The president has repeatedly denied that he is a Socialist. He says he is a centrists who looks out for the middle class. But his actions and appointments speak volumes about his socialist leanings.
To illustrate the similarity of Obama's actions in the first 60 plus days he has been president to those of Socialist International. I offer this excerpt from the SI home page.
The SI Commission on Global Financial Issues met in Vienna on 3 November, for the first of a series of meetings, and in advance of the Socialist International Council in Mexico on 17-18 November where tackling the global financial crisis will be at the top of the agenda.
Hosted by the Chancellor of Austria, Alfred Gusenbauer, a member of the Commission, the discussions highlighted the principles guiding the global social democratic response to the world financial crisis and, given the new phase of the crisis affecting emerging and developing countries and the urgency of the situation of many people around the world today, the Commission set out five concrete initiatives to assist those directly affected by the crisis.
Calling for a new relationship between government and the market, the Commission underlined that confidence would not be restored in the financial markets unless behaviour was changed through comprehensive and robust regulation, accompanied by far-reaching reforms made to the international financial system.Sound familiar?
The plans Obama has for taking over OUR financial institutions,socializing medicine,taxing carbon emissions produced by industry and controlling our home thermostats to regulate the use of energy are all socialist changes to our free enterprise system.
But the action that destroyed any semblance of his being a centrist is his appointment of the new Energy Czar.
Carol Browner has been a member of the American socialist party for many years. The SI blog site removed all references to her participation when she was nominated, but cached sites reveal she was very active in the American Socialist movement.
I guess we should not be surpise when we look at his own words, "Obama in his own book said he chose his friends wisely in college and then listed Marxist Professors as someone he carefully chose to hang around.His schetchy history includes these facts:
He supports a Marxist first cousin in Kenya. There are videos out there on Youtube of him supporting this guy “Raila Odinga.” His cousin allows Sharia law in his country for Muslims.
He is friends with a Marxist named William Ayers who as recently as last year said he is not sorry for what he has done in the past. William served on boards with Obama and one of Obama’s campaign people said that BO’s career was launched in Ayers house.
I heard this morning and have not had time to confirm, Michelle Obama worked at the same law firm with William Ayers Wife. They are clearly more than just neighbors if this is true.
To me this just shows a pattern. The man is a Marxist. He hangs out with a known terrorist and does not deny it. He chooses to surround himself with people that believe in Marxism. He wnt to a church that had apastor who is racist Marxist. What more evidence does one need?
Some members of the Republican party have had the strength of character to "call out" Obama on his socialist leanings as this story from Lee Ann Goodman of the Canadian Press illustrates.
"President Barack Obama's plans are "one big down payment on a new American socialist experiment," says one top Republican.
He's "the world's best salesman of socialism," says another.
"Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff," says Mike Huckabee, one-time Republican presidential candidate.
Fox News personality Sean Hannity derides his agenda as "socialism you can believe in," while his colleague in cacophonous conservative punditry, Rush Limbaugh, is unapologetic about publicly declaring his desire for Obama to fail: "Why would I want socialism to succeed?"
Barack Obama's history shows ties to the New Party(socialist) during the 1990s. The New Party was a far-left organization founded by members of the Democratic Socialists of America and other extremists. It not only endorsed Obama in his 1996 state Senate race, but, when Obama won, wrote that he was an "NP member." To my knowledge, no mainstream reporter or news outlet has asked Obama whether he was, as the New Party wrote, a member of that organization, or whether he subscribed to the New Party's far left--it's fair to say "socialist"--platform.
Some Obama supporters have denied that he was in fact a New Party member, although I don't think Obama himself has commented. Now a New Zealand web site called "New Zeal" has dug up a wealth of information on the New Party, including a second claim by the New Party that Obama was a member. This is from the Spring 1996 edition of New Party News:
New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary)..."these victories prove that small 'd' democracy can work" said Obama.
Taken together, the evidence strongly suggests that Barack Obama was a member of the New Party in the 1990s. At a bare minimum, he was endorsed by the New Party, worked with New Party members and attended New Party events. Given the radicalism of the New Party's program, it is hard to understand how any Main Stream Media interviewer could fail to ask Obama about his association with the group.And yet, it isn;t that diificult when you consider the TV and Newspapers have embraced Obama as their "messia"!