Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is The Grand Experiment Doomed?

The Pilgrims and all immigrants to this great Republic left their Countries because they believed they had a better chance for freedom in the "new World".
The pilgrims from England fled The Kings taxation and repressive state religion in 1492.
In 1776 the framers of our Constitution declared they were putting in place the framework of a "New Republic" with Certain duties and obligations granted by the Constitution to The federal Government, They added the 10th amendment to the Constitution so that the majority of governance was allocated to the individual states. Thus safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.The powers granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution are strictly well defined.
Unfortunately ever since the "new Deal" the Leftist Democrats and "RINOS" have been moving our country toward a Democracy. This is the word most commonly used by the Media to describe our government. Even though the framers of the Constitution never intended the majority to rule. We are in the middle of permanent change to the Democratic form of government. The Republic is dying!
The left in government are moving Us to a Country whose citizens individual rights are being trampled on by majority will. This in effect is a collectivism society which denies individual rights for the good of the majority.
The Supreme Court and far too many "activist" Federal Judges have made rulings unchallenged that violate the 10th Amendment. Examples of just a few are the Supreme Court ruling on "eminent domain" ,that disallows individual property rights to allow municipalities to condemn private property to build great tax earning projects.
Politically correct thought police and laws passed by Constitutionally -defiant Federal judges have remove the right to freedom of speech. Even though this right allows anyone to burn Our Flag. You had better not refer to homosexuals as "faggots"! This one will show you freedom of speech exists only if it is "PC".
The most disturbing fact is that this Country was founded on the premise of no taxation without representation, and no repressive and excess taxation.
Today we have a federal government that employs 4 million people, and no telling how many millions work for State and Local Governments. All of these peoples salaries and benefits, very lucrative in most cases, are paid by taxpayer hard work in the form of taxation. The estimated cost to pay just Federal employees is close to 3 TRILLION dollars!
Lastly, we have too many Americans who believe that the Federal Government is there to take care of all their needs from cradle to grave. They embrace the idea of a welfare socialist state.
This with the failure to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders has led to millions of people now among us that neither recognize nor intend to obey the laws of the land.
In 1835 a French Philosopher and economist Alex de Tocqueville said while studying in our Country: "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the publics own money."
The 20 million dollars tacked on to the recently passed Congressional defense spending bill for PORK is just one example of his principle. It is hard to realize we have allowed so much of our individual freedom to be taken away from us, when you remember this "Grand Experiment" began with the "Boston Tea party" over an excessive tax on tea!

Friday, March 30, 2007

"PC" is Eroding Europe's Laws. Are We Next?

The President of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera wrote a small book with the current Pontiff , Joseph Ratzinger called "Without Roots". This book would be a good choice for all. Christians and Jews alike will find words of warning that are not prophecies, but statements of things going on today in Europe that will soon be felt here in the U.S. if something is not done to stop it.

The Political Correct "diety" that has taken root within the Relativists of the World is a threat to the Judeo-Christian basis of our legal system.

What is happening in Europe, and for this particular blog, that which is happening in Germany is a harbinger of things to come in America.

The hypocrisy of political correctness is that it refuses to "see no evil, and speak no evil" to avoid appearing rude. The proclaiming of half-truths and avoiding to recognize everything else, lets them avoid assuming any responsibility for what faces the Judeo-Christian world in the spread of Islamic Fundamentalists.

Islam has failed to accept human rights, feminine equality and freedom of speech. Sharia law even allows a husband to beat his wife, and kill her with impunity if he feels he has done the killing as an "Honor Killing"!

In Germany the "parallel Muslim society" has made no attempt to assimilate into German culture, and has had a defining and deleterious effect on German law enforcement.

The decision of Frankfurt family judge Christa Datz Winter recently was just one example of how Sharia law has infiltrated the decisions of judges in Germany. In this case the judge refused a Muslim wife's request for a speedy divorce, because she ruled that in Koran Sura 4, verse 34 it says a "husband has the right to use corporal punishment against a disobedient wife, and further establishes the husbands superiority over the wife."

This ruling and the two others I will present, illustrate the insertion into German Judges legal interpretation of German law that which is contrary to its intent and precedent.

In Germany judges have paved the way for the development of a parallel society for Islamic fundamentalists. At the same time many liberal U.S. judges are systematically removing religion from all manner of discourse.

The ruling by German judges in favor of fundamentalist Muslims has gone so far that recently the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs issued the announcement that those immigrants from Muslim Countries that allow polygamy must be allowed to have two wives enrolled in the government socialist health care plan with no increase in premium! This includes all immigrants from Saudi Arabia, Morroco, and Algeria.

Further evidence of the lenient rulings for Muslims have occurred in Berlin and Frankfurt.

In both cases the crime was murder. In Berlin, a Muslim man killed his sister by shooting her at point blank at a bus stop,. His defense was based upon the sister "was living like a German". This Young Muslim received a reduced sentence and was cheered by family members as he left the court.

In Frankfurt, a Muslim man stabbed his wife repeatedly causing her death. His defense was she she dishonored him. His sentence was for manslaughter not cold blooded murder as is the norm in Germany.

This outright reinterpretation of the law is being done in the name of "political correctness" and indicative of the violation of the principle of equal protection under the law.

The words of Ursula Spula Sgermann, a German Islamic Scholar are worth noting in conclusion. Ms. Stegermann said, "there are Muslim groups who want to establish a separate world. She identified one of these groups as The Association Of Islamic Cultural Centers". This group runs the "King Fahd" academy in Bonn, Ge. and uses textbooks for it's young students that advocate and glorify "jihad".

Europe appears to have lost its battle for assimilation. Will we?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Time to Listen to The Words Of W. Churchill

"When nations are strong, they are not always just and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong. Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance. I cannot subscribe to the idea that it might be possible to dig ourselves in and make no preparations for anything else than passive defense. It is the theory of the turtle. How many wars have been averted by patience and good will?”
During World War II Winston Churchill was the man whose force of will kept Great Britain fighting when it could have been easy for the English to capitulate to the stronger Nazi force that was systematically destroying London with bombs.
This is one of my favorite quotes from this great leader and hater of evil despots
Today we once again face the despotic presence of another serious threat to Our way of life and very existence.
The problem we face in this country is that too many people prefer to ignore or deny the presence of this threat. They do it at the peril of their own freedom and life.
The threat I refer to is Islamic Radicalism as personified by Irans present leader, Ahmadinejad.
As early as 2005 he was quoted during a speech to his people with the following words. "And God willing with the force of God behind it, (Iran)we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism."
Only a brain deficient person could read these words without wondering how this maniacal person expects to accomplish this feat?
The "peace at all costs before conflict" crowd will dismiss this as the rantings of a "little Caeser". They will deny the possibility of his accomplishing his avowed purpose, but denying unpleasant truths will not make them go away.
Recently in Berlin the Foreign Minister of Iran gave an interview with the German News media. In his presentation he said, "Iran has been in conflict with the U.S. for the past 28 years. But we do not fear a military attack from them ,because the United States cannot afford another crisis for it's taxpayers." Note please. He didn't even refer to US as citizens!
When asked if he would meet with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and shake her hand. His response was illuminating. He said: "I am a devout Muslim and adhere to Islamic principles and will NOT shake her hand!
What Principles!
The Iranians are moving fast toward the development of Nuclear weapons. They will have no reticence to using them against the U.S. and Israel. Will we wait until it is too late. It would be a lot easier to strike them now than later when diplomacy has failed once again, and don't count on the UN to accomplish anything. We have too many enemies in that building on the shore of the Hudson River to make the UN any kind of a force to protect our interests.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Foul Winds Of Munich Blow Again

Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan. They need it after yesterday more than ever!
The Democratic majority, less Senators Lieberman and Mark Pryor,with the votes of two RINOs, Senators Hagel and Gordon Smith, narrowly passed the modern day equivalent of the 1938 Munich Pact.
This pact signed by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and the Dictator Adolf Hitler was the equivalent of what the Senate did yesterday.
By giving into Hitlers demands Mr. Chamberlain showed the same cowardice that our Democratic controlled Senate showed yesterday.
Rather than recognize that Radical Islamists have declared a state of war against the Western World, especially the U.S.A..
The "Party of defeat" has set a date certain for Our Troops retreat from the war against terrorism.
This sends a signal to our enemy that the U.S. believes we have lost the war, and we will abandon the Iraqi. Go home and believe that all will be just fine. All our troubles will disappear and the "good will" we show by withdrawing will stop the terrorists from killing more Americans. Wrong!
This act of betrayal cannot be covered up by any anti-war sentiment or mental gymnastics to justify what they just did.
The Senate and the House of Representatives have declared that all 3000+ lives lost were for naught, and we are willing to place those boys and women still in Iraq in dire jeopardy to satisfy the political ambition of those Cowards who voted for this legislation.
The sad thing about this dastardly Bill is that it was filled with Pork promised to the constituents who sent these leftist Democrats to Congress. There is 3 million dollars in aid to the sugar cane farmers, and 2 million for the university of Vermont. The "biggie"is to protect those who refuse to support the Mission of our troops, but have tacked on to the Bill one hundred million dollars for security at the next political conventions. There security is more important than our troops apparently.
Even more troubling is the ease that Democratic majority member Harry Ried flat out lied about the "pork". He said:" that all the spending is for emergencies." I wonder what emergency is going on at the University of Vermont?
America has just witnessed the worst example of Congressional partisanship and hate for the thought of Victory in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan should be happy, but nobody else who calls himself or herself an American can possibly feel it is anything but betrayal of the brave men and women who have volunteered to put their lives on the line so we can live in freedom. Free from terrorism here at home. Shame , shame on the congress!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Not Since Stalin And Hitler Has There been Such A Threat

"Not since the dark days of Lenin and Stalin has the ugly head of "thought police" reared it's ugly head. Joseph Goebbels was a master of disinformation and the perfector of "the big lie technique" when he served as Hitler's Propaganda and Popular enlightenment minister for Adolph Hitler, but Stalin actually controlled the thought process of the Russian people with the threat of death or imprisonment.
Now comes Rep. John Conyers of Michigan with his Bill called "local Law Enforcement Hate Crime Prevention Act". This Bill if passed would make it a crime punishable by imprisonment and fine for thoughts, words and actions of Americans who speak or write disparagingly of homosexuals, transexuals, crossdressers, and bi-sexuals.
The language of his bill includes the formation of a Federal Department of Thought Enforcement.The Bill also sponsored by known Homosexual Rep. Barney Frank and Lesbian member of Congress Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.
It also has 51 co-sponsors, and will likely pass the democratic controlled Congress that is filled with revisionist relativists.
If it passes the Senate in it's present form and President Bush fails to follow his conscience and does not veto it . You can begin to rip up your Bibles.
At the very least the passages that condemn homosexual acts as being against Gods will will become hate speech.
The need for this type Bill is only felt by those who want to destroy the last vestiges of Judeo-Christian Faith principles in government affairs.
In 2005 the Hate Crimes prevention act was passed that gives all the protection the minority homosexual and lesbian community needs to protect them.
This Bill is just one more attack on the individual rights of American Citizens, and must be defeated! "
The quote above is from the Internet and it must be read with the knowledge that we have within the Halls of Congress people who want to destroy the last remaining vestiges of the Judeo-Christian religious principles that are part of the intent of the framework of Our Constitution.
The Bill also sponsored by known Homosexual Rep. Barney Frank and Lesbian member of Congress Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. It also has 51 co-sponsors, and will likely pass the democratic controlled Congress that is filled with revisionist relativists.
If it passes the Senate in it's present form and President Bush fails to follow his conscience and does not veto it . You can begin to rip up your Bibles.
At the very least the passages that condemn homosexual acts as being against "Gods Will", will become hate speech.
The need for this type Bill is only felt by those who want to destroy the last vestiges of Judeo-Christian Faith principles in government affairs.
In 2005 the Hate Crimes prevention act was passed that gives all the protection the minority homosexual and lesbian community needs to protect them.
This Bill is just one more attack on the individual rights of American Citizens, and must be defeated! Call and write your Congressperson and Senators to vote against it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

An Open Letter To The President

Last night while talking with my eldest son he mentioned an idea which provoked me to write today's blog. He said that President Bush has been trying for over six years to get bipartisanship with the Democrats to no avail. I agree, and it is time for bold initiatives if we want to save our beloved Country from the domination of secular relativists.
It is common knowledge that Vice-President Richard Cheney is not in the best of health, and could in all probability not endure the rigors of the presidency should the occasion arise where he assumed that lofty office.
Therefore, I am recommending that President Bush ask Mr. Cheney step down from his Vice-Presidency so that President Bush can appoint a well known and respected healthy individual.
Before the leftists who read this celebrate the fact that a Blogger known for his ultra-conservative viewpoint is recommending a man hated by the left step down. Read on!
There have been numerous uttering and proclamations from Senator Lieberman that he is unhappy with the way the Congressional Democrats are acting, and has considered switching parties.
For this reason I suggest President Bush have a meeting with Senator Lieberman, after first getting Mr, Cheney's agreement on the plan, and offer the Vice-presidency to him.
By making this political move the president would give the Republican Governor of Connecticut the opportunity to appoint a Republican Senator to replace Lieberman. This would restore the Republican majority in the Senate and stop the leftist steamroller that Pelosi is beginning in the House.
It would also stop the specious argument in the media of the Haliburton connection with this Administration.
A third reason to have Lieberman in the position of Vice-President is to eliminate the need to select a Vice-Presidential running mate for my favorite yet unannounced candidate. Senator Thompson.
The fourth and final reason for me is to stop the "steamroller" of the Media selection. A Democratic victory in 2008 by Hillary or Obama.
With Senator Thompson and Senator Lieberman on the 2008 Presidential ticket we would unite the North with Lieberman and the South with Thompson. I believe a winning ticket. What say You President bush as Bill O'Reilly would say.