and met with Assad… What is certain is that support for reform and democracy in Syria was not on their agenda.
"Any observer cannot help but be astounded how elected representatives of the American people, which loves liberty and humanity and is devoted to democracy, can engage with a first-rate dictatorial regime..." [7]
My comment on the above is the members of the opposition party mentioned are "RINOS", republicans in name only. No loyal republican would defy the President and assume the role of diplomat not given to members of Congress by the Constitution. This role is the sole province of the Executive Branch. Why some member of The Republican Congressional
block doesn't introduce a resolution of censure for Congress woman Pelosi is beyond cowardice. Both she and Senator Reid are guilty of censurable acts, and at the very least should be called out for their actions by members of their Peers.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
"Utter Simpletons" In Congress
Vladamir Lenin often referred to the American left as "those who will sell us the rope with which to hang them, utter simpletons".
Today the Democratic controlled Congress could rightly be called either "simpletons or useful idiots" for the Islamist cause.
The object of every General who goes to war is to defeat the enemy, and to do this he must cut off the supply lines to his adversary and make his ability to wage war impossible.
The Congress of the United States is this month acting in a manner of a trapped angry animal or a spoiled brat kid who can't get his way. In their thrashing around to force the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq they demonstrate a pomposity and pretense of doing what is best for the people who they represent.
Senator Reid had the presumption to utter these words yesterday: "Congress will no longer "turn a blind eye to the Bush administration's incompetence and dishonesty. Yes, he is the president, but we are the people's representatives. Instead of sending us back to square one with a veto, some tough talk and nothing more, let him come to the table in the spirit of bipartisanship that Americans demand and deserve."
This bombastic liar, one of a group of power happy leftists politicians who had a different story to tell their constiuents in 2002.
On September 19, Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) said, “We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them.”
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) said in a September 27 speech at Johns Hopkins University, “We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.”
Senator Byrd said in an October 3 floor speech, “We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons...”
In an October 9, floor speech, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) said, “I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force – if necessary – to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.”
In an October 10 floor speech, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), a senior member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said, “There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years…We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction.”
In yet another October 10 floor speech, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) said, “In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear…that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.”
And Yet today we have Reid challenging the Presidents right to support and defend the Constitution against a religious fanatical power that thinks in absolutes not in relativistic values as we do,and seeks to destroy us.
The Congressional Speaker of the House goes to Syria, a country known to be the conduit of weapons and supplies to Iraq from Iran. And most heinous of all, Congressman Dennis Kucinick wants to impeach President Bush and Vice-President Cheney in the middle of a WAR!.
Rep. Kucinich (D-OH), the most liberal of the Democratic presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
These "useful idiots" of the Islamist quest to conquer Us will be the first to feel the sword when and if the Islamists prevail. Traitors are never trusted, even by those whom their treachery has helped be victorious.
Today the Democratic controlled Congress could rightly be called either "simpletons or useful idiots" for the Islamist cause.
The object of every General who goes to war is to defeat the enemy, and to do this he must cut off the supply lines to his adversary and make his ability to wage war impossible.
The Congress of the United States is this month acting in a manner of a trapped angry animal or a spoiled brat kid who can't get his way. In their thrashing around to force the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq they demonstrate a pomposity and pretense of doing what is best for the people who they represent.
Senator Reid had the presumption to utter these words yesterday: "Congress will no longer "turn a blind eye to the Bush administration's incompetence and dishonesty. Yes, he is the president, but we are the people's representatives. Instead of sending us back to square one with a veto, some tough talk and nothing more, let him come to the table in the spirit of bipartisanship that Americans demand and deserve."
This bombastic liar, one of a group of power happy leftists politicians who had a different story to tell their constiuents in 2002.
On September 19, Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) said, “We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them.”
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) said in a September 27 speech at Johns Hopkins University, “We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.”
Senator Byrd said in an October 3 floor speech, “We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons...”
In an October 9, floor speech, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) said, “I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force – if necessary – to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.”
In an October 10 floor speech, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), a senior member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said, “There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years…We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction.”
In yet another October 10 floor speech, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) said, “In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear…that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.”
And Yet today we have Reid challenging the Presidents right to support and defend the Constitution against a religious fanatical power that thinks in absolutes not in relativistic values as we do,and seeks to destroy us.
The Congressional Speaker of the House goes to Syria, a country known to be the conduit of weapons and supplies to Iraq from Iran. And most heinous of all, Congressman Dennis Kucinick wants to impeach President Bush and Vice-President Cheney in the middle of a WAR!.
Rep. Kucinich (D-OH), the most liberal of the Democratic presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
These "useful idiots" of the Islamist quest to conquer Us will be the first to feel the sword when and if the Islamists prevail. Traitors are never trusted, even by those whom their treachery has helped be victorious.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Democrats Helping Jihad?
Not since Harry Truman gave away East Berlin to the Communists at Potsdam in 1944, has someone in government been a "dupe" or collaborator with our enemy as was the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate last week. Senator Reid by saying we have lost the war in Iraq could
not have given more aid ti the cause of the Islamist radicals if he had given them a large shipment of weapons to us against our troops. At least Truman might have thought Russia wouldn't put up the Berlin wall and begin the cold war. Reid had no such cover for his treachery.
His five words uttered in blatant disregard for the welfare of those brave men and women fighting the good fight in Iraq, "we have lost the war"in Iraq. Give the Radical Muslims around the world the message that all they have to do is keep up the terror and America will withdraw sooner than later.
Just as Communism in 1936 was a death sentence for tens of millions of Zeks. So to is the Muslim obligation under direction from the Koran (2:256) to gain power over all nations and to fight against people until they all testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah. These words are passed down directly from Mohammad (Hadith 2:193), and it is time we realize we are in a fight like this country has never faced before.
The doctrine of jihad - violence in the path of Allah with the objective of converting, killing, or else subjugating and taxing the "infidel" - was Muhammad's most significant original contribution to world history. It defined Islam in its earliest days, it has defined the relations between "the world of faith" and "the world of war" ever since of Islam to this day.
There are 32 nations world wide that are predominantly Muslim. Unless these nations renounce Jihad as a way to further their religious and political precepts, for they are one and the same according to the Koran, they must be considered potential threats to our way of life.
It is long past the time when President Bush should come out and publicly state that any Muslim who does not renounce Jihad is no friend of this country.
With all this in mind what earthly reason do people like Reid and Pelosi collaborate with enemies of this country other than blind ambition and failure to comprehend the damage their actions do against our country.
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