Friday, November 10, 2006

The Only Way to Turn the Tide

Certainly the Democrats energized their dependency base and thus won a major election victory last Tuesday.
This base is not only filled with malcontents who basically hate America in its' present way of life and hope to change it to their socialist ideal of America.
Add to this dangerous element the open borders of our country,and the policy that every time we get involved in a war, be it Bosnia, Cambodia, Vietnam or Central America. We open our doors to the thousands of refugees created by the war. This sounds fine, but we did not do it to the Germans or Japanese. The people immigrating to this country today are coming here with no intention of assimilating into our culture as did our grandfathers and great grandparents. They don't really want to learn our language. Why when liberals demand we teach their language in our schools. Many have no use for our laws or judicial system, and staying in their "ghettos" is fine with them. They want no part in our culture. What they really want is our money and welfare benefits, and the Liberal Democrats are only too happy to take the money from you and me and give it to them.
The only way to stop this growing dependency class such as there is in most of European Socialist countries is to immediately close our borders and stop immigration. We must begin somewhere or in a few short years we will be a Balkanized America on the verge of permanent social disorder.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Well the people have spoken, and what they said is bad for the future of the middle class. The "halve-nots" came out in droves yesterday.Those who value hand outs more than freedom, government control over free choice have prevailed. Allowing mass illegal immigration may have turned the tables on the political process. God help us now! With Pelosi, Rangel, disgraced Hastings and their ilk running the House of Representatives we can expect no support for continuation of the fight against terrorism, and Iraq will be another Vietnam. Once the Democrats force withdrawal the blood bath will be reminiscent of what Pol Pot did in Cambodia.
American is now a more divided country than ever before, and those who wish to be wards of the "State" have prevailed. The United States will never be the country of our fathers. We are entering an era of "balkanisation" and weakness as a world power. Only a miracle will change the course from socialism that we just took the first step towards.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Facts The Media Ignore or Supress

The Internet search engines have apparently been taken over by the leftist element of this media. A simple question submitted to both Google and, "How many murders were committed in California in 2005 ,brought no response other than liberal diatribes on the horrors of "three strikes rule", or articles about the disparate number of blacks and other minorities on death row.

Despite he fact that every death in war is a tragedy. The "pinko leftist" media daily features the death count of our brave soldiers in Iraq. However, when 8000 were killed in one day at Iwo Jima, 7000 in 3 days at Tarawa and over 10,000 killed on "D-Day" nothing was mentioned in the press until long after the battles were over. The fact that in the WWII

instances a Democrat was in the White House, and now we have a much hated conservative Republican just might have something to do with the shift. But I believe it is because the left has taken over most media sources and they want to see the U.S. fail so the country will slide into a humanistic,socialist country as have most countries in Europe.

51% percent of the Germans surveyed about their perception of their satisfaction with democracy. Reported they were not satisfied. Polling figures showed that the vast majority of those polled were East German immigrants. So much for assimilation!

In Paris 70 baggage handlers and plane cleaners were dismissed because they had attended terrorist training camps in Pakistan or Afghanistan in the recent the past. One employee was a close friend of "shoe bomber" Richard Reid. Predictably the leftist union is threatening a strike unless they are re-instated.