The President of the Italian Senate Marcello Pera wrote a small book with the current Pontiff , Joseph Ratzinger called "Without Roots". This book would be a good choice for all. Christians and Jews alike will find words of warning that are not prophecies, but statements of things going on today in Europe that will soon be felt here in the U.S. if something is not done to stop it.
The Political Correct "diety" that has taken root within the Relativists of the World is a threat to the Judeo-Christian basis of our legal system.
What is happening in Europe, and for this particular blog, that which is happening in Germany is a harbinger of things to come in America.
The hypocrisy of political correctness is that it refuses to "see no evil, and speak no evil" to avoid appearing rude. The proclaiming of half-truths and avoiding to recognize everything else, lets them avoid assuming any responsibility for what faces the Judeo-Christian world in the spread of Islamic Fundamentalists.
Islam has failed to accept human rights, feminine equality and freedom of speech. Sharia law even allows a husband to beat his wife, and kill her with impunity if he feels he has done the killing as an "Honor Killing"!
In Germany the "parallel Muslim society" has made no attempt to assimilate into German culture, and has had a defining and deleterious effect on German law enforcement.
The decision of Frankfurt family judge Christa Datz Winter recently was just one example of how Sharia law has infiltrated the decisions of judges in Germany. In this case the judge refused a Muslim wife's request for a speedy divorce, because she ruled that in Koran Sura 4, verse 34 it says a "husband has the right to use corporal punishment against a disobedient wife, and further establishes the husbands superiority over the wife."
This ruling and the two others I will present, illustrate the insertion into German Judges legal interpretation of German law that which is contrary to its intent and precedent.
In Germany judges have paved the way for the development of a parallel society for Islamic fundamentalists. At the same time many liberal U.S. judges are systematically removing religion from all manner of discourse.
The ruling by German judges in favor of fundamentalist Muslims has gone so far that recently the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs issued the announcement that those immigrants from Muslim Countries that allow polygamy must be allowed to have two wives enrolled in the government socialist health care plan with no increase in premium! This includes all immigrants from Saudi Arabia, Morroco, and Algeria.
Further evidence of the lenient rulings for Muslims have occurred in Berlin and Frankfurt.
In both cases the crime was murder. In Berlin, a Muslim man killed his sister by shooting her at point blank at a bus stop,. His defense was based upon the sister "was living like a German". This Young Muslim received a reduced sentence and was cheered by family members as he left the court.
In Frankfurt, a Muslim man stabbed his wife repeatedly causing her death. His defense was she she dishonored him. His sentence was for manslaughter not cold blooded murder as is the norm in Germany.
This outright reinterpretation of the law is being done in the name of "political correctness" and indicative of the violation of the principle of equal protection under the law.
The words of Ursula Spula Sgermann, a German Islamic Scholar are worth noting in conclusion. Ms. Stegermann said, "there are Muslim groups who want to establish a separate world. She identified one of these groups as The Association Of Islamic Cultural Centers". This group runs the "King Fahd" academy in Bonn, Ge. and uses textbooks for it's young students that advocate and glorify "jihad".
Europe appears to have lost its battle for assimilation. Will we?
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