Sunday, October 29, 2006


With the liberal press and leftist billionaires pouring multi-millions of dollars into an anti-republican "full court press" to win back the Congress next month. It is important to remember what is at stake at this critical point in our times. Our very stature as powerful nation that is not only respected, but feared militarily by potential enemies is what is at stake in this election.
Make no mistaken delusions about what the Democratic party of today stands for. It is the party of appeasement and withdrawal, so that they can get back to building the welfare, dependency state that was started by President Johnson. If they win in November there will be an immediate secession of funding for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the military will become an effete force like most European countries.
General George Patton once said, "It is better to fight for something than live for nothing." His words ring true today. The only way we as non military persons can help in the fight to defeat Islamofascism is to vote straight Republican--even if you have to hold your nose when you do it! The alternative is too frightening to think about it occurring.

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