In 1987 Colorado Senator Gary Hart was running for the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate. His quest was derailed by a lie!
The Miami Herald revealed pictures of him and a "lady friend", not his wife, on the boat Monkey Business.
After Hart challenged the press to provide evidence of his infidelities, reporters for the
Miami Herald, in a controversial move, staked out Hart's townhouse around the clock, and finally spotted the Senator with
Miami model
Donna Rice.
The ensuing report sent the media into frenzy, and within days photos of Hart and Rice on the opulent yacht were flooding international media, and consequently his shot at the presidency had sunk.
The denouement came after a Washington Post reporter asked Hart, "Have you ever committed adultery?" Hart refused to answer the question at the time, but the meaning of the query soon became clear. The Post had identified yet another woman with whom Hart had had a long-standing relationship. Faced with that potential disclosure as well as an overwhelming media maelstrom, Hart went home to Colorado, withdrawing from the presidential race in a bitter farewell speech on May 8.
The denouement came after a Washington Post reporter asked Hart, "Have you ever committed adultery?" Hart refused to answer the question at the time, but the meaning of the query soon became clear. The Post had identified yet another woman with whom Hart had had a long-standing relationship. Faced with that potential disclosure as well as an overwhelming media maelstrom, Hart went home to Colorado, withdrawing from the presidential race in a bitter farewell speech on May 8. source:
Today we have two Democrats in a cat and dog fight for the nomination who have been either caught in numerous lies or are guilty of associations that are much worse for the nation than having a woman "on the side".
Hillary has many "whoppers", but two of the most recent are the one about her mother naming her after the climber Sir Edmund Hillary, only he made his climb and became famous five years after she was born. She claimed she was under fire in Bosnia when her plane landed. This probed to be a lie, and the best one is her claim that on 9/11/01 her daughter Chelsea was jogging near the Twin Towers when the planes hit! Only her daughter said she was in bed when it happened. It goes on, but you get the picture.
For his part Obama has uttered his share of lies and distortions.
In a speech to a Selma, Alabama crowd meant to pump up his civil-rights movement authenticity and his Kennedy Camelot image, Barack Obama claimed that the Kennedy administration paid for his Kenyan father to travel to America on a student scholarship and therefore was responsible for his “very existence”. However, the first march on Selma took place on March 7, 1965. Obama would have been about three and half years old at that time. For some reason the media never did the math on this.
Obama’s Selma speech offers a very confused chronology of both the Kenya student program and the civil rights movement. Relating the story of how his parents met, Obama said: “There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Junior was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama.”
After bloggers pointed out that the Selma bridge protest occurred four years after Obama’s birth, a spokesman explained that the senator was referring to the civil rights movement in general, rather than any one event. source:

Then there is his defense of Reverend Wright. Not so much lies as a sort of slippery sleight-of-mouth. "Reverend Wright and other African-Americans of his generation … came of age in the late fifties and early sixties, a time when segregation was still the law of the land."
Segregation was not "the law of the land" in the 1950s. It was the law in a minority of states. He continues: "For the men and women of Reverend Wright’s generation, the memories of humiliation and doubt and fear have not gone away; nor has the anger and the bitterness of those years. That anger … occasionally … finds voice in the church on Sunday morning, in the pulpit and in the pews."
If, as Obama seems to be claiming, those are the sentiments only of Wright's generation, how come those whooping and clapping their approval in those sermon clips include lots of young people?
Then there is his statement about emergency rooms in hospitals. "This time we want to talk about how the lines in the Emergency Room are filled with whites and blacks and Hispanics who do not have health care …"
The lines in the Emergency Room at far too many U.S. hospitals are filled with illegal immigrants, preventing citizens from getting timely emergency help. What's your line on illegal immigration, Senator? Oh, right — you're fine with it, as is the rest of your party.
But the thing that makes Obama unqualified to be President is his association with terrorists like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn and his cousin in Kenya, Raila Odinga.
Guilt by association is not the way to disqualify a man or woman, but at least he should say I made a mistake and I renounce him/her for what they stand for. We hear nothing but excuses!
When he is attacked he resorts to the role of Victim as seen here.
“Obama said today that what you saw during the debate was the rollout for the Republican campaign against him in the fall. So it must have been painful for him to have it come out during a debate with a fellow Democrat.” —CBS’s Dean Reynolds