Saturday, August 30, 2008
“You want to make every pundit look bad? Then stand tall for what you believe. Don’t be shy. You want to stun the establishment? Then become a mighty force for conservative principles, and tackle the task with confidence and cheer... This may be a time of testing. But it’s not our swan song. Not by a long shot. Instead... this is our moment. This is the time to do what we do best—turn adversity into strength.” —the late Tony Snow
Now that both political parties have selected their ticket to present to the USA's voting public in November. It is appropriate to reflect on the "stealth" item in the Democrats pocket of dirty tricks for this upcoming election.
Instead of concentrating on specifics of how Obama and Biden will change the Country. The Democrats fall back to what they do best, attack individuals and groups who oppose their Socialist program.
It did not take long after McCain announced his selection of the female Governor of Alaska, to have some "wag" mouthpiece of the Democrats to say that she should stay home and take care of her Downes syndrome child.
But the low blow to the body politic is the stark statement by Democrat Liberals like Mr.Roger Cohen, that he is not sure Americans are free of racism enough to vote for a Black man for President! Der Spiegel had an article in their 8/25/08 issue quoting Cohen thus: "No wonder then that, around the world, the first question about the U.S. election is always: “Is America really ready to elect a black man?”
That blunt inquiry, which I’ve heard from Indonesia to Latin America, is a reminder on the eve of the Democratic Party’s convention in Denver of the historic nature of the Obama candidacy".
This just as Obama' statement that slavery "is Americas original sin", is an overt statement that if you don't vote for Obama you are a racist!!!
Never mind that he is an opportunist socialist with ties to the crooked Chicago political machine and well know Socialist American haters like Ayers, Frank Marshal Davis,and Reverend Wright. We should vote for him or we will tell the World we are all racists!!!
If you doubt he is a ONE WORLD SOCIALIST, remember that Obama promotes the "Global Poverty Act", that will, if approved, dedicate 0.7 percent of the U.S. gross national product to foreign aid, which over 13 years he said would amount to $845 billion "over and above what the U.S. already spends."And this is just one program his welfare program will burden the USA tax payers with!!
Do not let the fear of foreign countries calling us a racist society if you vote for McCain. We must do it to save our way of life and the Republic that is the ENVY of the world!
Friday, August 29, 2008
“The Silencer” Obama and His Silent Enablers on the Left"
“You want to make every pundit look bad? Then stand tall for what you believe. Don’t be shy". —the late Tony Snow
To begin with I will say that all political campaigns are nothing but propaganda. But when it includes intimidation and threats, it sounds eerily like the type of propaganda used by despots and dictators to gain POWER!
Encarta defines Political propaganda as;"Propaganda for distinctly political ends is as old as history. The Bible, for example, relates that the Assyrian king Sennacherib attempted to terrify the Kingdom of Judah into surrendering by the use of threatening propaganda (see 2 Kings 18-19).
Just as Hitler used Goebbels to stifle dissent and convince the German people in the 1930's that he would lead them out of the downward spiral that was happening to the German economy. Barrack Obama's supporters, "Accountable America", are using Nazi like tactics against anyone who uses the radio or print media to point out the cracks in Obama's "Savior" image.
"Last Wednesday, Obama exhorted his followers to sabotage the WGN radio show of veteran Chicago host and University of Chicago Professor Milt Rosenberg. Why? Because he invited National Review writer Stanley Kurtz to discuss his investigative findings about Obama's ties to Ayers and the underwhelming results of their collaboration on a left-wing educational project sponsored by the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
“Tell WGN that by providing Kurtz with airtime, they are legitimizing baseless attacks from a smear-merchant and lowering the standards of political discourse. ... It is absolutely unacceptable that WGN would give a slimy character assassin like Kurtz time for his divisive, destructive ranting on our public airwaves."What happened to freedom of speech?
While mainstream journalists schmoozed with liberal celebrities in Denver, practiced yoga with left-wing bloggers and received massages at the Google convention tent near touchy-feely Barackopolis, Team Obama was on an ugly, aggressive warpath sanctioned by Mr. Civility. While compassionate Obama prepared to stand before thousands of worshipers at Invesco Field, purporting to give voice to the voiceless, his Chicago-schooled campaign machine was working overtime to muzzle conservative critics. “We want it to stop," ordered one pro-Obama caller to WGN.
Welcome to the future: the politics of Hope and Change enforced by the missionaries of Search and Destroy". source: Michelle Malkin
Fifty one years ago a similar propaganda program was launched against the author of a Chinese play atirizing Chairman Mao/
"In late 1959, historian and Beijing Deputy Mayor Wu Han published the first version of a historical drama entitled “Hai Rui Dismissed from Office” In the play, a virtuous official,was dismissed by a corrupt emperor.
The play initially received praise from Mao. In 1965, Mao Zedong's wife Jiang Qing and her protégé Yao Wenyuan—who at the time was a little-known editor of a prominent newspaper in Shanghai—published an article criticising the play. They labeled it a "poisonous weed"and an attack on Mao, using the allegory of Mao Zedong as the corrupt emperor and Peng Dehuai as the virtuous official.
The Shanghai newspaper article received much publicity nationwide, with many other prominent newspapers asking for publication rights. Beijing Mayor Péng Zhēn, a supporter of Wu Han, established a committee studying the recent publication and emphasizing that the criticism had gone too far. On February 12, 1966, this committee, called the "Group of Five in Charge of the Cultural Revolution," issued an "Outline Report on the Current Academic Discussion", which later became known as the "February Outline". In this document the group emphasized that the dispute over Hai Rui Dismissed From Office was academic rather than political.
In May, 1966, Jiang Qing and Yao Wenyuan once again published various articles with content denouncing both Wu Han and Peng Zhen. On May 16, following Mao's lead, the Politburo issued a formal notice representing figuratively the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. In this document, titled "Notification from the Central Committee of Communist Party of China," Peng Zhen was sharply criticized, and the "Group of Five" was disbanded". SOURCE: WIKAPEDIA
I am not saying that Obama wants to be a dictator! But he and his handlers are on a desperate quest for power, and the tactics used thus far are strangely similar to that of all despots. Stifle dissent! Do we want this type of man as President?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
“This is the time to do what we do best—turn adversity into strength.” —the late Tony Snow
While the Russian sponsored and armed vigilantes conduct genocide and a scorched earth policy in parts of Georgia,the EU politicians debate the French proposal to adopt economic sanctions and restrict visas for travel between Russia and the EU.
Most political representatives in Brussels from European countries object to any sanctions against Russia. Their reason is the dependence on all of Europe for Russian oil. Russia has become a quasi dictator to the EU, because of their abundance of crude oil and the dearth of oil in most European countries.
The Gazprom pipe line has become the life line for Germany, France and most of western Europe. Gazprom is the largest extractor of natural gas in the world. With sales of US$31 billion in 2004, it accounts for about 93 percent of Russian natural gas production; with reserves of 28,800 km³, it controls 16 percent of the world's gas reserves (as of 2004, including the Shtokman field.) After acquisition of the oil company Sibneft, Gazprom, with 119 billion barrels of reserves, ranks behind only Saudi Arabia, with 263 billion barrels.source: Wikapedia
Gazprom supplies 86 percent of Poland's, nearly three-quarters of the Czech Republic's, 67 percent of Turkey's, 65 percent of Austria's, about 40 percent of Romania's, 36 percent of Germany's, 27 percent of Italy's, and 25 percent of France's.[4][5] The European Union as a whole gets about 25% of it's gas supply from Gazprom. AS such, the Russian leadership holds a "trump card" over all anti-Russian activities contemplated by the EU. This renders the EU as an effete body!!
This is why I believe energy independence, by drilling off shore and in ANWR, for oil now, should be the secondary issue to the primary issue of National Defense, in this November's election.Our representatives in Washington must stop pandering to the radical Ecologists, and pass legislation that encourages oil drilling and new refineries. For forty years Congress has listened to the new home of the radical left , and blocked all efforts to obtain new sources of oil. The life blood of our free economy.
And by the way you cannot run a tank or jet airplane on wind power!!
Not only to reduce the cost of gasoline for our cars and trucks that carry our food products and materials needed for our quality of life. But the needs of operating our military, are dependent today on the crude oil from OPEC and to some extent Venezuela, not exactly friends of the USA!
Be not confused by the peace at any cost people who have gathered their minions behind the Obama/Biden ticket. We need a strong military to defend us against the naked aggression of terrorists, and the enfolding Russian hegemony. Talking is fine, but unless we have the "big stick" to back up our talk we are nothing but the "sound of tinkling glass in the wind"!
The Democrats on the platform are trying to sell another lie to the American people.
They say it is time for a change, because the Country is going the "wrong Way"!
What they fail to remind us is that they are responsible for the USA going in the wrong way. From a predominantly Judeo-Christian country with morals and principles, the Democrats have consistently led us down the path to a country that is Secular, humanistic and Godless! They also show there divisive principals in the way they arranged the "forums" in Denver. They separated group discussions by special interest. Gay-Lesbian, Hispanic, Native American, women's forum and many others. This only emphasizes the ploy of the Democrats to use victimization and hatred as tolls for the election campaign.
The party that has as it's priorities abortion rights, reproductive freedom and full support for Roe-Wade, is responsible for the 80% of Americans that think the country is going the wrong way!Their negative opinion of Congress is even greater!!
The RINOS are complicit in this degradation of a once proud and free Republic, but the Congressional Democrats and the "hard Core" left members of the Supreme Court are the ones who have taken us to a country that kills over a million unborn and partially born babies each year, allows people to burn our symbol of freedom, the flag, and allows rampant pornography to be displayed in all public places under the false guise of "free speech"!
There is a call to "change" by the Obama minions. But the change they offer is Bills like "Employees Free Choice Act", which if passed will take away the secret ballot in all Union organizing votes. Increased taxes,spending programs with the stink of Socialism, and more inflation.
Thanks to the profligate spending of the Congress over the last 20 years we have experienced inflation to the point where it now takes $185.99 to purchase the same goods as could be bought in 1988 for $100.00. source: US Department of Commerce web site.
Democrats shout that unemployment is rampant! It is a lie! There are some cities and states where the unemployment is very high. Most are in the rust belt, where Union demands on employers have driven the jobs out of the Country. Here in my home town of Jacksonville, Florida, the unemployment 4.4%. The national unemployment rate is currently 5.7%. Too high, but nothing compared with the Socialist governed EU countries of Germany with 7.3%, France with 7.8% and Spain with 9.1% unemployment!
When they talk of unemployment, the Deamoncrats seldom mention the porous borders that have allowed over 20 million illegals to come into the unemployment statistics. They do not talk about their consistent failure to address the stopping of this "tidal wave", for fear of offending their Hispanic supporters!
Presidential nominee Barrack Obama is nothing less than a re-worked 60's radical with ties to a corrupt Chicago political history. He reads eloquently when using a teleprompter, as he will do tonight. But when asked unscripted questions. He stammers for answers, for fear he will expose his true radical roots and feelings.
I believe that is why he refuse to debate McCain in other than the three debates scheduled, for which you can expect the Lame Stream Media moderators will throw "powder puff" question at him!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Although I do not advocate military action against Russia for it's obvious violation of International law with it's aggression against the sovereign state of Georgia.
I do think diplomatic talk, talk is an exercise in futility, as illustrated by this article quoting Russian President Medvedev response to NATO's overtures to talk to Russia about their WAR with Georgia.
"Signing the decrees, Russian president Dimitry Medvedev said Tuesday, Aug. 26, that the two breakaway Georgian regions have the right to determine their own future after Georgia’s attacks. Recognition was unanimously urged Monday by the Russian upper house. Washington says this is a violation of international law.
Moscow sources report that the Kremlin is planning further sanctions against Georgia and its US-NATO backers, possibly in Eastern Europe.
The US state department has said recognition of the two provinces' independence would be "a violation of Georgian territorial integrity" and "inconsistent with international law".
Russia has cancelled a visit by NATO's secretary general, after Medvedev said he was weighing halting cooperation with the military alliance, “until relations were clarified.” Its NATO ambassador said a "new understanding" needed to be reached between Russia and the alliance
The bold letters are mine for emphasis. I believe that this is a perfect example of the Putin/Medvedev attitude toward any outside interference with their quest to regain the power and influence that the Soviet Union once had.
Any co-operating country would welcome talks with NATO representatives, EU or UN delegates. But Medvedev made it clear that he wants no conversation with any group that opposes their plans for hegemony! It sounds like "It is our way or the highway"!
If as I believe, the next move that Russia makes in it's quest for control of the states they lost with the fall of the USSR, is the Ukraine or Azerbaijan.
It is is the largest and most populous country in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, it is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the west and northwest, Armenia to the southwest, and Iran to the south. Because of it's strategic location, I believe that Russia covets this State and it's location on the Caspian Sea.
What will WE and NATO do, you can forget about help from the Communist dominated UN, if and when Putin's quest for power leads them to find an excuse to invade either the Ukraine or Azerbaijan? Will we continue to talk or will we use economic sanctions and embargo's against their aggression?
If the duo of Obama and Biden win in Novemeber you can count on no action at all!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
“You want to make every pundit look bad? Then stand tall for what you believe. Don’t be shy. You want to stun the establishment? Then become a mighty force for conservative principles.” —the late Tony Snow
This is good advice for all who believe in the rule of law, and especially for Christians who believe that taking a life via abortion, partial birth abortion or euthanasia is contrary to Canon law, and despite the twisted Supreme Court decision, should not be supported by Catholic politicians. For that matter all Christians and Jews who believe in the Commandment that says, "You should not Kill"!
The law that governs actions of Catholics, in faith and morals, who accept the teachings of the Church as iterated by the Pope is very definite on politicians who support or promote any form of ending natural life after conception before natural death.By their own actions they excommunicate themselves from the Body Of The Church!
October 31, 2000, Pope John Paul II proclaimed St. Thomas More the "patron saint of government officials and politicians." In his apostolic letter, Pope John remarked on the need for such a patron saint at a time when "scientific achievements in the area of biotechnology underline the need to defend human life at all its different stages." St. Thomas More provides such a role model, as the papal epistle proclaims: "Whenever men or women heed the call of truth, their conscience then guides their actions reliably towards good. Precisely because of the witness he bore, even at the price of his life, to the primacy of truth over power, Saint Thomas More is venerated as an imperishable example of moral integrity. And even outside the Church, among those with responsibility for the destinies of peoples, he is acknowledged as a source of inspiration for a political system which has as its supreme goal the service of the human person."
If only more of today's Catholic politicians would pay heed to the sterling example set by their patron saint.source: Wikapedia
For those who don't know the story of Thomas More, it is a classic case of a man in politics who put his conscience before the demands of his King. King Henry VIII wanted More to support his request to the Pope, to annul his marriage to Katherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn, but More believed in the sanctity of marriage, and lost his head for his moral conviction!
Why is this appropriate at his point in time? Because, Obama has chosen a Senator who claims to be a Catholic who consistently has voted for abortion and partial birth abortion!!!
Obama handlers selected Senator Biden for the running mate to Obama to attract Catholics in November. But not unlike the election when John Kerry ran against George Bush. Catholics did not vote for the Professed Catholic who was also an abortion supporter. I believe Catholics will reject this ticket of DEATH", and I think all Christians and Jews who believe in the sanctity of life and the right to life will also reject this Democratic ticket in November.
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