Saturday, February 10, 2007

Hillary Wants Taxpayers Bailout!

"Big Five" auto in Michigan is in trouble financially after years of unbridled concessions to UAW demands. It now costs Ford, General Motors and the largest auto parts supplier in the world, Delphi on average $65 per hour per employee even if he is cutting the grass around the plant or doing one of the"do nothing" jobs that have been "feather Beaded" by the UAW. It is reliably estimated that there are 12,000 UAW employees who come to work every day and do nothing but crossword puzzles or watch TV.
Because of high labor and benefit costs, the American Big Five auto workers cost on average $1319.00 per car more to produce than Japanese car makers. Paying a fork lift operator, who outside the auto industry makes $26,000 a year, a annual wage of $130,000 including benefits surely contributes to the problem
The UAW worker with 30 years service can begin to receive pension benefits immediately, no mater what age he or she is, when retiring. These benefits including generous medical, dental and vision plans, and are slowly bankrupting "Big Five".
Don't fret for "Big Five" yet. Hillary is charging to the rescue. The heir apparent to the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 has demanded that President Bush convene a "summit conference" to develop a government "bail out for the Auto Industry". She needs the backing of the AFL-CIO and Teamsters to win her prize, so what better way than have us stupid tax payers bailout a bloated, allegedly mismanaged Union and its many thousands members and retires. After the Airline bailout I have no doubt the politicians in Washington will sell us out once again to save an industry that the Japanese and Mexicans have proved can be run successfully for a lot less without knuckling under to the Unions.
I say buy American only if it isn't helping to save a dead industry that will just not lay down!


Anonymous said...

You speak like a true scab, our fathers, neighbors and communities have fought and earned the right to the current wages. We don't have the right to accept less than what has been negoiated for us.

BILL said...

Sorry to tell you this,but you have also forced a lot of jobs to Mexico and Japan that are no longer competative in the U.S. As for being a scab. I was a card carrying brewery workers union member (Teamsters) who decided to get an education so I could depend upon myself not the union. Best of luck, GWW
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