The following excerpt appeared today in an article written by Ethel Fenig for The American Thinker. I am using this part of her article to show the bias that most people have regarding race. In the article she says that the "priest" Pfleger's endorsement will not help Obama with WHITE Catholics.
I take exception with this conclusion as I believe ALL Catholics, both Black and White should be abhorred by the antics of this priest who has apparently forgotten what his vows as a Priest include. As a Catholic Priest, he is to preach only that which has been revealed to him by sacred scriptures, sacred tradition and the teachings of the Catholic Church's Magesterium.
The activist priest, Father Michael Pfleger, of the Archdiocese of Chicago wants people to know that pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage Senator Barack Obama “is the best thing to come across the political scene since Bobby Kennedy".
How a man who took his prieslty vows can endorse a man who supports a mortal sin is beyond my comprehension. All Catholics should know that abortion is a mortal sin for Catholics. Both the Great Pope John Paul II, and the present Pope Benedict XVI, have reaffirmed the position that abortion is a mortal sin. Aiding and abbeting a man who advocates not only in utero abortion but late term partial birth abortions does in my opinion,negate this priests vows.
All Catholics, both Black and White should examine their conscience, and determine if they can vote in good consience for BHO!
"When white Roman Catholic priest Michael Pfleger spoke at neighboring black Trinity United Church of Christ (yep, Barack Obama's church for 20 years) last Sunday hate was in the air.
In his best white man imitating black preacher role, Pfleger roared
...When Hillary was crying (gesturing tears, uproarious laughter from audience)-and people said that was put on-I really don't believe it was put on.
I really believe that she just always thought ‘This is mine' (laughter, hoots). ‘I'm Bill's wife. I'm WHITE. And this is mine. And I jus' gotta get up. And step into the plate. And then out of nowhere came, ‘Hey, I'm Barack Obama.' And she said: ‘Oh, damn!' WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?!?! (Crowd going nuts, Pfleger screaming). I'M WHITE! I'M ENTITLED! THERE'S A BLACK MAN STEALING MY SHOW. (SOBS!) SHE WASN'T THE ONLY ONE CRYING! THERE WAS A WHOLE LOTTA WHITE PEOPLE CRYING!
I'm sorry. I don't wanna get you in any mo' trouble. The livestreaming just went out again...
And the congregants loved it. This is the same church Jeremiah Wright preached a similar brand of hatred to an approving crowd while Obama ostensibly snoozed in his seat.
Pfleger is a priest at a predominantly black Catholic church not far from Trinity; he has spoken at Trinity several times previously and several admiring profiles of him have appeared in Trinity's church magazine Trumpet. Pfleger and Obama are good friends; Obama has, in the best of interfaith, inter ethnic relations, referred to Pfleger as one of his spiritual mentors. And Pfleger has solidly returned/ the favor. Pfleger's support of Obama is well known in Chicago, and an Obama aide confirmed Pfleger contributed to Obama's state Senate campaign during his years in the Illinois legislature.
The aide told FOX News that when Obama was a state Senator in 2000, he secured a $100,000 earmark for the ARK Community Center, a center attached to Pfleger's St. Sabina church. The aide said the initiative was awarded to help keep at risk kids off the streets by giving them a place to play.
Pfleger was also once a member of the Catholics for Obama Committee, which is a voluntary advisory committee to the Obama campaign, the aide said. But the aide said Pfleger decided to step down a few weeks ago from this committee, though the campaign did not request the resignation.
But given Pfleger's many previous antics--he's an "activist" priest--his endorsement will probably not help Obama much with the white ethnic Catholic vote".
I take exception with this conclusion as I believe ALL Catholics, both Black and White should be abhorred by the antics of this priest who has apparently forgotten what his vows as a Priest include. As a Catholic Priest, he is to preach only that which has been revealed to him by sacred scriptures, sacred tradition and the teachings of the Catholic Church's Magesterium.
The activist priest, Father Michael Pfleger, of the Archdiocese of Chicago wants people to know that pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage Senator Barack Obama “is the best thing to come across the political scene since Bobby Kennedy".
How a man who took his prieslty vows can endorse a man who supports a mortal sin is beyond my comprehension. All Catholics should know that abortion is a mortal sin for Catholics. Both the Great Pope John Paul II, and the present Pope Benedict XVI, have reaffirmed the position that abortion is a mortal sin. Aiding and abbeting a man who advocates not only in utero abortion but late term partial birth abortions does in my opinion,negate this priests vows.
All Catholics, both Black and White should examine their conscience, and determine if they can vote in good consience for BHO!
"When white Roman Catholic priest Michael Pfleger spoke at neighboring black Trinity United Church of Christ (yep, Barack Obama's church for 20 years) last Sunday hate was in the air.
In his best white man imitating black preacher role, Pfleger roared
...When Hillary was crying (gesturing tears, uproarious laughter from audience)-and people said that was put on-I really don't believe it was put on.
I really believe that she just always thought ‘This is mine' (laughter, hoots). ‘I'm Bill's wife. I'm WHITE. And this is mine. And I jus' gotta get up. And step into the plate. And then out of nowhere came, ‘Hey, I'm Barack Obama.' And she said: ‘Oh, damn!' WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?!?! (Crowd going nuts, Pfleger screaming). I'M WHITE! I'M ENTITLED! THERE'S A BLACK MAN STEALING MY SHOW. (SOBS!) SHE WASN'T THE ONLY ONE CRYING! THERE WAS A WHOLE LOTTA WHITE PEOPLE CRYING!
I'm sorry. I don't wanna get you in any mo' trouble. The livestreaming just went out again...
And the congregants loved it. This is the same church Jeremiah Wright preached a similar brand of hatred to an approving crowd while Obama ostensibly snoozed in his seat.
Pfleger is a priest at a predominantly black Catholic church not far from Trinity; he has spoken at Trinity several times previously and several admiring profiles of him have appeared in Trinity's church magazine Trumpet. Pfleger and Obama are good friends; Obama has, in the best of interfaith, inter ethnic relations, referred to Pfleger as one of his spiritual mentors. And Pfleger has solidly returned/ the favor. Pfleger's support of Obama is well known in Chicago, and an Obama aide confirmed Pfleger contributed to Obama's state Senate campaign during his years in the Illinois legislature.
The aide told FOX News that when Obama was a state Senator in 2000, he secured a $100,000 earmark for the ARK Community Center, a center attached to Pfleger's St. Sabina church. The aide said the initiative was awarded to help keep at risk kids off the streets by giving them a place to play.
Pfleger was also once a member of the Catholics for Obama Committee, which is a voluntary advisory committee to the Obama campaign, the aide said. But the aide said Pfleger decided to step down a few weeks ago from this committee, though the campaign did not request the resignation.
But given Pfleger's many previous antics--he's an "activist" priest--his endorsement will probably not help Obama much with the white ethnic Catholic vote".
I think it should affect all Catholics as we see not color but religion and a belief system that has existed for over 2000 years, upon which all but the Jewsih faith is based!
1 comment:
This kook isn't a priest except in appearance.He is a fraudulent,hate filled nutcase who masquerades like so many clergy of different faiths do and preaches in the name of God.His God is not the God any reasonable thinking christian,moslem,or jew worships with love and respect.This radical activist needs to be defrocked and set free from all identification with Roman Catholicism which is not in the sick game of race baiting,slander,and hate filled ramblings such as this guy preaches and shouts to fellow travelers who revel in such chaotic behavior.
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