Saturday, February 10, 2007
Hillary Wants Taxpayers Bailout!
Because of high labor and benefit costs, the American Big Five auto workers cost on average $1319.00 per car more to produce than Japanese car makers. Paying a fork lift operator, who outside the auto industry makes $26,000 a year, a annual wage of $130,000 including benefits surely contributes to the problem
The UAW worker with 30 years service can begin to receive pension benefits immediately, no mater what age he or she is, when retiring. These benefits including generous medical, dental and vision plans, and are slowly bankrupting "Big Five".
Don't fret for "Big Five" yet. Hillary is charging to the rescue. The heir apparent to the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 has demanded that President Bush convene a "summit conference" to develop a government "bail out for the Auto Industry". She needs the backing of the AFL-CIO and Teamsters to win her prize, so what better way than have us stupid tax payers bailout a bloated, allegedly mismanaged Union and its many thousands members and retires. After the Airline bailout I have no doubt the politicians in Washington will sell us out once again to save an industry that the Japanese and Mexicans have proved can be run successfully for a lot less without knuckling under to the Unions.
I say buy American only if it isn't helping to save a dead industry that will just not lay down!
Friday, February 09, 2007
The Fox Guarding The Hen House
Last week the news that the Democratic Committee began their meeting with a prayer given by Husham Al-Hausiny was another example of the Democrats appeasement, denial and capitulation to radical Islamists.
Al-Hausiny is the Dearborn, Michigan Islamic Education Center director. An outspoken supporter of Shiite Muslims, of which his Mosque has 5000 members. This man has publicly spoken in support of Islamists, and an extremist known for his anti-war feelings. Perhaps this is why the Democrats choose him. After all , it appears the Democrats want the U.S. to withdraw and effectively loose the fight against the same people this man supports.
It appears to this blogger that the American left including the Democrats, Socialists and Communists organizations are the ones supporting both financially and in person the demonstrations going on in the quest to end the U.S. fight against radical Islam in Iraq. Just watch a video of their marchers and read the signs. The hate drips from their placards.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Pelosi Plan To Freeze Our Butts
In fact all this proposed legislation would accomplish is to place a financial burden on the oil and natural gas producers that will be passed on to us the consumer in higher prices at the pump and in our gas bills.
The Bill not only does nothing to encourage oil companies to explore and extract oil and natural gas we know exists, but will force up the costs consumers pay for their products.
For every "scientist" who is seen on TV decrying the rapid advance of "global Warming" you can find another equally qualified person we does not ascribe to the warming mantra. If the new left wing, anti-progress faction of the country wins this battle it won't be long until we will be subject to the whims of nature to warm our home in winter. Many jobs will be lost due to the closing of plants designated as polluters, and gas will cost more than the finest liquors.
Please call, fax or write your Congress person and Senators to oppose this bill. If it passes our only hope is that Bush will use his reluctant "veto pen".
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
The Father Made the Job Harder For Son
Unfortunately,Pres. Bush senior, with advice from Secretary of Defense Cheny and Gen. Colin Powell, decide not to continue on to Baghdad to topple the oppressive regime of Saddam Hussein. The decision was made with a "hope" for an overthrow of Saddam by the opposition forces by way of a coup.
Thus, Saddam was allowed to send 115-140 military aircraft to Iran as well as an unknown amount of weapons of "mass destruction". This in addition to causing the largest oil spill in history and setting Kuwaits oil rigs on fire.
Fast forward to the "do nothing" Clinton Administration, and Saddam had time to to build up his war machine and terrorist network with the aid of the Russians, and France who provided most of his weapons being used against our boys and girls in the battle today.
Despite the negative media coverage from day one of the President George Bush, Jr.administration, the issue of the threat to the free world by Saddam Hussein was finally taken up by the U.S. Congress. The vote to attack Iraq was held in October, 2002. The House voted 296-133 and the Senate voted 77-33. Bill 107-243 was signed into law by president Bush 10/16/02 and had among other reasons for the military action against Iraq were the following: members of Al-qaida were known to be in Iraq, the attempted assassination of President George H. Bush and Iraqs failure to comply with the terms of the cease fire of 1991.
Thus began a war against Islamic terrorism with full support of the government.
Now we have the liberal left of Congress and the whole of the Print and TV media leading the charge to withdraw from Iraq. Some "spineless Republicans have also joined the call for withdrawal. This is a indication to radical Islamists that as Khomeini has called the U.S. a "paper tiger" is in fact about to be proven a fact if something doesn't stop the stampede for withdrawal!
A fine piece of journalistic reporting by Ray Kraft of the "Family Security Matters" about the inability of many to understand the Jihad is quoted below.
Today, many leading American Democrats (and a few prominent Republicans) are clearly unclear on the concept, clueless, tragically and dangerously ignorant and oblivious, playing into the hands of the Jihad by their calls to retreat from the Battle of Iraq, which, for now at least, is the central battle in the Jihad War. It is not the first, and it will not be the last - unless the Battle of Iraq is won decisively by the US and Iraqi government forces, unless the Jihad in Iraq is decimated and denied control of Iraq, or even a foothold in Iraq, when the smoke has cleared, and the Jihad has suffered a complete and humiliating, demoralizing defeat.
If that happens, it may well be the beginning of the end of the Jihad.
But if the Jihad - which encompasses the calculated savagery of the Shia and Sunni militias, and the provocateurs of Iran and Syria and Al Qaeda - wins the Battle of Iraq, control of Iraq, or simply drives the Americans out of an Iraq left in chaos, it will be seen as a victory for Jihad over The Great Satan, America, a vindication of the promise of Allah to make Islam "victorious over every other religion." It will fuel the flames of Jihadist struggle and terror around the world.
Dr. Jack Wheeler writes of this in The Fragility of Islamofacism (at in which he points to mass "frenzies of criminal insanity, like the Gulag Communism of the Soviet Union, the National Socialism of Hitler's Germany, or the barbaric imperialism of Tojo's Japan."
"An entire people like the Germans or Japanese can go criminally, murderously nuts. Such mass criminality has to be ended by whatever means necessary. But once the frenzy is over, the people crazed by it can become normal human beings again . . . Just such a mass criminal insanity has today taken over the minds of a substantial fraction of the world's
Muslims . . . the distillation of the very worst aspects of the Islamic religion into an ideology of fascist bullying and bloodshed."
"The absolute last thing we are involved in here is a 'clash of civilizations.' Our civilization is in a fight to the death with
a subhuman barbarism. With folks who believe in a Whorehouse Heaven which they can get into by blowing themselves
up in order to murder women and children."
"Islamo fascism is a frenzy, a mass delusion. What all such mass delusions have in common is an incredibly intense psychological energy that is impervious to reason, reality, and morality."
The Jihad cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be bargained with. It cannot be treatied with. It is not amenable to diplomacy, which it will view (correctly) as a sign of weakness, timidity, fear, and lack of resolve. It can only be surrendered to, or destroyed. Its ultimate victory is certain, unless it is defeated, because it is certain that it is doing the will of God. And if Allah is with Jihad, who can prevail against it?
The Jihadist Iran of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Jihadist Syria of Assad and Hezbollah cannot be entrusted with "helping to restore peace in Iraq," as the Iraq Study Commission, which did not understand the driving force at the core of Jihad, fantasized. Unless we want to concede to the Jihad its ultimate goal of "victory over every other religion," Jihad can only be resisted, by whatever means necessary, until it is defeated. And it can only be defeated by a show of moral, political, cultural, and military solidarity in the West sufficiently strong, sufficiently determined, sufficiently resolute, to convince the Jihad leaders, mullahs, rank, and file, that the cause of Jihad is futile, that it cannot win, that however many young Muslims they throw into the slaughter, that however many Muslim women and children and police recruits they blow to bits, the Jihad, in the end, can only lose. That it is all for nothing. That Islam will never be "victorious over every other religion."
I hope he is right!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
The Truth From a Concerned reader
"A very good article.I would like to make one other comment about the continuing struggle between religions and secular non believers.First,we can all but eliminate those who make their own laws and do not proscribe to the 10 Commandments to which all faiths with a belief in God do proscribe.This difference,of course, includes most all the atheistic judges,news media bozos,politicians,entertainers,and many millions of disillusioned,unhappy people in this world who have no strong system of beliefs other than that everything is relative, and we just adjust our thinking,moral behavior, and laws during the time fate has chosen we exist on this planet.Thus,we have become a ruthless,self serving menagerie of human wolves with no compassion for others.Anybody not adhering to these ever changing man made beliefs is considered the enemy.
This failure to follow the moral rule of law in favor of man made law has resulted in mad chaos for thousands of years.The arrogance of man with his misunderstanding of LOVE for every human being will continue to result in rigid, inflexible hate between sexes,between religions,between nations,between races, and the upper and lower classes of societies,and between a belief in the mortality and immortality of man.I will take the latter belief any day,because it has become obvious that man is heading on a collision course with himself and there is laughter from above and the angels saying to the Almighty, "and you gave man a free will",what a joke."
Monday, February 05, 2007
Words From a Muslim That You Need to Hear
The New York Times recently interviewed a former member of the Dutch Parliament, who resigned after it was revealed that she used false information on her request for political asylum when she left Africa, saying she was from Somalia when in fact she had been living in Kenya. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the author of a new book entitled "The Infidel" was the subject of the Times interview.
During the interview she was asked about why the moderate Muslims cannot seem to get their message of peace across as opposed to the success of the radical Islamists with the Muslim youth?
The following is a direct quote from her answer to the reporter doing the interview, and reflects her animus toward radical Islam. Particularly as it applies to woman's rights.
"Every time there is a debate between a real jihadi and, say, what we have decided to call moderate Muslims, the jihadis win. Because they come with the Koran and quotes from the Koran. They come with quotes from the Hadith and the Sunnah, and the traditions of the prophet. And every assertion they make, whether it is that women should be veiled, or Jews should be killed, or Americans are our enemies, or any of that, they win. Because what they have to say is so consistent with what is written in the Koran and the Hadith. And what the moderates fail to do is to say, listen, that’s all in there, but that wasn’t meant for this context. And we have moved on. We can change the Koran, we can change the Hadith. That’s what’s missing."
Unfortunately not too many people pay attention to what she is saying. The liberals and radical left prefer to say we are dealing with a small group of radicals, and not the majority of the Muslim followers. If you believe her as I do it is easy to see that we as Christian and Jewish society have a great deal to fear from the rapid expansion in all areas of our lives of the Muslim influence, and to some extent what is going on in our prison system. Where prison Chaplains of Muslim persuasion recruit disgruntled Black prisoners.
Keith Ellison in Congress and possibly Senator Obama, candidate for Democratic President nominee, are just the tip of the iceberg of infiltration of Muslims into our government.
In Great Britian there is a fear that radical mulsims have infiltrated their "Defence" Department and "outed" Muslim soldiers who are potential targets for kidnapping and beheading by Radical Islamists whom would video tape the atrocities and show them on Islamic TV. A video was recently shown on ITV news of Abu Izzadeen, British born Muslim of Jamacian descent, in which he calls for the beheading of any Muslim youth who joins the British army. This Muslim is a member of Al-Ghurabaa, a radical Muslim group that has been banned in the United Kingdom.
The video was shot two years ago in a Mosque in Regents Park. Apparently some Muslims infiltrated the British Defense department to carry out his "fatawa".
The word "idreb" is found in the Quran 12 times.This word is used mostly to evoke "beating" or "striking". It is often used to punish those who violate Sharia law. In the past 15 years over 1,000 gay men have been beheaded in Saudi Arabia, where it is not uncommon to accuse a person of being a homosexual for political purposes. Do the liberals who want us out of Iraq want these kind of people to defeat us?
Sunday, February 04, 2007
What Motivates Terroists?
Indeed, the biggest myth going is that Islam has been “hijacked” by the terrorists. No, the only thing that’s been hijacked is the truth about fundamentalist, radical Islam, which makes holy war against infidels a sacred duty for Muslims.
The terrorists are getting all their violent ideas — the jihad, the martyrdom for virgins, even the beheadings — right out of their holy book. To pretend otherwise, to brainwash soldiers and cops on the home front into thinking the enemy is simply a ragtag network of random thugs and not part of a larger movement — is to set them, and us all, up for failure.
The almost endless stream of terrorists we’ve seen committing almost unspeakable acts of violence all over the world aren’t the irrational fanatics they’ve been portrayed to be. Hard as it is to believe, they have a calculated worldview based on religious and historical assumptions. They don’t act willy-nilly. These aren’t common street hoods who will mug their own mother for drug money. They are disciplined soldiers in a holy war. While their bloodshed may seem random, they have a purpose, a religious purpose, sick as it may be.
And they are relentless. Denying this unpleasant truth so we can feel nice and tolerant is politically correct suicide. We need an honest assessment of our enemy. Wishful thinking is not going to win this war. Jihadists have declared war on America and the West, yet we are reluctant to even identify them with the religion in whose name they kill us.
It’s time to take off the gloves. We must declare war on jihad — and all its participants and supporters — before they can make even deeper inroads."