Before you condemn my writing as that of some right wing nut case let me tell you the source of my information. The leisure time I find myself with gives me the ability to peruse the world of events as they happen via the Internet search engines. As is my daily habit each day I spend an hour or two searching world opinion leaders and scholars posted pieces on the events happening in their world today.
This post is a follow up to yesterdays article about the civil unrest in France. In this article I mentioned the fact that in the past year over 10,000 cars were torched ,and 300 buildings were firebombed, Since the benign of 2006 there has been an average of 15 attacks on police and fireman called to rescue, 100 cars set ablaze on the average night. This dastardly violence is perpetrated by Muslim youths, both black and Arab, in the small towns surrounding French large cities, primarily Paris. Muslim youth caught and subsequently released state that they are tired of being ignored and not respected. "They would rather be hated and respected because they are feared."
This attitude is a sign of the growing mind set of young Muslim youths world wide. "The new threatening component of Muslim discourse now espoused by Islamic militants war against the whole human race for totalitarian control. They aspire to coerce the entire world into conversion to Islam or to accept the humiliation of "dhimoni status". This is beginning to appear in areas from England to Indonesia, Canada ti India. and from the U.S. to Spain. All of this is based upon the fact that the Koran teaches that all the world must accept conversion to Islam or face the humiliation of dhimma status in which status a tax(jizya) is extracted from all non-Muslims for protection. Sort of what the Mafia did it would seem.
The "Front Page Symposium" recently held a panel to discuss the status of "Eurabia" in European countries. The panel was a large gathering of European authorities on the subject. Some of the participants were Bat ye'or, Clara Berlinski, Leon de Winter, Bruce Bowers, and Lars Hedguard. The opinion varied from "we are in the beginning stages of a world wide war of Islamofascism against Western culture an Christianity and Judaism to the theory that we can avoid this conflict if we can get to the mothers of Islamic youths,and convince them to accept assimilation.
All participants agreed that the "Muslims view multiculturism and the inability or unwillingness of Western Nations to uphold their borders is a symbol that Western Nations are weak and ripe for conquest!" The panel disagreed but many felt that a time line of 15-20 years was the Islamists time table for conquest. They concluded that a world war was inevitable. Hot or cold war is yet to be determined. The jihad riots in France which continue as noted above, is the beginning stages of a civil war. Western Cultural weakness more than Islam strength is allowing this world war to begin, The conclusion was that Europe, "if it wants to stay free of Muslim control, must stop Muslim immigration and any speech about "jihad" should result in deportation. Europe should withdraw from the United Nations where the panel believes this problem started with the passage of "Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This proclamation states, "everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience or religion." Radical Islamists use this to declare anyone speaking against Muslims as an Islamophobe! This despite the fact that the Koran, Hadith and Sira deny that a person has basic freedom of conscience. They state that a persons conscience comes directly from the Muslim controlled community they live in.This philosophy was approved by the 57 member states of the OIC. This could be one reason no American Clerics have spoken out against the Muslim terrorist bombings.
Beginning in 1453 when the Ottomans captured Constantinople through the Greek war of Independence in 1828 the Ottomans killed 11 Ecumenical Patriarchs, 100 bishops and several thousand priests and deacons. So much for their professed belief in religious freedom.
France is in dire state of becoming an Islamic controlled country with over 5 million Muslims. This is the most in Western Europe. The Arab Union states as part of its "Vision and Philosophy, we believe in a multicultural society and strongly reject for any Muslim any idea of assimilation or integration into European society. We don't want to assimilate and we don't want to be stuck somewhere in the middle . We want to foster our own society and culture where we live. We insist on teaching Arab language, Arab history and Islamic faith."
It appears that mult- culturism has denigrated into Tribalism and spawned the term "The new racist." Any person critical of political Islam, and "Islamophobia" has evolved similar to the days of the Soviet Unions Joseph Stalin. The melting pot we hear so often appears to have been dumped over by Multiculturalism. All beginning with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s which gave rise to ethnic identity. Thus we find that Muslim immigrants vote 85% of the time for leftist party candidates, and is the reason I believe you only hear about closing the Mexican border, nothing about limitation on the immigration of Muslims. The real threat!