Friday, April 20, 2007

Rosie Attacks Catholicism

The View Television show is not a program I watch frequently, but the "Y" I exercise at four times a week happened to have the show on the TV set above the exercise machine I was using.
Imagine my shock and dismay when I heard the Blob Rosie O'Donnell say the five catholics on the Supreme court shouldn't be there because of the "separation of church and state."It is obvious she hates Catholics, but the only people who could qualify for the Supreme Court per her criteria is an atheist!If she said the same thing about Blacks, homosexuals(which she would not as she is a lesbian) or Muslims she would probably be off the show in a nono-second.
I remember well when the great defensive end for the Green Bay Packers , Reggie White, uttered the words: "Homosexuality is a sin" during a speech. He was removed from the show immediately after it was reported on National TV.
Those who control the MSM are not just biased.They are perpetrators of a plan to rid America of all traces of religious belief held in the Judeo-Christian populace.
I believe God is watching, and is certainly offended. In my opinion the downfall of this great country will result from turning our face away from the Almighty.
Rosie and her ilk are doing their part to bring it about.

Time To Wake Up And Listen

Just as we Americans and most U.S. corporations have a long range plan. So too do the Muslims have a 20 year plan to take over America, and replace our Constitution with Sharia law.
You say it is not possible! But who would have believed 40 years ago that putting a copy of the Koran with two strips of bacon placed inside the cover would be called a hate crime by the police and FBI? This very thing has happened in Clarksville Tennessee last Friday.
Some unknown person had placed the copy of the Koran on the steps of the Clarksville Islamic Center with the words " Mohammad a pedophile" and placed two strips of bacon inside the cover.
Cair administrator Nibad Awad notified local police and the FBI who are searching for the perpetrator under suspicion of committing a hate crime.
The fact that all but one state in the U.S. have hate crime statutes on the books is significant of the recognition that hate crimes do exist. But writing the words pedophile and putting two strips of bacon in the "book" are hardly reasons to label this tasteless action a hate crime.
If you use the Koran as a reference you will see a passage that tells us Mohammad married six year old girl and consummated the marriage when the girl was 9 years old. It can be found in the most venerated publication of Muslims Sahih Bukhar volume 7, book 62, number 64.
And bacon is one of Tennessee biggest farm products and ranked 24th in the U.S. in pork production.
The real reason for this blog is to alert all who bother to read it. That Isam has a plan for the take over of America, not unlike Joseph Stalin once hoped to do. The big difference is this plan will be passed down from generation to generation unless it is eliminated.

  • Dr. Shorrosh offers the following 20-point analysis of the Islamist agenda to take over America by the year 2020:
  • 1. Replace America's freedom of speech with hate crime bills nation-wide.
  • 2. Wage a war of words using black leaders to promote Islam as the original African-American's religion. Strangely, no one states the fact that it was Arab Muslims who captured and sold them as slaves, neither the fact that in Arabic the word for black and slave is the same: Abed.
  • 3. Engage the American public on the virtues of Islam.
  • 4. Nominate Muslim sympathizers to political office.
  • 5. Take control of the media and the internet by buying the corporations or a controlling stock.
  • 6. Encourage the fear of imminent shut-off of Middle Eastern oil supply.
  • 7. Protest any time Islam is criticized or the Quran is analyzed in the public arena.
  • 8. Acquire government positions, get membership in local school boards. Train Muslims as doctors to dominate the medical field, research and pharmaceutical companies. Ever notice how many doctors in America are Muslim, when their countries of origin need them more desperately?
  • 9. Accelerate Islamic demographic growth via:
    Massive immigration (100,000 annually since 1961)
    Marry American women and Islamize them (10,000 annually)
    Convert angry, alienated black inmates and turn them into militants (2000 released inmates have joined al-Qaida) .
  • 10. Mosques and student centers (now 1500) should teach hatred of Jews, evangelical Christians and democracy. Hundreds of Muslim schools are firstly loyal to the Quran, not the U.S. Constitution.
  • 11. Provide grants to colleges and universities in America to establish "Centers for Islamic studies".
  • 12. Tell the world that terrorists have hijacked Islam, but not the truth, that Islam hijacked the terrorists. 13. Appeal to Americans for sympathy towards the Muslims in America, who are portrayed as mainly immigrants from oppressed countries.
  • 14. Undermine America's sense of security with misinformation of impending attacks on bridges, tunnels, water supplies, airports, apartment buildings and malls.
  • 15. Instigate prison riots demanding Islamic Sharia, not America's justice system.
  • 16. Increase charities throughout the U.S. but use the funds to support Islamic terrorism.
  • 17. Raise interest in Islam on college campuses by insisting that freshmen take at least one course on Islam. Be sure that the instructor is American, Christian, scholarly and able to cover up the violence in the Quran while stressing its peaceful, spiritual and religious aspects only.
  • 18. Consolidate all Muslim lobbies, mosques, Islamic student centers and media via the internet and hold an annual convention to coordinate plans to propagate the faith.
  • 19. Send intimidating messages to outspoken individuals who are critical of Islam and seek to eliminate them by any means.
  • 20. Applaud Muslims as loyal citizens of the US, by spotlighting their voting record as the highest percentage of all minority and ethnic groups in America. The IHC recommends that you read this article in full.
    Dr. Anis Shorrosh, D.Min, D.Phil, and a member of Oxford Society of Scholars, is a Palestinian Arab Christian American, who is an author, lecturer and producer of documentaries. He is author of "Islam Revealed" and "Islam: A Threat or a Challenge."Source: Sullivan Country

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Rapid Resonse Could Have Saved LIves

Being a right wing law and order advocate it is somewhat disconcerting for me to write this blog, but it must be said. The so called "first response" people dropped the ball in the Virginia Tech murders.
The perpetrator of the 32 murders had a history of run ins with the campus police for harassing female students on two occasions in 2005. His poetry had him removed from her class upon asking for his removal or she would tender her resignation. Why? Because his poetry writings were so violent and obscene. additionally, he was sent to a Psychiatric facility in 2005 because of his erratic behavior for observation.
Each one of these incidents by itself was not enough to have him removed from the University, but collectively they were in my opinion reason enough to have him suspended and directed to get medical help before he was readmitted.
Admittedly with campus as large as VT it would have been impossible to keep him off campus, but he could have been denied a student pas to enter the halls where he committed his murders.
Once the two murders were discovered in the dormitory there is no legitimate reason to not lock down the school buildings. The only reason imaginable is to keep the image of the University in good light. This is not the purpose of the leaders of a place we send our children to learn. We ask and expect that there well being be preserved while they are on campus. Two and one-half hours between killings is obscene in the light of the terrorist awareness we Americans have today.
The blame game will not bring back the 32 who were killed by this crazed and fanatical killer, but maybe it will make some of the places we send our children off to learn safer places due to vigilance and rapid action. At least I hope and pray so!

Gas Cartel In The Making?

Foreign news sources relate that Vladimir Putin is quietly putting together a gas cartel which if formed unopposed will place the U.S. in a vulnerable position energy wise
The ecology movement has held the gas and oil business in a stranglehold for over 35 years, Their influence has resulted in no new exploration for oil and gas in the continental U.S. or off shore, and there has not been a new refinery built in over thirty years. This despite a tremendous growth in population and demand for both oil and natural gas.
History tells us that wars cannot be won without adequate amounts of petroleum products. The Nazi Panzer tanks ran out of fuel in the battle of the Bulge during WWII or the final push by Hitler might have been a success.
All planes and mechanized units need petroleum products. Those of us who are old enough to remember our parents cars having "gas stamps" on the windshields during the 40's, And there are less and less each year,remember the shortage caused by the consumption of our war machine.
This situation can and will happen again if our leadership in Washington does not shrug off the chains of environmentalism and work toward petroleum independence. There is no shortage of untapped supply in ANWAR and offshore Florida and Louisiana. WE cannot fight a war using ethanol and hybrid powered tanks!
The following is a quote from an article written by Ariel Cohen PhD for the Heritage Foundation. It is excerpted from a long article, but helps make my point. The clock is ticking and we had better wake up!
Iran and the other hate America countries are serious and will strike as soon as they are ready. Will we be?

"Oil is a global commodity, but natural gas is not. When it is piped, prices are set as far as 15 to 20 years in advance through long-term contracts. However, liquid natural gas (LNG) is rapidly becoming a worldwide commodity.
By 2010, LNG's share of the world's total gas consumption will double. Thus, price gouging through production quota manipulation may come faster than many experts expect if the GECF becomes a new OPEC and if consumer nations do not unite and flex their muscle. Moreover, Russia and Iran are interested in increasing their geopolitical leverage against the EU in areas which often have little to do with energy.
Major gas producers share another characteristic. Qatar, Turkmenistan, Brunei, and Venezuela, to name just a few, have one feature in common: a democracy deficit. Just like OPEC, the gas cartel will be a formidable global force that can be used to oppose, challenge, and possibly weaken market-based democracies through high prices and wealth transfer. Such a cartel may cut deals with similarly undemocratic large-scale consumers, while forcing the West to pay full price.
Coordinated Global Action Needed
The Bush Administration barely reacted to the Doha meeting. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R–FL), Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote to the Secretary of State that the establishment of a gas OPEC would be a "major and long-term threat to the world energy supply" which the U.S. should "vigorously oppose." Officials express grave concern, but only in private.
As the case of OPEC demonstrates, closing markets to competition, promoting national oil companies (NOCs), and limiting production through a quota system results in limited supply and higher oil prices. Gas, in the long run, will not be different. The United States should open its vast natural gas resources on- and off- shore to further exploration and production and encourage its neighbors in Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean to do the same.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tragedy Used For Ideological Gain

It is unfortunate the tragedy that occurred at Virginia Tech Monday was picked up by the gun control lobby as a new "war cry".
The killing of 32 people by one crazed madman is a tragic thing, but the quick knee jerk response of the left is abominable. The cry for stricter gun control and confiscation of guns will produce angst and dissension thoughout the land. But it won't stop murders caused by people who are determined to kill. In fact one well armed teacher might have save many lives monday in Virginia.
The multitude of laws and law enforcement personnel has not stopped the use of illegal drugs. It has increased and drive up the price for the product.
What this country needs if we are to avoid anarchy and totalitarian rules is a return to a national respect for life and religion. Not more laws!
The total loss of respect for human life as evidenced in laws passed and SCOTUS rulings allowing mercy killing and unfettered abortion, has led the country onto a path of destruction from within.
Unfettered exploitation of sexual activity and a movie and television industry that glorifies violence and sex has made Sodom and Gomorrah look rather benign.
The young South Korean who lived here since he was eight years old, grew up with the culture of depravity all around him. It is a wonder more teens don't go onto killing rampages after spending their formative years watching violence on TV and in movies. Video games glorifying and rewarding killing are a big part of the pre-teen and teen years entertainment.
The left has done everything it can do to remove religion from the lives of children growing up today, and the result of all the above is the violence we were horrified by on Monday.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Enemy At The Gates

Not only is the mortal enemy at Our gates. They are well placed among us.
The document that is the framework of this great nation is being used to advance a threat to our way of life right under our noses with little or none mention in the MSM.
Immediately after 9/11 the threat of Muslim terrorism was on every ones minds. We even began targeting Arab looking men at check points in airports. But then the Muslim advocacy groups went to work. CAIR the organization bankrolled by Saudi Arabia, and The National Council of Arabs went on the offensive, and it became not"PC" to target all Muslims.
WE were bombarded with newspaper and TV features that told us we must distinguish between the Terrorist and the Muslim religion. It was soon considered Islamophobic to even suggest that the Muslim religion is a fanatical cult that is dedicated to the replacement of our Constitution with Sharia laws.
Some States have allowed their elementary schools to have Muslim days when the children all must dress up in Muslim garb, and observe Muslim culture for a day. In California. One school even raised a banner that read "Allah is the one and only God"!
TV shows like "24" started calling the terrorists Chinese or Chechen radicals, apparently after they were visited by CAIR leaders. The move was on to separate the "moderate" Muslim from the Terrorist Muslim. The Democrats in Congress even want to ban the words "World wide terrorism."
The problem is from the mouths of Muslims who are accepted leaders in the U.S. we hear a different story. The following is a quote from "Islam Watch". Read it and then ask yourself if there are two kinds of Muslims, and if not what shall we do?

According to Dr. Daniel Pipes, Omar Ahmad, the long-serving chairman of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, reportedly told a crowd of California Muslims in July 1998, “Islam is not in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran ... should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
So, what happened to the famous “moderate Muslims” in all this? That’s a question writer Robert Spencer asks, too. Imam Siraj Wahaj is in great demand as a speaker. In 1991, he even became the first Muslim to give an invocation to the U.S. Congress.However, he has also warned that the United States will fall unless it “accepts the Islamic agenda.” He has lamented that “if only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.” In the early 1990s he sponsored talks by Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman in mosques in New York City and New Jersey; Rahman was later convicted for conspiring to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993, and Wahaj was designated a “potential unindicted co-conspirator.”Mr. Spencer notes that “The fact that someone who would like to see the [US] Constitution replaced has led a prayer for those sworn to uphold it is just a symptom a larger, ongoing problem: the government and media are avid to find moderate Muslims -- and as their desperation has increased, their standards have lowered.” The situation is complicated by many factors, including, taqiyya and kitman: “These are Islamic doctrines of religious deception. They originated in Shi’ite Islamic defenses against Sunni Islam, but have their roots in the Qur’an (3:28 and 16:106). Many radical Muslims today work hard to deceive unbelievers, in line with Muhammad’s statement, “War is deceit.”
To read more go to "jihad, and pray for our Country to survive this greatest threat to our sovereignty since the Civil War

Monday, April 16, 2007

If We would Only Learn From History

Unfortunately most people who have attended public schools during the past 30 years have learned very little about Western History. They have not been exposed to the great leaders who led the free world though the greatest tragedy of modern times, WWII.
One such man whom too many people know very little about except that he drank a lot of brandy and smoked cigars.
What people should know is relevant to the war we are involved in with radical Islam, and Churchill sounded the clarion alarm bells many years ago. The following is a quote from a politician who actually fought against the followers of Mohammad.

"Indeed it is evident that Christianity, however degraded and distorted by cruelty and intolerance, must always exert a modifying influence on men's passions, and protect them from the more violent forms of fanatical fever, as we are protected from smallpox by vaccination. But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness."
After 9/11, George W. Bush famously described Islam as a "religion of peace". Churchill entertained no such fancy notions. In his history of the Malakand Field Force, Churchill wrote that "civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed."
By the time his first book was published, Churchill had taken part in active service, fighting in Bangalore. He joined Lord Kitchener's army in the Sudan, and took part in the Battle of Omdurman on September 2, 1898. This battle took place in what is now a suburb of Khartoum, and pitted British troops against 50,000 belonging to a local warlord, Abdullah al-Taashi. This man called himself the Khalifa or "Caliph", and was the successor of Muhammad Ahmad. Ahmad had been the self-styled "Mahdi" (Muslim Messiah) who had beheaded General Gordon at Khartoum in 1885. The war in Sudan was a religious war.
He also said Muslimism is:"A militant and proselytising faith,and fanaticism is not a cause of war, but the means which helps savage people fight, and no stronger retrograde force exists in the world today."
Propagandists for groups like CAIR and our own President would have us believe that the terrorists are a small fanatic fringe of the Muslim faith.
But as Sir Winston Churchill knew over 60 years ago. All of Islam is to be feared if they do not publicly denounce the atrocities perpetrated upon people around the world by Islams radicals.
Unfortunately in the world of semantic jingoism words like "Islamaphobic" is used to label anyone who speaks out about the threat to the Judeo-Christian world by Islam.
The Democratic controlled Congress and the MSM should take note of another quote from Sr. Winston: "Victory will never be found by taking the line of least resistance." Withdrawal from Iraq will be taking the line of least resistance, and embolden those who have sworn to destroy us.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Global Warming Scam

The man pictured to the left is James Hansen, director of NASA Goddard Institute in New York.
He spoke this past week to the media in London, England of the impending catastrophe of global warming. His background is similar to other non-scientist advocates of the "anthropogenic climate change" religion that has swept the developed nations lately. Hansen is an educated physicist and astronomer,not a climatologist. Not un- like Al Gore, with no scientific training, has taken on the mantle of the new left. The ecology movement, and it's Marxist goals to bring down the capitalistic system. Not that they are Marxists. But their "quest" is running hand in hand with those who are!
The whole movement began in the 1970's, when the coal miners struck in England during Margaret Thatchers term as prime Minister of England. Like so many other leaders of the free world she was worried about Her Country's dependence on oil and coal.
To alleviate this problem she went to the scientific community with a great deal of money and told them to find that fossil fuels producing co2 was the cause of raising temperatures. Her intent was to promote clean nuclear power supplies. Like many good ideas it ran away with itself!
Most of those who have taken up the cause of "global warming", including Presidents and Prime Ministers, have bought into the idea that the environmental movement is too strong a force to fight.
Indeed the environmental industry in the U.S. has grown from a government (aka taxpayer) investment of 170 million dollars in the early 1980's to a present 2 billion dollar taxpayers expense. There are hundreds of thousands of government and higher education people making their living off this movement. Mr. Gore even has his hands in the profit making end of environmentalism. But those that want to destroy our way of life are not all Islamists.
The founder of Green Peace, Patrick Moore, was recently quoted as saying: " Peaceniks" and Marxists have moved into the ecology movement with their anti-capitalist motives."
The National Resources Defense Council and Council on Foreign Relations are the other strong forces behind the push to make the lie of co2 and global warming a truth.
Most if not all the predictions used to support the claim for the connection between co2 and global warming come from computer models. These models are all subject to the well known acronym "GIGO". Garbage in and Garbage out! This is so, because none of the data used for their predictions, takes into account the Suns energy busts. A subject I touched on in previous blog.
Real scientists and climatologists, like Dr. Pirus Corbyn, claim that the "sun Bursts" sometimes called sun spots have more effect on global warming than co2.
All computer models used by the "gloom and doom" global warming advocates use co2 as the basis for the warming. This fact has been stated by Dr. Roy Spencer of NASA.
MIT professor R. Lindgen states that: "the green house propaganda was begun in 1988, when the IPPC predicted disaster due to global warming. This was done with no evidence to prove or support the theory that co2 causes global warming."
In fact the studies of ice core samples taken in the Arctic by Scientists from MIT and Harvard show that co2 does not cause temperature rises, but the temperature rises produce an increase in co2 over time.
Another large producer and sink of co2 are the worlds oceans. They absorb co2 when the ocean is cold and produce co2 when the ocean becomes warm.
Even the scientists who put together the Kyoto Agreement stated that if we reduce emissions of co2 drastically by 60-80 percent, as they recommended, it will only reduce global temperatures by .005 to .01 degrees by 2050!
But if we do fall into the trap of global warming and reduce co2 by the demanded amount. This Country will revert back to the bicycle days of the 1990s.
Professors of science have long been telling those who will listen that co2 is naturally produced by decaying vegetation and animal matter. Cows are a large producer of methane gas. Should we kill all the cows?
The polar bears have survived the dramatic climate changes of recorded history and they will adapt as will we to any natural change in temperature. Whats the real worry? Most of us and are relatives for the next generation won't live to see any change. Even if the "quacks" are correct. This heretic believes they are wrong and know they are!