Saturday, April 26, 2008


On October 16th, 1793 Marie Antoinette was beheaded during the French revolution. The cause of the revolution was the opulent style of living that her husband the King, and she lived during a time when peasants had no bread to eat.

Of course there were political reasons also. Such as getting rid of the Monarchy and establishing a new form of government. But bread was the catalyst that ignited the flames of revolution.

Today Goreites and the Ecology zealots have convinced our Washington politicians that corn and wheat would be better used to produce bio-fuels than to make food and bread. As a result prices have already begun to climb ,and some Countries have begun to experience food shortages. The word famine is being used!

With this in mind there are a few facts that need to be addressed. China, India and other Third World Countries are exempt from the Kyoto protocols, and are producers of the most CO2 in the world. They also are putting more cars on the highway that use gasoline, and diesel trucks. So any reduction on our part will be taken up by these exempt Countries.

The following article from illustrates the problem we may have if we don't convince the next President and the Houses of Congress that their very political lives depend on the drilling for oil here in ANWAR, off shore and in the Dakotas now!We can be oil independent!

"The price of oil is likely to hit 150 dollars (Canadian, US) a barrel by 2010 and soar to 225 dollars a barrel by 2012 as supply becomes increasingly tight, a Canadian bank said Thursday.
The CIBC report says the International Energy Agency's current oil production estimates overstate supply by about nine percent, since it wrongly counts natural gas liquids.

Analyst Jeff Rubin in his report noted accelerating depletion rates in many of the world's largest and most mature oil fields. He estimates oil production will hardly grow at all, with average daily production between now and 2012 rising by barely a million barrels per day.
"Whether we have already seen the peak in world oil production remains to be seen, but it is increasingly clear that the outlook for oil supply signals a period of unprecedented scarcity," said Rubin.
"Despite the recent record jump in crude oil, they will continue to rise steadily over the next five years, almost doubling from current levels."
The CIBC report also notes that while refinery capacity is at a virtual standstill, global demand continues to grow.
An expected drop in demand in the United States due to higher prices and a weak economy will be more than offset by demand growth in developing nations, it says.
Rubin cites, for example, the recent launch of Tata's 2,500-dollar car that will allow millions of households in India to soon own automobiles.
He also notes that car sales last year were up 60 percent in Russia, up 30 percent in Brazil and up 20 percent in China.
Transport fuel now accounts for half of the world's oil usage.
Although US oil consumption is likely to fall by over two million barrels a day over the next five years as pump prices rise, he says, more drivers on the road in Russia, China and India will surely pick up the slack in demand".

With this in mind, how long will the people listen to the clarion call of people like Al Gore and his sycophants, when food to feed our families become more expensive and scarce. You cannot make something out of nothing, and when 60% of our food crops go to bio-fuel production the result is obvious. Souring prices and areas of famine!
Wake up Americans before we experience retaliation from the famine starves peoples!

Friday, April 25, 2008


In 1987 Colorado Senator Gary Hart was running for the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate. His quest was derailed by a lie!

The Miami Herald revealed pictures of him and a "lady friend", not his wife, on the boat Monkey Business.

After Hart challenged the press to provide evidence of his infidelities, reporters for the Miami Herald, in a controversial move, staked out Hart's townhouse around the clock, and finally spotted the Senator with Miami model Donna Rice.

The ensuing report sent the media into frenzy, and within days photos of Hart and Rice on the opulent yacht were flooding international media, and consequently his shot at the presidency had sunk.

The denouement came after a Washington Post reporter asked Hart, "Have you ever committed adultery?" Hart refused to answer the question at the time, but the meaning of the query soon became clear. The Post had identified yet another woman with whom Hart had had a long-standing relationship. Faced with that potential disclosure as well as an overwhelming media maelstrom, Hart went home to Colorado, withdrawing from the presidential race in a bitter farewell speech on May 8.
The denouement came after a Washington Post reporter asked Hart, "Have you ever committed adultery?" Hart refused to answer the question at the time, but the meaning of the query soon became clear. The Post had identified yet another woman with whom Hart had had a long-standing relationship. Faced with that potential disclosure as well as an overwhelming media maelstrom, Hart went home to Colorado, withdrawing from the presidential race in a bitter farewell speech on May 8. source: Wikapedia

Today we have two Democrats in a cat and dog fight for the nomination who have been either caught in numerous lies or are guilty of associations that are much worse for the nation than having a woman "on the side".

Hillary has many "whoppers", but two of the most recent are the one about her mother naming her after the climber Sir Edmund Hillary, only he made his climb and became famous five years after she was born. She claimed she was under fire in Bosnia when her plane landed. This probed to be a lie, and the best one is her claim that on 9/11/01 her daughter Chelsea was jogging near the Twin Towers when the planes hit! Only her daughter said she was in bed when it happened. It goes on, but you get the picture.

For his part Obama has uttered his share of lies and distortions.In a speech to a Selma, Alabama crowd meant to pump up his civil-rights movement authenticity and his Kennedy Camelot image, Barack Obama claimed that the Kennedy administration paid for his Kenyan father to travel to America on a student scholarship and therefore was responsible for his “very existence”. However, the first march on Selma took place on March 7, 1965. Obama would have been about three and half years old at that time. For some reason the media never did the math on this.

Obama’s Selma speech offers a very confused chronology of both the Kenya student program and the civil rights movement. Relating the story of how his parents met, Obama said: “There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Junior was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama.”
After bloggers pointed out that the Selma bridge protest occurred four years after Obama’s birth, a spokesman explained that the senator was referring to the civil rights movement in general, rather than any one event. source: NewsBusters
Then there is his defense of Reverend Wright. Not so much lies as a sort of slippery sleight-of-mouth. "Reverend Wright and other African-Americans of his generation … came of age in the late fifties and early sixties, a time when segregation was still the law of the land."
Segregation was not "the law of the land" in the 1950s. It was the law in a minority of states. He continues: "For the men and women of Reverend Wright’s generation, the memories of humiliation and doubt and fear have not gone away; nor has the anger and the bitterness of those years. That anger … occasionally … finds voice in the church on Sunday morning, in the pulpit and in the pews."
If, as Obama seems to be claiming, those are the sentiments only of Wright's generation, how come those whooping and clapping their approval in those sermon clips include lots of young people?
Then there is his statement about emergency rooms in hospitals. "This time we want to talk about how the lines in the Emergency Room are filled with whites and blacks and Hispanics who do not have health care …"
The lines in the Emergency Room at far too many U.S. hospitals are filled with illegal immigrants, preventing citizens from getting timely emergency help. What's your line on illegal immigration, Senator? Oh, right — you're fine with it, as is the rest of your party.
But the thing that makes Obama unqualified to be President is his association with terrorists like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn and his cousin in Kenya, Raila Odinga.
Guilt by association is not the way to disqualify a man or woman, but at least he should say I made a mistake and I renounce him/her for what they stand for. We hear nothing but excuses!

When he is attacked he resorts to the role of Victim as seen here.
“Obama said today that what you saw during the debate was the rollout for the Republican campaign against him in the fall. So it must have been painful for him to have it come out during a debate with a fellow Democrat.” —CBS’s Dean Reynolds

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Lex et Libertas—Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.)

From the "get go" Obama was against the war in Iraq, even after it was revealed what a murderer of his own people Saddam Hussein was.Hillary voted for the invasion, but has called for the withdrawal of our troops before they finish the job they went for.Only McCain has held all along that we were correct in invading Iraq, and we should remain there until the Iraqis can defend themselves, and maintain the peace.The cut and run people, who are too numerous for comfort, want us to have another Vietnam. It would make them very happy if the USA would withdraw with our collective "tails between our legs" and leave the Iraqis to fend for themselves. It is of no concern to them that a mass genocide would follow a premature withdrawal.Now an unlikely source has agreed with those of us who believe we should not leave with our job undone.
4,000 lives lost is a dreadful sacrifice, but in wars men/women do die! Compared with the over 6,000 teenagers that die on the highways each year, it doesn't seem quite as bad for 5 years of fighting.
Today from Russia the following was posted. version April 22, 2008, 19:05 Iraq not ready for troop pullout: Russian FMRussia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has ruled out Iraq taking immediate control of its own security, saying local law enforcement agencies are not yet prepared."There is a point one should keep in mind. This concerns the schedule of the withdrawal of foreign troops, which many Iraqi residents consider as - let's honestly acknowledge it - occupants," Lavrov said.“But an immediate withdrawal is out of the question of course. There are no conditions in place for that," he added. The statement came at a ministerial meeting between Iraq, its neighbours and permanent members of the U.N. Security Council held in Kuwait.Meanwhile, the U.S. is encouraging Iraq's neighbours to help by opening embassies, offering debt relief and backing its drive to disarm Shi'ite militia. France’s Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner says all EU member countries “must be opening or re-opening embassies in Iraq�� and helping its people.“One day the Americans will leave, so we have to prepare to be close to our friends,�� he said.
It looks like Kerry,Reid,Pelosi, Murtah, and their Presidential candidates,Obama and Hillary, have it wrong in the eyes of the Russians and French Foreign Ministers minds.Don't look to see if this article will be written in the Washington Post, New York Times or the Los Angeles Times. It is not the negative news they want desperately to print.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Time To Drill At Home!

When you fill up your car or SUV next time, the price for high test gas will be close to $4.00 a gallon.If you are unlucky enough to drive a diesel engine vehicle, the cost is already at $4.20 a gallon! Curse the Goreites and Ecology freaks not the oil companies!

Meanwhile the pin headed sycophants for the ecologists in the US Congress call for cars that must get a minimum of 31.6 miles a gallon of gasoline, and are producing an inevitable third world famine because of their legislation that mandated that 20% percent of the corn crop be dedicated to the making of bio-fuel. In 2007, biofuels consumed one third of America's corn (maize) harvest.

Filling up one large vehicle fuel tank one time with 100% ethanol uses enough corn to feed one person for a year.Thirty million tons of U.S. corn going to ethanol in 2007 greatly reduces the world's overall supply of grain.

The United Nations Food Agency said that rising food prices threatened to plunge 100 million people across the world into hunger.source:Wikapedia

Gas and oil prices has pushed further into record high territory, with retail gas reaching a national average of $3.51 for the first time and crude nearing $120 as the dollar fell to a new low against the euro.
Gas prices are nearly 66 cents higher than last year, when they peaked at a then-record of $3.23 in late May, and have prompted many analysts to raise their estimates of where gas is going to go.
Prices for diesel -- used to transport most food, industrial and commercial goods -- also rose overnight to a new record of $4.204 a gallon.
While gas prices are following oil futures higher, they're also rising because supplies are falling. Refiners are in the process of switching over from making winter grade gasoline to the more-expensive, less-polluting, form of the fuel they're required to sell in summer. The requirement is also the product of Ecology political pressure!And no new refineries have been built for over 40 years!

The cost of fuel is also influenced by the fact that Mexico,and Royal Dutch Oil have produced less crude oil than in previous quarters.source: John Wilen, AP writer

The Arabs refuse to increase production despite pleas from President Bush and Secretary of State Rice. They still expect sophisticated weapons and new jet fighters to be sent their way, however!

I have said it many times, but it needs to be said again. We are sitting on a plethora of crude oil. The rocky mountain area has oil shale that could produce crude oil in greater amounts to that which we now receive from the OPEC, and then there is ANWAR. An area rich with crude that cannot be removed because our Democrats and RINOs in Congress care more about a dumb animal called the Caribou, than they do about Mr. and Mrs. America! While the price of all foods products and the cost of gasoline rises each passing day. These privileged puppets of the new home of the Communist Party in America, thumb their noses at us and expect us to reward them by re-electing them in November!

We just conclude the coldest winter in over two decades, and still the "greens" are shouting Global Warming warnings.

Wake up America, before it costs $5.00 for a loaf of bread and third world nations that are starving, will cheer the Islamists when they drop a nuke on LA , Chicago or New York!


Will Obama's alleged cousin in Kenya be his downfall?
Raila Odinga, the man who believes he was robbed of victory in Kenya's presidential election, will have a vital say on whether his country can avoid further violence.
The leader of the Orange Democratic Movement, Kenya's main opposition party, refused to call off a "million-man" march in protest of the allegedly rigged election. This headline and story was published in The Guardian on line edition January 2, 2008. The interesting part of the article is that it is about a man who claims to be Obama's cousin, and he claims he lost the election because it was "rigged" against him. If Obama loses the nomination in Denver, will we have the same situation?

Following the election, his tribal followers went on a murderous rampage of violence, and it was reported that many women and children were burned alive in a Kenya church. This occurred in broad daylight, when a crowd of Kenyans set a church filled with hundreds of terrified families on fire and listened to their screams as flames engulfed them.

This same man(Odinga) has allegedly made a pact with the Muslim Kenyans that in effect offered to Islamize Kenya in return for Muslim votes. Despite the fact that Muslims make up only 10% of the population, compared to the 80% who are Christian. Mr. Odinga himself is an Anglican, yet he signed a document that refers to Islam throughout as “the one true religion” and denigrates Christians as “worshippers of the cross.”

Odinga has a similar campaign strategy to Obama's. He offers himself as the man who represents a CHANGE from Kenya's past leadership, but he is no political outsider. Born in 1945, he is the son of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, an independence hero who was the country's first vice-president.

Raila Odinga has, in his own words, a "close personal friendship" with Barack Hussein Obama Junior. When Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Raila and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi. Odinga claims that Obama's father was from the same Kenyan tribe(Luo) as Odinga's father, and that he is his uncle. Thus, he claims that Barack Hussein Obama is his blood cousin!

Obama's bias for his "cousin"was so blatant that a Kenya government spokesman denounced Obama during his visit as Raila's "stooge."With all the money that Obama's campaign has raised. Perhaps someone should investigate if any of the contributions have come from Kenya?

This from the Free Republic:
"Obama and his paternal 1st cousin Odinga, wanted to bring the whole of Kenya under Sharia law. Obama campaigned for Odinga in August of 2006,just before he filed with the US Federal Elections Commission for his presidential candidacy.
The idea was simply to have the Luo tribe, mostly Muslims, to take over Kenya from the inheritors of colonial power, the Kikuyu, and bring the country under Sharia law, kick out the Western investors in the nation that had made it one of the most stable nations in Africa, and supplant those Western investors with wealthy Arab oil money.It all failed.Then Odinga yelled election fraud, and put his Luo Islamofascists into the streets of Nairobi to “protest” by murdering, raping and maiming Kikuyu people, including the recent burning alive of a church full of Christians.
If Obama and Odinga succeeded, the next step in the alleged plan would be for "president" Obama to help Odinga consolidate his power over Kenya by international recognition and trade".

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


As I write this post the polls in Pennsylvania will have been open for at least two hours. The results could effectively push Senator Obama into the nomination as Democratic candidate for President. Baring some dirty tricks or a catastrophe , Obama will be the candidate. It is entirely possible that this good looking, tell the people what they want to hear, empty suit may be this Country's next President.

If this happens and Obama keeps one of his many promises for "Change", he will withdraw our troops from the middle east and try personal diplomacy to resolve our problems with Assad and the Mullahs of Iran.

During the campaign Obama has said not to worry! He will go talk to the Iranian Mullahs and get them to stop production of Nuclear weapons. No need for military action says He.

If he goes he better take the whole Marine corps and the Atlantic and Mediterranean Fleet as protection. Reason bring, the Mullahs of Iran are about to include in Iranian criminal law code an item that has been part of their religious law for 14 centuries. Sharia law requires that apostasy be punished by death! Anyone who was a Muslim and goes over to another religion is considered an apostate! Obama was fathered by a Muslim, he has a middle name(Hussein) that is the name of a revered Muslim saint.

Obama went to a Muslim school, and attended Muslim services on "holy" days with his father from age 6 to 10. As far as Muslims are concerned he was one of theirs!

The following excerpt is from an article written in by Iranian born American author Amil Imani, a frequent contributor to New Media Journal.

"Okay Obama, don’t claim that no one warned you. If you get elected President and you receive an invitation from your fellow Muslim brother Ahmadinejad to make good on your promise and visit him in Tehran for a tête-à-tête, don’t you do it. BBC’s recent report ought to be enough for you to recant your foolish and naïve promise: “The European Union has criticized the new penal code being drafted in Iran, particularly a section that imposes the death penalty for giving up Islam...Death for apostasy already exists in Iran under Sharia or “Islamic - law.”

But the changes would for the first time bring the punishment into the criminal code. An EU statement expressed deep concern about what it calls the ongoing deterioration in the human rights situation in Iran. It singled out Section Five of the draft penal code currently before the Iranian parliament, imposing the death penalty for apostasy. In the past, Iranian courts have handed down the death penalty in such cases, but have done so relying on Sharia law. If the draft is approved by parliament, the sentence will be formalized in the country's criminal code.

Who is an apostate according to the legislation? Anyone in the world, not just Iranians, born to a Muslim parent; also, any convert to Islam who leaves it. Only one parent needs to be a Muslim at the time of conception for Islam to own that child for life. Islam is Ummehist. Islam doesn’t recognize nationalities and national boundaries. And these Islamist zealots are very serious and have no sense of humor. Some say they have no sense at all, and they may be right. What they certainly have is a thirst for blood, particularly for the blood of infidels and apostates".

My question to Obama and those that support him, is do you really think you can use diplomacy to quell the lust for "nukes" by the Mullahs? Or is this just one more false promise that is part of a litany of lies you so smoothly tell to your adoring supporters and people who don't recognize an Elmer Gantry when they see one?

Monday, April 21, 2008


General Sam Huston and his 800 men defeated the Mexican generals force of 1450 men one hundred and seventy two years ago today at the Battle of San Jacinto. This battle was fought some 20 miles from the Alamo where Santa Anna's men massacred 250 "Texians" including such historic persons as James Bowie and Davy Crockett. The battle lasted 13 days(2/23/1836-3/6/1836) allowing Sam Huston to put together an army of between 800 and 900 men to fight Santa Anna's forces for 18 minutes before Santa Anna fled and his forces sundered. This led to the independence and eventual statehood of the Texas Territory.

The significance of this historic battle and the motto that led the "Texians" to victory, "Remember The Alamo" is the situation going on in the US House of Representatives right now.

The SAVE bill is being held up by Speaker Nancy Pelosi despite the fact that the Secure American ans Verification and Enforcement is a Democrat bill!

This bill has 147 sponsors, many of them Democrats, and would provide funds and authorization for 8000 additional border patrol agents and 1200 more Customs and Immigration agents to stem the tide of the horde of illegals entering across the Texas, Arizona and California borders.

Depending on whose statistics you accept we have between 8,000,000 and 20 million illegals in the USA, and most are Mexicans. One of these illegal criminals killed a promising high school football player in Los Angles on the 19th of this month.

Jamiel Shaw, jr. was gunned down by Pedro Espinosa, a member of the 8th street gang in LA just hours after Pedro was released from jail for the possession of a firearm and resisting arrest! Los Angles has a heinous "rule 40" that prevents law enforcement officials from notifying the Immigration officials when a convicted felon is released from jail!!??

During the period 2006 to 2008 the Bureau of Federal Accounting reports that there were 20,000 illegals in Southern California State and local jails. This same organisation estimates that 55,322 illegals are in US jails across the land. Forty nine percent have previous arrest records!

Some one needs to cry Remeber The Alamo and let "SAVE" come to the House floor for a vote.