I have been watching both the Democrat and Republican "debates", and I have one conclusion from what I observed in all of the Debates.
Both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost the reason why they were given the privilege of going to Washington. To protect and defend the people who sent them there. No, not to take up arms to defend us , but to not make laws that make us more vulnerable to our enemies and chip away at our sovereignty and individual rights.
The leading candidates all seem to support the national "genocide" that we call the "right to choose".I believe over 1 million abortions a year qualifies as genocide of the unborn! They are advocating Socialized medicine and the withdrawal of our troops from the fight against Islamist terrorism in Iraq.
All of these are contrary to what the framers of our great Constitution had in mind when the wrote it.
First I will address the position of Mr. Jiuliani and Sen Hillary Clinton on the right of a woman to choose whether to abort or have a baby if she becomes pregnant. There is no such right "to Choose" in the Constitution, and the concept of a woman having the right to kill the "fetus" as they call the baby that is growing inside her womb,denies the right to life and the pursuit of happiness of the unborn. This is a right in the Constitution!
Secondly, there is a definite slide toward Socialism in the approach Hillary and Obama take toward the health care problem we have in this country.
The uniformed and unthinking people in the United States fall prey to political demagoguery of politicians like these.
The rights that the Democrats keep referring to including health care for everyone at taxpayers expense,is nothing less than an outright distortion of the truth contained in the Constitution.
This document has been twisted and all but torn apart by the Liberals over the last forty year to the point where people expect the Government to be their keeper from cradle to grave!
Any one like me who believes that taxation is legalized stealing is considered a nut or an uncaring right wing ogre.
The Constitution has 413 words at the beginning which encompass the eight Amendments that grant rights to Americans (note I wrote Americans) are guaranteed. The next two amendments of the first ten Amendments are guarantees against government intrusion into your life that would abridge these rights.
Such things as freedom of religion from government interference has been bastardized too many times to count. The right to bear arms, freedom of discourse, non-self incrimination, unlawful search and seizure, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and bail are some of the rights included. No where is the right to medical care, abortion or taking money from one person and giving it to another mentioned, but these are "rights" promised by the Liberal politicians and demanded by too many people including the vast numbers of immigrants in our Country.
One of my favorite quotes from President Reagan follows:
"The themes of a sound foreign policy should be no mystery, nor the result of endless agonizing reappraisals. They are rooted in our past—in our very beginning as a nation. ... To this day, America is still the abiding alternative to tyranny. That is our purpose in the world—nothing more and nothing less. To carry out that purpose, our fundamental aim in foreign policy must be to ensure our own survival and to protect those others who share our values. Under no circumstances should we have any illusions about the intentions of those who are enemies of freedom. Our... adversaries have little regard for human rights because they have little interest in human freedom... [I]f we are to preserve our own freedom—we must understand those who would dominate us and deal with them with determination. We must shoulder our burden with our eyes fixed on the future, but recognizing the realities of today, not counting on mere hope or wishes. We must be willing to carry out our responsibility as the custodian of individual freedom. Then we will achieve our destiny to be as a shining city on a hill for all mankind to see.” —Ronald Reagan
If the Liberals have their way his dream will be but a distant memory as we become part of the "world of nation states" and our constitution is abrogated by United Nations policies.Those who love this Country and cherish it's freedom despite its' many faults cannot let this happen. It will if we allow the "amnesty bill t pass and someone like Hillary or Obama reach the oval office!
There is a domino effect to what could happen to our Country, if three things happen in the next two years. James Lewis of "dangeroustimes"blog bears reprinting at this time. "Immigration is one domino. HillaryCare is another. Sinking the US Constitution by adopting UN "standards" for human rights is another (already well on its way in Britain and Europe). Clintonizing our defense and Carterizing our foreign policy are logical next steps. Even the Wall Street Journal, which takes a libertarian view of immigration, has published an op-ed by Peggy Noonan calling the present Senate bill a "Rube Goldberg contraption." This is not responsible legislation; it's a jumble of self-delusions and vain hopes. It must be stopped until voters are sure that we can trust immigration enforcement. The burden of proof for that rests on the government, not the voters. Building a border fence would be an important symbol of our determination to keep our identity as a nation. What we have going for us in this battle is the power of individuals and individualism, the creativity of free markets, and the robust identity of Americans who are not yet ready to surrender. At this point things do not look good, but twelve years ago, during the Clinton years, HillaryCare also looked like an unstoppable juggernaut. The Senate bill's "farrago" of nonsense must be stopped. Then we must start from scratch, hopefully under the guidance of a sensible conservative president who takes our borders seriously".
Great blog today!
I think the only thing you need to know about the leftist of today’s Democrat Party is that they are all collectivists who worship at the alter of the global commune. They do not understand or value the individual. They adore collective organization, whether it is the UN, the Federal Government or Hillary’s “village”. They abhor rugged individualism, and the idea of individual rights and property. There goal is to expunge all individualist thought, suppress all individual rights, and force everyone into service to the collective created out of their own twisted vision of human goodness. They do not understand the true human nature or the human desire for liberty. There is no room in their world view for the “unilateral” action of the individual or the individual state. Individuals are expendable in service to the global commune. They will sacrifice any individual or state, even their own United States, to gain control and create their sad naive idealistic world vision.
Today, people in this country do not seem to want individual accountability, instead preferring the false security of big government programs promising unachievable equal outcomes. And I believe it will get much worse before people understand this folly, and then it may be too late to stop their consolidation of power. And they are more than halfway to this tyranny when compared to the type of society intended by the framers of our Constitution.
I fear there may come a day when words like these could very well be considered the words of a “sociopath” and could result in the speaker being “hospitalized” for mental illness by the tyranny of the collective.
I pray to God every day that I am wrong, but fear I am not.
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