On October 16th, 1793 Marie Antoinette was beheaded during the French revolution. The cause of the revolution was the opulent style of living that her husband the King, and she lived during a time when peasants had no bread to eat.
Of course there were political reasons also. Such as getting rid of the Monarchy and establishing a new form of government. But bread was the catalyst that ignited the flames of revolution.
Today Goreites and the Ecology zealots have convinced our Washington politicians that corn and wheat would be better used to produce bio-fuels than to make food and bread. As a result prices have already begun to climb ,and some Countries have begun to experience food shortages. The word famine is being used!
With this in mind there are a few facts that need to be addressed. China, India and other Third World Countries are exempt from the Kyoto protocols, and are producers of the most CO2 in the world. They also are putting more cars on the highway that use gasoline, and diesel trucks. So any reduction on our part will be taken up by these exempt Countries.
The following article from Breitbart.com illustrates the problem we may have if we don't convince the next President and the Houses of Congress that their very political lives depend on the drilling for oil here in ANWAR, off shore and in the Dakotas now!We can be oil independent!
"The price of oil is likely to hit 150 dollars (Canadian, US) a barrel by 2010 and soar to 225 dollars a barrel by 2012 as supply becomes increasingly tight, a Canadian bank said Thursday.
The CIBC report says the International Energy Agency's current oil production estimates overstate supply by about nine percent, since it wrongly counts natural gas liquids.
The CIBC report says the International Energy Agency's current oil production estimates overstate supply by about nine percent, since it wrongly counts natural gas liquids.
Analyst Jeff Rubin in his report noted accelerating depletion rates in many of the world's largest and most mature oil fields. He estimates oil production will hardly grow at all, with average daily production between now and 2012 rising by barely a million barrels per day.
"Whether we have already seen the peak in world oil production remains to be seen, but it is increasingly clear that the outlook for oil supply signals a period of unprecedented scarcity," said Rubin.
"Despite the recent record jump in crude oil, they will continue to rise steadily over the next five years, almost doubling from current levels."
The CIBC report also notes that while refinery capacity is at a virtual standstill, global demand continues to grow.
An expected drop in demand in the United States due to higher prices and a weak economy will be more than offset by demand growth in developing nations, it says.
Rubin cites, for example, the recent launch of Tata's 2,500-dollar car that will allow millions of households in India to soon own automobiles.
He also notes that car sales last year were up 60 percent in Russia, up 30 percent in Brazil and up 20 percent in China.
Transport fuel now accounts for half of the world's oil usage.
Although US oil consumption is likely to fall by over two million barrels a day over the next five years as pump prices rise, he says, more drivers on the road in Russia, China and India will surely pick up the slack in demand".
"Whether we have already seen the peak in world oil production remains to be seen, but it is increasingly clear that the outlook for oil supply signals a period of unprecedented scarcity," said Rubin.
"Despite the recent record jump in crude oil, they will continue to rise steadily over the next five years, almost doubling from current levels."
The CIBC report also notes that while refinery capacity is at a virtual standstill, global demand continues to grow.
An expected drop in demand in the United States due to higher prices and a weak economy will be more than offset by demand growth in developing nations, it says.
Rubin cites, for example, the recent launch of Tata's 2,500-dollar car that will allow millions of households in India to soon own automobiles.
He also notes that car sales last year were up 60 percent in Russia, up 30 percent in Brazil and up 20 percent in China.
Transport fuel now accounts for half of the world's oil usage.
Although US oil consumption is likely to fall by over two million barrels a day over the next five years as pump prices rise, he says, more drivers on the road in Russia, China and India will surely pick up the slack in demand".
With this in mind, how long will the people listen to the clarion call of people like Al Gore and his sycophants, when food to feed our families become more expensive and scarce. You cannot make something out of nothing, and when 60% of our food crops go to bio-fuel production the result is obvious. Souring prices and areas of famine!
Wake up Americans before we experience retaliation from the famine starves peoples!
That's funny, I could have just sworn it was the ethanol lobby, the GOP congress of 2002--2006, Senators like Chuck Grassley, and the president himself who backed corn ethanol. I've never heard Al Gore or any "ecology zealots" ever mention ethanol, only business interests.
Gore has also been a proponent of bio-fuels, which are heavily and confusingly promoted on the website of his foundation, the Alliance for Climate Protection.
Check this site out before you point your finger at me!
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