Not since Harry Truman gave away East Berlin to the Communists at Potsdam in 1944, has someone in government been a "dupe" or collaborator with our enemy as was the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate last week.

not have given more aid ti the cause of the Islamist radicals if he had given them a large shipment of weapons to us against our troops. At least Truman might have thought Russia wouldn't put up the Berlin wall and begin the cold war. Reid had no such cover for his treachery.
His five words uttered in blatant disregard for the welfare of those brave men and women fighting the good fight in Iraq, "we have lost the war"in Iraq. Give the Radical Muslims around the world the message that all they have to do is keep up the terror and America will withdraw sooner than later.
Just as Communism in 1936 was a death sentence for tens of millions of Zeks. So to is the Muslim obligation under direction from the Koran (2:256) to gain power over all nations and to fight against people until they all testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah. These words are passed down directly from Mohammad (Hadith 2:193), and it is time we realize we are in a fight like this country has never faced before.
The doctrine of jihad - violence in the path of Allah with the objective of converting, killing, or else subjugating and taxing the "infidel" - was Muhammad's most significant original contribution to world history. It defined Islam in its earliest days, it has defined the relations between "the world of faith" and "the world of war" ever since of Islam to this day.
There are 32 nations world wide that are predominantly Muslim. Unless these nations renounce Jihad as a way to further their religious and political precepts, for they are one and the same according to the Koran, they must be considered potential threats to our way of life.
It is long past the time when President Bush should come out and publicly state that any Muslim who does not renounce Jihad is no friend of this country.
With all this in mind what earthly reason do people like Reid and Pelosi collaborate with enemies of this country other than blind ambition and failure to comprehend the damage their actions do against our country.
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