Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
During the debateS between Obama and McCain, Obama made a comment that should scare every red blooded American.
In reply to questions about Foreign Policy, Obama made these telling statements.
He said: "going to have a lot of work to do in the next administration to restore that sense that America is that shining beacon on a hill...".
Either Obama really believes he can talk communist countries like China, North Korea and "TYRANT" led counties like Iran and Russia to stop there quest for hegemony, or he desires to reduce our position as one of the great military powers in the world to an effete status.
The "America has to restore its standing" paradigm is a major component of contemporary anti-American Leftist ideology. European Leftists have lamented countless times that the United States somehow owes it to the world to prove that it is nice, that the bad old days of capitalist exploitation are over. MOST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES INCLUDING RUSSIA HAVE VERY SHORT HISTORICAL MEMORIES. THEY ALL CONVENIENTLY FORGOT THAT IT WAS THE UNITED STATES THAT SAVED THEM FROM THE TYRANNY OF HITLER!
If we follow Obama's line of thought,it would be impossible to take swift action to punish or otherwise show our enemies that we mean business, that America will not sit idly by while its citizens are killed or harassed. If America is always wrong,as many European nations profess, it means that our enemies are always right.
"The domestic equivalent of this neo-Marxist gibberish is the shibboleth of "root causes." Want to fight crime? Want to put criminals in jail? Sorry, society is responsible because we oppressed them. Same idea in foreign affairs. Want to fight terrorism? Sorry. America is responsible because we oppressed them. They are freedom fighters, as we know in our hearts"! source:American Thinker
Perhaps it is necessary to list what the President can and cannot do. One of the duties delegated to the Presidency is not to enhance the image of the Country for the eyes of foreign Countries!
Article II of the Constitution sets limits on the president's authority. The article provides that the president is the commander in chief of the Armed Services. As commander in chief, the president has the power to preserve the peace by governing a captured territory until Congress establishes civil authority over it; the president also may declare Martial Law, which provides for the imposition of military authority over civilians in the event of an invasion, insurrection, disaster, or similar occurrence. In addition, the president can end a war through a treaty or a presidential proclamation.
Nevertheless, the practical effect of the statute is somewhat limited because it recognizes the power of the president to unilaterally deploy military forces when necessary.
The president has the exclusive authority to represent the United States in its relationships with governments of other countries. Through the Secretary of State and other officials, the president communicates with other nations, recognizes foreign governments, and makes agreements, including the negotiation of treaties. Treaties, however, must be approved by two-thirds of the Senate before taking effect. Executive agreements with other nations do not require Senate approval but still carry the force of law. For instance, the United States, through the president, has frequently entered into executive agreements to supply economic aid to other nations.None of the above demands that the President make other Countries love US! But he must protect and serve this Country!
source: The Farlex Dictionary
Obama sounds like that is not what he would do!!
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