“You want to make every pundit look bad? Then stand tall for what you believe. Don’t be shy. You want to stun the establishment? Then become a mighty force for conservative principles.” —the late Tony Snow
This is good advice for all who believe in the rule of law, and especially for Christians who believe that taking a life via abortion, partial birth abortion or euthanasia is contrary to Canon law, and despite the twisted Supreme Court decision, should not be supported by Catholic politicians. For that matter all Christians and Jews who believe in the Commandment that says, "You should not Kill"!
The law that governs actions of Catholics, in faith and morals, who accept the teachings of the Church as iterated by the Pope is very definite on politicians who support or promote any form of ending natural life after conception before natural death.By their own actions they excommunicate themselves from the Body Of The Church!
October 31, 2000, Pope John Paul II proclaimed St. Thomas More the "patron saint of government officials and politicians." In his apostolic letter, Pope John remarked on the need for such a patron saint at a time when "scientific achievements in the area of biotechnology underline the need to defend human life at all its different stages." St. Thomas More provides such a role model, as the papal epistle proclaims: "Whenever men or women heed the call of truth, their conscience then guides their actions reliably towards good. Precisely because of the witness he bore, even at the price of his life, to the primacy of truth over power, Saint Thomas More is venerated as an imperishable example of moral integrity. And even outside the Church, among those with responsibility for the destinies of peoples, he is acknowledged as a source of inspiration for a political system which has as its supreme goal the service of the human person."
If only more of today's Catholic politicians would pay heed to the sterling example set by their patron saint.source: Wikapedia
For those who don't know the story of Thomas More, it is a classic case of a man in politics who put his conscience before the demands of his King. King Henry VIII wanted More to support his request to the Pope, to annul his marriage to Katherine of Aragon so he could marry Anne Boleyn, but More believed in the sanctity of marriage, and lost his head for his moral conviction!
Why is this appropriate at his point in time? Because, Obama has chosen a Senator who claims to be a Catholic who consistently has voted for abortion and partial birth abortion!!!
Obama handlers selected Senator Biden for the running mate to Obama to attract Catholics in November. But not unlike the election when John Kerry ran against George Bush. Catholics did not vote for the Professed Catholic who was also an abortion supporter. I believe Catholics will reject this ticket of DEATH", and I think all Christians and Jews who believe in the sanctity of life and the right to life will also reject this Democratic ticket in November.
2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:
You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.75
Biden and his fellow alleged Catholics are about as much Catholics practicing according to the Canons of the Catholic church as a practicing Muslim eating pork would be following Muhammad.Enough said.These frauds being present in church on Sunday and illicitly receiving the Blessed Sacrament are nothing more than unwanted visitors in the eyes of a true believer of his/her faith.
email from:njwwasflusa
Biden and his fellow alleged Catholics are about as much Catholics practicing according to the Canons of the Catholic church as a practicing Muslim eating pork would be following Muhammad.Enough said.These frauds being present in church on Sunday and illicitly receiving the Blessed Sacrament are nothing more than unwanted visitors in the eyes of a true believer of his/her faith.
email from:njwwasflusa
The so called Catholics such as Pelosi,Biden,Kerry,etc.are what are referred to as Cafeteria Catholics.They pick and choose what they feel makes them most comfortable while putting on a front that they are Catholic.This is nothing more than godless relativism which is the way most people of the world think and live today.If it feels good do it.If I disagree ignore it,if it benefits me do it, no matter if it breaks one or more of the 10 commandments.A person with this way of thinking is a fraud both to himself and to others whether he or she knows it.Unfortunately,most of them do know it is wrong but for some known reason called vanity they are above the Covenant with God which gave us the greatest laws known to man, the 10 commandments.There has been no improvement in over 2,000 years and don't look for any to occur
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