Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Two Edged Sword Of Global Warming Scam

Last month, delegates from 187 nations and thousands of special interest "environmentalists" spent a luxurious week in Bali.
There meeting was slated to be a push for more restrictions on CO2 emissions, thus allegedly reducing the imminent threat of Global Warming.
From the reports I have read, their quest has been a futile attempt. Since they met in Kyoto, there have been more emissions from Countries like China, India, Brazil and other "developing" Countries, who were exempted from the Kyoto agreement.
The following is a report of the emission data since Kyoto. It shows the fact that large, rapidly industrializing developing nations like China, India, and Brazil that are not required to reduce their emissions have rapidly increased CO2 emissions.
China will soon pass the U.S. as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases. According to a The Heritage Foundation source.
China is vastly expanding its factories and power plants, and as can be expected, opposed emission targets that would bind it.
China now "uses more coal than the United States, the European Union and Japan combined," and so "the increase in global warming gases from China's coal use will probably exceed that for all industrialized countries combined over the next 25 years".Source:The Heritage Press
India is not far behind in opening new coal-fired plants and is projected to become the world's third largest greenhouse gas emitter by 2015. It is indisputable that developing countries are rapidly increasing their emissions of greenhouse gases and will more than offset the reductions outlined in Kyoto.Yet the zealots of Global warming continue to ask the United States and Europe to cut back on their CO2 emissions by reducing our economic machinery.
Not only will this hurt our economy. Jobs will be lost, as if we haven't lost enough to China, India, Pakistan and Countries like Communist Vietnam.
If you doubt what I am saying. Just look at the label that shows where your athletic shoes, shirts and hats and golf clubs are being made.
What is actually happening, is a redistribution of wealth from our Country, in the name of preserving the ecology of the Earth!
Anyone who has studied basic science can tell you that the pollution in China or India drifts around the World, and into the atmosphere where it effects the reflection and deflection of the Suns rays.
If we believe the alarmists who proclaim the end of the World as we know it. Then the so called developing nations of China and India should be required to reduce their emissions or all we do is for naught.
As China is close to surpassing the U.S. and become the biggest emitter of greenhouse gasses. When this shift happens it will have tremendous practical as well as symbolic significance, and it will dim the appeal of unilateral U.S. action. It is important to note that China isn't slowly edging past America; it is roaring ahead.
Emissions of carbon dioxide, the byproduct of fossil-fuel combustion and the greenhouse gas of greatest concern, are exploding along with China's economy. New coal-fired power plants are reportedly being added in China at the rate of about one per week, and these facilities are less efficient and higher-emitting than their western counterparts. While China becomes a Communist controlled economic giant, that co-incidentally holds billions of dollars of our debt paper, is still referred to as a developing country. It is developing at a more rapid rate than the U.S. , and because it has an autocratic government there is no "trickle down effect" that helps it's impoverished peasants. They should not be given a pass on this world wide scam, that has been called a fraud by more than 400 real climate scientists!
According to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, which believes China has already surpassed America, emissions in China rose 9-percent in 2006, on top of a 12-percent increase in 2005. Meanwhile, America's emissions have been growing much more slowly, averaging little more than 1-percent per year and in 2006 actually went down!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Main Stream Media Demonstrates Bias Once Again

To those of us who long ago reorganized the bias of the Left Wing main stream media, it is no surprise that the associated Press story about the finding of an Al Queda torture chamber in Iraq didn't make the news in any one of the major networks other than Fox!

CBS, NBC, ABC And CNN will splash any news that deprecates the United States war effort in Iraq or Afghanistan. They featured news of the "water boarding" of Terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Secret CIA interrogation camps, and anything negative about the effort to obtain information from captured terrorist suspects.

But the news of the finding of a torture camp with electric wired bed springs, bloody knives and swords, and walls scrawled with sarcastic hate messages directed to the people about to be tortured, is no where to be found.

Could it be that the disinformation and extremely biased networks don't want the American public to know what monsters we are fighting in Iraq? No, it must be balanced news! Yes, and black is white!

The following quote was found first in the web page of the London Daily Telegraph, and after searching all major network sites . It was also found on Fox, as a feature story, for all to read and know the truth!

BAGHDAD — "Blood-splotches on walls, chains hanging from a ceiling and swords found on the killing floor of a suspected Al Qaeda in Iraq torture chamber are the latest horrors discovered by U.S. soldiers pushing into a province that remains an extremist stronghold.
Scrawled in white paint on one wall above a bed used for torture was a Quranic phrase normally used to welcome a guest, but given the horrific surroundings, conveyed only sadistic mockery: "Come in, you are safe" was the message in Arabic."

"We discovered several (weapons) caches, a torture facility that had chains, a bed — an iron bed that was still connected to a battery — knives and swords that were still covered in blood as we went in to go after the terrorists in that area," said U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Mark P. Hertling, the top U.S. commander in northern Iraq.

It was not the first such torture chamber discovered in Iraq, and it was a stark reminder of the horrors that exist in this country after nearly five years of war, despite growing optimism as violence has fallen about 60 percent since June.
The U.S. military — which discovered the torture site, along with nine weapons caches during a Dec. 8-11 operation north of Muqdadiyah, about 60 miles north of Baghdad — said: "it was used by Al Qaeda in Iraq." Graffiti on the building proclaiming "Long Live the Islamic State" has been used by the insurgent group in the past. Their stated goal is to establish such a state, or caliphate, in Iraq.

Lets not hear any more the claims that the nightly news on television and in most papers is anything but anti- Iraq war, anti-Bush, and anti-Religion.

They all should be printed on RED paper!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Good Reason To Not Vote For A Democrat

The Democrat party has always stood for the "little Man" in the United States. Beginning with the "New Deal" plans of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, and continuing on to the Great Society of President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The Democrats have been the party of the working poor and middle class.

Not so anymore, as the report from the Congressional Office of Budget and Management shows in the following excerpt.

Four of the five leading candidates for the Democratic nomination have signed on to the bill which will punish the "little Man" severely to satisfy demagogues of the Global warming scam. The old saying: "Say what you mean and mean what you say" is applicable to these four hypocrites who aspire to the highest office in the Land. You will not hear them talking about their signing on to a Bill that would financially strap the working poor. Nor will you see or read about this travesty in the main stream Media. This is why I am writing this blog!
Any person who votes for these big government and taxation addicts is shooting themselves in the foot literally if not actually. The pain will be felt long after these pampered and wealthy persons luxuriate in the glow of power in the White House.

This was reported this week.
Senate Environment & Public Works Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have proposed the "Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act" aimed at combating climate change. The proposed partisan bill (S.309) is supported by another 15 senators, including: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY); Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL); Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT); Sen. Joseph R. Biden (D-DE); Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI); Sen. Russell D. Feingold (D-WI); Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI); Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA); Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ); Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT); Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ); Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI); Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI); Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), and Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD).
FACT: A new MIT study concludes that the Sanders-Boxer approach would impose a tax-equivalent of $366 billion annually, or more than $4,500 per family of four, by 2015. And the annual costs will grow after 2015.

Have we not had enough of the tax and spend Democrats? They promise no tax relief from the thievery that they now extract from our paychecks. They promise more spending on socialist programs that will require more taxation, and it won't be from the well tax sheltered "rich" guys!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time Magazines Man Of The Year Is An Atrocity

You might expect it to happen in France or Iraq. Maybe even Iran,that a magazine would pick a "former" KGB officer as their Man Of The Year.
But not in the United States, unless it is a Left Wing rag like Time Magazine that has long since lost it's objective Journalism.
The Pick of Vladamir Putin is even more absurd than last years pick of the year, "YOU"!
Putin the new "czar" of Russia is dangerous in the sense that he doesn't care about civil liberties, he doesn't care about free speech."He also stood side by side with France against sanctions against Saddam Hussein the Butcher of Baghdad.
Putin is head of the Russian Presidents council and when the Oil for Food scandal finally was exposed it was revealed that this group , all ex-KGB members and close associates of Putin, received millions of barrels of oil from Saddam. Oil which they could exchange for cash, because they were opposing, in union with the French, any sanctions or action against the murderous regime of Saddam by the UN.
"Russia topped the list of nations from whom the Hussein regime wanted support at the Security Council. As a result, the Hussein regime granted allocations to Russian individuals, political parties, and others due to their good relationship with Iraq and their support for the lifting of sanctions. The scale of the oil allocations given to Russian individuals and political parties was substantial, totaling approximately 30 percent of all the oil allocated during the course of the program."Source:Reuters News

Many of these allocations went to the Unity party, a predecessor of the Unified Russia party, which holds 37 percent of the seats in the Russian Duma. This party nas been described as "a pro-Kremlin party associated with Russian president Vladimir Putin."
In a prison interview last month with Senate investigators, Tariq Aziz said the Unity party was chosen for the allocations "because Russia was taking positions at the Security Council that were favorable to Iraq."
To add to that infamy, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned against military action against Iran and backed its right to nuclear energy, during the first visit to the country by a Kremlin chief since World War II.
Putin, attending a summit meeting of Caspian Sea states, arrived in the Iranian capital amid heavy security and secrecy over his travel plans after reports a squad of suicide bombers planned to kill him. If you wonder why, think back to the Journalist and politicians who were murdered because of opposition to Putin's actions.
Two notable murders are at least indicative of Putin associates involvement in murder. They are Anna Politovskaya who was gunned down in her apartment and the thallium poisoning of Alexander Litvenenko in London. Both were murdered in 2006.
A statement made by Mr Litvinenko before he died was read out by his friend Alex Goldfarb outside University College Hospital, London.
In it he accuses Russian President Vladimir Putin of involvement in his death and says his killer was "barbaric and ruthless".
Novaya Gazeta( Russian Newspaper) claims that Politovskaya was working on a major new expose of human rights abuses by Putins security forces in Chechnya. The fact that her murder coincided with President Putin’s birthday (birthdays are very important in Russian traditions) suggests that someone wanted to send a message, and has led many Western media outlets to charge that the Kremlin or security services were behind the crime. USA Today, the largest circulation newspaper in America, compared Vladimir Putin to Josef Stalin in one of their editorials.

While in Iran Putin had this to say: “It is also important that we talk about the impossibility of using our territory for other countries to carry out aggression or military action against Iran or other Caspian littoral states.” The other countries he is referring to are the United States and NATO.
Adding fuel to the "firestorm" over Iran's nuclear build up, Russia has delivered the first shipment of nuclear fuel to Iran's Bushehr atomic power station. A senior Iranian official said his country would under no circumstances halt its efforts to enrich uranium -- fuel. It says it needs nuclear fuel for other power plants, but the U.S. and other foreign powers fear the nuclear fuel could be used in a nuclear bomb.
Western nations led by the United States had urged Russia not to deliver fuel to Bushehr, a plant in southern Iran that Russian engineers are building under a $1 billion contract. This like all other requests to Russia has gone un-heeded.
Why not, We only saved them from being another Nazi satellite country with our invasion of Europe and the billions of dollars of military equipment we shipped to Russia in ships with great cost of American seamen!
In 1939 Time magazine pick Joseph Stalin for Man of the Year. A butcher who murdered untold millions of Soviet citizens he felt were a threat to him. It include half of his General Staff of the Military. This year they matched their perfidy in picking Putin!

Monday, December 17, 2007


Ever since the "Balfour Declaration" issued by the British Government in 1917, expressing support for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. There has been fighting, intifada and Peace Accord meetings to settle the Palestinian problem.To no avail!

The world once again rallied to the support of the embattled Palestinian government on Monday, pledging $7.4 billion in aid over the next three years at a donors' conference — a sum that tops the Palestinians' own expectations.

The sum raised Monday was substantial even compared to the more than $10 billion that donor countries have given to the Palestinians in the past decade, according to the World Bank. Officials have said the Palestinians have received more international aid on a per capita basis than any other nation or group of people in the postwar period.

The key issues that dominate this area of Palestine are the need for Israel to ease restrictions on Palestinians while not compromising its security, and the fate of Gaza, which has been virtually cut off from the world since the Islamic militant Hamas seized control by force in June.
My question is this: will the militant Hamas get control of the money, and start another intifada, or will it go to the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in this area in abject poverty..There are 4 million Arabs living in the Gaza Strip that is only 140 square miles in size. Not much larger than Rhode Island!

The West Bank and The Gaza strip has approximately 3.5 million Arabs and 440,000 Jewish settlers living in the area that is situated between Israel and Jordan. This is the area known in Biblical times as Judea and Samaria. Samaria(The West Bank) is approximately 2,270 square miles in size.
This was the geography that the Israelis occupied after they won the war in 1967. The Gaza strip is slightly larger than two times the size of Washington, DC!

Of course, these historical details are of little interest to the Islamic fundamentalists, who, by most accounts, enjoy majority support in the Gaza Strip.They have expressed a desire to wipe out Israel and claim the whole region.

For them, history begins with the conquests of Muhammad and his caliphs in the seventh century. According to Koranic law, all the land they conquered (including not only today's Palestine but also Spain and Portugal) became inalienable Islamic territory. Or as Mahmoud Zahar, a Hamas leader, said recently, "the fundamentalists seek to control not just the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, but All of Palestine is our land."

I believe that most Arabs would like to "de-Judaize"( eliminate Israel) all of Palestine, and many, no doubt, see the Gaza evacuation as a first step.
Is the United States and The European Union going to Pay for this genocide?

Yossi Melman of the Israeli Daily Haaretz had this to say about the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. "The official government, led by Mahmoud Abbas and celebrated by George Bush and most of the world, is weak and lacks the authority to reestablish its rule as sole representative of the Palestinian people.
At the same time, the government of Ehud Olmert – like most previous Israeli governments – is scared to death of initiating a dramatic, daring move to end the occupation.
The Saudi ambassador said that speeches made at the conference need to be matched by deeds. "The proof is in the pudding," he told us reporters. Once again, he was right. I don't believe that both sides (the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority) have the imagination, the vision, and the guts to deliver on the promises of Annapolis.
To make it come through, there is a need for two dramatic and probably traumatic events: a civil war among the Palestinians, in which hopefully the Abbas camp would crush the Hamas fundamentalists; and, on the Israeli side, dismantling settlements and moving 200,000 Jews still left in the West Bank – probably igniting a civil war."

And still Diplomats and World leaders keep funneling money down the rat hole that for the past decades has seen nothing but blood, sweat and tears. Is there no end to the fight between Palestinians and Israelis? I don't think so, because since the early 50's when the United Nations made Israel a sovereign Country, the Arabs have had a bur under there camels saddle to eradicate the state of Israel. There has to be an end to this bloody fight!

Obama Is No JFK!

In news articles and blogs the supporters of Barrack Obama have tried to compare him to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
This is ludicrous on first blush when you compare the political record and positions that Obama has taken compared with JFK.
JFK and Obama both went to Harvard, but that is where the comparison ends.
Kennedy was against abortion, Obama is for it, He was against the Iraq war before it began, and still is despite the gains our brave troops have made towards victory.
Kennedy wasn't for war, almost nobody is for war, but when one begins, the brave and the patriotic support the war effort. JFK is famous for his Purple Heart he won in the battle of Leyete Gulf when he commanded PT-109.
As President he authorised the use of defoliants, napalm and jet airplanes for use against the Communist North Vietnamese. He also sent 16,000 Green Berets as military "adviser's" in 1963.
He approved the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba and the Cuban Missle crisis showed he was willing to go to war to protect our Country from the Soviet Union placing ballistic mislles in Cuba. I can't envision Obama giving the military that kind of support, since he was protesting the War before it even began!

Obama is for repealing President Bush's tax cuts so he can fund socialised medicine and the giving of tax dollars to those who pay no taxes, aka: Earned In come Tax Credit. A euphemism for taking money from those that have and giving to those who have not. Charity it is not. It is redistribution of wealth and confiscation, and JFK would oppose it!

Obama supporters and "modern day" Democrats (aka socialists) have hijacked the good name of John F. Kennedy. One of JFK's key economic plans included massive, across-the-board tax cuts, similar to those of Reagan. Much like the 1920's and 1980's, it was these tax cuts that led to the Golden Kennedy-Johnson years.
Pro-tax lobbyists and leftist Congressmen/women, claim that Kennedy's tax cuts were significantly different than the tax cuts of Reagan, and the tax cuts of President Bush. They claim that Kennedy's tax cuts benefited low-income families, while Republican tax cuts only benefit the wealthy.

To some extent, Kennedy's tax cuts benefited the upper and upper middle classes even more. By the time Kennedy took office, the top income tax rate had reached 94%. Kennedy originally asked for it to be reduced to 65%, but a Democrat Congress slashed this down to 70%.

During a speech, JFK stated, "the current tax system exerts too heavy a drag on growth, reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment and risk taking. Without a question, it is mostly the middle and upper classes that undertake risky purchases and investment".

As expected, the tax revenue from the top 1%, the top 5%, and top 20% surged as a result of income growth from the tax cuts. Tax revenue from the rich increased from almost 12% in 1963, to 15% by 1966.

One only needs to examine the true economic policy and beliefs of JFK. History is on the side of tax cuts - the same side of Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush. If JFK had been alive today, it is likely he would have switched to the Republican Party. The following is an actual quote from President Kennedy: "An economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget - just as it will never produce enough jobs or profits." Yep, JFK was a supply-sider, one of those greedy, rich, white, politicians who liked to cut taxes. Obama is not a new JFK!

As Senator Lloyd Bentsen said to Senator Dan Quayle during the Vice-Presidential debate of 1988: "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy." If he were alive today, I believe he would repeat the same message to Obama and his supporters. We had one charismatic personality in President Bill Clinton, now it is time to elect a President who has the experience and willingness to stand up to our enemies no matter what the rest of the decaying World thinks. Our very survival depends upon it, and charisma won't get it done!