Unfortunately,Pres. Bush senior, with advice from Secretary of Defense Cheny and Gen. Colin Powell, decide not to continue on to Baghdad to topple the oppressive regime of Saddam Hussein. The decision was made with a "hope" for an overthrow of Saddam by the opposition forces by way of a coup.
Thus, Saddam was allowed to send 115-140 military aircraft to Iran as well as an unknown amount of weapons of "mass destruction". This in addition to causing the largest oil spill in history and setting Kuwaits oil rigs on fire.
Fast forward to the "do nothing" Clinton Administration, and Saddam had time to to build up his war machine and terrorist network with the aid of the Russians, and France who provided most of his weapons being used against our boys and girls in the battle today.

Thus began a war against Islamic terrorism with full support of the government.
Now we have the liberal left of Congress and the whole of the Print and TV media leading the charge to withdraw from Iraq. Some "spineless Republicans have also joined the call for withdrawal. This is a indication to radical Islamists that as Khomeini has called the U.S. a "paper tiger" is in fact about to be proven a fact if something doesn't stop the stampede for withdrawal!
A fine piece of journalistic reporting by Ray Kraft of the "Family Security Matters" about the inability of many to understand the Jihad is quoted below.
Today, many leading American Democrats (and a few prominent Republicans) are clearly unclear on the concept, clueless, tragically and dangerously ignorant and oblivious, playing into the hands of the Jihad by their calls to retreat from the Battle of Iraq, which, for now at least, is the central battle in the Jihad War. It is not the first, and it will not be the last - unless the Battle of Iraq is won decisively by the US and Iraqi government forces, unless the Jihad in Iraq is decimated and denied control of Iraq, or even a foothold in Iraq, when the smoke has cleared, and the Jihad has suffered a complete and humiliating, demoralizing defeat.
If that happens, it may well be the beginning of the end of the Jihad.
But if the Jihad - which encompasses the calculated savagery of the Shia and Sunni militias, and the provocateurs of Iran and Syria and Al Qaeda - wins the Battle of Iraq, control of Iraq, or simply drives the Americans out of an Iraq left in chaos, it will be seen as a victory for Jihad over The Great Satan, America, a vindication of the promise of Allah to make Islam "victorious over every other religion." It will fuel the flames of Jihadist struggle and terror around the world.
Dr. Jack Wheeler writes of this in The Fragility of Islamofacism (at http://www.tothepointnews.com/) in which he points to mass "frenzies of criminal insanity, like the Gulag Communism of the Soviet Union, the National Socialism of Hitler's Germany, or the barbaric imperialism of Tojo's Japan."
"An entire people like the Germans or Japanese can go criminally, murderously nuts. Such mass criminality has to be ended by whatever means necessary. But once the frenzy is over, the people crazed by it can become normal human beings again . . . Just such a mass criminal insanity has today taken over the minds of a substantial fraction of the world's
Muslims . . . the distillation of the very worst aspects of the Islamic religion into an ideology of fascist bullying and bloodshed."
"The absolute last thing we are involved in here is a 'clash of civilizations.' Our civilization is in a fight to the death with
a subhuman barbarism. With folks who believe in a Whorehouse Heaven which they can get into by blowing themselves
up in order to murder women and children."
"Islamo fascism is a frenzy, a mass delusion. What all such mass delusions have in common is an incredibly intense psychological energy that is impervious to reason, reality, and morality."
The Jihad cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be bargained with. It cannot be treatied with. It is not amenable to diplomacy, which it will view (correctly) as a sign of weakness, timidity, fear, and lack of resolve. It can only be surrendered to, or destroyed. Its ultimate victory is certain, unless it is defeated, because it is certain that it is doing the will of God. And if Allah is with Jihad, who can prevail against it?
The Jihadist Iran of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Jihadist Syria of Assad and Hezbollah cannot be entrusted with "helping to restore peace in Iraq," as the Iraq Study Commission, which did not understand the driving force at the core of Jihad, fantasized. Unless we want to concede to the Jihad its ultimate goal of "victory over every other religion," Jihad can only be resisted, by whatever means necessary, until it is defeated. And it can only be defeated by a show of moral, political, cultural, and military solidarity in the West sufficiently strong, sufficiently determined, sufficiently resolute, to convince the Jihad leaders, mullahs, rank, and file, that the cause of Jihad is futile, that it cannot win, that however many young Muslims they throw into the slaughter, that however many Muslim women and children and police recruits they blow to bits, the Jihad, in the end, can only lose. That it is all for nothing. That Islam will never be "victorious over every other religion."
I hope he is right!

1 comment:
President Ahmadinejad's real views are summarized on this website: ahmadinejadquotes.blogspot.com
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