A lesson could be learned from what happened in Rostock, Germany last night.
The G8 summit is being held in a nearby seaside resort that is blocked off by fences and armed guards. This was done for good reason as you can see from the pictures above. These pictures may or may not appear on our television stations.
The lesson to be learned is that Marxist anarchist groups are alive and active world wide. They are dedicated to violence and destruction of the system of Capitalism that they believe is "criminal".
In the street riots in Rostock, 1000 people were injured over 400 police officers trying to maintain order were injured. Some of them seriously. The result of large pieces of concrete being thrown at them.
The primary agitators at this anti-G8 demonstration was the international group called the "Black Block Anarchists".
They are not Black in color but dressed all in black and wearing black masks to hide their identity.
In Germany many of these anarchists are called "Autonomen" a radical Marxist and Libertarian group which began on the Campus of German Universities in the 1960's.
They are radicals who emulate the teachings of Marx and Bakunin. Two men who began the "Red Cross" organisation in Tsarist Russia before the 1917 revolution.
They changed their name and symbol to The "Black Cross" after the Bolsheviks sized power and moved their operation to Berlin, Germany.
Gradually they open "cells" in Italy, Great Britain and in 1980 they began organizing in the United States.
These anarchists now have chapters in the U.S. cities of Jacksonville, Fl., Patterson, NJ, Philadelphia, Houston and Austin Texas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Cleveland and Parnassus NJ.
They are anti- Israel and USA and pro-Palestinian.
They advocate and do violence against such free enterprise locations as banks, institutional blgs., multi-national corp. headquarters, gas stations and video-surveillance systems.
They are known in the U.S. as "The Anarchist Black Cross Federation".
Vandalism, rioting, and street fighting and property damage are there methods for their attempt to destabilize and bring down the Capitalistic system and replace it with a Communist way of life.
They advocate abolishing the prison system and doing away with the money system of doing business.
The following is a quote from their web site here in the U.S.
"We see a real need for Anarchists to be militantly organized if we are to effectively meet the organized repression of the State and avoid defeat. What is also needed is commitment to revolutionary politics. We see the setting up of Anarchist defense organizations, such as the ABC, as a necessary part of the growth and development of an Anarchist resistance movement, not divorcing ourselves from the revolutionary struggle and then just fighting for prison reform.
As Anarchists we believe in the promotion of direct action and collective organization in the workplace, the schools, the community and the streets, as a means of regaining power over our own lives and creating a society based on mutual aid and cooperation."
If you ever thought that Ali those people marching against the war in Iraq were just "peace loving" citizens". You had better think again.
Law and order is a dirty word to these people, and they may begin their violence in your city any time if we let our guard down!
1 comment:
These marginally mental morons comprise about 70% of the various populations of this world and are sheep who follow the people filled with any hate toward Capitalism and the work ethic.These people,or better yet Darwinian half breeds, are the trouble makers worldwide who are barbaric thugs.They thrive on civil disobedience as recent events in Venezuela will attest to,as well as your coverage of their savagery in Germany where Stalinistic hate is astronomically on the upswing.
Sad to say,but these gene dented misanthropes are electing some of these Communist agitators to our Congress of the United States.People in this country, or any country,should not be given the privilege of voting if they are able bodied enough to work but prefer taking the hard working American's money in Welfare payments which in certain voting districts is strongly encouraged.These savages will kill another person without any show of feeling, and they are the very same people recruited by the smarter fools who can manipulate them for the political overthrow of a government.Sadly,too many "goody two shoes" are sympathetic to these nitwitted no brainers who can be led to kill without much encouragement.Genocide recurs over and over through the ages but sadly nobody seems to head the onslaught off before it has become a firestorm.I remember about 40 years ago,hearing the words of a typical example of such crud after a ball game in Milwaukee where the first words out of this mealy mouthed, socialist moron were "are you from the gold coast" which had nothing to do with the idiot running in the back of our car but was brought about by my brother being able to speak a 10 word,coherent sentence which automatically tagged my brother as being from the richer area of town.This,of course, was a mental midget's logical conclusion because he coudn't speak more than 5 barely intelligible words laced with crude vulgarities.This is a typical example of our dumbed down, disrespectful society that hates the capitalistic society.These are the idiots marching in rebellion against any American cause or good cause for maintaining our economic freedom.These demonstrators are not serving in our military where patriotic men and women lay their life on the line.I think it is an outrage that these "demons" who hate America are even allowed to gather for their hate America marches while our troops are dying for these savage, modern day hippies and their crass stupidity.
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