Saturday, June 09, 2007

Iraq Witdrawal Would Embolden Putins Russia

There are many reason why we should not follow the destructive lead of the Democrats and Rinos who are advocating a withdrawal from Iraq.
There is the vacuum our troops removal would create that would immediately be filled with those he@@ bent on genocide within Iraq with the Iraqis who cooperated with the U.S. as targets.
There is the threat that either Syria and or both Syria and Iran will move on the undefended Iraq.
But even more ominous is the withdrawal will signal the world that once again America is nothing more than a "paper Tiger" as we have been called by OBL so many times.
This will not only embolden the terrorists who seek our destruction and that of Israel.
More ominous is that it will awaken the sleeping bear of the Russian military, and re-ignite the cold war again.
The following information was gathered from the Front Page Magazine home page as written by Ariel Cohen.
I will take just the salient points from his article which will demonstrate the threat that Russia could bring about if we show the World once again that we are a nation of "quitters".
Russia has already begun bullying her neighbors. They convinced the "dictator " of Uzbeck, Islam Karinov to "kick" the U.S. Air force out of their base of operations in his country.
Their Navy conducted war games in the Indian Ocean in 2003 in which they simulated sinking a U.S. nuclear carrier and the attack of the U.S. Naval Base at the island of Diego Garcia.
Prior to this the Russian military conducted "ZAPAD" maneuvers in 1999 that simulated a "preventive nuclear attack" on the U.S. and NATO Countries using Nuclear submarine launched missiles with MIRV tipped warheads, and the launching of "cruise" type missiles from their "White Swan" planes. This is a copy of our B-1 bomber the plans for which were stolen from the U.s. during the Carter Debacle!
The following is a quote from Mr. Cohens article:
"According to Pavel Felgenhauer, a prominent Russian military analyst, in 1999 the Russian military conducted Zapad-99 maneuvers that simulated NATO’s blockade of Kaliningrad. Russian military simulated “preventive” nuclear attacks with cruise missiles launched by strategic bombers, with two targets in Western Europe and two in the U.S. hit. Moscow General Staff reported a victory in that simulated war, as if U.S. would refrain from massive retaliation."
The last nine words are the crux of Our dilemma in Iraq. Should we withdraw our troops only to find that our enemies are convinced we will never fight them no matter how aggressive they act/
Russia is still smarting and full of anger for the defeat they had in Afghanistan by the U.S. Supported mujaheddin. People like KGB agent President Putin and his fellow travelers might just believe that Our withdrawal from Iraq signals them to become the angry bear we faced during the Cold War!
Do we want this to happen?

Friday, June 08, 2007


America has its share of traitors over the past 231 years. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg come to mind. They gave information to the Communist Russian KGB that helped them develop an A-Bomb.
The first recorded man who held a position of authority ,however, was Benedict Arnold. A general in the Army of the Continental Congress fighting the war for Independence against the British.
He betrayed America by plotting to give up his command of the fort at West Point to the British in 1780.
He was discovered before he could carry out his betrayal when a British office was caught by the American forces revealed the plot.
Gen. Arnold promptly went to New York and joined the British army as a Brigadier General. He briefly held this position until 1782 when he fled to London. England where he was warmly received by the
Today we have our own betrayers of the American public. They are not in the military, but they like the men and women who wear Our uniform swear to defend and protect our Constitution!
That oath has in this bloggers mind been betrayed by at least 51 United States Senators, and in particular by the framers of Senate Bill 1348. Senators Kennedy, Schumer and McCain.
Yesterday the most heinous act was committed by these pompous millionaires who were sent to Washington to look out for our best interests.
In a 51-46 vote the Senate voted to defeat an amendment to the "Amnesty " bill being considered by the Senate that would have excluded convicted criminals from being allowed to receive a "Z-Visa".
This amendment was proposed by Republican Senator J. Cornyn of Texas. His amendment would keep criminals and terrorists from obtaining a "golden ticket" to citizenship.
Senator Schumer had the audacity to call the amendment "a Trojan Horse to kill the bill"!
It would appear no shame will stop these betrayers of over 69% percent of the American publics desires to see that Amnesty is not given. At least until our borders are secure when we are at war!
America will not stand for this betrayal of trust for a power grab by the Liberals in Washington and the special interest crowd.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadists.
A man who believes burning our American flag should be a crime. Believes that abortion should be regulated by each individual state, and not the Federal government. Voted yes on article two of the impeachment of then President Clinton(obstruction of justice) for good reason, but voted no on article one (perjury).
This is my pick for the Republican nomination for President.
I have included for some blogs that I contribute to, a picture of the information one needs to become a backer of Fred Thompson even before his July 4th public announcement.
This giant of a man, at 6'6", is also a great American an has shown us how a National politician should act. He was elected two times and when his eight years were up he went back to the private sector. This is how I believe the framers of our Constitution meant it to be. Not get elected and then spend half you time trying to get re-elected so you can make it a career! AKA Senator Byrd of West Virginia and too many others.
Mr. Thompson was part of the Senate Watergate Committee as co-chairman, and to show he was a "Law and Order" man he also tried to investigate the Clinton/Gore Campaign Finance contributions from China. But the Fifth Amendment was invoked so many times by Clinton staff members that the investigation stalled.
While in the Senate, Thompson served as the chairman of the Committee on Governmental Affairs from 1997 to 2001 and January 20 to June 6, 2001. The committee conducted investigations into allegations that China attempted to influence American politics prior to the 1996 elections (See: campaign finance scandal). During 1997, Thompson was "...largely stymied" during his 1997 U.S. Senate investigations of both Clinton-Gore and GOP campaign fund-raising activities, more particularly with witnesses for the Thompson investigations declining to testify, claiming the right not to incriminate themselves or simply leaving the United States' jurisdiction. See for more details.
Prior to his coming to Washington, to fill the Senate seat of Al Gore, when Clinton/Gore were elected in 1994.Mr. Thompson lead the investigation which toppled then Governor Ray Blanton for selling prison pardons in 1977.
This man born in the Great State of Alabama, migrated to Tennessee when he went to Vanderbilt's Law School. He stay and was elected twice to the Senate of the U.S. as a Conservative Federalist.
The other candidates running for the Republican nomination are "RINOS" compared with Mr. Thompson. He is a forceful presence and would make a great President!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Gathering Storm Of Socialism

I have been watching both the Democrat and Republican "debates", and I have one conclusion from what I observed in all of the Debates.
Both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost the reason why they were given the privilege of going to Washington. To protect and defend the people who sent them there. No, not to take up arms to defend us , but to not make laws that make us more vulnerable to our enemies and chip away at our sovereignty and individual rights.
The leading candidates all seem to support the national "genocide" that we call the "right to choose".I believe over 1 million abortions a year qualifies as genocide of the unborn! They are advocating Socialized medicine and the withdrawal of our troops from the fight against Islamist terrorism in Iraq.
All of these are contrary to what the framers of our great Constitution had in mind when the wrote it.
First I will address the position of Mr. Jiuliani and Sen Hillary Clinton on the right of a woman to choose whether to abort or have a baby if she becomes pregnant. There is no such right "to Choose" in the Constitution, and the concept of a woman having the right to kill the "fetus" as they call the baby that is growing inside her womb,denies the right to life and the pursuit of happiness of the unborn. This is a right in the Constitution!
Secondly, there is a definite slide toward Socialism in the approach Hillary and Obama take toward the health care problem we have in this country.
The uniformed and unthinking people in the United States fall prey to political demagoguery of politicians like these.
The rights that the Democrats keep referring to including health care for everyone at taxpayers expense,is nothing less than an outright distortion of the truth contained in the Constitution.
This document has been twisted and all but torn apart by the Liberals over the last forty year to the point where people expect the Government to be their keeper from cradle to grave!
Any one like me who believes that taxation is legalized stealing is considered a nut or an uncaring right wing ogre.
The Constitution has 413 words at the beginning which encompass the eight Amendments that grant rights to Americans (note I wrote Americans) are guaranteed. The next two amendments of the first ten Amendments are guarantees against government intrusion into your life that would abridge these rights.
Such things as freedom of religion from government interference has been bastardized too many times to count. The right to bear arms, freedom of discourse, non-self incrimination, unlawful search and seizure, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and bail are some of the rights included. No where is the right to medical care, abortion or taking money from one person and giving it to another mentioned, but these are "rights" promised by the Liberal politicians and demanded by too many people including the vast numbers of immigrants in our Country.
One of my favorite quotes from President Reagan follows:
"The themes of a sound foreign policy should be no mystery, nor the result of endless agonizing reappraisals. They are rooted in our past—in our very beginning as a nation. ... To this day, America is still the abiding alternative to tyranny. That is our purpose in the world—nothing more and nothing less. To carry out that purpose, our fundamental aim in foreign policy must be to ensure our own survival and to protect those others who share our values. Under no circumstances should we have any illusions about the intentions of those who are enemies of freedom. Our... adversaries have little regard for human rights because they have little interest in human freedom... [I]f we are to preserve our own freedom—we must understand those who would dominate us and deal with them with determination. We must shoulder our burden with our eyes fixed on the future, but recognizing the realities of today, not counting on mere hope or wishes. We must be willing to carry out our responsibility as the custodian of individual freedom. Then we will achieve our destiny to be as a shining city on a hill for all mankind to see.” —Ronald Reagan
If the Liberals have their way his dream will be but a distant memory as we become part of the "world of nation states" and our constitution is abrogated by United Nations policies.Those who love this Country and cherish it's freedom despite its' many faults cannot let this happen. It will if we allow the "amnesty bill t pass and someone like Hillary or Obama reach the oval office!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


The media has conceded victory for the President and the "prostitutes" in Congress who are for the Amnesty bill for illegal immigrants.
I call those who are pushing for passage of this betrayal of both you and I and swinging wide open the Country doors to potential terrorists "Congressional Prostitutes" because it is obvious they are backing this bill not to defend and protect the Constitution, but are doing an illegal deed for power and money.
Historically the Democrats have gained power ever since President Roosevelt began the welfare state with the "CC" corps. and many other government plans to get money into the hands of those who had none.
They have counted on lower income and minority groups for their voting base to keep voting for them ever since. Now they have the potential to pack that base of legal voters with new citizens from Mexico, Latin America and Muslim Countries who have sneaked across our porous borders in the last ten years.
Democrats are in such a rush to legislate “comprehensive” immigration “reform” that they not only ignore profound problems created by a “nation without borders” policy but also pass up their favorite political tactic by remaining hypocritically silent about the “obscene profits” loving business class who have been growing fat gobbling up “undocumented workers” as if they were high calorie manna from Heaven.
PEW research revealed the following statistics:

Their Research Center study of Muslim Americans, a major project whose “methodological approach” the Center calls the “most comprehensive ever used to study” this segment of the American population found these facts.

“Muslim Americans are mostly Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream.” However, as regarding any group, all does not “look like America,” including, in this case, political attitudes that diverge significantly (and curiously) from the mainstream.

Here are the details: "63% of Muslim Americans describe themselves as Democrats or leaning Democratic (against 51% of the public). 11% describe themselves as Republicans or leaning Republican (against 36% of the public). 19% describe themselves as conservative (against 34% of the public) 71% say they voted for John Kerry (against 48% of the public) and, in the most important statistic of all, 70% “prefer government that is bigger” (against 43% of the public) while 21% “prefer government that is smaller” (against 45% of the public).

This political diversion from the mainstream exists despite the fact that Muslim Americans almost perfectly match the general population in their inclusion in the various levels of household income, are socially conservative, and exceed the general public (71% - 64%) in agreeing that “most people who want to get ahead in the U.S. can make it if they are willing to work hard.”

Moreover, while “anti-Bush” sentiments might explain some of the skew to Democrats, it cannot explain the preference for bigger government in general, including favoring “government involvement in protecting morality” (59% against 37% of the public). Therefore, some other factor, most likely cultural, is its driving force (even after one factors out Black American Muslims, who, like all African Americans, are likely to vote for “bigger government” far out of proportion to the general population).

Finally, Pew puts the number of “Muslims 18 years old or older currently living in the United States [at] 1.4 million.”
Now we can give the answer to the question regarding Democratic motivations with respect to border and immigration issues. It is this:
Given that Democrats are aware of how cultural attitudes can affect the attitude toward government even of a group one would guess ought to reflect Middle America, they become expediently ecstatic when, with a Marxist utilitarianism, they think about a growing population of 10-12 million illegal aliens, virtually all of whom, for social, economic, and cultural reasons, have no connection to the Reform Movement that has been growing in Western Advanced Democracies".
There in plain words is what lies behind the Democratic border/immigration agenda, especially since the Republican landslide of ’94, when Democrats learned that the only way the party can protect itself from the consequences of the popular tide is to discover a cache of new Democratic voters.
The Democrat agenda has nothing to do with defending the American people from harm, nothing to do with protecting the American people from economic injury, nothing to do with American tradition that has embraced people from every part of the world, and nothing to do with how Hispanics have enriched American society by virtue of their strong families, devout religious beliefs, and dedication to hard work, education, entrepreneurship, and service.
It is all about keeping power in the seat of government by legislating a bill that will ensure a large block of voters who will help them convert our system of government from one based on the Constitution and free enterprise to a Socialist Marxist government, lead by Hillary, Obama or Edwards, that will easily fit into the "One World" of Nation States. Or if you would prefer: A Village under one umbrella of a Government that takes all and doles out what they think we need!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Some Politicians Don't Seem to Care Where Their Campaign Money Comes From

In her 2000 campaign for election to the U.S. Senate Hillary Clinton accepted $50,000 from a Palestinian lobbyist named Harri Masri, and recently her campaign for Democrat nomination to be President accepted $100,000 from this same man.
On the 21st of May this year Democrat Governor of Virginia was the keynote speaker at the award dinner Of the " Muslims American Society" Freedom Foundation.
There is no record of the fee he received from the MAS, but you know politicians in office seldom speak for free.
Now we have a dark skinned Muslim American running for a seat in Virgina's House of Delegates. His campaign in financially supported by the mostly African American group called Al-Fugra.
This man previously was appointed to the department of Homeland Security as Director of Intelligence policy. Aman with no previous experience in intelligence work who was under investigation during his tenure at HLS for failure to disclose that he received money from jailed terrorist Abdurahman Alaoudi. Alamoudi was jailed for laundering money for terrorist groups, and was linked to the plot to kill Crown Prince Abdulla of Saudi Arabia. He was not fired from this sensitive position, however.
I have no problem with religious organizations contributing to politicians campaigns, but I do when these goups have links to terrorist organizations!
In the same state that not only did the Governor give the keynote speech for the MAS, but the State Senate has honored Makrit Hossain. This man is a member of MAS an organization that is dedicated to fighting for jailed illegal aliens by contributing to their legal aid.
They also are linked to Jamaat Al Fugra, a sect of mostly African American Mulims that was founded allegedly in 1980 by Pakistani Sheik Mubarak Ali Jilani Hashemi.
There are between 19 and 38 compounds where these sect members have "cloistered" themselves around the country. Their greatest concentration appears to be in the States of Tennessee, South Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, Georgia and California.
Although they profess to be peaceful groups that want to separate themselves from the rest of society. They are known to have firing ranges, armed guards and are suspected of money laundering for terrorist groups.
Their focus is in American prisons with disgruntled African Americans.
An off shoot of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a sister organization of AlQaeda,these sects call themselves "Muslims Of The Americas".
Infamous "shoe bomber" and the DC sniper are alleged by the FBI to have been members of Jamaat Ul-Fuqra.
Daniel Pearl 38 year old journalist was beheaded by this organization while he was searching to interview The leader of JAF, Sheikh Mubarik Ali Gilani, to determine if the "shoe bomber" Richard Ried was a member of JAF.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

A Lesson From Rostock, Germany

A lesson could be learned from what happened in Rostock, Germany last night.
The G8 summit is being held in a nearby seaside resort that is blocked off by fences and armed guards. This was done for good reason as you can see from the pictures above. These pictures may or may not appear on our television stations.
The lesson to be learned is that Marxist anarchist groups are alive and active world wide. They are dedicated to violence and destruction of the system of Capitalism that they believe is "criminal".
In the street riots in Rostock, 1000 people were injured over 400 police officers trying to maintain order were injured. Some of them seriously. The result of large pieces of concrete being thrown at them.
The primary agitators at this anti-G8 demonstration was the international group called the "Black Block Anarchists".
They are not Black in color but dressed all in black and wearing black masks to hide their identity.
In Germany many of these anarchists are called "Autonomen" a radical Marxist and Libertarian group which began on the Campus of German Universities in the 1960's.
They are radicals who emulate the teachings of Marx and Bakunin. Two men who began the "Red Cross" organisation in Tsarist Russia before the 1917 revolution.
They changed their name and symbol to The "Black Cross" after the Bolsheviks sized power and moved their operation to Berlin, Germany.
Gradually they open "cells" in Italy, Great Britain and in 1980 they began organizing in the United States.
These anarchists now have chapters in the U.S. cities of Jacksonville, Fl., Patterson, NJ, Philadelphia, Houston and Austin Texas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Cleveland and Parnassus NJ.
They are anti- Israel and USA and pro-Palestinian.
They advocate and do violence against such free enterprise locations as banks, institutional blgs., multi-national corp. headquarters, gas stations and video-surveillance systems.
They are known in the U.S. as "The Anarchist Black Cross Federation".
Vandalism, rioting, and street fighting and property damage are there methods for their attempt to destabilize and bring down the Capitalistic system and replace it with a Communist way of life.
They advocate abolishing the prison system and doing away with the money system of doing business.
The following is a quote from their web site here in the U.S.
"We see a real need for Anarchists to be militantly organized if we are to effectively meet the organized repression of the State and avoid defeat. What is also needed is commitment to revolutionary politics. We see the setting up of Anarchist defense organizations, such as the ABC, as a necessary part of the growth and development of an Anarchist resistance movement, not divorcing ourselves from the revolutionary struggle and then just fighting for prison reform.

As Anarchists we believe in the promotion of direct action and collective organization in the workplace, the schools, the community and the streets, as a means of regaining power over our own lives and creating a society based on mutual aid and cooperation."
If you ever thought that Ali those people marching against the war in Iraq were just "peace loving" citizens". You had better think again.
Law and order is a dirty word to these people, and they may begin their violence in your city any time if we let our guard down!