Friday, December 12, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

Yesterday the Democrat,aka socialist,Senator Fiengold from Wisconsin sent a letter to president elect Obama asking him to reverse all of Bush's executive orders that he felt had taken away authority from the Congress. His hope was that the President elect would restore the balance of power he believed has been lost.

Today he and his ilk are strangely silent as president Bush has announced that he intends to use the undesignated TARP money to fund the bail out of the Big 3 auto makers in Detroit.

This is a blatant usurping of the powers of the Congresional authority to appropriate money. It appears that that Bush's interference is being done to help save the UAW from making any meaningful cuts in the wage and benefit structure of their members and retirees.Nor are they willing to stop paying laid off workers 95% of their salary when they are not producing any profit! Certainly the Big 3 cost of hiring one UAW worker at $73.00 per hour and earned benfits of $23.00 per hour leaves some wiggle room!

Even Obama had his "two cents" worth to contribute to the situation that would undermine the separation of powers if done by Bush. He said this today. "I am disappointed that the Senate could not reach agreement on a short-term plan for the auto industry. I share the frustration of so many about the decades of mismanagement in this industry that has helped deliver the current crisis."(note he blams only management)
"Those bad practices cannot be rewarded or continued. But I also know that millions of American jobs rely directly or indirectly on a viable auto industry, and that the beginnings of reform are at hand. The revival of our economy as a whole should not be a partisan issue. So I commend those in Congress as well as the Administration who tried valiantly to forge a compromise. My hope is that the Administration and the Congress will still find a way to give the industry the temporary assistance it needs while demanding the long-term restructuring that is absolutely required."

You will notice their is no mention of drastic action needed by the UAW. History shows that when the Airlines industry was in financial trouble, the Airline Pilots union and the Flight Attendants union had to agree to benefits and salary cuts to keep the planes flying. It worked. This present situation cannot possibly work unless the union bosses quit telling the Congress how to do their business.
But then why would we expect the Congress to understand why tax payers money should not be pumped down rat holes! Congress and President Bush have been spending taxpayers money like drunken sailors(with apologies to the Naval service)for over four years!


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

In children's folklore, the story of Pinocchio and Ghepetto the wood carver that made toys, is a story with a message for young children. Do not lie or your nose will grow and everyone will know you are a liar!

Well, we have our own Pinocchio in Barrack Hussein Obama with his stumbling explanation yesterday morning, that he or none of his cabinet level appointees had any contact with the Gov. of Illinois regarding his soon to be vacated U.S.Senate seat.
Even if you give Obama the benefit of the doubt, it begs credibility to believe that an incoming President has no concern about who will fill his seat in the Senate. Friend or foe makes no difference? Well, if you believe that! I have bridge between San Francisco and Oakland I would like to sell you!

To begin with Obama raised money and campaigned for Blagojevich in his successful run for Governor in 2002. Now he wants the American public to believe that he suddenly went into a cacoon of disinterest about who the Governor would appoint to fill his seat in the Senate. And "Blago" was the first Governor to endorse Obama when he announced he was acandidate for President!

Even in Obama's explanation of the "two different brands of politics" in America yesterday morning at his press conference he made the oddest assertion that Chicago style corruption was endemic in "state assemblies" and "city councils" across the nation.So this makes it acceptable?

Come now......isn't this the same type of horrid corruption that Nancyrexia, Harry Dirtdog, Rahm Ratfinger and the ilk were supposed to eliminate? Where is the CHANGE we can all believe in?
Didn't they say they needed a new government that was responsive to the people, that would restore honor to DC? Respect in the world??? (and **gasp***our children??)

I guess the bottom line is, say anything to get in power...........

Even the Los Angeles Times, that was one of the first Newspapers to endorse Obama for President, had this to say: "It took three tries in as many days for President-elect Barack Obama to roll out a strategy for defusing the crisis over Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich's alleged attempt to put his old Senate seat up for sale." More: "Obama's evolving response was the first test of his team's capacity to cope with a fast-moving political scandal while staying true to his promise to run a transparent shop with a minimum of secrets."

What is next?

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

The Media and the Democrat and RINO cabal that is trying to award poor management practices with you hard earned tax dollars is telling you it is all about saving jobs. But I do not believe it!
That's right America: It's your problem! Just like the banks and insurance companies and everybody else we've been bailing out because they're "too big to let fail."
After the roughly $2 trillion already committed to stemming the credit crisis, an additional $25 billion in public money for the automakers (on top of the $25 billion loan program created by Congress in September to help them develop more fuel-efficient vehicles) seems almost trivial. THE MEDIA SEEMS TO HAVE FORGOTTEN THIS!

Not only is it morally wrong to reward unprofitable business practices, it's fundamentally wrong and anti-capitalistic.
It wasn't about the jobs when the automakers sent so much of their manufacturing overseas; that was about their bottom line.
It wasn't about the jobs when they built, and then abandoned the project, the EV-1 electric car program. It would not sell anyways because the cost to the consumer is estimated as prohibitive
It wasn't about the jobs when they made decades of vehicles consumers shunned in favor of better products from foreign manufacturers.
It's only about the jobs when it costs them. For over 50 years, the Big Three, with the aid of the UAW, have fought anything that was thought good for the car buyer.

On 11/5/08 the UAW came to Washington to ask for a government Bridge loan to help their Health Trust. The Detroit News reported that the Big 3,and UAW asked for health trust help.
The Big Three and the United Auto Workers were pressing the case for low-cost government loans to help automakers make required payments to trust funds to oversee hourly retiree health care starting in 2010.
The need for congressional support for the health care funding isn't their most immediate concern, but it's looming. The automakers are asking Congress for as much as $25 billion in "bridge financing" to help with their liquidity crisis, but that money also could be used for funding the health care trust.
This request was separate from the $25 billion already approved for low-cost loans for retooling plants to build more fuel-efficient cars, when it returns to work this month.
The topic of the health-care payments was addressed during an hour-long meeting of House Democrats convened by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday.
In total, Detroit's Big Three automakers would have made nearly $60 billion in payments to bankroll three trust funds to pay for hourly retiree health care. All union members who apparently supported Obama in the past election.

The argument that has driven this slow moving economic "iceberg" to the point where the House has passed a "bail out" bill that President Bush has said he would sign is
the warning by legislative director Alan Reuther, who said the financial ability of automakers to make the payments into the trust fund in 2010 is a concern, and one of the issues that should be addressed by Congress.
"If the federal government does not provide assistance to the Detroit-based auto companies to enable them to survive the economic downturn, hundreds of thousands of jobs at the auto companies and suppliers will be threatened," UAW President Ron Gettelfinger wrote in an Oct. 27 letter to lawmakers. "The health care and pension benefits for the retirees and their families will be placed in jeopardy." He noted that the government could be forced to assume a large increase in health care and retiree costs if the Big Three collapsed.
Detroit's Big Three automakers spent $8.9 billion on health care in 2007, compared with a record $11 billion in 2005.
Automakers have said they think Congress should consider all available options to assist automakers.
Wouldn't it be nice if the Congress considered the taxpaying public a little more before they bail out an industry that is destined to to be bankrupt without "chucking" their bloated Union benefit structure, and start making cars that the consumer wants, not cars that the "Eco-freaks" demand!

As an interesting side note. The President elect spent less than two minutes in today's press conference denying he had any contact with indicted and arrested Governor Blagojevich regarding the filling of his Senate seat. He spent most of his time introducing ex-Senator Tom Daschel and Gene Lambert as his team to craft a National Health Plan. Most notable was when asked how can we afford National Health
Insurance? His simplistic non-response was: "how can we afford not to do it!" Not unlike the non-detailed plans for his CHANGE during the campaign!

Our only hope is that true Republican that believe in fiscal responsibility will hold the line. The latest news from the AP is that Republicans are challenging lame-duck President George W. Bush on the proposal, arguing that any support for the domestic auto industry should carry significant concessions from autoworkers and creditors and reject tougher environmental rules imposed by House Democrats.

There were 170 Congressmen and women who voted against the 14 billion dollar loan Wednesday,so I hope the Republicans,in the Senate, do not give into the hysteria of severe job loss that is being used to sell this loan. It will not save jobs, but it will delay their demise until Obama can take over the Oval Office and begin the Socialization of the Republic that once was the USA.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan


The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, one of the events that triggered the start of the war. THE SEVERE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN GERMANY WAS THE PLATFORM HITLER USED TO GAIN POPULAR SUPPORT FOR HIS NAZI PARTY.
The key element of Hitler's appeal was his ability to evoke a sense of offended national pride caused by the Treaty of Versailles imposed on the defeated German Empire by the Western Allies. Germany had lost economically important territory in Europe along with its colonies and in admitting to sole responsibility for the war had agreed to pay a huge reparations bill totaling 132 billion marks. Most Germans bitterly resented these terms, but early Nazi attempts to gain support by blaming these humiliations on "international Jewry" were not particularly successful with the electorate. The party learned quickly, and soon a more subtle propaganda emerged, combining antisemitism with an attack on the failures of the "Weimar system" and the parties supporting it.(take out the anti-semitism and substitute the negative popularity of President Bush and you have a similar situation to Nov. 2008)

Having failed in overthrowing the Republic by a coup, Hitler pursued a "strategy of legality": this meant formally adhering to the rules of the Weimar Republic until he had legally gained power. He would then use the institutions of the Weimar Republic to destroy it and establish himself as dictator. Some party members, especially in the paramilitary SA, opposed this strategy; Röhm ridiculed Hitler as "Adolphe Legalité".

In 1932, Hitler intended to run against the aging President Paul von Hindenburg in the scheduled presidential elections. Though Hitler had left Austria in 1913, he still had not acquired German citizenship and hence could not run for public office. In February, however, the state government of Brunswick, in which the Nazi Party participated, appointed Hitler to a minor administrative post and also made him a citizen of Brunswick on 25 February 1932.[44] In those days, the states conferred citizenship, so this automatically made Hitler a citizen of Germany and thus eligible to run for president.

The new German citizen ran against Hindenburg, who was supported by a broad range of reactionary nationalist, monarchist, Catholic, republican and even social democratic parties. Also in the field was a Communist candidate and a member of a fringe right-wing party. Hitler's campaign was called "Hitler über Deutschland" (Hitler over Germany).
Finally, president Hindenburg reluctantly agreed to appoint Hitler Chancellor of a coalition government, replacing Franz Von Papen, formed by the NSDAP and DNVP. However, the Nazis were to be contained by a framework of conservative cabinet ministers, most notably by Papen as Vice-Chancellor and by Hugenberg as Minister of the Economy. The only other Nazi besides Hitler to get a portfolio was Wilhelm Frick, who was given the relatively powerless interior ministry (in Germany at the time, most powers wielded by the interior minister in other countries were held by the interior ministers of the states). As a concession to the Nazis, Göring was named minister without portfolio. While Papen intended to use Hitler as a figurehead, the Nazis gained key positions. For instance, as part of the deal in which Hitler became Chancellor, Göring was named interior minister of Prussia — giving him command of the largest police force in Germany.

On the morning of 30 January 1933, in Hindenburg's office, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor during what some observers later described as a brief and simple ceremony. The Nazis' seizure of power subsequently became known as the Machtergreifung. Hitler established the Reichssicherheitsdienst as his personal bodyguards. Source:Wikapedia

By August 2, 1934 Rather than holding new presidential elections, Hitler's cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency dormant and transferred the role and powers of the head of state to Hitler as Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor). Thereby Hitler also became supreme commander of the military, whose officers then swore an oath not to the state or the constitution but to Hitler personally.

In a mid-August plebiscite, these acts found the approval of 84.6% of the electorate. This action technically violated both the constitution and the Enabling Act. The constitution had been amended in 1932 to make the president of the High Court of Justice, not the chancellor, acting president until new elections could be held. The Enabling Act specifically barred Hitler from taking any action that tampered with the presidency. However, no one dared object. With this action, Hitler effectively removed the last remedy by which he could be dismissed from office — and with it, all checks and balances on his power.

Fast forward to December 2008 and we find an eerily similar situation going on with Obama and his transitional team in Washington.
In the name of stopping the economy's free-fall, through a traditionally-liberal massive infusion of jobs, President-Elect Obama is also adroitly side-stepping Congress's time-honored system of passing legislation. By the simple ruse of imposing a tight schedule for Congress, Obama will -- in effect -- put virtually all of the government's power into his own hands. This is an end-run around Congress's deliberative process -- one that makes FDR's vaunted and unprecedented "100 days" strategy look like a leisurely process. This is also an end-run around the American people, ensuring that citizen-opponents have no voice, and no role, in shaping this legislation.Source: Ned Barnett

If you don't feel the hair on the back of your neck rising when you read the bold letters above. You have no idea what this action does to the form of government we believe we now have! And this power happy man has not even been sworn in as President! God help us when he gets into the Oval Office!

Monday, December 08, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

The learned writer Cal Thomas has a posting in today's version of the Patriot Post that addresses the problem Great Britain has with Muslim Mosques and Imams.He notes that those identified as teaching terrorist propaganda in their Mosques have been attempted to be deported with little success, because of the Civil Rights groups concerns for the radical Imams. More so then the potential targets of the terrorist.

He wrote; "What is needed in Britain -- and America -- is a change in the thinking that naively believes that simply exposing foreign nationals to our way of life means they will 'catch' it as they might the flu.

Allowing immigrants from nations in which the dominant religion mandates the forced subordination of every other faith (or no faith) and their subjugation through state power under Sharia law, increases the likelihood of more attacks. At the very least, all non-Western immigrants to Britain and America should be told prior to their arrival that our intention is to westernize them. They must learn English, study and embrace the history of their host nation.... Once war begins, victory is the only acceptable outcome. The goal of the terrorists is victory. If Britain and America settle for less, they will get less, which is defeat."

I agree with Mr. Thomas premise, but the "fly in the ointment" is the fact that native born American children do not even get a basic education of American History and Civics anymore! Revisionist history and One World concepts have replace American History, and forget punctuation and correct spelling!

The classes are filled with damning accounts of OUR history thatmake children believe that American history is filled with slavery, imperialism and all manner of detestable things that leave the little "heads full of receptive brain cells" believing their Country is bad!

The Intercollegiate Institute found that Americans Fail a Basic Test on Their History and Institutions in the third major study conducted by ISI on the kind of knowledge required for informed citizenship.
In 2006 and 2007, ISI published the first ever scientific surveys of civic learning among college students. Each year, approximately 14,000 freshmen and seniors at 50 schools nationwide were given a 60-question, multiple-choice exam on basic knowledge of America’s heritage.

Both years, the students failed. The average freshman scored 51.7% the first year and 51.4% the next. The average senior scored 53.2%, then 54.2%. After all the time, effort, and money spent on college, students emerge no better off in understanding the fundamental features of American self-government.
Even more appalling is that their testing determined that Fewer than half of all Americans can name all three branches of government, a minimal requirement for understanding America’s constitutional system! Even more alarming is the fact that
Only 24% of college graduates know the First Amendment prohibits establishing an official religion for the United States! Less than one in five know that the phrase “a wall of separation” between church and state comes from a letter by Thomas Jefferson. Almost half incorrectly believe it can be found in the Constitution!

And the people who would pass the laws that could require immigrants to learn basic Constitutional and Civic facts have apparently less knowledge than the general public. On average, they score 44%, five percentage points lower than non-officeholders.
Thirty percent of elected officials do not know that “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are the inalienable rights referred to in the Declaration of Independence!

This ISI —"Our Fading Heritage: Americans Fail a Basic Test on Their History and Institutions",demonstrates that Americans today expect no less from our colleges than the founders did. A majority believes that colleges should prepare citizen leaders by teaching America’s heritage. And with the cost of education they have a right to expect a return for their investment
It also demonstrates that colleges are not fulfilling this mission. Americans fail the test of civic literacy—even if they have a bachelor’s degree.

For too long, America’s colleges and universities have been evaluated not on their actual academic performance, but primarily on their past prestige and endowments. Now that the verdict of failure is in, and with tuition's continuing to skyrocket, it is time for leaders inside and outside of the American learning institutions with a stake in the future of American education to get to work addressing the shortcomings documented in ISI’s civic literacy reports, if they even care?

And President-elect Obama's promise to put computers in the hands of all students will not reverse this trend, only a revamping of priorities and reworking of curriculum's from kindergarten to grade 12 will put us on the right track.
We must rid our schools of multi-culturism ,political correctness and the Leftist slant in teaching of our great history.