This base is not only filled with malcontents who basically hate America in its' present way of life and hope to change it to their socialist ideal of America.
Add to this dangerous element the open borders of our country,and the policy that every time we get involved in a war, be it Bosnia, Cambodia, Vietnam or Central America. We open our doors to the thousands of refugees created by the war. This sounds fine, but we did not do it to the Germans or Japanese. The people immigrating to this country today are coming here with no intention of assimilating into our culture as did our grandfathers and great grandparents. They don't really want to learn our language. Why when liberals demand we teach their language in our schools. Many have no use for our laws or judicial system, and staying in their "ghettos" is fine with them. They want no part in our culture. What they really want is our money and welfare benefits, and the Liberal Democrats are only too happy to take the money from you and me and give it to them.
The only way to stop this growing dependency class such as there is in most of European Socialist countries is to immediately close our borders and stop immigration. We must begin somewhere or in a few short years we will be a Balkanized America on the verge of permanent social disorder.

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