Saturday, September 05, 2009
The headlines in the China News Talk announce to the World that the Chinese Communist flag will fly on the South lawn of the Whit House on September 20th.
The national flag of the People's Republic of China (PRC) will be hoisted at the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on September 20, media reported Sunday.
Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC.
Chen Ronghua, chairman of Fujian Association of the United States, told reporters that their application was approved not only because of the sound Sino-US relations but also because China is a responsible country.
"Many Americans admire China due to the success of last year’s Beijing Olympics," said Chen.( only those who admire tyrants and despotic oppressors of the people!)
More than 1,000 people will attend the ceremony and the performances held after it, according to Zhao Luqun, who will direct the performances.( Will the ceremony be held by Obama in the White House?)
Zhao said the performances will demonstrate the friendship, magnanimous spirit and kindness of modern Chinese people.( Tell this to the Tibetans, the Taiwanese and those who were at the Tienanmen Square massacre)
And as a Korean war veteran who served on an aircraft carrier that lost too many pilots to Chinese Communist MIGs. I am appauled! And China is still supplying weapons to our enemies along with the Russians whom we also call our friends.
This the same State Department that declared the action in Honduras an illegal "military coups" and cut off aid to them?
Flying the Chinese flag anywhere in America to celebrate the Communist takeover of China is beyond belief. China should have this celebration on Chinese soil. It is an insult to freedom-loving people in America, and would be so in any other country. Obama doesn't appreciate the price of freedom because he doesn't know the meaning of it. Apparently the Democrats have totally derailed, not only their party, but, in the process, they are trying to destroy this nation.This is an insult on par with appointing an avowed Communist as one of Obama's Czars, and must be protested, if not stopped!
Friday, September 04, 2009
"Present-Day Man." The characteristic element of this character is the identification of a time horizon with the now, meaning "my life," the time in which I live. Present-Day Man has no connection to a long past and only the vaguest connection to the future".Source:James W. Caesar, PhD
I think this is an apt description of the Congress of the United States today. With few exceptions they all are more concerned with sending taxpayers money to their special interests who ensure their re-election more than they are concerned with what they are doing will affect the future generations in very adverse ways.
With the unemployment standing at 9.7% and The Outstanding Public Debt as of 04 Sep 2009 at 01:42:14 PM GMT is 11.8 trillion dollars!
The estimated population of the United States is 306,858,760
so each citizen's share of this debt is $38,467.50.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $3.96 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
Concerned? Try to tell Congress and the White House! Apparently they are unconcerned with the future that has to bring continuing massive federal debt, and sooner or later devaluation of the dollar that will bring crippling inflation!
Only 10-15 percent of the 750 billion dollar stimulus has actually made it out of the Federal bureaucracy, and most of it has been used by states to pay off their Medicaid deficits-- not "shovel ready projects"!
While he was campaigning for the presidency, Obama said: "said he would shrink annual deficits,but they are now at levels not seen in six decades.He said he would do this by taxing the "rich",the polluting industries, and by reducing war costs.assuming we will have a rapid rate of economic growth by 2010( which I doubt very much),and private forecasters and even some White House advisers consider overly rosy. What say you now Mr. President!!!
Congress will be forced to raise the legal limit on the nation's credit card sometime later this year, Treasury officials reported August 5, 2009, focusing additional attention on the expanding national debt just as lawmakers expect to be putting the finishing touches on President Obama's trillion-dollar overhaul of the nation's health care system.That the CBO has said will not reduce the cost of medicine but will cause a trillion dollars over a 10 year period!And then we have waiting in the wings the Cap and Trade or Cap and Tax bill.
Despite House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman's many payoffs to Members, rural and Blue Dog Democrats remain wary of voting for a bill that will impose crushing costs on their home-district businesses and consumers. The leadership's solution to this problem is to simply claim the bill defies the laws of economics.
Under a cap-and-trade system, government sets a cap on the total amount of carbon that can be emitted nationally; companies then buy or sell permits to emit CO2. The cap gets cranked down over time to reduce total carbon emissions.
To get support for his bill, Mr. Waxman was forced to water down the cap in early years to please rural Democrats, and then severely ratchet it up in later years to please liberal Democrats. The CBO's analysis looks solely at the year 2020, before most of the tough restrictions kick in. As the cap is tightened and companies are stripped of initial opportunities to "offset" their emissions, the price of permits will skyrocket beyond the CBO estimate of $28 per ton of carbon. The corporate costs of buying these expensive permits will be passed to consumers yet unable to vote.
When the Heritage Foundation did its analysis of Waxman-Markey, it broadly compared the economy with and without the carbon tax. Under this more comprehensive scenario, it found Waxman-Markey would cost the economy $161 billion in 2020, which is $1,870 for a family of four. As the bill's restrictions kick in, that number rises to $6,800for a family of four by 2035.This is another example of not thinking of what affect their actions will have on the future voters and the country. Thinking about the present day with little or no regard for future generations. This is how the Roman empire and the once great British empire failed. Are we headed to that end, because of the "legal"stealing perpetrated by our elected officials?
The amount the government may borrow from the public, including foreign creditors, is limited by law to $12.1 trillion, a cap that has been raised several times since the nation slipped into recession in December 2007. Treasury officials predicted this week that they expect to borrow an additional $892 billion through the end of the year, driving the overall debt past the cap sometime in the fourth quarter.
All this debt will be a burden for generations yet unborn, and will be at the expense of depleting the expenditures that are now dedicated to defense. One of the main reasons for elected officials to be in their lofty positions. To protect and defend Americans and it's Constitution!!
The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Roosevelt on Aug. 14, 1935.
The Social Security "trust" fund has $10.662 trillion in unfunded obligations as of Aug. 1.
Both Medicare and Medicaid (Title XIX of the Social Security Act) were signed into law by President Johnson on July 30, 1965.
Combined, Medicare and Medicaid have unfunded obligations of $39.612 trillion as of Aug. 1.
The prescription drug entitlement program was signed by President Bush on Dec. 8, 2003. In a brief six years, it already has $8.520 trillion in unfunded obligations.
See a pattern?
The total unfunded obligation of this nation is $57.981 trillion as of Aug. 1. Every American's share, including those too young to read this, is $189,000.
President Bush left a national debt of $10.625 trillion. It took President Obama only 190 days to add $1 trillion to the national debt. The debt is now $11.640 as of Aug. 1. The 2010 deficit is projected to be $1.3 trillion.
The national debt plus unfunded obligations equals $69.621 trillion.
This debt is not the work of just Democrats. The Republicans have done their bit to perpetuate the legal stealing that today Obamaphiles call redistribution of the wealth. It appears that once elected to public office a man or woman ignores the 8th Commandment that says "YOU SHALL NOT STEAL". That is because if you or I take money from the pocket of your neighbor without his knowledge and consent the law says you have commited a crime of theft!
But taking one persons hard earned money to give it to another citizen is called as your "fair share of taxes" according to the way politicians have looked at conficatory taxation since the Wilson presidency of the early 1900s.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
President Obama has announced that he will give a major speech on Health Care next Wednesday. With his approval ratings plummeting and the wreckage of the Health Care Town Hall meeting ringing in his mind. Obama realizes that his grasp on the ability to socialize 1/6 the of the gross national product is slipping away.
Thus, he will address the nation and the Congress next Wednesday evening at prime time to try and salvage his "prize" piece of legislation that he promised the Left wing of the Democrat party during his campaign for the Oval Office.
I expect as usual he will try to confuse and confound the public about what he is trying to do. He will once again demonize the industry and say it is time to have real competition in the Health Insurance Industry, This is a canard that any one who looks at what he is saying is the exact opposite of the facts. There are 1300 Health Insurance Companies that sell Health Insurance in this country.
The problem is not that there are not enough companies offering health insurance, but some State laws prohibit Insurance companies domiciled in another state from selling in their state. This is part protectionism for the Insurance companies in their state and part because they want the license fee to allow a company to sell in their state. This is a simple matter that can be resolved by passing a Federal law to allow all Health Insurance Companies to sell in all states provided they are properly capitalized.
The President will probably throw a bone to the people and Congress by saying he will abandon the Federal government option in favor of the scheme that includes Co-operatives.
This word co-operative is a semantic example of slipping in a word that appears to abandon the govt. option, but in fact does not!
In the first place the legislation that includes co-operatives also includes "seed money" of five billion dollars from the Federal government. And lest you forget, he who pays the piper calls the tune!
The following excerpt from shows just how involved the Federal government will be involved in any co-operative scheme for health care reform, so do not be fooled by the man behind the curtain!
"The health care bill under consideration in the House of Representatives would give President Obama the authority to name a new federal “Health Choices Commissioner” who would have sweeping power to govern the health insurance plans offered in a so-called "exchange" where millions of Americans would get their health insurance if the bill is enacted.
These powers would include deciding which treatments are covered, which companies can participate, which states can run their own exchange, and enrolling individuals into the public exchange.
Though the bill, House Resolution 3200, faces many political hurdles, it has passed three House committees and could be ready for a floor vote after Congress returns from recess. The overhaul package calls for establishing a health insurance exchange where people earning up to 400 percent of the poverty level will be able to purchase health insurance with the help of federal subsidies. This exchange would include a "public option" government-run health care plan as well as private plans that provide a minimum benefits package dictated by the government.
The Health Choices Commissioner would establish “the benefits to be made available under Exchange-participating health benefit plans during each plan year,” according to page 84 of the 1,018-page bill. That means the commissioner would determine what benefits the participating insurance companies must offer participating customers in the exchange.
The commissioner would also set rules for insurance companies to participate in the health insurance exchange, and establish criteria for individuals to receive federal subsidies to purchase insurance in the exchange, according to section 142 on page 42 of the legislation.
Further, the commissioner would have the authority to establish “automatic enrollment” of individuals who qualify for the health insurance exchange.
“The Commissioner shall provide a process under which individuals who are Exchange-eligible individuals described in subparagraph (B) are automatically enrolled under an appropriate Exchange participating health benefits plan,” the legislation says, beginning on page 97. “Such process may involve a random assignment or some other form of assignment that takes into account the health care providers used by the individual involved or such other relevant factors as the Commissioner may specify.”
The exchange eligible individuals [determined by subparagraph (B)] include someone who “has not opted out from receiving such affordability credit,” someone who “does not otherwise enroll in another exchange participating health benefits plan,” and someone “enrolled in an Exchange-participating plan that is terminated (during or at the end of the plan year) and who does not otherwise enroll in another Exchange participating health benefits plan.”
The next thing he will do is try to scare the public by saying that if they do not pass the government option, the Heath Insurance Industry will continue to raise their premiums and more people will go bankrupt. The fact is that if we get the govt. option they will force the private health insurers out of business by offering such low premiums to begin with that private insurers cannot compete. But once they have control of the health care market the taxes and fees will cost taxpayers billions of dollars, and will bring senior citizens and the infirmed rationing, as every other nation has experienced who have government controlled health care!
Leopard does not change it's spots, and a radical community organizer will not abandon his determination to change our country from a free enterprise system that is the American dream, to a Marxist socialist country where the government tells you how to live and regulates every portion of our Industry and commerce. He has a good start by taking over the General Motors company and essentially dictating how bankers and investment houses can pay their executives.
Please do not allow smooth talk and promises of reducing the debt by nationalising our health care system. No major government program has ever reduced costs to taxpayers. Good examples are social security, medicare and the rail and postal service. All of these plans started small with little impact on taxpayers.
The best example is Medicare which now takes 7.65 cents out of every dollar that taxpayers make up to $107,000. This amounts to $8,185/year!
In 2008, we had 45 million people on Medicare. It cost $11,000 per year per person. In 2018, the Medicare trustees project that number to rise to 59 million as the baby-boomers retire. An average cost per person at $17,000 a year. Are we looking at higher taxes, co-pays, deductibles? Is health care for seniors going to cost a lot more than what it’s costing right now?
Therefore, if we continue to tax an average 18 percent or 19 percent of GDP--as we have since World War II--almost all of that federal revenue would have to go to funding Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Put another way, we would have to eliminate the rest of the federal government as we know it, including the Defense Department.Source:The Heritage
Of course, we could try to borrow our way out of this shortfall, but it would mean essentially trying to borrow the equivalent of $1 trillion per year in current dollars. That amount would grow dramatically simply because of interest costs and would quickly outpace savings here and abroad.And Obama is going to lie to the American public when he talks to a joint session of Congress by saying we must have the Government controlling health care costs in one form or another. This will be getting the socialist "camels nose under the tent", and expect amendments to follow.
No matter what he proposes, to accomplish his radical objectives--Socialism!!
It might be $13 trillion in promised, but unfunded, benefits over the long term. Whatever the total might be, it is an unlimited amount because this is an entitlement.
Do not be confused by semantics and smooth talk!!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Harold D. Laswell, one of the outstanding political theorists of the last century said: "The sine qua non of Chicago politics is power, getting it and keeping it. Everything else is incidental. Even corruption is a byproduct of power and is functional only if it enables you to stay in power. In Chicago politics, you don't make waves, you don't back losers, and you 'don't talk to nobody nobody sent.' Chicago politics is always about hierarchy and centralization".
The most famous and in some circles, notorious politician to occupy a position of power in Washington is President Obama. He came into the Oval Office on a wave of promises to run an honest and open government that would reduce the profligate spending that the incumbent Republicans were doing. He also said he would get us out of Iraq and win the war on terrorism in Afghanistan, and many more unfulfilled promises.
So now his approval rating according to the Rasmussen poll is in the vicinity of 46%.Much lower than Clinton or Bush had at this time in office!
As a result there is a lot of talk about the resurgence of the Republican party in 2010. This is because of the dissatisfaction of not only Republicans, but Independents and many Democrats. There is great discontent in our nation, and many say the next election could be a "house cleaning" of Democrats who presently control both Houses of Congress.
I say it will be very difficult if not impossible for the following reasons.
The United States Congress particularly the House of Representatives and its members appointed in proportion to state population was designed as the branch of government that answered directly to the people. The federal judiciary, appointed for life to positions of great power, are largely beyond reach of the electorate, barring misconduct or malfeasance; similarly, the executive branch the President was created to wield executive authority, to be a leader and a figurehead, less influenced by changes in popular opinion. But the Congress was supposed to be different: the House of Representatives and eventually the Senate, after 1913 ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution is elected directly by the popular vote of the people, and was designed as a check on both judicial and executive power (Mayhew, 1974).
Unfortunately, one simple electoral reality has significantly limited the U.S. Congress as a true "voice of the people": specifically, the fact that incumbents are almost universally re-elected. The factual truth is that once an individual is elected to Congress especially to the U.S. Senate he or she will generally retain that seat as long as they wish to continue occupying the office.
Going back at least a century, the single greatest advantage in any Congressional election was being an incumbent; that is, having already been elected once previously. In the 2004 election cycle, for example, the re-election rate for sitting members of Congress was a stunning 98.8%; as one writer noted, such an undemocratic, iron-fisted hold on the power of the status quo might have "made even Soviet politicians blush"
In fact, ironically enough even though the British House of Lords one of the Houses of Parliament consists entirely of members appointed for life, it nevertheless "has more turnover than the U.S. Congress" (Gear, 2000). In short, the power of Congressional incumbency functions to undermine the American system of democracy; it is simple common sense to point out that, if the sitting legislator is almost guaranteed to be re-elected, the election is de facto invalid.
A Congressman can gerrymander his district to make it even more likely that he'll win the election in the next cycle. In other words, "the parties get to draw the districts, which lets them choose precisely which voters will be allowed to choose candidates in November" (Gear, 2000). This "nearly universal gerrymandering of congressional districts to provide safe seats for members of both parties" is a particularly pernicious practice, because once the district is gerrymandered, it becomes politically meaningless; unless there are major shifts in demographics, the electoral outcome is virtually certain for that district.
These are the realities of the current electoral situation in American Congressional elections: because of financial issues, media saturation, and rampant gerrymandering of districts, incumbents almost always win re-election, with the elections themselves thus rendered almost meaningless. Solving the problem will not be easy, since any attempt at reform can potentially run into Constitutional protections of free speech.
It is,(OR SHOULD BE) for example, impossible to bar local media from extensively covering local politicians; for that reason, eliminating the incumbency advantage will never occur. However, reforms could be instituted, particularly in terms of campaign financing laws and fairness in media coverage, that could make some headway into returning Congressional elections to what they were designed to be the voice of the people as they chose their representative leaders.But there is little chance of this happening wuth the Democrats in power.
With the vast majority of races either non-competitive or barely competitive with so many races barely even being contested by the opposition party a significant number of the House elections simply don't matter in terms of which side controls the legislature. "The struggle for control of the House centers on 20 to 30 competitive districts such as Lansing, Mich.; Montgomery County, Pa.; suburban Chicago; and a district around Muskogee, Oklahoma. The 200 million Americans who live outside the battleground districts are just spectators" (Weiser, 2000).
The attitude of both major parties the willingness to abandon most districts and states as non-competitive raises an immediate question: is their basic premise supported by factual data? The unfortunate answer is clearly yes. Since at least the 1970s, re-election rates for members of the House of Representatives has never fallen below 90%; the figure has been the same for the Senate since the early 1980s (Merriner & Senter, 1999, p. xxi). The more recent statistics can only be described as stunning: in the 2004 elections, 401 incumbent members of the House of Representatives ran for re-election; of those 401 that sought to return to office for another term, 396 were successful. A mere five failed to win re-election. The picture is even bleaker in the Senate: in 2004, of 26 Senators up for re-election, 25were successful!Source: Nico Macase of
Despite the lengthy explanation of how members of Congress have the power to be re-elected. I hope and pray that despite their power and influence.And they are very powerful with unions like SEIU and ACORN able and ready to do their intimidation at the polls. Despite this with the polls showing a less than 30% favorable rating of Congress, it is possible the electorate will throw many Congressman and Senators out at the nwxt election.
This is because the majority of Americans velieve they have betrayed the trust of those who elected them! The "nanny state" is not what America needs or wants!
The projected deficit of $13 trillion and the slush fund of taxpayers money that has gone to Obamas friends, is enough reason to "throw the bums out"!
The most famous and in some circles, notorious politician to occupy a position of power in Washington is President Obama. He came into the Oval Office on a wave of promises to run an honest and open government that would reduce the profligate spending that the incumbent Republicans were doing. He also said he would get us out of Iraq and win the war on terrorism in Afghanistan, and many more unfulfilled promises.
So now his approval rating according to the Rasmussen poll is in the vicinity of 46%.Much lower than Clinton or Bush had at this time in office!
As a result there is a lot of talk about the resurgence of the Republican party in 2010. This is because of the dissatisfaction of not only Republicans, but Independents and many Democrats. There is great discontent in our nation, and many say the next election could be a "house cleaning" of Democrats who presently control both Houses of Congress.
I say it will be very difficult if not impossible for the following reasons.
The United States Congress particularly the House of Representatives and its members appointed in proportion to state population was designed as the branch of government that answered directly to the people. The federal judiciary, appointed for life to positions of great power, are largely beyond reach of the electorate, barring misconduct or malfeasance; similarly, the executive branch the President was created to wield executive authority, to be a leader and a figurehead, less influenced by changes in popular opinion. But the Congress was supposed to be different: the House of Representatives and eventually the Senate, after 1913 ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution is elected directly by the popular vote of the people, and was designed as a check on both judicial and executive power (Mayhew, 1974).
Unfortunately, one simple electoral reality has significantly limited the U.S. Congress as a true "voice of the people": specifically, the fact that incumbents are almost universally re-elected. The factual truth is that once an individual is elected to Congress especially to the U.S. Senate he or she will generally retain that seat as long as they wish to continue occupying the office.
Going back at least a century, the single greatest advantage in any Congressional election was being an incumbent; that is, having already been elected once previously. In the 2004 election cycle, for example, the re-election rate for sitting members of Congress was a stunning 98.8%; as one writer noted, such an undemocratic, iron-fisted hold on the power of the status quo might have "made even Soviet politicians blush"
In fact, ironically enough even though the British House of Lords one of the Houses of Parliament consists entirely of members appointed for life, it nevertheless "has more turnover than the U.S. Congress" (Gear, 2000). In short, the power of Congressional incumbency functions to undermine the American system of democracy; it is simple common sense to point out that, if the sitting legislator is almost guaranteed to be re-elected, the election is de facto invalid.
A Congressman can gerrymander his district to make it even more likely that he'll win the election in the next cycle. In other words, "the parties get to draw the districts, which lets them choose precisely which voters will be allowed to choose candidates in November" (Gear, 2000). This "nearly universal gerrymandering of congressional districts to provide safe seats for members of both parties" is a particularly pernicious practice, because once the district is gerrymandered, it becomes politically meaningless; unless there are major shifts in demographics, the electoral outcome is virtually certain for that district.
These are the realities of the current electoral situation in American Congressional elections: because of financial issues, media saturation, and rampant gerrymandering of districts, incumbents almost always win re-election, with the elections themselves thus rendered almost meaningless. Solving the problem will not be easy, since any attempt at reform can potentially run into Constitutional protections of free speech.
It is,(OR SHOULD BE) for example, impossible to bar local media from extensively covering local politicians; for that reason, eliminating the incumbency advantage will never occur. However, reforms could be instituted, particularly in terms of campaign financing laws and fairness in media coverage, that could make some headway into returning Congressional elections to what they were designed to be the voice of the people as they chose their representative leaders.But there is little chance of this happening wuth the Democrats in power.
With the vast majority of races either non-competitive or barely competitive with so many races barely even being contested by the opposition party a significant number of the House elections simply don't matter in terms of which side controls the legislature. "The struggle for control of the House centers on 20 to 30 competitive districts such as Lansing, Mich.; Montgomery County, Pa.; suburban Chicago; and a district around Muskogee, Oklahoma. The 200 million Americans who live outside the battleground districts are just spectators" (Weiser, 2000).
The attitude of both major parties the willingness to abandon most districts and states as non-competitive raises an immediate question: is their basic premise supported by factual data? The unfortunate answer is clearly yes. Since at least the 1970s, re-election rates for members of the House of Representatives has never fallen below 90%; the figure has been the same for the Senate since the early 1980s (Merriner & Senter, 1999, p. xxi). The more recent statistics can only be described as stunning: in the 2004 elections, 401 incumbent members of the House of Representatives ran for re-election; of those 401 that sought to return to office for another term, 396 were successful. A mere five failed to win re-election. The picture is even bleaker in the Senate: in 2004, of 26 Senators up for re-election, 25were successful!Source: Nico Macase of
Despite the lengthy explanation of how members of Congress have the power to be re-elected. I hope and pray that despite their power and influence.And they are very powerful with unions like SEIU and ACORN able and ready to do their intimidation at the polls. Despite this with the polls showing a less than 30% favorable rating of Congress, it is possible the electorate will throw many Congressman and Senators out at the nwxt election.
This is because the majority of Americans velieve they have betrayed the trust of those who elected them! The "nanny state" is not what America needs or wants!
The projected deficit of $13 trillion and the slush fund of taxpayers money that has gone to Obamas friends, is enough reason to "throw the bums out"!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
While the Secretary of Defense Gates, said when asked if the U.S. would send more troops to Afghanistan, He would have to evaluate the COST! A Cato report exposes the fact that the bureaucracy that Obama is rapidly expanding within the Federal government has received continuous raises to the point where the pay exceeds the Private sector.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released its annual data on compensation levels by industry. The data show that the pay advantage enjoyed by federal civilian workers over private-sector workers continues to expand.
The George W. Bush years were very lucrative for federal workers. In 2000, the average compensation (wages and benefits) of federal workers was 66 percent higher than the average compensation in the U.S. private sector. The new data show that average federal compensation is now more than double the average in the private sector.
In 2008, the average wage for 1.9 million federal civilian workers was $79,197, which compared to an average $49,935 for the nation’s 108 million private sector workers (measured in full-time equivalents). The federal pay advantage (the gap between the lines) is steadily increasing.
The federal advantage is even more pronounced when worker benefits are included. In 2008, federal worker compensation averaged a remarkable $119,982, which was more than double the private sector average of $59,909.
What is going on here? Members of Congress who have large numbers of federal workers in their districts relentlessly push for expanding federal worker compensation. Also, the Bush administration had little interest in fiscal restraint, and it usually got rolled by the federal unions. The result has been an increasingly overpaid elite of government workers, who are insulated from the economic reality of recessions and from the tough competitive climate of the private sector.
It’s time to put a stop to this. Federal wages should be frozen for a period of years, at least until the private-sector economy has recovered and average workers start seeing some wage gains of their own. At the same time, gold-plated federal benefit packages should be scaled back as unaffordable given today’s massive budget deficits. There are many qualitative benefits of government work—such as extremely high job security—so taxpayers should not have to pay for such lavish government pay packages.Source: Cato Institute
So it is more important to our Congressman and Senators to pay their bureaucracy then to provide the troops and weapons to fight in Afghanistan it appears to me!
Gates was quoted as follows in the Atlantic Council web site:
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, "any recommendation for more forces would have to address his concerns that the foreign military presence in Afghanistan could become too large and be seen by Afghans as a hostile occupying force.
"Clearly, I want to address those issues and we will have to look at the availability of forces, we'll have to look at costs. There are a lot of different things that we'll have to look at," he told reporters.
"While there's a lot of gloom and doom going around ... I think we have some assets in place and some developments that hold promise," Gates said on a visit to a Lockheed Martin factory building F-35 fighter jets in Fort Worth, Texas.
Many people who are daily contributed to blogs are young people who have no knowledge or recollection of the disaster that occurred in the Philippines during the first months of World War II.
On Corregior and Bataan the Army defenders ran out of ammunition and were forced to surrender to the attacking Japanese, who took their prisoners on the Bataan Death March!
The Bataan Death March (also known as The Death March of Bataan) took place in the Philippines in 1942 and was later accounted as a Japanese war crime. The 60-mile (97 km) march occurred after the three-month Battle of Bataan, part of the Battle of the Philippines (1941–42), during World War II.
The march, involving the forcible transfer of 75,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war[1] captured by the Japanese in the Philippines from the Bataan peninsula to prison camps, was characterized by wide-ranging physical abuse and murder, and resulted in very high fatalities inflicted upon the prisoners and civilians along the route by the armed forces of the Empire of Japan. Beheadings, cut throats and casual shootings were the more common actions — compared to bayonet stabbings, rapes, disembowelments, numerous rifle butt beatings and a deliberate refusal to allow the prisoners food or water while keeping them continually marching for nearly a week in tropical heat. Falling down or inability to continue moving was tantamount to a death sentence, as was any degree of protest or expression of displeasure.20,000people died during the march! Source:Wikapedia
My purpose of including the preceding narrative of what occurred over 60 years ago, is that if Obama and Congress continue on their path to establish the welfare State of America and ignoring the brave troops who are in Afghanistan, We,in my opinion will have the equivalent of the death march by attrition.Our troops are dying because they are charged with such obtuse orders as giving captured Taliban forces their Amanda rights on the field of battle, and the objective of the Commander of Chief and the Generals in the field are directed to wage a counterinsurgency that protects the population in Afghanistan! Politically correct pieties instead of the command to kill or be killed,and given the troops and munitions are necessary to accomplish the mission in Afghanistan. Or as George Will said in his Post today:"we should withdraw"!
will result in a modern day equivalent of Corregidor and Bataan.
Monday, August 31, 2009
The news today that General Motors is investing 293 million dollars in Communist China to manufacture small cars should disturb all taxpayers who are not Left "wingnuts"!.
Especially since The federal government got a 60% ownership stake in GM WITH TAXPAYER DOLLARS in the TARP bail out!
The Canadian government got a 12.5% ownership stake in GM.
The Union (the new UAW VEBA) got a 17.5% ownership stake.
The bondholders (investors, retirees, hedge funds) got a 10% ownership stake.
Shareholders get virtually wiped out.
TAPR gave General Motors $10.4 billion, and GMAC got $5 billion because we could not allow it to go bankrupt! What the Obama "mob" doesn't tell you is that if the General Motors tax payer bail out succeeds the taxpayer will not be rewarded with a rebate, but if it eventually does go bankrupt. Economists who study the Auto Industry tell us that the tax payer Will be "on the Hook" for up to $62Billion!
The 50-50 joint venture, based in the northeast China city of Changchun in Jilin province, will make light-duty trucks and vans, GM said in a statement.
"For us in China, this is an important complement to the rest of our portfolio," Kevin Wale, president and managing director for GM's China operations, told reporters in a conference call.
"We are well established in passenger vehicles and mini commercial vehicles and we haven't had a presence in the truck segment. Adding a truck portfolio rounds that out."
The venture will use two existing FAW plants in Changchun and the city of Harbin, also in the northeast, with combined annual capacity of roughly 90,000 vehicles, Wale said.
GM is making Buick, Chevrolet and Cadillac models at its flagship China venture with SAIC Motor Corp. It also makes minivans, pickup trucks and the Spark compact car in a three-way tie-up with SAIC and Liuzhou Wuling Automobile.
SAIC-GM-Wuling sold 87,925 vehicles in July, up 90.7 percent from a year earlier, helped by Beijing's stimulus initiatives to support the industry, including subsidies for buyers in rural areas.
GM, which now holds 34 percent of SAIC-GM-Wuling, has been seeking to raise its stake in the venture.
Meanwhile the American worker is asked to sacrifice pay and benefits! If I was a UAW member I would feel cheated and very angry! As a taxpayer I am incensed that we are sending American dollars in huge bunches to a Communist Country. Money that was taken from hard working taxpayers in the name of saving an Industry too important to fail.
Perhaps this story in the Reuters web post today will make you realize that while U.S.economy struggles to break out of a recession. The GM money that is going to China will help them crawl out of their own recession.
"Stimulus spending by China's government and a surge in lending by its banks powered the economy to 7.1 percent annual growth in the first half after the global financial crisis slowed it to a crawl at the end of last year.(and GM's $293 million will help them!)
China"s Premier Chen said "Beijing should press Washington to guarantee the safety of Chinese investments in U.S. assets.
Premier Wen said earlier this year that China was worried about China's heavy exposure to the United States. Bankers assume about two-thirds of China's more than $2 trillion in reserves is parked in dollar assets, primarily U.S. government and other bonds".
And another issue we will have to deal with is the quest for hybrid cars will have a devastating effect on the rare minerals availability as this further Reuters quote illustrates.
"The Prius hybrid automobile is popular for its fuel efficiency, but its electric motor and battery guzzle rare earth metals, a little-known class of elements found in a wide range of gadgets and consumer goods.
That makes Toyota's market-leading gasoline-electric hybrid car and other similar vehicles vulnerable to a supply crunch predicted by experts as China, the world's dominant rare earths producer, limits exports while global demand swells.
Worldwide demand for rare earths, covering 15 entries on the periodic table of elements, is expected to exceed supply by some 40,000 tonnes annually in several years unless major new production sources are developed. One promising U.S. source is a rare earths mine slated to reopen in California by 2012.
Among the rare earths that would be most affected in a shortage is neodymium, the key component of an alloy used to make the high-power, lightweight magnets for electric motors of hybrid cars, such as the Prius, Honda Insight and Ford Focus, as well as in generators for wind turbines".
Just another example of how Chinese Communists will influence our lives and productivity
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