In news articles and blogs the supporters of Barrack Obama have tried to compare him to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
This is ludicrous on first blush when you compare the political record and positions that Obama has taken compared with JFK.
JFK and Obama both went to Harvard, but that is where the comparison ends.
Kennedy was against abortion, Obama is for it, He was against the Iraq war before it began, and still is despite the gains our brave troops have made towards victory.
Kennedy wasn't for war, almost nobody is for war, but when one begins, the brave and the patriotic support the war effort. JFK is famous for his Purple Heart he won in the battle of Leyete Gulf when he commanded PT-109.
As President he authorised the use of defoliants, napalm and jet airplanes for use against the Communist North Vietnamese. He also sent 16,000 Green Berets as military "adviser's" in 1963.
He approved the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba and the Cuban Missle crisis showed he was willing to go to war to protect our Country from the Soviet Union placing ballistic mislles in Cuba. I can't envision Obama giving the military that kind of support, since he was protesting the War before it even began!
Obama is for repealing President Bush's tax cuts so he can fund socialised medicine and the giving of tax dollars to those who pay no taxes, aka: Earned In come Tax Credit. A euphemism for taking money from those that have and giving to those who have not. Charity it is not. It is redistribution of wealth and confiscation, and JFK would oppose it!
Obama supporters and "modern day" Democrats (aka socialists) have hijacked the good name of John F. Kennedy. One of JFK's key economic plans included massive, across-the-board tax cuts, similar to those of Reagan. Much like the 1920's and 1980's, it was these tax cuts that led to the Golden Kennedy-Johnson years.
Pro-tax lobbyists and leftist Congressmen/women, claim that Kennedy's tax cuts were significantly different than the tax cuts of Reagan, and the tax cuts of President Bush. They claim that Kennedy's tax cuts benefited low-income families, while Republican tax cuts only benefit the wealthy.
To some extent, Kennedy's tax cuts benefited the upper and upper middle classes even more. By the time Kennedy took office, the top income tax rate had reached 94%. Kennedy originally asked for it to be reduced to 65%, but a Democrat Congress slashed this down to 70%.
During a speech, JFK stated, "the current tax system exerts too heavy a drag on growth, reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment and risk taking. Without a question, it is mostly the middle and upper classes that undertake risky purchases and investment".
As expected, the tax revenue from the top 1%, the top 5%, and top 20% surged as a result of income growth from the tax cuts. Tax revenue from the rich increased from almost 12% in 1963, to 15% by 1966.
One only needs to examine the true economic policy and beliefs of JFK. History is on the side of tax cuts - the same side of Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush. If JFK had been alive today, it is likely he would have switched to the Republican Party. The following is an actual quote from President Kennedy: "An economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget - just as it will never produce enough jobs or profits." Yep, JFK was a supply-sider, one of those greedy, rich, white, politicians who liked to cut taxes. Obama is not a new JFK!
As Senator Lloyd Bentsen said to Senator Dan Quayle during the Vice-Presidential debate of 1988: "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy." If he were alive today, I believe he would repeat the same message to Obama and his supporters. We had one charismatic personality in President Bill Clinton, now it is time to elect a President who has the experience and willingness to stand up to our enemies no matter what the rest of the decaying World thinks. Our very survival depends upon it, and charisma won't get it done!
You hit the nail on the head.We no longer have a Democratic Party.We have a far left leaning bunch of war wussies who would rather cower behind a tree than fight.I am a registered Democrat,but except for certain state and local candidates,I have voted straight Repiblican since the Kennedy era.My conscience won't allow me to vote for Quixotic,ambivalent,tax and spend careless people who claim they are the Democratic Party.Hogwash!!!Reasonable thinking people with some moral decency about them don't accept the moniker "Dermocrat" from an assortment of hippies,yuppies,and new age socialist left wingers who preach defiance of the Constitution of the United States.I can't support people who think illegal drug use should be legalized,who think abortion(the killing of living humans in the womb of the mother)is legal,who think euthanasia should be a Federally mandated law,who think defense of our country with the military is wrong,and on and on goes the dirty laundry list.If this is what voters are foolish enough to vote for then Atheistic Communism here we come.No,I don't want my granchildren to be told that it is normal for a President to have sex in the Oval Office,that it is funny to have a statue of Jesus in a bottle of urine in one of our supposedly prestigious art museums,or that it is funny to have The White House Chrismas Tree adorned with sex toys.Permanent adolescent vulgarity and behavior is not what this country needs despite the majority of our news media scumbags extolling their totally screwed up priorities.Moslem,Hindu,Jew,Buddhist,Christian,and all other faiths who have any moral principles don't accept this illogical logic being force fed to us daily by most of our media.Demand that a person of morality and ethical principles be the leader of this country.Don't waste your vote on who is the cutest or sexiest.
The US federal government spends more of your tax dollars on the military than anything else. Victory in Iraq, or defeat in Iraq for that matter, costs a lot of money. JFK might have been logical in his understanding of the need to lower taxes to stimulate the economy. But I don't find your argument for war and against taxes logical at all. Why not end the war and spend the money you save on health care so more people are healthy and able to engage in the pursuit of happiness?
As someone who is very seriously considering voting for Obama - who is also a registered Republican - I can say with out a doubt, your writing here gave me much food for thought.
I think you have misunderstood why people are comparing him with Kennedy. It is not because he is a democrat, relatively young or anything like that; it is because of the way he makes people feel.
Like Kennedy did, Obama manages to inspire both people who are into politics, and those who do not usually care much about it. There is something in the air, an unmistakable positive feeling, rooted it the fact that Obama does not base his campaign solely on fear, but on a positive drive for change in this nation.
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