Saturday, May 26, 2007
The G-8 Countries apparently don't think the Kyoto Protocol was harsh enough. This draconian policy to reduce "green hose" gases is due to expire in 2008. The United States refused to sign the agreement because it exempted China and India. Two of the large producers of carbon emissions, and it would seriously impact our way of life.
This blogger believes the whole thing is an Alice In Wonderland story cooked up by those who want to destroy free enterprise and in particular Americas way of life.
Not satisfied with the reductions of the "Kyoto". The G-8 nations who will meet in Heilgendamm in June this year. At Baltic resort on the north coast of Germany.Will proposed even more severe reductions.
These pompous self appointed "caretakers" of the environment have proposed a 50% reduction in "green house" gases by 2050!
The joke of the whole proposal. Or should I say travesty, is that China and India are still exempt!
China, as the charts above show, will surpass the United States in CO2 emissions in a few years and is still exempt because they are called a poor country.
According to an article written in The San Francisco Chronicle by Robert Collier.
"While the world works to reduce "green house" gases, China threatens to wipe out all the good the rest of the World believes they are doing.
The United States consumption of fossil fuels rose only 1.2% in 2006, but China's consumption rose 9.3%.
To put this in perspective the Chinese used 97% as much fossil fuel as the U.S., and by 2008 will overtake the U.S.
Calling China a "poor" country is like calling a diamond a piece of coal!
China has over 1.1 trillion dollars in their Central Bank in foreign exchange reserves.It is wealthy in the government, military and especially in Nuclear capacity.
China has plans to build 40 nuclear plants over the next 40 years, and is producing way too many products that we sell here at home in polluting plants like the one in the picture.
The people are poor as were the people in East Germany and Russia when dictators ran their lives. China has lots of money, but little flows down to the people, and never will as long as the Communists control the Country.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with "Jihadistan."
The average American citizen wallows in a sick society implemented by our socialist school system and repugnant, socialist news media., Both are aided by a rudderless run government, choking on its own ineptness.
Self pity, along with, avarice,vanity,deceit,and selfishness, describes American society today.
These are all the Capital sins against what was once a spiritual “believing” country.
This shows the rest of the world that we are a failing society of Godless materialism, that is sliding down a steep slide.
A weak hearted society of feminist driven “children”.
God forbid that we should have to drive our “gas hog” vehicles,that would force the inflated gasoline price down.
Such a suggestion would be taken as treasonous by most of our selfish, spoiled society.
To limit the family to two vehicles is unthinkable.It is a sick scene to witness 5 or 6 cars sitting outside many,many homes early in the morning. A car for all who are of driving age.
Yes,we are really trying to bring the price of gasoline down.In this age of “mine,mine,mine,me me,me,and more,more ,more”,it is just taken for granted that some other “nutcase” will cut back on his driving.
After all,according to our loudmouthed, buffoon late night talk show gurus, where most of our dumbed down adults receive their Hip Hop education,everything that is a problem is the fault of the vast right wing conspiracy.
I have news for these “schlock's”,the world looks on America as one huge country of whiners and a clueless country of spoiled clowns.
To a Chinese citizen,the owning of a bicycle is a great accomplishment.
To a desert nomad in the Middle East,a tent and a camel is a sign of affluence,not to mention enough food for the family to prevent their dying of starvation.
The reasons we have these problems(poverty,unemployment and disease) in our country are greed,graft in Govt.programs,unconcern,and in many cases a total lack of charity or love for Our fellow man.
I recently witnessed some of this arrogant indifference in the Dallas Airport where a large group of our young Airborne combat troops, just deplaned from Iraq,and still in their combat attire, were catching planes to return home for a few weeks rest and relaxation before going back to fight for the “fruit loops” who stuck their noses in the air, and most of them turned their backs on these American heroes.
I was more than mad to see this liberal,left wing, brain washed group of free Americans act in such a despicable way toward these boys who are willing to die for these fools.
Now that the Hawks who developed the Bush plan to defeat "The Axis of Evil" in the Middle East have left. It appears that the Doves have co-opted both the President and his Secretary of State,
It would seem that any hope of the U.S. taking out the nuclear enrichment plants in Iran has been discarded.
Without Wolfowitz, Joseph, Bolton, Libby and Crouch to push for a definitive military air strike to remove Iran's nuclear capability.
The State Department career Doves have apparently convinced the President that the UN and more sanctions will stop Iran's quest for nuclear bombs.
Deputy Spokesman Tom Casey said the following yesterday to members of the press at State.
"We want to see Iran take a very simple, good faith step, which is to suspend uranium enrichment. Not eliminate the program completely,not make further changes to it, but to show that they are willing to negotiate in good faith. Simply halt what they are doing---another round of sanctions is now needed."
This is a far cry from the bold statements coming from the Oval Office when it was first revealed that Iran was centrifuging uranium.
As I recall the statement went something like: "there is no room for negotiation.they stop or we will take action."
That the Doves have taken over is frightening in light of the following statement:
Mr. Robert Joseph former Undersecretary of State for arms control and International security recently said: "that Iran was well on the way to getting nuclear weapons, which would be a disaster for the world. "It's not years, it's months. Once they can operate centrifuge cascades over sustained periods of time, there will be no stopping them. They have the technical skills to pull this off."
In an October 2000 article for the Journal of Homeland Defense, Joseph argued: "There will always be those who deny the threat or who promote the vain hope for a quick and easy political 'fix.'" However, he continued, "We face a much more diverse and less predictable set of countries than we did in the Cold War. These states are governed by leaders who are much more prone to taking risks than were Soviet leaders. That doesn't make them irrational—only gamblers, like Hitler and the Japanese militarists in the 1930s. Long-range missiles become particularly valuable as instruments of coercion to hold American and allied cities hostage, and thereby deter us from intervention. The tremendous disparity in our favor in both conventional capabilities and nuclear weapon stockpiles simply doesn't matter in this type of calculation. Our adversaries need only hold a handful of our cities at risk."
Condoleezza Rice, it appears,has allowed herself to be "swayed' by career diplomats who want cautious, traditional policy.Talk, Talk, Talk and then talk some more!
She seems to no longer be a supporter of anything but Diplomatic talk with Iran.
"Policy is flowing from the State Department through the Secretary of State to the White House, whereas in the first term [until 2004], policy was flowing from the White House to the Secretary of State down to the bureaucracy," said Mr Bolton. "I think the difference in flow accounts for the difference in substantive policy."
Only the left wings favorite man to hate, Vice-President Cheny, is left of the original "hawks" who advise the President. He has been strangely quiet lately.
Time to Wake up America!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Most of us have never had to take up arms to protect our freedoms, and rights as guaranteed under The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
In most cases these gifts have been granted to Us at birth. Because those of generations past who did have to serve,and defend our nation. Unfortunately many gave their lives for this privilege. Now we are defended by those who valiantly volunteered to serve us in Afghanistan and Iraq who also put their lives on line for our freedoms and those of the free world.
What is asked of us in return for this legacy of freedom is loyalty to the covenant between citizen and government, loyalty to our nation.
Unfortunately, today our country faces both a threat from abroad and also a threat from within. An ideological conflict between Americans of the "I-ME" generation who have bought onto the multicuture concept along with the "PC" ideology, are at war with those of us who believe the principles of the Republic formed in 1776 still should guide our Nation.
Some among us choose to accentuate the imperfections of our nation. Some condemn our culture and politely say Western Civilization is evil and decadent. And still others literally champion our nation’s defeat and demise.Too many of the later are in the Congress of the United States.
Those who choose to diminish the significance of the United States’ contributions to the world,and condemn Western civilization as evil, do so in ignorance of the intent of the documents that charted the course for this great nation and the ideologies and principles that provided the foundation for the creation of our government.
This is a covenant that too many native born citizens and most of the illegal immigrants have no appreciation for.
While Congress ties to "sugar coat" an AMNESTY bill for illegals there are a few facts that should be known by all who care.
Since the Teddy Kennedy Immigration bill was passed in 1965, the number of cases of leprosy and tuberculosis has risen dramatically.
Illegal immigrants are not subject to health checks as were those who came in legally before Ellis Island was closed.
As a result, the Center for Disease Control has reported that we now have 7,000 cases of active Leprosy in the Country.For over 40 years we had only 900 cases, and TB has increased to 16,00 in the last report that was published in 2003. This is a disease that was believed to have been eradicated prior to the mass illegal immigration.
Immigrants are known to carry Hepatitis, Dengue Fever and Chagas in addition to TB. All of these diseases are spread by personal contact. Many via the saliva from the carrier. Think of this the next time you go into a restaurant employing undocumented aliens!
Illegal immigration brings criminals and terrorists along with the good folks who are looking for a better life.
They will be welcomed by the members of Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad groups who have established headquarters in many states.
Dr. Paul Williams reports in "THE NEW MEDIA" that these groups have 38 known headquarters in major cities throughout the U.S.
Tampa, Washington D.C.,New York, Boston, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta and Dallas to name just a few.
These groups collect money, launder money and find ways of funneling these monies to Middle East Terrorist groups so they can kill more American soldiers as well as many of their own county men.
Even more disturbing is the report by Dr. Williams that they are setting up jihad training camps right here in the United States.
Dr.Williams’ recently exposed an Islamist jihad training compound at Islamberg, New York.
This stands as a clarion call to the American people – and the US Government – to awaken from their politically correct stupor to the reality that radical Islamist jihadis are here, now, and training among us for future attacks on our nation.
I hope it doesn't take another incident like 9/11 to wake up the apathetic American public, but I am afraid it will. God help US!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed.
Since congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete.
This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq. This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now time to begin the reckoning.
Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short. The United Kingdom , Spain , Bulgaria , Australia , and Poland are some of the countries listed there.
The other list contains everyone not on the first list. Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of both lists later this evening.
Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war
The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world "Hellholes" and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.
Need help with a famine ? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France .
In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home . On that note, a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth.
Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France , or maybe China .
I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France , Germany , and Russia . Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well. Bon chance, mes amis.
I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world. I love New York
A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change.
Mexico is also on List 2. President Fox and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put 'em? Yep, border security.
Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty - starting now.
We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in Alaska - which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to come. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there. They care.
It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, "darn tootin."
Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is time to eliminate hunger in America It is time to eliminate homelessness in America . To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thank you guys. We owe you and we won't forget.
To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak Arabic.
God bless America . Thank you and good night.
If you can read this,a teacher who bothered to teach you to read and a man in uniform who protected your right to read it!
44 Billion Dollars Of Taxpayers Money On The Line
The picture to the extreme right of the three pictures I have posted is the dirt "highway" from Mexico across the Arizona border that is used by many of the illegals who are transported into our country via vehicles.
There are depending on whose statistics you believe, 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States.
Congress and the President are wrestling with the task of making legal that which is illegal. Not unlike the Supreme Court decision in "Roe vs Wade", that made abortion legal. The country
is fiercely split on this legislation.
The Conservatives are lined up against the bill even though many of the Congressional representatives they sent to their seats of luxury in Washington are backing this dastardly act.
It is important to understand certain basic truths when you decide whether what is going on in Congress is an act of patriotism or a betrayal of the Public trust!
In 1965 Ted Kennedys' Immigration Act had provisions in it which provided for the immigrants allowed into this country to be approximately 85% from Third World Countries and Asia.
In 1990 we had 250 million citizens in the U.S. 2006 census indicates we now have 300 million and it is projected that if the rate of immigration and birth versus death stays the same. We will have 350 million people living here in the U.S.by2025.
Presently there are 68 million people looking for work in the U.S. Most of them, but not all, are Blacks and teenagers.In Miami the Cubans took over all the hotel jobs from the Blacks after the failed invasion of Cuba resuted in massive immigration to Florida.
According to The Bureau Of Labor Statistics the farming community that uses "migrant " labor accounts for but 300,000 of these so called "necessary workers, in jobs no American will take."
I guess nobody in the media or intelligentsia has read "the Grapes Of Wrath". Until the massive illegal immigration from Mexico started, all migrant workers who went from State to State were either poor Whites or poor Blacks. Then the Mexicans came and would work for even less, and the result was as we see it today.
The "national Policy Institute" has written that illegals cost the American taxpayer an additional 2.5 billion dollars in 2006 more than the illegals paid in taxes. This might just be because a large portion of the illegals work for cash that is unreported income.
But they do demand services!
Emergency rooms are crowded with sick immigrants who have neither money or insurance and cannot be denied treatment by law. This has resulted in many "ER" facilties closing their doors because of the liability and negative cah flow.
Our schools are over crowded and the teaching of those who do not speak English has taxed SchoolDistrict budgets so that classes can be taught in multiple languages.
Those who worry about energy consumption should realize that by moving to the United States from a poor country like Mexico, a person's energy consumption and "carbon footprint" automatically increase dramatically.
The following is aquote from an article in American Thinker by Selwyn Duke
"In the last few years we have experienced price hikes in gasoline directly as a result of refinery capacity limits when it came to hurricanes, formulation changes and now cold winters. Why cold winters? Refiners are forced to choose between cracking oil for gasoline versus home heating fuel in the run up to the winter season. Now let's add to this equation that by 2025 (less than 20 years away) there will be approximately another 50 million people living in the US, bringing the total population to 350 million or a further 20% increase in population. So, how will we supply gasoline given the difficulty of building new refineries?"
Prisons are filled with criminals who were criminals before they arrived here. Housing them costs more than public housing costs for the low income immigrants.
The open borders policy that has resulted from the failure or inability to enforce our border control has added to the fuel crisis also, as illustrated in this article from "New Media Research" web site.
"In a recent study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform on the “Cost of Illegal Immigration to New Jerseyites”, the executive summary notes that, “The illegal alien population residing in New Jersey is costing the state’s taxpayers nearly $2.1 billion per year for education, medical care, and incarceration.”
Bear in mind that New Jersey is essentially broke thanks to the huge debt it has been incurred under several governors. When you add in the costs of an estimated 372,000 illegal aliens, you just exacerbate a bad situation. In sum, the “annual tax burden amounts to about $800 per New Jersey household headed by a native-born resident.” Even if you subtract the sales, income, and property taxes that might be collected from illegal aliens, you still have net costs of $1.6 billion per year.
New Jersey is small, but when one extrapolates such costs to a State like California, you begin to see why illegal aliens pose an enormous cost to educational, medical, and other institutions and agencies trying to cope with people who have absolutely no right to be here. It is estimated that 40% of all workers in Los Angeles County are working for cash and not paying taxes. In Los Angeles, 95% of warrants for murder are for illegal aliens and more than two-thirds of all births in LA County are illegal aliens. And that’s just for one county.
God help us if Congress passes the "AMNESTY' Bill!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Another Democrat Congresswoman Spouts Off!
Todays blog is about another "brain dead" President Bush hater spouting off once again about something she apparently knows little or nothing about.
Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher from the California 10th district is quoted in the following excerpt from "SPIGEL ONLINE" today.
This woman is a close friend of Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senator Fienstein. She represents the East bay area of Northern California including Berkley. It is easy to deduce that this woman is a leftist although, Wikapedia biography lists her as a moderate Democrat. There hasn't been a moderate in the Congressional democrat delegation for at least 10 years.
Her interview with the Berlin newspaper was about her opposition to President Bushs' plan to deploy a missile defense site in Poland as part of the MDA (missile defense agency) master plan that is described below briefly.
Tauscher has introduced a bill in Congress to reduce funding for missile defense, especially money for the Poland project would be defunded.
Although she claims she is aware of the world wide threat she says that land based missile defense in Poland is too easy a target and she implies that it would unnecessarily antagonise the Russians.
Never mind that one day in the future a missile targeted for the U.S. could be launched from Russia or nearby Iran!
Ms. Tauscher says she would prefer a mobile approach to the missile defense plan not the fixed site.
If she spent more tIme reading about what she plans to oppose she would know that the Plan on the draftboard is a multi-system approach including land based fixed sites, naval based floating AEGEIS weapons system that would be modified to work as part of a missile defense and space satellite laser systems if deemed necessary.
Poland is just the first step to building a network of missile defense that would help us to avoid final desperate measures to intercept missiles that are approaching our homeland.It is better to intercept them when they are launched than to try and cut them off at the last moment.
It is nice that our Congress and Senate elected "princes" can tour Europe at tax payers expense, but hey should not show their animus
for the President and undermine Foreign relations by showing their ignorance to the people they visit.
Congresswoman Tauscher said this:
"We share the same kind of deep concern about the threats that we see developing, concern about short- and medium-range missile threats coming from the Middle East."
Well then why has she introduced the bill described below?
"The proposed bill would reduce the funding for missile defense -- especially the money needed to start building silos in Poland.
In the bill, what we have done is we have effectively said that we don't want construction to begin. We don't want site preparation to begin. We want engagement on a diplomatic level. So we will slow them down. The current threat is short- and mid-range, I am for protecting against that now. The long-range threat, analysts say, will come out of Iran in 2015."
I guess she hasn't considered the possibility of a missile being launched at US from China, North Korea and as I mentioned above Russia. None of these Countries including Iran like the United States, and if we listen to "dummies like the political hack touring Europe on our dime. We will surly be a target later if not sooner. Has this Countries citizens forgotten what happened in Pearl Harbor in 1941?
I have copied a short piece from the
Raytheon Web Sitethat summarises the present plan for missile defense. Raytheon is deeply involved in the multi-billion dollar project to develop a comprehensive anti-missile system.
"The mission of the BMDS is to defend successfully against missiles of all ranges (short, intermediate, medium, and long) in all phases of flight (boost, midcourse, and terminal).
When operational, the BMDS will require many different individual products, systems and technologies that will be based on land, at sea, in the air or in space. All components must be fully networked to assure coordinated operations. The concept of delivering all those capabilities to fulfill the mission is called a “layered” defense. That concept is the foundation of the MDA’s approach to building the BMDS.
A layered approach will provide multiple opportunities to destroy a missile and its warhead in any phase of its flight. This approach significantly increases the probability of a successful intercept – and improving the odds is especially critical since attacking missiles may carry weapons of mass destruction."
I would suggest Congresswoman Tauscher and her fellow liberals read it before spouting off again! But I Wont hold my breath.
Monday, May 21, 2007
". . . Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This aphorism has been attributed variously to Ben Franklin,and Albert Einstein.
This quote is appropriate to the congress and unfortunately the President.
They keep "screwing" the American citizens and expect US to thank them for the honor!
The Amnesty bill and the Congressional bills designed to force withdrawal of our troops by limited funding both should be evidence enough to show the average American that WE are just a source of revenue for the privileged few in Washington.
The idea of the transformation of the United States into a Country that allows 12 -20 million people who have broken the law into full fledged citizens reminds me a the Fall of The Roman Empire.
The Roman Empire succeeded the Ancient Roman Civilization that lasted 500 years from 510 BC to the 1st century BC.
The Roman Empire officially began with the appointment of Julius Caesar in 44BC, and ended in the Western Empire in 476 AD when Emperor Romulus was deposed and no Emperor was appointed to replace him.
The Eastern half of the Roman Empire lasted until 1453 when the Ottoman Turks stormed Constantinople.
The reason the Roman Empire fell was not one definitive battle, but gradual erosion of the Empire by the "invasion" of immigrants who failed to assimilate with Roman culture and refused to fight in the legions of the Romans. Some formed their own armies and fought against Roman legions in the years leading up to the Empires fall in 476.
Latin was the dominant language in the Empire, but was eroded by the multiculturals that immigrated to the Empire. Gradually Latin evolved into "vulgar Latin". Vulgar Latin evolved over the years into Italian, Spanish and French.
And I can tell you from personal experience, that although we may think Italian and Spanish sound similar. The average Italian does not comprehend a single word of Spanish which I can speak and not Italian.
Here in the United States we have expanded the immigration laws so much that the words "bring me your, etc.", ring hollow.
The United States Government Home Page on the Internet is offered in 28 foreign languages including Farsi and Tagalog.
We have as a result, large Cities with "ghettos" where only a foreign language is spoken and street signs are lettered in a foreign language.
Ebonics has become an accepted alternative to English composition in many schools of our large cities.
Not too different from those who helped bring down the Roman Empire. WE have here in the Congress of the United States people who are calling for college students not to join the armed services, and a newly elected Muslim Congressman who has religious beliefs that reject the Our Rule of law in this Country. Sharia is the law the Muslims believe should supersede the U.S. Laws.
With the possibility of 20 million "M&M" immigrants gaining amnesty without pledging allegiance ( even if they did they would be suspect) will bring more people who won't assimilate and may be coming in to do us harm!
If this amnesty law passes and we admit defeat and withdraw our troops from Iraq this blogger believes we will begin the slippery slope to downfall long before the 500 years it took for the Roman Empire to fall!
We have lived this great Republic for 231 years. How many more can we last with the open borders and unwillingness to fight for what we believe in?
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Amnesty Is aTravesty
To better understand how we have arrived at a time and place in this Country where WE apparently are about to open our borders wide to illegal immigrants. It is important to briefly review the history of immigration policy and law in the United States.
In 1790 Congress passed a law that excluded all but whites from becoming citizens.
This policy was changed after the Civil War when Congress passed a law making all freed slaves American citizens. This was followed in 1870 when Blacks were granted the right to vote, although women were still not able to vote!
In 1882 Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion act baring Asians from entering the Country. This law remained on the books until 1952 when the McCarran-Walter Act was passed. It lifted the barriers to citizenship for most immigrants from Asia.
In 1965 Congress passed an immigration bill which gave preference to immigrants who had special skills needed here in the U.S., and allowed close relatives of United States citizens to apply for citizenship. During this same year President Johnson sponsored a bill that repealed the quotas that were in place for immigrants by national origin.
Previous to 1965 the law stated that immigration by ethnic group would be limted to 3% of the current population of a particular ethnic group living in the U.S. This stipulation was included in the Immigration Act passed in 1921, and further restrictions were added in 1924.
In 1990 Immigration law was passed with preferences included for people who were fleeing from oppressive governments.
In the early years of our country the point of entry for all immigrants from Europe was Ellis Island. It was opened 1/1/1892 when three ships offloaded 700 people for processing. The total processed that year was 450,000 European Immigrants. By 1907 1,004,756 immigrants passed through immigration on Ellis Island.
Which brings us to Our present Mess!
It is estimated that we curently have between 12 million and twenty million illegal immigrants who live and most work in the U.S., and the President and Congress is on the verge of granting AMNESTY to all of them!
The proposed immigration amnesty would benefit the 12 to 20 million undocumented aliens (illegal immigrants) currently living in the United States. An amnesty for illegal aliens forgives their acts of illegal immigration and implicitly forgives other related illegal acts such as driving and working with false documents. The result of an amnesty is that large numbers of foreigners who illegally gained entry into the United States are rewarded with legal status (Green Card) for breaking immigration laws.
The United States has granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants through different amnesty and laws. Before the first amnesty in 1986, amnesty was only given on a case by cases basis. Amnesty was never given to a large group of individuals. The first (and supposedly one-time only) amnesty in 1986 gave about 2.8 million illegal immigrations the opportunity to change their status through the Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA).
to them all.
The leftists, who want these illegals to become legal so they could and will vote to promote more socialist programs , will protest that this is not really amnesty. But the following is taken directly from U.S.Immigration Amnestyinternet site:
"Undocumented Workers Currently in the United States:
They could come forward immediately and receive probationary legal status.
Bill creates a four-year, renewable Z visa for those present within the U.S. unlawfully before Jan. 1, 2007.
Undocumented immigrants may adjust status to lawful permanent residence once they pay $5,000 in fees and fines and their head of household returns to their home country.
People under age 30 who were brought to the U.S. as minors could receive their green cards after three years, rather than eight.
Undocumented farm workers who can demonstrate they have worked 150 hours or three years in agriculture can apply for green cards.
No green cards for Z visa holders can be processed until “triggers” for border security and workplace enforcement have been met, estimated to take 18 months. Processing of green cards for holders of Z visas would begin after clearing an existing backlog, which is expected to take eight years."
With one stoke of his Presidential pen, the man who was elected twice by Conservatives who value their citizenship and want secure borders, will make a mockery of Ellis Island and all those immigrants who gained citizenship the legal way.
I would expect the Leftist Congress to do such a dastardly act, but not President Bush, who if he gives amnesty to 12-20 million illegals makes a mockery of the "rule of law"!
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