"A very good article.I would like to make one other comment about the continuing struggle between religions and secular non believers.First,we can all but eliminate those who make their own laws and do not proscribe to the 10 Commandments to which all faiths with a belief in God do proscribe.This difference,of course, includes most all the atheistic judges,news media bozos,politicians,entertainers,and many millions of disillusioned,unhappy people in this world who have no strong system of beliefs other than that everything is relative, and we just adjust our thinking,moral behavior, and laws during the time fate has chosen we exist on this planet.Thus,we have become a ruthless,self serving menagerie of human wolves with no compassion for others.Anybody not adhering to these ever changing man made beliefs is considered the enemy.
This failure to follow the moral rule of law in favor of man made law has resulted in mad chaos for thousands of years.The arrogance of man with his misunderstanding of LOVE for every human being will continue to result in rigid, inflexible hate between sexes,between religions,between nations,between races, and the upper and lower classes of societies,and between a belief in the mortality and immortality of man.I will take the latter belief any day,because it has become obvious that man is heading on a collision course with himself and there is laughter from above and the angels saying to the Almighty, "and you gave man a free will",what a joke."

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