Friday, May 30, 2008

Message to All Catolics

The following excerpt appeared today in an article written by Ethel Fenig for The American Thinker. I am using this part of her article to show the bias that most people have regarding race. In the article she says that the "priest" Pfleger's endorsement will not help Obama with WHITE Catholics.
I take exception with this conclusion as I believe ALL Catholics, both Black and White should be abhorred by the antics of this priest who has apparently forgotten what his vows as a Priest include. As a Catholic Priest, he is to preach only that which has been revealed to him by sacred scriptures, sacred tradition and the teachings of the Catholic Church's Magesterium.

The activist priest, Father Michael Pfleger, of the Archdiocese of Chicago wants people to know that pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage Senator Barack Obama “is the best thing to come across the political scene since Bobby Kennedy".
How a man who took his prieslty vows can endorse a man who supports a mortal sin is beyond my comprehension. All Catholics should know that abortion is a mortal sin for Catholics. Both the Great Pope John Paul II, and the present Pope Benedict XVI, have reaffirmed the position that abortion is a mortal sin. Aiding and abbeting a man who advocates not only in utero abortion but late term partial birth abortions does in my opinion,negate this priests vows.

All Catholics, both Black and White should examine their conscience, and determine if they can vote in good consience for BHO!

"When white Roman Catholic priest Michael Pfleger spoke at neighboring black Trinity United Church of Christ (yep, Barack Obama's church for 20 years) last Sunday hate was in the air.

In his best white man imitating black preacher role, Pfleger roared
...When Hillary was crying (gesturing tears, uproarious laughter from audience)-and people said that was put on-I really don't believe it was put on.
I really believe that she just always thought ‘This is mine' (laughter, hoots). ‘I'm Bill's wife. I'm WHITE. And this is mine. And I jus' gotta get up. And step into the plate. And then out of nowhere came, ‘Hey, I'm Barack Obama.' And she said: ‘Oh, damn!' WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?!?! (Crowd going nuts, Pfleger screaming). I'M WHITE! I'M ENTITLED! THERE'S A BLACK MAN STEALING MY SHOW. (SOBS!) SHE WASN'T THE ONLY ONE CRYING! THERE WAS A WHOLE LOTTA WHITE PEOPLE CRYING!
I'm sorry. I don't wanna get you in any mo' trouble. The livestreaming just went out again...
And the congregants loved it. This is the same church Jeremiah Wright preached a similar brand of hatred to an approving crowd while Obama ostensibly snoozed in his seat.

Pfleger is a priest at a predominantly black Catholic church not far from Trinity; he has spoken at Trinity several times previously and several admiring profiles of him have appeared in Trinity's church magazine Trumpet. Pfleger and Obama are good friends; Obama has, in the best of interfaith, inter ethnic relations, referred to Pfleger as one of his spiritual mentors. And Pfleger has solidly returned/ the favor. Pfleger's support of Obama is well known in Chicago, and an Obama aide confirmed Pfleger contributed to Obama's state Senate campaign during his years in the Illinois legislature.
The aide told FOX News that when Obama was a state Senator in 2000, he secured a $100,000 earmark for the ARK Community Center, a center attached to Pfleger's St. Sabina church. The aide said the initiative was awarded to help keep at risk kids off the streets by giving them a place to play.
Pfleger was also once a member of the Catholics for Obama Committee, which is a voluntary advisory committee to the Obama campaign, the aide said. But the aide said Pfleger decided to step down a few weeks ago from this committee, though the campaign did not request the resignation.
But given Pfleger's many previous antics--he's an "activist" priest--his endorsement will probably not help Obama much with the white ethnic Catholic vote".

I think it should affect all Catholics as we see not color but religion and a belief system that has existed for over 2000 years, upon which all but the Jewsih faith is based!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Lex et Libertas—Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
They will need all of our prayers if Congress does not release the funds earmarked for the men and women in harms way!

Do not believe the Democrats when they say they are for the troops, but not Bush's war! The war is the troops war. They have to face a hostile, fanatical enemy with a terrorist mind, and anyone who does anything to block all the money these brave men and women need to fight is an enemy of the troops. It is just that simple.

As long as the troops are in harms way, they need all the money this country can give them to get them home alive. Nothing else is more important!But apparently the Democrat controled Congress doesn't feel they need to support our troops. They have delayed the appropriations bill as I have mentioned in previous blogs, and now they are being asked by the Defense Department to release funds that are earmarked for the troops before they run out of money.

The following is a quote from TheNewMedia web site.
"The Pentagon has asked Congress for the authorization to borrow and transfer $9.7 billion from various accounts to pay for war operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The so-called reprogramming request is necessary because a new war supplemental funding bill is still pending in Congress, the Department of Defense stated.
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told the Senate last week that, if Congress did not approve the remainder of the 2008 war supplemental, he would submit a reprogramming request — taking money from less pressing accounts to front war costs — on May 27 to avoid depletion of the Army’s personnel and operations funds. The Pentagon submitted two reprogramming requests to Congress on Tuesday: One would transfer $5.7 billion from the military personnel accounts of the other services to the Army’s military personnel account; the second would transfer $4 billion from the operation and maintenance accounts of the other services and the Department of Defense Working Capital Fund to the Army and Special Operations Command operations and maintenance accounts.
Without the ability to transfer these funds, the Army will run out of military personnel funds necessary to pay its soldiers by June 15, according to the Pentagon. In order to avoid that, Congress would have to approve the reprogramming requests by June 9, according to the Pentagon".

For the troops sake write, call, fax or email all your members of Congress and Senators, and demand that they release the funds for the warriors in Iraq and Afganistan.


Gay rights advocates had reason to celebrate on both coasts Thursday, with New York set to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere and California preparing to begin issuing marriage licenses to gay couples on June 17. Hours after California issued a directive Wednesday authorizing that date, word came that New York Gov. David Paterson instructed state agencies — including those governing insurance and health care — to immediately change policies and regulations to recognize gay marriages.source:Associated Press

Gov. Paterson is one of only four Black men to sit in a State Governors chair in our history, and is well known for his stance on stem cell research, voting rights for non-citizens(illegals), and now he will be known as the man who is attempting to "solomnize" the marriage of sodomites.

In an anterview after Gov. Paterson made his announcement at a meeting of gays and lsbians, his spokeswoman, Erin Duggan said this: " we want it clearly understood that marriage includes gay couples in the solomnized marriage pact".

Thesaurus defines "solemnized" as bless, celebrate, commemorate, dignify, exalt, sanctify and venerate. Only a blind person could call a relationship that involves sex between two same sex people in these terms!

Let me say at the beginning. What people do in the privacy of their own home is none of my business, or any government agency. That is unless they are making bombs, or some other gross violation of the law.

But when an elected official panders to a politically active group like the gay and lesbian community, by tearing down the framework of the American family unit. He is a really morally blind person! That makes Gov. Paterson doubly blind, as he is legally blind himself!

This Country was built upon the Judeo-Christian principles that are found in the Talmud and the Bible. One of which is the numerous condemnations of the "sodomite".

Granted our Country has slipped slowly to the secular, nihilist, atheist's interpretation of what the Founding fathers intended this Country to be. The killing of millions of unborn and partially born babies testifies to this fact. But when persons, who are elected to a position of power, try to change the natural law of marriage,that being a man and a woman who can produce offspring(babies), to that based upon "love"of two same sex people. We are well down the road to the fate of the Roman Empire!

Monday, May 26, 2008



First of all, we must understand the difference between associating and contributing to the support of a Pastor, and the speech and philosophy of someone who publicly endorses a candidate, but has no personal connection to the candidate!Obama spent twenty years at the feet of his racist Black activist Pastor.

He was married, had his children baptised and contributed thousands of dollars to him.McCain had no connection with the two apparently twisted pastors who publicly announced their support for him. This is something he does not need to defend, but chose to do so. More power to him for clarifying his position on the issues these "pastors" were preaching. But you cannot tag him with the same "donkeytail" that Obama carries for his 20 year association with Wright.

For those who hope that the positions of these two Evangelical leaders will effect the voters, let me remind you of a statistic. The 2004 survey of Religion and politics in the United States[11] identified the Evangelical percentage of the population at 26.3%; while Catholics are 22% and Mainline Protestants make up 16%. In the 2007 Statistical Abstract of the United States, the figures for these same groups are 28.6% (Evangelical), 24.5% (Catholics), and 13.9% (Mainline Protestant.) The latter figures are based on a 2001 study of the self-described religious identification of the adult population for 1990 and 2001 from the Graduate School and University Center at the City University of New York. [12]

The National Association of Evangelicals is a U.S. agency which coordinates cooperative ministry for its member denominations.the Christian Right is not made completely (or even a majority) of Evangelical Christians. According to an article in the November 11, 2004 issue of The Economist, entitled "The Triumph of the Religious Right", "The implication of these findings is that Mr. Bush's moral majority is not, as is often thought, composed of a bunch of right-wing evangelical Christians.

Rather, it consists of traditionalist and observant church-goers of every kind: Catholic and mainline Protestant, as well as evangelicals, Mormons, and Sign Followers. Meanwhile, modernist evangelicals tend to be Democratic." Although evangelicals are currently seen as being on the Christian Right in the United States, there are those in the center as well.

In other countries there is no particular political stance associated with evangelicals. Many evangelicals have little practical interest in politics.
In the end McCain, as recently as in a June of 2007 interview with McClatchy newspapers, has consistently described himself as an Episcopalian. He was raised in the denomination and attended the prestigious Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va.

Biographical sketches in several well-known congressional directories -- information that is usually provided by members of Congress or their staffers -- list McCain’s faith as the Episcopal Church.
Sorry, Leftist media and Obama sycophants, you can't paint him with the same brush as Obama was by his Pastor Wright!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Der Spiegel is reporting on conference of "scientists" who are planing to make their "cult" a profitable business.At a global conference in Bonn, Germany, representatives of 191 nations are discussing their revolution in conservation.

They believe that by making a highly profitable business out of saving forests, whales and coral reefs, environmentalists they can put a stop to an apparent, they say, dramatic wave of extinctions. The currency in their new environmental age is called a "forest certificate," and a potential market for the green money already existsthanks to Al Gore and his ilk.

In the EU emissions trading system, for example, industrial corporations and energy utilities are allocated carbon dioxide pollution rights known as CO2 certificates. They define how much carbon dioxide a given company's factories are permitted to emit into the atmosphere. If a company's CO2 emissions exceed its allocated limit, it must buy additional certificates to offset the difference. Unused pollution rights can be sold. In other words, the certificates have a real monetary value, which is currently at €25 ($39) per ton of CO2, but could increase to €60 ($93) in the future.Smells like a ponzi sheme to me! But this sounds to me like World dictatorship for the United States if their quest for environmental power succedes.

Apparently the tropical rainforest countries are keenly interested in entering this growing market.Note: most are countries considered third world countries. At the next UN Climate Change Conference, in Copenhagen in 2009, the course could be set for the development of a market in forest certificates. Large electric utilities, like Germany's RWE, are already waiting in the wings. "Forests as a part of a global emissions trading system would be of interest to us," says Michael Fübi, the company's climate protection manager. The company would benefit by satisfying climate protection requirements more quickly and at a lower cost than through the installation of costly new technologies.

In the medium term, however, this could not serve as a replacement for modernizing power plants, says Fübi. How much money this forest certificate system would ultimately generate is still written in the stars. Experts estimate that it would cost $10 billion (€6.45 billion) a year to truly benefit the world's forests.Authors note: how do you give monies to trees?

Otherwise it would be far more profitable for tropical countries to cut down their forests for lumber, as they presently do.Seems to me as though they want successful economic countries to agree to a scheme that has a great possiblility of failure. Never the less,experts estimate that at least twice as much as is spent today on ecoological efforts, will be required to protect nature in the long term. Professional environment police officers must monitor the reserves.

Education is critical in helping local populations find new ways to live in harmony with nature. Microloans are needed to help people implement new business models compatible with the natural environment. Police Ecologists!!!! Can such global financial transfers truly bring about change? "Once CO2 trading translates into large amounts of money, the question that inevitably arises is who actually owns the forest," says Tom Griffiths, who is with the human rights organization Forest Peoples Programme. "Is it the investors or the people who live in the forest?" A typical socialist/communism question!

The underlying problem in these eco schemes is that those who seek to effectively protect nature, make ocean zones off-limits and allow forests to remain untouched must ensure that the people who have depended on these facets of nature for their livelihoods are given new opportunities, and thus far their is an eerie silence about this problem from those promoting the eco-economics.And they have another problem in Germany. While they are meeting in Bonn the head of the current German government, German Chancellor Merkel did little to ease tensions when she recently signed an energy treaty with Brazilian President Lula da Silva. The Brazilians see German concern for the Amazon rainforest as an attempt to corner the biofuels market. To produce bio-ethanol, they plan to have planted sugarcane in an area almost as large as Great Britain by 2025.

The World Bank allegedly plans to incorporate the entire Congo basin into its Forest Carbon Partnership program. The Washington-based organization wants to enter the emissions trading market with the CO2 stored by the Congo rainforest. Because deforestation in tropical regions is responsible for about 20 percent of "climate change, protecting the forest is synonymous with protecting the climate" -- and the world community(?) is increasingly willing to pay a lot of money to make that happen.

Blogger's comment:who do they include in the World Community? China and India are exempt from Kyoto, and the USA has rejected the proposal as being draconian!

While the politicians plot their Ecology "war"there are private wealthy people involved in their own personal ecology shemes topersonally control the fate of nature. Patagonia, for example, appears to be firmly in the hands of billionaires. For years, Douglas and Kris Tompkins, the co-founders of the apparel companies North Face and Patagonia, have owned several thousand square kilometers (more...) of untouched wilderness in the region. Some of their neighbors are speculator George Soros, fashion magnates Luciano and Carlo Benetton, actors Sharon Stone and Christopher Lambert, and CNN founder Ted Turner. Do you believe they are involved for soley altruistic reasons?

If natural landscapes are increasingly assigned a value, they could lose their role as "the world's free garbage dump," as Gordon Shepherd of the WWF puts it. But Shepherd also warns that adding value to nature is "no panacea." Indeed, it raises many questions. For instance, developing countries would have to prove that their goal is not simply to rake in additional cash, but that they are serious about protecting diversity. Sounds to me as though this is just another scheme to redistribute the world's wealth to undeveloped countries, where dictators will grab it ,and the poor people will continue to get "the short end of the stick"!

Omar al-Bashir, president of Sudan, retains his position as the worst dictator in the congo!And lest we forget the infamous dictator Mobutu; According to Transparency International, Mobutu embezzled over $5 billion USD from his country, ranking him as the third-most corrupt leader in world history and the most corrupt African leader ever. He is a constantly recurring theme in African dictators to whom these "pi-heads plan to give hundreds of millions to stop producing the wood we need to buil homes and the grains needed to make the new panacea, bio-fuel!!