The New York Times recently interviewed a former member of the Dutch Parliament, who resigned after it was revealed that she used false information on her request for political asylum when she left Africa, saying she was from Somalia when in fact she had been living in Kenya. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the author of a new book entitled "The Infidel" was the subject of the Times interview.
During the interview she was asked about why the moderate Muslims cannot seem to get their message of peace across as opposed to the success of the radical Islamists with the Muslim youth?
The following is a direct quote from her answer to the reporter doing the interview, and reflects her animus toward radical Islam. Particularly as it applies to woman's rights.
"Every time there is a debate between a real jihadi and, say, what we have decided to call moderate Muslims, the jihadis win. Because they come with the Koran and quotes from the Koran. They come with quotes from the Hadith and the Sunnah, and the traditions of the prophet. And every assertion they make, whether it is that women should be veiled, or Jews should be killed, or Americans are our enemies, or any of that, they win. Because what they have to say is so consistent with what is written in the Koran and the Hadith. And what the moderates fail to do is to say, listen, that’s all in there, but that wasn’t meant for this context. And we have moved on. We can change the Koran, we can change the Hadith. That’s what’s missing."
Unfortunately not too many people pay attention to what she is saying. The liberals and radical left prefer to say we are dealing with a small group of radicals, and not the majority of the Muslim followers. If you believe her as I do it is easy to see that we as Christian and Jewish society have a great deal to fear from the rapid expansion in all areas of our lives of the Muslim influence, and to some extent what is going on in our prison system. Where prison Chaplains of Muslim persuasion recruit disgruntled Black prisoners.
Keith Ellison in Congress and possibly Senator Obama, candidate for Democratic President nominee, are just the tip of the iceberg of infiltration of Muslims into our government.
In Great Britian there is a fear that radical mulsims have infiltrated their "Defence" Department and "outed" Muslim soldiers who are potential targets for kidnapping and beheading by Radical Islamists whom would video tape the atrocities and show them on Islamic TV. A video was recently shown on ITV news of Abu Izzadeen, British born Muslim of Jamacian descent, in which he calls for the beheading of any Muslim youth who joins the British army. This Muslim is a member of Al-Ghurabaa, a radical Muslim group that has been banned in the United Kingdom.
The video was shot two years ago in a Mosque in Regents Park. Apparently some Muslims infiltrated the British Defense department to carry out his "fatawa".
The word "idreb" is found in the Quran 12 times.This word is used mostly to evoke "beating" or "striking". It is often used to punish those who violate Sharia law. In the past 15 years over 1,000 gay men have been beheaded in Saudi Arabia, where it is not uncommon to accuse a person of being a homosexual for political purposes. Do the liberals who want us out of Iraq want these kind of people to defeat us?

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