Friday, February 22, 2008


The Muslim Brotherhood, an ideologically radical and fundamentalist jihadi group, is, in essence, the ideological association that binds all Islamist jihadi groups together. It is global, it has massive financial means and it is targeting Western Civilization.Now world wide in it's reach. It was formed originally in Egypt.

Then we have former government employees giving speeches, that I consider traitorous, to Muslim audiences as the following excerpt from the "Ikhwan" Web Site illustrates.

In a speech given byArthur Sibler had this to say about his country. "The Bush administration has announced to the world, and to all Americans, that this is what the United States now stands for: a vicious determination to dominate the world, criminal, genocidal wars of aggression, torture, and an increasingly brutal and brutalizing authoritarian state at home. That is what we stand for.It failed again when the Democrats refused to impeach Bush and Cheney, the two greatest criminals in American political history".

Silber reminds us that America once had leaders, such as Speaker of the House Thomas B. Reed and Sen. Robert M. LaFollette Sr.(an avowed Socialist/Prrogressive) who valued the principles upon which America was based more than they valued their political careers. Perhaps Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are of this ilk, but America has fallen so low that people who stand on principle today are marginalized. They cannot become speaker of the House or a leader in the Senate.

Paul Craig Roberts, another left winger had this to say: "Today Congress is almost as superfluous as the Roman Senate under the Caesars. On Feb. 13 the U.S. Senate barely passed a bill banning torture, and the White House promptly announced that President Bush would veto it. Torture is now the American way. The U.S. Senate was only able to muster 51 votes against torture, an indication that almost a majority of U.S. senators support torture.
Bush says that his administration does not torture. So why veto a bill prohibiting torture? Bush seems proud to present America to the world as a torturer.
The U.S. government stole years of life from hundreds of ordinary people9 by whose definition) who had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and were captured by warlords and sold to the stupid Americans as "terrorists."

The Taliban did not attack the U.S. The child soldiers were fighting in an Afghan civil war. The U.S. attacked the Taliban. How does that make Taliban soldiers terrorists who should be locked up and abused in Gitmo and brought before a kangaroo military tribunal? If a terrorist hires a driver or a taxi, does that make the driver a terrorist? What about the pilots of the airliners who brought the alleged 9/11 terrorists to the U.S.? Are they guilty, too?
The Gitmo trials are show trials. Their only purpose is to create the precedent that the executive branch can ignore the U.S. court system and try people in the same manner that innocent people were tried in Stalinist Russia and Gestapo Germany. If the Bush regime had any real evidence against the Gitmo detainees, it would have no need for its kangaroo military tribunal.
It is a government devoid of truth, morality, decency, and honor. The Bush administration is a blight upon America and upon the world".
Paul Craig Roberts

The leftist who attack the Bush administration for it's action against people dedicated to our erradication, apparently ignore the fact that mosques and religious associations have emerged as vibrant hubs of social, political and economic protest.
The resurgence of Islam as a political force also gained a boost from the marked increase in outward religious observance in what would represent a collective assertion of identity. Some observers characterize this trend as a form of Islamic nationalism; by calling for the restoration of Muslim pride and glory. Islamists appear to play a role analogous to that of traditional populists and nationalists in the West.

To better understand what the United States and the rest of the Western World are facing. A brief history of Al Qaeda is appropriate, since they are the heart and "soul" of the terrorist jihadist movement. It was born in the early 1970s as a reaction against the authoritarian regime in Egypt and was inspired by Sayyid Qutb, a radical Islamist who was executed by the Egyptian state in 1966 for opposing the Nasser government. Qutb and the jihadis who followed in his wake elevated the importance of jihad, or armed struggle, believing it to be equal with the five pillars of Islam. None other than Osama bin Laden himself believes that jihad is second only to faith as a Muslim ideal. It is generally accepted that he and his group were responsible for 9/11/2001. Source: "The Far Enemy".

Jihadis consider jihad "fard 'ayn", or a permanent and personal obligation. As such, jihadis believe that they are justified in taking up arms and carrying out terrorist attacks on their own authority. The leaders of the jihadist movement has always seen the United States and the West as its primary enemy.

However many liberal thinkers believe that Al Qaeda's attack on America was the result of a "civil war within the jihadist movement" and "represented a monstrous mutation, an implosion from within, not just another historical phase in the movement's evolution." Source:New Media Journal

While the Democrats continue their anti-war and anti-military diatribes across the United States, it can be said that they are not only benefiting themselves...but, the enemy. In October 2006, writer Brooks Mick said it best: “If one’s actions give aid to the enemy and make it more likely for the enemy to achieve his objectives, then one is pro-enemy, logically.”

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Time To Take Away NEA's Tax exempt Status

The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labor union in the United States, representing public school teachers and other support personnel, faculty and staffers at colleges and universities, retired educators, and college students preparing to become teachers. The NEA has 3.2 million members and is headquartered in Washington DC. It employs over 550 staff and had a budget of more than $307 million in 2006-7! source: Wikapedia

In 1857 the National Education Association was founded as a professional organisation. In 1906 it received it's charter from Congress. In 1966 it merged with the National Association of Colored Teachers

For years, the NEA pretended that it was not a union, and claimed to be opposed to teacher strikes. But that came to a halt in 159 when Wisconsin became the first state to pass legislation that allowed public employees to be involved in collective bargaining!

The NEA's maleficent influence and political pressures on elected officials can never be completely and fully measured, but can be indicated by the words of its own spokesmen. In 1970, NEA President George Fischer said: "We will put the fear of God in politicians all over the country. We plan to make it political suicide to vote against kids and educations." And so it came to be. They play political "hardball". And since they joined hands with the AFL/CIO in 2006 they have been a strong opponent of school vouchers, merit pay and anything conservative!
One irony in all this is that the NEA's political lobbying is an open and direct violation of the federal tax law which gives it tax exemption. The Internal Revenue Service has never revoked that tax exemption.
Today, we have created the most extensive and expensive educational system that has ever existed in the history of the world. Yet, it graduates thousands of young people who cannot spell, write a correct sentence, work a simple arithmetic problem, or read with understanding. They have no worthwhile skills. They do not even know the alphabet well enough to work effectively as file clerks. I know, because I have been forced by government mandated quotas to hire some of these young people who have been made "unenlightened".

The present American educational system has left a generation of Americans largely ignorant of the moral, economic, political, and spiritual principles on which the greatness of our nation is founded. It has brainwashed a generation of Americans into accepting the illegal conversion of our Constitutional Republic into a tyrannical, inefficient socialist-welfare state. It scorns individual excellence and extols mass mediocrity. Can you really be sure your children won't come out any different?

The National Education Association (NEA)--the 2.7 million member kingpin for much of the local teacher union activism--is spending as much as one-third of its $271 million annual income on politically related activities, according to an analysis of NEA documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service.
The analysis was conducted by the Landmark Legal Foundation, a Virginia-based public interest group. Landmark has filed complaints seeking IRS collection of taxes for NEA political activities, since such activities do not qualify as tax-exempt.
The filings show the NEA spends almost $50 million a year to fund a national advocacy staff called UniServ, the 1,800 directors of which help screen political candidates and then campaign for their election. State and local NEA affiliates spend an additional $43 million on the UniServ network.
Mark Levin, Landmark president, contends the UniServ operatives are basically "precinct workers," and the NEA should have to pay income taxes on their activities. NEA officials counter such UniServ activities as helping NEA affiliates encourage their members to vote for "pro-public education advocates."

Apple Inc. CEO, Steve Jobs, has criticized the NEA and other teacher unions for its lack of support for voucher programs, merit pay, and the removal of bad teachers. On February 17, 2007 at an education reform conference in Texas, Jobs said, "What kind of person could you get to run a small business if you told them that when they came in they couldn’t get rid of people that they thought weren’t any good?”

Also criticized by some is what they perceive as the NEA's promotion of the gay rights agenda, especially since the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals 2005 case Fields v. Palmdale School District.[citation needed] The court in that case ruled that parents' fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children "does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door," and that a public school has the right to provide its students with "whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise."[citation needed] NEA maintains that it does not “encourage schools to teach students to become gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered (GLBT),” but the Association does believe that schools should be safe for all students and advocates that schools should raise awareness of homophobia and intervene when GLBT students are harassed."

But you don't find the NEA advocating the same awareness for religion or abstinence as a means for birth control and disease prevention!

The IRS began auditing the National Education Association in in 2003. NEA has allocated millions of dollars to elect pro-education candidates while reporting on tax forms that it does not spend union dues on politics....The NEA has tax-exempt status as a union, but must report "direct and indirect" political expenses on its tax return. Some of those expenses could be considered taxable by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS defines a political expense as "one intended to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of anyone to a federal, state, or local public office."...The documents were gathered by Landmark Legal Foundation, a conservative law firm that has filed complaints with the IRS seeking an audit and, more recently, a criminal investigation of whether the NEA evaded taxes! There is no doubt in my mind that they are evading taxes!

Although NEA is active in all 50 states at this election time. The issue of school vouchers is a real threat to the monopoly the teachers union has on the education of our children, In Utah the NEA donated $1.53 million to the Utah Education Association as of Sept. 17. In addition to national support, the UEA also received $57,700 in small-dollar donations from Utah teachers and a couple of legislators, plus donations from the teachers’ unions in Maine, Colorado, Ohio, and Wyoming. An umbrella group of public school advocates, Utahns for Public Schools, collected thousands more in teacher donations.

Some NEA Resolutions Passed at the 2007 Convention in Philadelphia illustrate the political agenda of NEA.

Voucher Plans and Tuition Tax Credits. The Association opposes voucher plans, tuition tax credits, or other such funding arrangements that pay for students to attend sectarian schools. The Association also believes that any private school or agency that receives public funding through voucher plans, tax credits, or other funding/financial arrangements must be subject to all accountability measures and regulations required of public schools.
A-33. Federally or State-Mandated Choice/Parental Option Plans. The Association believes that federally or state mandated parental option or choice plans compromise free, equitable, universal, and quality public education for every student. Therefore, the Association opposes such federally or state-mandated choice or parental option plans.
B-1. Early Childhood Education. The National Education Association supports early childhood education programs in the public schools for children from birth through age eight. The Association also apparently isn't satisfied that they can begin to re-educate our children beginning in kindergarten. They are advocating taking the post natal care and education from the mother and giving it to their leftist organisation.

Source"NEA report on resolutions", that also had these controversial issues.

Increase respect, understanding, acceptance, and sensitivity toward individuals and groups in a diverse society composed of such groups as American Indians/Alaska natives, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered persons.

The Association supports access to financial aid and in-state tuition to state colleges and universities. The Association further believes that students who have resided in the United States for at least five years at the time of high school graduation should be granted amnesty by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, granted legal residency status, and allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship.

Tell me with a straight face that this is not a political organization. What is worse, is that they are advocating destruction of the basic precepts of our Constitution in favor of secularist, relativist Marxist values that strike at the heart of the moral fabric of our Republic!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The basic pillars of Obama's campaign to be the Democratic Presidential nominee is "CHANGE". A slogan that coupled with his eloquence and good looks have apparently captured the hearts and minds of many Americans. His stunning victories in the last ten primaries are stark testimony of his messianic powers.

But my question to those who think he is the savior that will cure government ills is this. Why did he not introduce any legislation in the Senate, during his two year stint in that poweful body of government? He had over two years to at least propose law that would advance his campaign promises long before he took to the campaign trail.

There is no better "monday morning quarterback" than a politician running for office.
It is easy to express indignation and make promises about "hot button" items while campaigning. Never the less, we voters must choose a man/woman who is not only good with words, but has demonstrated the ability and proclivity to affect change!

In this bloggers opinion it would be better if he took positions in the Senate on Abortion, partial birth abortion and amnesty for illegals long before he started spewing platitutdes on the campaign trail.

In 1997, Obama voted against SB 230, which would have turned doctors into felons by banning so-called partial-birth abortion, & against a 2000 bill banning government funding. Although these bills included an exception to save the life of the mother. For his stand on this and voting against requiring parents of minors to be notified prior to performing an abortion, have acquired a rating of zero from the National Right to life Organisation!

In the illegal alien problem he also has had plenty to say that worrys me. In a meeting of La Razza in Miami Beach he said this: “Find out how many senators appeared before an immigration rally last year. Who was talking the talk, and who walked the walk — because I walked,” Mr. Obama said at the National Council of La Raza’s annual convention in Miami Beach. “I didn’t run away from the issue, and I didn’t just talk about it in front of Latino audiences.”
The Illinois Democrat said the recent Senate immigration debate “was both ugly and racist in a way we haven’t see since the struggle for civil rights.”…
Mr. Obama was the most forceful, promising “in my first term we will make this a priority and get this done.” He promises amnesty! Why did he not introduce a bill to that effect in the two years preceeding the Presidential campaign?

He has shown why, while in the Illinois Legislature he voted present 130 times, so he could not be branded as either for or against issues. A perfect example of his duplicity was reported in the New York Times with this: "In 1999, Barack Obama was faced with a difficult vote in the Illinois legislature — to support a bill that would let some juveniles be tried as adults, a position that risked drawing fire from African-Americans, or to oppose it, possibly undermining his image as a tough-on-crime moderate.
In the end, Mr. Obama chose neither to vote for nor against the bill. He voted “present,” effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator". We don't need a "fence sitter" in the Oval Office.

Federalist 57 Is Still Appropriate

Federalist Paper 57, written by James Madison to the people of the State of New York, discusses the issue of elected representatives being advocates of the priviledged and powerful few instead of the many who elected them. He is saying that to prevent the domination of elected members of the House of Representatives, by the special interest few, is to use term limits.

Today with the Cost of Presidential, Senatorial and US House elections reaching mega-millions. The total amount of money raised by the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates may, by the time of Election Day 2008, approach or even break $1 billion. For just the first nine months of 2007, presidential candidates in the two major parties had already collected a total of $415 million.
It is appropriate to reflect on who is paying this expense, and what will the price be in return for their beneficence?

A case in point is the campaign verbosity of Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama's "Time for a change" populist speeches are fine prosaicisms, but ring hollow when the fact is revealed that millions of dollars have been poured into his campaign from the trial lawyers and invesment bankers. The pharmaceutical and health industry are also large contributors to both Obama and Hillary.

One of Mr. Obama’s fund-raisers, Kirk Dornbush, president of Iconic Therapeutics, a biotech company in Atlanta, said, “The contributions reflect the simple calculus of the health care industry, making a bet that Democrats will control the White House and both houses of Congress after the next election.” Lobbyists, Commercial Banks, Health Professionals, Lawyers/Law Firms, Pharmaceuticals/Health Products, Real Estate, and Securities and Investment. The list is endless of the special interest goups buying influence with people who profess they will represent the people who want change!

The following is an fragment excerpted from Federalist 57:
"The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust. The elective mode of obtaining rulers is the characteristic policy of republican government. The means relied on in this form of government for preventing their degeneracy are numerous and various. The most effectual one, is such a limitation of the term of appointments( note: aka:election) as will maintain a proper responsibility to the people.
"We are to presume that in general they will be somewhat distinguished also by those qualities which entitle them to it, and which promise a sincere and scrupulous regard to the nature of their engagements. In the second place, they will enter into the public service under circumstances which cannot fail to produce a temporary affection at least to their constituents.
"It is possible that these may all be insufficient to control the caprice and wickedness of man. But are they not all that government will admit, and that human prudence can devise? Are they not the genuine and the characteristic means by which republican government provides for the liberty and happiness of the people? What are we to say to the men who profess the most flaming zeal for republican government, yet boldly impeach the fundamental principle of it; who pretend to be champions for the right and the capacity of the people to choose their own rulers, yet maintain that they will prefer those only who will immediately and infallibly betray the trust committed to them"?

The framers of our form of government never intended the representatives of the people would come to Washington and serve their entire active life in a position of power and influence, where corruption and accumulation of personal wealth has a perfidious effect on our government of the people and by the people!

It is past time when we the people enact term limits. WE have it for the highest office in the land, and we need it for all elected officials. Our very freedoms depend on this, even if we have to do it despite the kicking and screaming of the "chicken littles" in Congress!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Unmasking Al Gore's CO2 Plan

Despite the fact that it snowed in Greece and Jerusalem this past week, the Northern tier of the United States is experiencing frigid winter cold, and the News Max Service reports in the London Daily Express that there is nearly a third more ice in Antarctica than usual, challenging the global warming crusaders and buttressing arguments of skeptics who deny that the world is undergoing global warming. The Daily express recalls the photograph of polar bears clinging on to a melting iceberg which has been widely hailed as proof of the need to fight climate change and has been used by former Vice President Al Gore during his "Inconvenient Truth" lectures about mankind’s alleged impact on the global climate. Gore fails to mention that the photograph was taken in the month of August when melting is normal. Or that the polar bear population has soared in recent years. As winter roars in across the Northern Hemisphere, Mother Nature seems to have joined the ranks of the skeptics. As the Express notes, scientists are saying the northern Hemisphere has endured its coldest winter in decades, adding that snow cover across the area is at its greatest since 1966. And yet the Global Warming alarmists continue their march toward global regulation of CO2 emissions.

In Great Britian they have imposed a 25 pound sterling tax on SUVs and "luxury" performance cars for parking in London, and yesterday some "wag" proposed that the government levy a 10 pound tax for people who wish to buy cigarettes in England!

The European Union has bought into the Kyoto agreement since 2002, but not completely. The main producers of CO2 gases, Transportation, Agriculture and Residential Heating have been exempted from the EU regulations.

Their main thrust is to convert coal fired electricity producers to gas. They believe, unlike Americans have been led to believe by our MSM, that there is a plentiful supply of crude oil to accomplish their goal of coverting all coal fired plants in Europe to gas.

The McKinsey Global Institute started studying the costs of reducing "green house gases(cO2) in 2002. Their conclusions in 2006, were that to regulate CO2 gases, the cost of carbon credits( a euphemism for tax) would cost energy producers between $14.80 and 29.60 for the rights to produce a ton of emitted Co2. This compared with their estimate that Carbon Rights for Wind woul be $50, and Solar $100.

Under the EU model the increased cost of energy would be borne by the consumer in an increase of 30% to 40% if price controls were not enacted!
And we In the United States know what price controls on fuel can produce--limited supply and long lines at the gas stations!

None of the proposed and already enacted regulation, addresses who will regulate the sellers and traders of Carbon Credits. A term that AL Gore uses freely in his discussion about global warming.

But you can be sure those who control the purse strings will have great influence on whom and what effect they have in their control. Arbitragers and brokerage house have already begun to trade Carbon Credits in European markets.

But while the mainstream media promote his ideas about the state of planet Earth, they are mostly silent about the dramatic economic impact his scheme would have on America. Journalists routinely ignore evidence that he may personally benefit from his programs. Would the romance fizzle if Gore’s followers realized how much their man stands to gain?

To resolve the “climate crisis,” Gore wants to put a cap on the production of greenhouse gases. He calls for an immediate freeze on U.S. emissions, a ban on new coal-fired power plants, tough new fuel-economy and energy-efficiency standards, renewable energy mandates, carbon taxes and mandatory targets and timetables for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. Those emissions consist mostly of carbon dioxide (CO2), the byproduct of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas, which supply 85% of all U.S. energy.
Gore’s blueprint to save the planet moves the United States towards a command economy in which government regulators hold sway over what kinds and amounts of energy will be made available to the private sector. His principal regulatory tool is what’s called "carbon-credit trading". Even the EU does not have such a stringent program, and they approved Kyoto!

Under a so-called “cap-and-trade” system, government places a ceiling or “cap” on private-sector emissions of CO2 and other “greenhouse gases.” Each sector, industry or business is allocated a fixed quantity of carbon credits that allow it to emit specific quantities of greenhouse gases. As an example, one tradable carbon credit might permit the emission of one ton of CO2. If a business emits more tons of CO2 than its supply of credits allows, it has the option to buy surplus credits from other firms -- or it will have to pay a fine in proportion to the amount of the excess emission. By contrast, businesses that emit less than their allocation can sell their excess credits.
The cap-and-trade carbon "scheme" is sure to boost the economic and political prospects of people and groups that are behind it. Before the company collapsed under the weight of financial scandal, Enron under CEO Ken Lay was a key proponent of the cap-and-trade idea. So was BP’s Lord John Browne, before he resigned last May under a cloud of personal scandal. In August 1997, Lay and Browne met with President Bill Clinton and Vice President Gore in the Oval Office to develop administration positions for the Kyoto negotiations that resulted in an international treaty to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Which the US Senate promptly rejected 95-0!

I agree we need to be wise stewards of the world God gave us, however we do not have the power we think we do to alter or resist true climate change. A process that has been going on since the worlds creation. Anyone who has ever been trapped in a car or house while a tornado or hurricane has ripped past you for hours understands we are very minute when it comes to the force of nature.

Source for this article: Human Events

Monday, February 18, 2008

Media Bias Bares It's Ugly Teeth

Despite the fact that a poll taken by, shows that President Bush has a popular rating similar to that of the US Congress. Neither has a rating higher than 35%, meaning that the Country views both sides of the political spectrum with disdain. In fact "Wake Up America" shows that Bush's approval rating is 33% and Congress is 28%!

The Left wing Media is still leading off articles that have content that is favorable to the President, with negative statements like the following post from Reuters columnist Barry Moody;

"DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Unpopular at home and in much of the world during the last year of his presidency, George W. Bush is basking in rare adulation on his African tour.
Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete poured praise on Bush in Dar es Salaam on Sunday, the second day of his five-nation African tour, each compliment applauded warmly by members of the east African country's cabinet.
Although around 2,000 Muslim demonstrators protested against Bush on the eve of his visit, many thousands more cheering, waving people lined his road from the airport on Saturday.
Banners across the route, decorated with Bush's image against a backdrop of Tanzania's Mt. Kilimanjaro, read: "We cherish democracy. Karibu (welcome) to President and Mrs Bush".

While President Bush reaches out the hand of friendship in Africa, a land that comprises 20% of the Worlds total land mass and comprises over 18% of the Worlds population.

Obama and Hillary are complicit in an act that some would consider treason and at the very least, giving aid and comfort to an avowed enemy of the US.

Yet, no place in the Major news outlets, only on the Internet, do you find this piece of demaogogic news. Why? Because it is bad news for the opposition, not President Bush!

"Right in the middle of the hottest presidential primary in decades, both Obama and Hillary are sending their foreign policy honchos to Damascus. These advisors are people who have a chance of running US foreign policy in the next administration. They aren't shy. They are taking over our foreign affairs right now, because they are entitled to. They know better than our elected officials". Says who!

This despite the fact that US military leaders have said the Iranians have been supplying arms and aid to the terrorists in Iraq. At least this has been reported by the print media as divulged in a featured article in the Los Angeles Times:

"U.S. commanders had said there were signs that Iranian authorities were keeping a vow made to Iraqi leaders last summer to help stem the flow of support across the notoriously porous border. Lately, however, U.S. officials have reported a rising number of attacks that use the kind of sophisticated armor-piercing explosives that they allege come from Iran".

In a reference to Bush's domestic problems, Prme Minister Kikwete added: "Different people may have different views about you and your administration and your legacy.
"But we in Tanzania, if we are to speak for ourselves and for Africa, we know for sure that you, Mr. President, and your administration have been good friends of our country and have been good friends of Africa."

Apparently the Media believes Africa is not a major part of what they call "much of the rest of the World"!

We Need Labels Designating Country Of Origin

In May of 2000 President Clinton's efforts to normalize relations with Communist China finally was approved. With the passage of "PNTF" by Congress, the Communist Country was given the "Green Light" to manufacture, fabricate and sell goods and products with a great reduction in US tariffs.
Clinton had pushed for this open ended trade deal for months before he finally got what he wanted, and the rewards for him and his wife Hillary have been reported in numerous stories about Chinese contributions to Hillary's Senatorial campaign. The Charlie Trie scandal is one example of the pay back to the Clinton's from Chinese recipients of his China deal.

The approval of the trade bill represented a political victory for President Bill Clinton, who had lobbied for months to get the measure approved.
"US companies want to invest more in China", he said the trade bill represented an "historic step towards continued prosperity in America, reform in China and peace in the world".
"Our administration has negotiated an agreement that will open the Chinese market to American products made on American soil. By this agreement, we will also export one of our most cherished values, economic freedom", Mr Clinton as reported in the Chicago Tribune
Unfortunately the unintended consequences of opening the trade doors wide has manifested itself in the Drug, Toy, Dog Food and over the counter medicine areas.
The first issue was the toothpaste from China that had diethylene glycol in it, a chemical found in anti-freeze! Then in the same year it was discovered that dog food from China had melamine in it, and lolly pops with metal fragments were found in them. A cough syrup with DEG was shipped from China, and antibiotics were discovered from China that had the same DEG chemical. All these products were recalled, but the Public was at risk!
Bogus rabies vaccine has also been reported, and the real shocker is the Chinese Heparin that was shipped to the US before the plant that synthesized the heparin was even inspected by the FDA. Nor did the plant have a license from the Chinese government to make drugs. This heparin has been recalled by it's distributor, Baxter International, but not until after over 350 people had allegic reactions, such as tachacardia, vomiting, fainting and sudden decreased in blood pressure. As a result 4 people died.
Heparin is fabricated from pig intestines, and is widely used in the US for cardiac surgery, anti-embolism treatment and dialysis. Baxter made over 29 million dollars a year in heparin sales to hospitals and dialysis units.
With the announcement by the Chinese Communist government that Zhing Xiaoyu, former head of the Chinese Food and Drug administration, was executed for taking $832,000 in bribes from fake drug manufacturers over a nine year period from 1997 to 2006. Some of the blame may be laid at his now dead feet, but the bulk of the blame in this bloggers opinion is the US distributor Baxter International, and all other US sellers of toxic or dangerous Chinese products.
It is easy to point fingers at the foreign producer, but the ultimate blame lies with the people who bought the drugs and products cheap from Chinese manufacturers to add to their bottom line of profits.
This Country will most likely have some type of National Health Insurance in the near future, and paramount to OUR saftey is a law that requires a label that lists the origin of the ingredients in any medicine dispensed or administered. Without it the government and the government suppliers will buy from whomever is the cheapest, and buyer beware!
Our very life could depend on it, because as the Wall Street Journal reported, US suppliers of pharmaceutical supplies buy over 4.4 billion dollars worth from China and India each year! They are the largest producers of foreign drugs.