Saturday, October 04, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan


The main body of this post is copied from a patriot who also writes for Blogspot.His site is "Take Our Country Back".I thank him for posting this ,because you can bet the farm that the Leftist Media will not included it in any of there propaganda mediums.

"Reid stated just the other day that the will of the Congress will be done. That sounds "Rather" definitive to me and has an air of inevitability. It is also very unconstitutional. Therefore, his very statement is grounds for impeachment proceedings against him. Where in the United States Constitution does the Senate Majority Leader get his validity and his finality of this statement "Congress will work its will"? Nancy Pelosi tries to explain it all here...

"Ever since yesterday's vote, House leaders have been in frequent communication with each other and the White House to find a plan that can win strong bipartisan approval in the House. Many Members have offered ideas to modify the emergency bill narrowly defeated yesterday, and we are discussing those recommendations.

"The Senate has made a decision about how to proceed and what can pass that body. The Senate will vote tomorrow night and the Congress will work its will.

"House Democrats remain strongly committed to a comprehensive bill that stabilizes the financial markets, restores confidence, and protects taxpayers, and we hope Congress can agree on legislation in the very near future."
Incredible. She repeated Reid's statement thereby confirming that both leaders of either House will see to it that the "will of Congress" is that which will be accomplished and not necessarily the "will of We The People". This is unacceptable by any stretch of the imagination.

Now, whether or not anyone of any moral fortitude will actually call them on this blatant unconstitutional statement remains to be seen. I fully doubt it because not only are there none in either House capable of calling them on this garbage, there are none willing to step into the lion's lair. Regardless, this needs to be taken note of, does it not? It is the very epitome of that which is wholly wrong with our "Republic". If we were a "Democracy", the issue would be a non-issue. However, we were formed and based upon a Representative from of government.

Congress is charged by our very Constitution to serve The People and not Congress. They serve IN the Congress to SERVE the people, period. We don't elect them to office to have them turn around and take over nor to make friends with each other. I don't care if they have any friends "across the aisle" or on the same side of the aisle. I care about them being "friends" with their constituents of their home districts.
Apparently the feeling is shared by many Americans, as I could not reach either my Congressman or Senator by phone yesterday to express my displeasure at the passage of this pork filled travesty!
The first House "bail-out" had 95 Democrats and 133 Republicans of the House who withstand the pressures and threats placed on them by fellow congressmen and House leaders.However, these 228 individuals who placed good government before politics, and maintaining their intellectual integrity and their oaths of office. Have caved in to the pork that was offered to them so that the will of the people – whom they represent – was not done! The vote was approved to 263 to 171, which means that 57 members of Congress betrayed their constituents to "go along" for the pork offered.

Not only was the bill passed and signed by President Bush a pork filled tribute to the tax and spend Congress, it was a bill that was acted on by the Senate, which has no Constitutional authority to pass economic bills. They managed the subterfuge by tacking all 400 plus pages to an existing bill. How did the Senate, which is prohibited by the Constitution from doing so, get all of these tax provisions into the bill? Simple, they took a previous House bill, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007 that mandates that health insurers treat mental health the same as physical health, and tacked the rest of the bailout on as an amendment to it. Our colleague, James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal quipped, “So the bailout ended up attached to a measure that extends benefits to people suffering from depression and is named after a lawmaker who died in a crash. Never let it be said that the U.S. Senate lacks a sense of humor! source:The Patriot Post

In 1848, Karl Marx proposed 10 measures to be implemented after the proletariat takes power, with the aim of centralizing all instruments of production in the hands of the state. Proposal Number Five was to bring about the ‘...centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.’ If he were to rise from the dead today, Marx might be delighted to discover that most economists and financial commentators, including many who claim to favor the free market, agree with him

Friday, October 03, 2008


Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

The "debate" last night illustrated the stark difference between the Republicans, and the desperate and nefarious nature of the Democrats and their sycophants, in the Media, to recapture the White House. They will lie and cheat to win in November, because they have convinced themselves and there followers that the end justifies the means! The media has abandoned even pretense of responsibility in order to get Barrack Obama elected. The truth no longer matters if it interferes with that agenda in any way whatsoever.

Ever since the 2004 election, the mantra has been we lost because the election was stolen from us!
This despite the fact that the State of Florida, where they election was decided, found that it was the Democrat run precincts in South Florida were where the dirty tricks took place. Too many Florida counties had more votes cast than there were people registered to vote!

Following the concept that they must say what ever gets them the prize, Biden was guilty of at least 14 lies to the people who were watching last nights National television "debate". This is in addition to the parsing and semantics Biden used to avoid straight answers to questions posed to him.

Rick Moran posted the following in today's "American Thinker"
"The McCain campaign was out of the box quickly last night, releasing a damning list of 14 lies told by Joe Biden during the debate.

We highlighted below the biggest lie he uttered - that Obama would meet with the leaders of Iran without precondition. Now come 13 more Pinnochios that are breathtaking in their shamelessness:

Here are all 14 lies as compiled by the McCain campaign:

1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.
2 AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.
3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”
4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it’s passage.
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he’s always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.
6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain’s record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.
7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false
8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.
9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.
10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.
11. IRAQ: When Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was “dead wrong on Iraq”, because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where they John McCain has been proven right.
12. TAX INCREASES : Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn’t see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.
13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn’t meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of “part of a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20.”
14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama, Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan."

With the economy in crisis and the government in debt more than a trillion dollars. The biggest misrepresentation was that Obama's plans for welfare programs
would cost neutral,the Republican National Committee launched an “Obama Spend-O-Meter,” asserting that his spending promises total $1.2 trillion!

The Tax Policy Center's analysis says that Obama's plans would raise the national debt by as much as 3 trillion dollars over 10 years.

As for the semantics and parsing that Senator Biden uttered last night. When the moderator asked Biden about same sex couples rights. The Senator said both he and Obama believe in that marriage should be limited to a man and a women. What he failed to mention, and Palin failed to pick up on this , was that Obama said to a Gay and Lesbian rally that one of the first things he would do once he is inaugurated, would be to eliminate the Defense of Marriage Act(DOMA). This act define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Senators , you cannot have it both ways!

Americans wake up!!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Do We Want a President With Faulty Logic?

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan

During the debateS between Obama and McCain, Obama made a comment that should scare every red blooded American.
In reply to questions about Foreign Policy, Obama made these telling statements.
He said: "going to have a lot of work to do in the next administration to restore that sense that America is that shining beacon on a hill...".

Either Obama really believes he can talk communist countries like China, North Korea and "TYRANT" led counties like Iran and Russia to stop there quest for hegemony, or he desires to reduce our position as one of the great military powers in the world to an effete status.

The "America has to restore its standing" paradigm is a major component of contemporary anti-American Leftist ideology. European Leftists have lamented countless times that the United States somehow owes it to the world to prove that it is nice, that the bad old days of capitalist exploitation are over. MOST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES INCLUDING RUSSIA HAVE VERY SHORT HISTORICAL MEMORIES. THEY ALL CONVENIENTLY FORGOT THAT IT WAS THE UNITED STATES THAT SAVED THEM FROM THE TYRANNY OF HITLER!

If we follow Obama's line of thought,it would be impossible to take swift action to punish or otherwise show our enemies that we mean business, that America will not sit idly by while its citizens are killed or harassed. If America is always wrong,as many European nations profess, it means that our enemies are always right.

"The domestic equivalent of this neo-Marxist gibberish is the shibboleth of "root causes." Want to fight crime? Want to put criminals in jail? Sorry, society is responsible because we oppressed them. Same idea in foreign affairs. Want to fight terrorism? Sorry. America is responsible because we oppressed them. They are freedom fighters, as we know in our hearts"! source:American Thinker

Perhaps it is necessary to list what the President can and cannot do. One of the duties delegated to the Presidency is not to enhance the image of the Country for the eyes of foreign Countries!
Article II of the Constitution sets limits on the president's authority. The article provides that the president is the commander in chief of the Armed Services. As commander in chief, the president has the power to preserve the peace by governing a captured territory until Congress establishes civil authority over it; the president also may declare Martial Law, which provides for the imposition of military authority over civilians in the event of an invasion, insurrection, disaster, or similar occurrence. In addition, the president can end a war through a treaty or a presidential proclamation.
Nevertheless, the practical effect of the statute is somewhat limited because it recognizes the power of the president to unilaterally deploy military forces when necessary.
The president has the exclusive authority to represent the United States in its relationships with governments of other countries. Through the Secretary of State and other officials, the president communicates with other nations, recognizes foreign governments, and makes agreements, including the negotiation of treaties. Treaties, however, must be approved by two-thirds of the Senate before taking effect. Executive agreements with other nations do not require Senate approval but still carry the force of law. For instance, the United States, through the president, has frequently entered into executive agreements to supply economic aid to other nations.None of the above demands that the President make other Countries love US! But he must protect and serve this Country!
source: The Farlex Dictionary

Obama sounds like that is not what he would do!!


Tomorrow when you face off against Senator Biden, he will try to trap you into talking about the Economic crisis we in the USA are facing.When he does, remind him that his vote in 1973 would have made our economy worse if his side prevailed!

My suggestion is to tell him that his history of voting in the Senate on the energy crisis is an example of why neither he nor Obama should enter the White House, except as guests!

Governor, you should point out that he was in the pocket of Ecologists when the Senate approved the Alaskan pipeline, and if we had followed his advice we would be in a more dependent state on foreign(ARAB) oil than we are now! Biden's only reason for voting against was that it would harm the caribou, an argument that was both trivial and wrong. The caribou population near the pipeline increased from 5,000 in the 1970s to 32,000 by 2002.

Remind him; "that when the Senate passed the 1973 Alaskan pipeline bill by an overwhelming 80-5 vote. Only five senators voted against the pipeline on final passage. Sen. Biden is the only one who is still in the Senate.

The stakes were clear: This was in the midst of the first Arab oil embargo. Liberal Democrats, such as senators Robert Byrd, Mike Mansfield, Frank Church and Hubert Humphrey, all voted for the pipeline.

But Biden cast one of only five votes against the pipeline that has produced more than 15 billion barrels of oil, supplied nearly 20 percent of this nation's oil, created tens of thousands of jobs, added hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and reduced money transfers to the nation's enemies by about the same amount". source: Patriot Post

The rest of this story is the idiocy of Senator(2 years)Obama's picking a man who doesn't even know the history of the Great Depression or when television was available for public broadcasting!

When Biden was on the "lame brain" Katie Couric's CBS show, he made a statement that during the Great depression of 1929, when the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt went on television to tell the people: "Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here's what happened."

For those of you who aren't hard-core history buffs, Biden not only named the wrong president during the 1929 stock market crash(Hoover), he also claimed a president who wasn't president during the stock market crash went on TV before Americans had TVs.The first commercial television license was issued to the state of Pennsylvania in 1941!source: Wikapedia

Governor Palin, pull your guns and come out blazing! You have a large target to shoot at. Don't miss the opportunity!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

The idea of sending a man or woman to Washington is that he/she will represent the best interests of the citizens in the state that elected him.
Unfortunately that is not always the case. Once the dust settles and the battle to get elected is over. Congress People are bombarded by the lobbyists who come to the "Hill" bearing gifts from their special interest principals. The gift is usually money to help keep the person, who has a seat in either the House or Senate, in the "princely" position for as long as they "play ball".

A Washington Post article (6/22/05),points out that there were nearly 35,000 highly paid registered lobbyists in Washington in 2004 who spent $2.1 billion lobbying the White House, Congress and various agencies on behalf of various interest groups. Political action committees, private donors and companies give billions of dollars to political campaigns.

My question to you: Do you think that these people are spending billions of dollars to assist presidents and congressmen to better perform their sworn oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution? If you do, you're a fine candidate for THE "LOONY BIN".

For the most part, the money is being spent to get politicians and government officials to use their coercive power to create a favor or special privilege for one American at the expense of some other American. THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN DO THIS IS TO TAKE MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE MONEY IN THE FORM OF TAXES, AND SPEND IT OR SEND IT TO THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP. THIS IS THE WAY IT IS, AND WILL BE UNLESS WE CHANGE THE RULES, AS CONGRESS MAKES NO MONEY!

What I propose is that WE start a movement to limit the time elected officials have in office. This Country was founded as a Republic with elected representatives who made their living in other endeavors than politics. They came to Washington to do the People's business, and they then went home.
Today, we have members of the House and Senate who have done nothing but occupy a seat in the Congress of the USA for more than thirty years!

There is no dearth of talent in the USA to represent the people in USA, and the old argument that we must re-elect our Representative because he/she has been there and knows how the "machine works". Is no longer valid, since the lobbyists and special interest groups who put large sums of money in the campaigns pull the strings of our elected representatives--not us at home.

Oh, they throw us a bone now and then to confuse the issue, but the longer an elected person spends in Washington, the more they become disinterested in the wishes of those who elect them. This debacle going on now over the Economy is a perfect example of the finger of special interest stirring the pot!

If two terms are good enough for the highest office in the land. It should be the right thing for members of Congress! Two terms of four years each is what I think should give the Senator or member of the House of Representatives, time enough to get his/her bearings, and represent the people who are responsible for putting them in Washington. It is short enough to prevent the development of the present mentality of too many elected officials, that it is a life time job if only they can raise the money to stay in this Princely place!

This would eliminate the power of Lobbyists and Special interest groups to a great extent.And it would return the control of Congress to those who elect them.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

The strangest thing is happening in the USA before our very eyes. The three most often quoted polls show that Democrat Obama is leading Republican McCain by from 3 to 8 points in the race for the Oval Office.
Why is this strange? Because when you take a poll consisting of the issues that both candidates have taken a position during their campaigns, you find that Senator Obama is on the wrong side of most issues important to the voters.

The following is a quote from the New Media Journal, today's Internet issue.
▪ America is 80% dependent upon fossil fuels and Obama wants to increase taxes on all fossil fuels. 35.5% of Americans foolishly agree, but 60.9% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama opposes drilling for domestic fuel in ANWR and 36.3% foolishly agree, but 54.1% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama opposes increased off-shore energy production and 27% foolishly agree. But 73% of Americans DISAGREE!

▪ Obama wants to increase environmental regulations that will increase the already high cost of energy and 32.5% foolishly agree. But 49.1% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama wants to raise tariffs on imported energy sources and 30.1% foolishly agree. But 61.9% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama opposes safe clean nuclear energy and 12.8% foolishly agree. But 58.6% DISAGREE and say we should produce as much nuclear energy as possible.

▪ Obama believes that eco-nut environmental initiatives are more important than domestic energy independence and 34% foolishly agree. But 60% DISAGREE!

End conclusion – Obama is WRONG on Energy!

Tax Policy
▪ Obama wants to increase taxes on investment earnings which will negatively impact investment at a time when America is in desperate need of new investment. 25.6% foolishly agree, but 65.9% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama wants to increase the “death tax” on income already taxed multiple times and 37% of Americans foolishly agree. But 52.6% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama plans to raise taxes on the self-employed, which provide 95% of the jobs in America today. 10.5% foolishly agree, but 84.5% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama plans to raise taxes on all small Sub-S corporations and only 8.7% foolishly agree. But 85.4% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama believes that a 35% tax rate is not enough for Americans earning more than 1 million a year. 33.2% agree, but 51.7% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama wants to increase the top 1040 tax rate to 55% and 12.1% agree. But 48.5% DISAGREE and want to see the top tax rate reduced back to 28% like it was under Reagan.

▪ Obama is proposing over $900 BILLION in new social spending during his first term and 35.8% foolishly agree. But 50.8% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama lies to the American voter when promising to reduce individual taxes for 95% and increase taxes for only 5%. But only 5.1% are stupid enough to think those new taxes on the “wealthy” won’t be passed on down to consumers, employees and shareholders. 55.5% think those tax increases will be passed onto consumers and 19.9% think the new taxes will result on job layoffs. A full 94.9% DISAGREE with Obama!

▪ Still 35.7% of Americans believe that Obama’s overall tax plan will help average Americans while 51.8% DISAGREE!

End conclusion – Obama is WRONG on Taxes!

Voting Rights
▪ Like all Democratic Socialists trying to hijack all future American elections, Obama wants felons, non-US citizens, dead people and duplicate voters to be counted in every national election. 21% stupidly agree, but 70.1% DISAGREE!

Second Amendment Rights
▪ Obama wants all US gun manufacturers to be held legally accountable for all crimes committed with a gun. 13.9% stupidly agree, but 76.2% DISAGREE!

▪ 36 states have concealed carry gun permit laws on the books and Obama wants to eliminate all of them at the federal level. 14.8% foolishly agree, but 77.6% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama wants new tougher gun control laws, taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens and leaving them only in the hands of people who don’t care what the laws say. 35.1% foolishly agree, but 60% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama favors banning the sale of handguns in America and 36% foolishly agree. But 59% strongly DISAGREE!

▪ Obama wants to ban the sale of standard hunting rifle ammunition in the US and 9.4% stupidly agree. But 77.1% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama believes that Americans DO NOT have the right to use deadly force in self-defense, even in the case of violent home invasion. 7.9% stupidly agree, but 87.7% DISAGREE!

▪ As a state senator in Illinois, Obama favored raising taxes on gun and ammunition sales by 500% in an effort to slow down purchases of both and he wants to do the same nationally. 39.8% foolishly agree, but 54.2% DISAGREE!

End conclusion – Obama is DEAD WRONG on the Second Amendment

Social Spending
▪ Obama plans to drastically increase the power and budget of the federal government to do more social engineering. 43% foolishly want the same government who has wrecked everything they touch to “do more.” Only 49% are smart enough to DISAGREE!

Defense and National Security
▪ Obama wants our law enforcement agencies to wait for a court order before stopping the next 9/11 in the ongoing war on terrorism. 41.9% foolishly agree, but 56.1% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama wants a criminal court order before federal agents can perform a standard search and seizure of property where people are suspected of terrorist activities. 63.2% agree and only 33.5% DISAGREE! Everyone should keep this in mind the next time our agents are unable to stop the next 9/11. This is what kept the US from stopping the first 9/11.

▪ Obama wants known terrorist operatives in America to be afforded full unfettered civil rights equal to that of every innocent American citizen. 30.1% foolishly agree, but 64% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama believes the President should openly negotiate with terrorists and anti-American rogue regimes, such as Iran, without any preconditions. 21% agree, but 62.5% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama demands an arbitrary troop retreat in Iraq over the next 18 months, no matter the conditions on the ground in Iraq or the consequences left behind. 43.6% agree, but 51.3% DISAGREE and are smart enough to rely upon commanders on the ground to make such vital defense decisions.

End conclusion – Obama is WRONG on defense and national security

▪ Obama wants to increase taxes, tariffs and trade restrictions. 34.1% agree and think Obama will improve trade by these means. 49.8% DISAGREE!

Health Care
▪ Obama wants the same folks who bankrupted Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and now our independent banking system, to run the entire health care and health insurance systems. 35.1% are stupid enough to agree, but 59.9% are smart enough to DISAGREE!

Social Values
▪ Obama supports abortion even when the abortion fails, leaving a living breathing fully developed infant struggling for its life. 17.7% of Americans agree with Obama, that doctors should not make any attempt to save the survivor of the most brutal abortion efforts. But 67.8% DISAGREE!

▪ Like China, Obama supports a woman’s right to abort her fetus on the basis of the baby’s gender alone. 12.3% are evil enough to agree. But 82.2% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama opposes parental rights notification before their child can have an abortion and 19.7% are foolish enough to agree. But 77% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama says he has no idea when life begins and 7% are foolish enough to agree. But 58.9% DISAGREE, believing that life begins at conception and another 34.1% say that life should be protect at birth at a minimum, no matter what.

▪ Obama believes that the pursuit of material goods is more important than the teaching of moral values and 6.1% agree. But 88% of Americans DISAGREE!

▪ Obama says that America is no longer a Judeo-Christian nation. Sadly, 40.3% of Americans say they agree with Obama’s secular socialist American vision today. But 44.4% still DISAGREE!

▪ Obama believes that abortion should always be legal, no matter the circumstances, even once the baby is born alive. 31% are evil enough to agree with Obama. But 69% DISAGREE! 40% believe it should be ILLEGAL with few exceptions and 10% believe it should be ILLEGAL with NO exceptions.

▪ Obama supports giving alternative sexual lifestyles equal status with the traditional family unit. 36.3% agree, but 58.3% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama seeks special rights based upon race, gender, sexual preference and national origin, for taxpayer funded employment. 39.6% agree, but 53.6% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama has never given much in the way of charitable donations and has never even offered to help his brother living in a hut in Africa. 6.5% see nothing wrong with this in a man calling upon all others to be more charitable. 83.8% of Americans DISAGREE, saying they would never allow their own family members to live in such conditions.

End conclusion – Obama is WRONG on Trade, Health and Social Values

▪ Obama says the courts are “too conservative.” 32% agree, but 64% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama thinks it’s okay for convicted criminals to join street gangs and 12.4% agree. But 81.7% DISAGREE!

▪ Obama supports the socialist push to end secret balloting where labor unions are trying to force their way into companies, making employees have to publicly oppose the unions in front of their co-workers and employers. 15.4% agree, but 78% DISAGREE!

End conclusion – Obama is WRONG on Justice, Crime and workers rights.

After realizing that Barack Obama stands completely opposed to most Americans on almost every issue under the sun, it is hard for any informed thinking individual to comprehend how in the world this particular candidate is even in the race, let alone running ahead or even tied.

If you doubt any information contained in this column, take a few minutes to go take this Obama Test here and learn the real facts for yourself.

This Is Where The Lying Comes In...
Without looking at a detailed list of official Obama positions on the issues, like the list I have provided here, most Americans have NO idea what Barack Hussein Obama actually stands for. He doesn’t tell you, directly. He talks in hopeful sounding platitudes. He sticks to a handful of buzz word talking points and regurgitates them over and over and over again, until they begin to sink into the numb and confused mind of the average American voter.

Based upon the list of issues that Omama is on the opposite side of the "fence". Why do the polls show him ahead! Perhaps the pollsters like the Leftist Media, has an agenda that compels them to state what they hope will happen, and not what is actually happening!?

Monday, September 29, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

The Left Wing Media and the Democrat party are desperate to convince the voters that the Economy is on the precipice of another "Great Depression", This is the only chance the Democrats have of winning in November. They cannot win based upon their nominees qualifications and past associates!

And aiding and abetting this fraud on the American voters is George Soros. He has developed an empire of so-called 527 groups, putatively independent political activists groups that have influence within the Democratic Party. These 527 groups include the Center for American Progress, MoveOn.Org, Human Rights Watch, Media Matters and a slew of other like-minded groups including The Democracy Alliance that is a major avenue to help them achieve their leftist goals. The roster of its growing membership consists of a list of billionaires and mere multi-millionaires who collectively hope to give upwards of 500 million dollars each year to further promote a left-wing agenda. source: American Thinker

This Marxist leaning group is not merely out to elect Democrats, but to also permanently realign U.S. politics and shift our society and culture in a far-left wing direction. So far this election campaign they have funneled more than the 75 million dollars that they contributed to the Kerry campaign.

Although I would be the last person to deny that their is a financial crisis that has been caused by leadership mis-management and government mandates that handcuffed our mortgage institutions. A look at the current financial data, will illustrate more differences than similarities between the 1930s and today: In the crash of 1929 the Dow Jones industrials plunged 40% in two months!

This financial dilemma has taken a year to fall 22%. The jobless rate jumped to 25% by 1933; it is little more than 6% today. The gross domestic product shrank by 25% during the early 1930s; it is up over 3% during the past year. Consumer prices fell by about 30% from 1929 to 1933; and the last time I looked they were still rising!

Home prices dropped more than 30% during the Depression vs. about 16% today. Some 40%of all mortgages were delinquent by 1934 compared with 4% today. In the 1930s, more than 9,000 banks failed compared with fewer than 20 over the past couple of years.

Remember also it was policy errors, not the stock market crash, that caused the Great Depression: Instead of increasing the money supply, the Federal Reserve of that era reduced it by one-third. Instead of lowering taxes, Herbert Hoover raised them. And to channel whatever demand was left into U.S.-made goods, the government enacted the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act to keep out foreign products; this only provoked our trading partners to do the same. Add to this today's automatic stabilizers such as unemployment insurance and Social Security, the FDIC to insure bank deposits and circuit breakers to keep stocks from falling too quickly, and you can see why this is not a depression in any way shape or form. source}Wikapedia

It is a fact that there is the ongoing decline in home prices. Nothing that the government did over the weekend will keep home prices from falling further. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out why home prices are dropping: it's nothing more mysterious than too many houses for sale at prices well above what buyers can (or are willing to) pay!

Once home prices stabilize buyers will be willing to step off the sidelines and start shopping for homes. The banks will also want to see steady prices before they will even think of making a home loan; they don't want borrowers to become "upside-down" as soon as they take out the loan!

A little known casualty in this collapse of Banks not only in the USA but in Great Britain is the "lend to buy" debacle that brought down one of England's largest banks.
The U.K. became a nation of landlords, with seemingly half the prime-time television slots devoted to the subject of how to make it rich by buying and letting. The stories of clueless hacks who still made a killing epitomized a crash waiting to happen -- and with it, Bradford and Bingley, the number one buy-to-let player. And yet that's not the full story either. House prices are down, but the feared flood of buy-to-let houses coming onto the U.K. housing market hasn't (yet) happened.

What killed off B and B was made in America. GMAC, formerly the financing arm of General Motors (which still has a hefty stake) decided to expand beyond what it knew, loans for cars, into what it didn't, loans for houses. And then "humptey dumpty fell off the wall"!
A not-so-bright decision maker at B and B bank,thought it wise to take the mortgage portfolio that GMAC originated, to the tune of about $700 million each quarter. Last spring Bradford and Bingley announced that (shock shock) the GMAC portfolio wasn't doing so hot. It's been a downward spiral ever since! source: Market Watch

There is plenty of blame to go all around, but it certainly is no reason to jump out of the frying pan into the fire, by voting for a avowed Social engineer who only knows how to spend more of the tax payers hard earned money!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

"You think white people were just going to turn over the keys to the most important job in the land without a fight?" The overriding feeling is apprehension, a vague fear of losing something people thought was theirs to keep. "My kids love Obama and they think it's so obvious he should be the president," says actor D. L. Hughley. "I was just honest in saying life isn't always fair and certainly isn't always fair for African-Americans. But Obama has overcome so many obstacles, it's easy to forget reality."
There's not a lot of anger—yet—but you can start to sense the potential for it. "I'm going to be mad, real mad, if he doesn't win," says Daetwon Fisher, 21, a construction worker from Long Beach, Calif. "Because for him to come this far and lose will be just shady and a slap in black people's faces. I know there is already talk about protests and stuff if he loses, and I'm down for that." Baisden hears a lot of that incipient resentment on his show, but he tries to soothe people rather than incite them. "Look, if he loses we have no one to blame but ourselves because that meant we all didn't go out and vote in the numbers we should have," says Baisden. "Yes, people will be upset, but it will be in a productive way. There will be a rational reaction if things are fair."

If this is not playing the race card. I am a Martian! The Black people who are quoted in this excerpt from Sunday's post by Newsweek's Allison Samuels, have apparently ignored two important facts.
Ms.Samuels article completely ignores the negatives that BHO brings with him.
Twenty years attending a church with a racist, America hating pastor, his association with Weathermen Ayers, And Dorn, Ayers is a former member of the Weathermen terrorist organization that bombed the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol, various police headquarters, and other targets in the early 1970s.

Then there is this; by 1997 Obama and Ayers were collaborators on a far more significant level. They sat together for several years on the board of the Woods Fund, a left-wing Chicago charitable organization. There, they doled out tens of thousands of dollars to such beneficiaries as the Trinity Church (where Obama was a longtime member and where another Obama mentor, Jeremiah Wright, preached a radical, anti-American brand of Black Liberation Theology) and the Arab American Action Network (co-founded by Rashid Khalidi, a Yasser Arafat apologist who has supported attacks against Israel and now directs Columbia University’s notorious Middle East Institute, founded by Edward Said). source:The National Review

And questions have been raised about Obama’s student loans, and Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who reportedly was raising money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School.

They also ignore the recently added charge that both Obama's admittance and tuition to Harvard Law School were aided by known Muslims.
In an interview by News Max Kenneth Timmerman of former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton, Mr. Sutton says he first heard of Obama about twenty years ago from Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party at the time the party was founded in the early 1960s.

Sutton described al-Mansour as advisor to “one of the world’s richest men,” Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal. As Sutton remembered, Al-Mansour was raising money for Obama’s education and seeking recommendations for him to attend Harvard Law School.

“I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him,” Sutton told NY1 city hall reporter Dominic Carter. “The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas.” Why would a Muslim raise money for a professed Christian?
Perhaps he said it himself:from his book -Audacity Of Hope:
"I will stand with the Muslims, should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".
No matter what the politician is now saying, as a means to an end, the above sentence says it all.

The second fact is that despite the agitators claims that racism is still hurting the Black man. The truth is that American people have for more than forty years witnessed the passing of legislation to help the Blacks via affirmative action, racial quotas and government mandated loans to many people who bought homes that did not have the funds to pay for them. Many were Black people.

Affirmative action in the United States( there is no such program in any other Country) was intended to promote access to education, employment, or housing among certain designated groups (typically, minorities and women). The stated motivation for affirmative action policies is to redress the effects of past discrimination and to encourage public institutions such as universities, hospitals and police forces to be more representative of the population. It is commonly achieved through targeted recruitment programs, by preferential treatment given to applicants from designated groups, and in some cases through the use of quotas and mandated minority percentages for awarding government contracts. Source:Wikapedia.

And not the least important, Senator Obama has not shown any leadership qualities that make him Presidential material.So it would appear the only reason they want him to be elected is because he appears Black!
If he loses, these people are already trying to intimidate the American voter with their pointed fingers indicating when he loses it will either be a "crooked" election, or because the majority is racist!

Wake Up Americans !! Do not let the fear of being called a racist deter you from voting against a man who should not be President.
And remember that The Civil Rights Act of 1964 contained a section on equal employment opportunity. That section, called Title VII, made it illegal for employers with 25 or more employees to "fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual . . . because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin...." Title VII also stated that none of its provisions should be interpreted as requiring "preferential treatment" for any individual or group because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. But it provided for "affirmative action" in some cases of discrimination.I italicised for emphasis.

We should not oppose a man because he is Black, nor should we elect him because he is Black. We should elect the most qualified man!!!