Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
The main body of this post is copied from a patriot who also writes for Blogspot.His site is "Take Our Country Back".I thank him for posting this ,because you can bet the farm that the Leftist Media will not included it in any of there propaganda mediums.
"Reid stated just the other day that the will of the Congress will be done. That sounds "Rather" definitive to me and has an air of inevitability. It is also very unconstitutional. Therefore, his very statement is grounds for impeachment proceedings against him. Where in the United States Constitution does the Senate Majority Leader get his validity and his finality of this statement "Congress will work its will"? Nancy Pelosi tries to explain it all here...
"Ever since yesterday's vote, House leaders have been in frequent communication with each other and the White House to find a plan that can win strong bipartisan approval in the House. Many Members have offered ideas to modify the emergency bill narrowly defeated yesterday, and we are discussing those recommendations.
"The Senate has made a decision about how to proceed and what can pass that body. The Senate will vote tomorrow night and the Congress will work its will.
"House Democrats remain strongly committed to a comprehensive bill that stabilizes the financial markets, restores confidence, and protects taxpayers, and we hope Congress can agree on legislation in the very near future."
Incredible. She repeated Reid's statement thereby confirming that both leaders of either House will see to it that the "will of Congress" is that which will be accomplished and not necessarily the "will of We The People". This is unacceptable by any stretch of the imagination.
Now, whether or not anyone of any moral fortitude will actually call them on this blatant unconstitutional statement remains to be seen. I fully doubt it because not only are there none in either House capable of calling them on this garbage, there are none willing to step into the lion's lair. Regardless, this needs to be taken note of, does it not? It is the very epitome of that which is wholly wrong with our "Republic". If we were a "Democracy", the issue would be a non-issue. However, we were formed and based upon a Representative from of government.
Congress is charged by our very Constitution to serve The People and not Congress. They serve IN the Congress to SERVE the people, period. We don't elect them to office to have them turn around and take over nor to make friends with each other. I don't care if they have any friends "across the aisle" or on the same side of the aisle. I care about them being "friends" with their constituents of their home districts.
Apparently the feeling is shared by many Americans, as I could not reach either my Congressman or Senator by phone yesterday to express my displeasure at the passage of this pork filled travesty!
The first House "bail-out" had 95 Democrats and 133 Republicans of the House who withstand the pressures and threats placed on them by fellow congressmen and House leaders.However, these 228 individuals who placed good government before politics, and maintaining their intellectual integrity and their oaths of office. Have caved in to the pork that was offered to them so that the will of the people – whom they represent – was not done! The vote was approved to 263 to 171, which means that 57 members of Congress betrayed their constituents to "go along" for the pork offered.
Not only was the bill passed and signed by President Bush a pork filled tribute to the tax and spend Congress, it was a bill that was acted on by the Senate, which has no Constitutional authority to pass economic bills. They managed the subterfuge by tacking all 400 plus pages to an existing bill. How did the Senate, which is prohibited by the Constitution from doing so, get all of these tax provisions into the bill? Simple, they took a previous House bill, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007 that mandates that health insurers treat mental health the same as physical health, and tacked the rest of the bailout on as an amendment to it. Our colleague, James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal quipped, “So the bailout ended up attached to a measure that extends benefits to people suffering from depression and is named after a lawmaker who died in a crash. Never let it be said that the U.S. Senate lacks a sense of humor! source:The Patriot Post
In 1848, Karl Marx proposed 10 measures to be implemented after the proletariat takes power, with the aim of centralizing all instruments of production in the hands of the state. Proposal Number Five was to bring about the ‘...centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.’ If he were to rise from the dead today, Marx might be delighted to discover that most economists and financial commentators, including many who claim to favor the free market, agree with him
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