The pilgrims from England fled The Kings taxation and repressive state religion in 1492.
In 1776 the framers of our Constitution declared they were putting in place the framework of a "New Republic" with Certain duties and obligations granted by the Constitution to The federal Government, They added the 10th amendment to the Constitution so that the majority of governance was allocated to the individual states. Thus safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.The powers granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution are strictly well defined.
Unfortunately ever since the "new Deal" the Leftist Democrats and "RINOS" have been moving our country toward a Democracy. This is the word most commonly used by the Media to describe our government. Even though the framers of the Constitution never intended the majority to rule. We are in the middle of permanent change to the Democratic form of government. The Republic is dying!
The left in government are moving Us to a Country whose citizens individual rights are being trampled on by majority will. This in effect is a collectivism society which denies individual rights for the good of the majority.
The Supreme Court and far too many "activist" Federal Judges have made rulings unchallenged that violate the 10th Amendment. Examples of just a few are the Supreme Court ruling on "eminent domain" ,that disallows individual property rights to allow municipalities to condemn private property to build great tax earning projects.
Politically correct thought police and laws passed by Constitutionally -defiant Federal judges have remove the right to freedom of speech. Even though this right allows anyone to burn Our Flag. You had better not refer to homosexuals as "faggots"! This one will show you freedom of speech exists only if it is "PC".
The most disturbing fact is that this Country was founded on the premise of no taxation without representation, and no repressive and excess taxation.
Today we have a federal government that employs 4 million people, and no telling how many millions work for State and Local Governments. All of these peoples salaries and benefits, very lucrative in most cases, are paid by taxpayer hard work in the form of taxation. The estimated cost to pay just Federal employees is close to 3 TRILLION dollars!
Lastly, we have too many Americans who believe that the Federal Government is there to take care of all their needs from cradle to grave. They embrace the idea of a welfare socialist state.
This with the failure to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders has led to millions of people now among us that neither recognize nor intend to obey the laws of the land.
In 1835 a French Philosopher and economist Alex de Tocqueville said while studying in our Country: "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the publics own money."
The 20 million dollars tacked on to the recently passed Congressional defense spending bill for PORK is just one example of his principle. It is hard to realize we have allowed so much of our individual freedom to be taken away from us, when you remember this "Grand Experiment" began with the "Boston Tea party" over an excessive tax on tea!

1 comment:
Our Govts.from the Federal level down to the Local yokel municipal governing bodies have taken it upon themselves to tax everything illegally without the taxpayers consent.It has become open larceny by a corrupt bunch of buzzards who line their pockets with millions while supporting their special interests.We are a totalitarian government under the false illusion that somehow we are still a democracy.The dumbed down Americans have been content to sit on their backsides and watch their loss of personal freedom take place while being lulled into Godless Statism by accumulation of material junk bought for the most part by easy credit, ingesting massive quantities of alcohol,illicit drug use,corrupt sporting events,and pornography.These soporifics have brought us into an almost completely Godless country with little real freedom left.Yes,we are a nation of well paid,overtaxed slaves of a system that has insidiously taken away our basic freedoms of sovereignty,freedom of speech,religion, free assembly( except where Govt.approved),etc.,etc.Yet,like the grasshopper who fiddled away his life, the television boob tube,the computer,the Ipod,and so forth adds to the self destruction of Americans by distracting them from what has been taking place right under their noses with no apparent notice of these radical changes.I am afraid the fire rages out of control especially when our non thinking fools accept the Goebbel's style news reporting by our mainstream hate America news media as the truth.
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