The killing of 32 people by one crazed madman is a tragic thing, but the quick knee jerk response of the left is abominable. The cry for stricter gun control and confiscation of guns will produce angst and dissension thoughout the land. But it won't stop murders caused by people who are determined to kill. In fact one well armed teacher might have save many lives monday in Virginia.
The multitude of laws and law enforcement personnel has not stopped the use of illegal drugs. It has increased and drive up the price for the product.
What this country needs if we are to avoid anarchy and totalitarian rules is a return to a national respect for life and religion. Not more laws!
The total loss of respect for human life as evidenced in laws passed and SCOTUS rulings allowing mercy killing and unfettered abortion, has led the country onto a path of destruction from within.
Unfettered exploitation of sexual activity and a movie and television industry that glorifies violence and sex has made Sodom and Gomorrah look rather benign.
The young South Korean who lived here since he was eight years old, grew up with the culture of depravity all around him. It is a wonder more teens don't go onto killing rampages after spending their formative years watching violence on TV and in movies. Video games glorifying and rewarding killing are a big part of the pre-teen and teen years entertainment.
The left has done everything it can do to remove religion from the lives of children growing up today, and the result of all the above is the violence we were horrified by on Monday.

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