Friday, October 12, 2007


Not since Ronald Reagan was President has Russia laid down the gauntlet as did Vladamir Putin this morning during a meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense William Gates in Moscow. To begin with he made them wait 40 minutes before he arrived!
Mr. Putin, who earlier this month announced that he would renege on his promise to step down at the end of his term as President, and run as Prime Minister of Russia. Threatened the American delegation that if the United States continued it's plans to establish an anti-missile base in Poland and a radar tracking station in the Chech Republic. Russia would strongly consider pulling out of the intermediate range missile treaty signed in 1987 during the cold war by The Soviet Union and President Reagan.
Putin an ex-KGB agent Colonel, and his FSB Colonel General Sergei Ivanov were part of a four man group including Putin, that met in Putin's Dacha in rural Moscow. The other notables who were in attendance were Sergy Lavrov and Anatoly Serdyukov. Government appointees of Putin's inner circle of Power.
Of note is the fact that Mr. Ivanov is former Federal Couter Intelligence Service member (FSK). This Service replaced the KGB after the supposed demise of the Soviet Union. In 2004 it was changed to the FSB. Over 78% percent of the top 1000 political figures under Putin are estimated to be ex-FSB members. It is noteworthy to mention that Putin himself said there are no ex-KGB members that are alive.
Does the threat laid before our Secretary of State indicate the resurgence of the cold war? I believe so. I don't believe it ever ended. It just "went to Ground".
The Russian billion dollar deal to build a nuclear power plant in Iran was one of the actions taken by Putin that should have signaled the power grab in the back of Putin's mind.
With over 8% of Russia's taxes coming from Gasprom, the big gorilla of natural gas and petroleum in Europe. Putin has available to him the money needed to ramp up his military and re- institute the cold war against the U.S. with the willing accomplices of the Iranians and other American hating Arab Countries.
To fully grasp the devious nature of the suave ,urbane looking Putin you have to understand that many informed people believe that Putin has been, undercover of media silence, gradually establishing his control over Russia with an iron fist approach.
Not the least of the actions that are believed to have been caused by his direction are the recent murder of a female Journalist and an ex-KGB agent who had said or written unfavorable things about Putin and his Government.
If Putin wants to re-establish a dictatorial type of control over Russia he will need to convince the Russians that his being Prime Minister over a "figure head" President. He must assure that there will be no obvious dissent.
Even though Russia was already a hostile place for political dissent. Putin's first convenient event that helped stifle opponents, was the killing of Journalist Anna Politkoskaya in her apartment by gun shots.

Then the suspicious death of Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB officer, and outspoken opponent of the FSB is the most recent example.
Litvinenko was writing a book about the FSB’s abuses (including high-profile assassinations) during the Putin era and allegedly had been gathering information on the FSB’s involvement Politkovskaya’s death. Litvinenko died of a mysterious case of polonium-210 radiation poisoning on 23 November 2006. He was apparently infected during a meeting with a contact a month earlier.
So the Doves in the United States should wake up to the threats that are all around us and within our Country. Their dissent will not be tolerated if we loose this war!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


In this Country we have the Patriot Act to locate terrorists and terrorist sympathisers who aid them with money and spying. The majority of Americans realize we are in the midst of a war with Islamist extremists, and accept the Patriot Act for what it is. A line of defense against an enemy dedicated to the eradication of our way of life.
Unfortunately their are many groups who would rather "be free than safe", as was expressed by the statement of ACLU representative, Cindy Whitfield.
Her organization had filed by 2003, 24 lawsuits against the Patriot Act , including one for the CAIR instituted suit against an American airline for violation of the civil rights of disruptive Muslim Imams.
The ACLU has spent millions of dollars on the advertising campaign against the Patriot Act . The effort is called "keep America Safe and Free".

These "quasi-patriotic" groups and organizations try to appear concerned for the rights of the "little guy", but are in fact trying to destroy the rule of law. Too many members and leaders of the ACLU are neo-Communists who are dedicated to the destruction of our way of life, and substituting their Utopian ideals of Marxist socialism.
The ACLU was formed in 1920 by an attorney, Roger Baldwin who had served nine months in jail for refusing to be drafted in WWI, and a feminist who founded the New York branch of the Women's Peace Party. The ACLU members at the beginning were previous members of the National Civil Liberties Bureau. Many were immigrant Marxists and Anarchists.
The ACLU has defended the right of the Klu Klux Klan to hold rallies, and a famous case upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, they defended Yetta Stromberg vs. The people of the State of California. This case was brought about because Yetta had a Communist Youth Camp in California that flew the Red Communist flag and not the Stars and Stripes.
During WWI President Wilson said: "The authority to exercise censorship is absolutely necessary to the Public safety", and Teddy Roosevelt once said: "anti-war advocates are the enemies at home".

The ACLU and all the other Iraq War protesters like the "She Witch" Cindy Sheehan, should look to Russia where their speech and actions would certainly get them killed or jailed!
The "better red than dead" crowd should read the article printed in the Front Page Magazine on line, that details a forum held to discuss the death of Anna Polikovskaya, shot in her apartment in Moscow 10/7/06, and the murder in Great Britain of former Lt. Col. Alexxander Litvinenko of the Russian Secret Service(formerly KGB) 11/1/06.
The following is an excerpt from a participant, Vladimir Bukovsky. A man who as a Soviet dissident, had spent 12 years in Soviet prison camps, when asked to comment on the deaths of The Journalist Anna and the ex-RFFSS agent, had this to say.
"Consider this: in July of this year, the Russian Duma passed a law authorizing the Russian President to use secret services as "death squads" in order to eliminate "extremists" -- even on the foreign territory (Federal Law of 27 July 2006 N 153-F3).

At the same time, the Duma amended another law, expanding the definition of "extremism" to include anyone "libellously" critical of the current Russian regime (Federal Law of 27 July 2006 N 148-F3).

A stage is set for any critic of Putin's regime here, especially those campaigning against Russian genocide in Chechnya, to have an appointment with a poison-tipped umbrella. According to the statement by the RF Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov, the black list of potential targets is already composed."
And Critics of the Patriot Act think they have it bad?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


For a very long time I have pondered why the French, Russian and Chinese repeatedly vote against resolutions, proposed in he UN by the United States, to restrict the continued march for nuclear weapons in Iran and other Countries anything but friendly to the U.S.

One would think that the French, Russians and Chinese would see the threat of nuclear proliferation, and vote with us. But the case can be made that by their veto power in the UN, they have aided and abetted the radical Islamists in their quest to gain enough power to destroy not only Israel but the United States as well.

I have finally come to the conclusion that it is because of the inculcated hatred for Americans success in the world of economics, and military might that the "neo-communists have looked to the radical Muslims to do their dirty work for them.

Since the days of Marx and Lenin and continuing in great force during the days of Stalin and Kruscheff. Communists have hated the freedom and success of the United States.

When Joseph Stalin said: We don't have to defeat you by force . We will defeat you from within." He was already setting up his world wide spy network, including the Capitols of Europe and America. History shows all the major European countries and America have discovered spies in high places in government, and we will never know how many are still operating.

These Communists have developed through propaganda, disinformation and lies a long list of followers all over the world. Their mission is to bring down our government what ever way they can, so they can replace it with Godless Communism. Communism that has a place for the neo-Communists in the upper eschelon of life, as we learned they had, even during the days of Stalin in the USSR.

Unfortunately Our State Department, Academia and the Media, to name but a few of the spheres of influence here in the U.S, have neo-Communists within them. These are referred to as Left-Wingers, but the true neo-Communist is one who hates the Capitalist system, and desperately wants to change it to Marxist Socialism. A failed idea, but they fervently believe they can do it right this time!

This is the reason the Russians under ex?-KGB officer, Putin and most of Europe's leadership has gone soft on the war against Islamic-fascism.

They want the U.S. brought to its knees, and they are using the radical Muslim world in their fight against the U.S.

Weapons from Russia and China. Technology from France and a pro-Communist press in Great Britain have been helping the Islamists since the "Food for OIL" scandal broke.

The following is a quote from the "American Thinker" written by Jame Lewis:

"The ideological goals of NeoCommunism have not changed one bit, which is why the term "communism" is so accurate. The sucker goal is to create Paradise on Earth by overthrowing democratic capitalism. The real goal is to enable the rise of a new ruling class with huge power over ordinary people. One reason that NeoCommunists have so much in common with Islamic Fascists is that both fantasize about the same millenarian end: Islamists also hate democratic capitalism, and they also want to take over the world for a purer, more idealistic tyranny. Check out Saudi Arabia and Iran for some good examples.
After the fall of the Soviet Empire, the Left changed tactics but not goals. In Europe the result was called the "Third Way," and it is the controlling ideology of the European Union today. The "Third Way" claims to be a compromise between capitalism and Communism, but it comes down to sucking resources from relatively free markets for the sake of centralized State power and control. EU propaganda is just recycled socialist propaganda. You can easily see it on the web.
It is no accident that the United Kingdom today is surrendering its national sovereignty to the European Union as fast as possible: The socialist ruling classes in the UK know they will merge seamlessly into the EU elites, at higher salaries, bigger perks, and much more power. The UK elites are simply planning to join the new ruling class of the emerging European Empire. It's a promotion they just can't turn down.
Down the road it's quite possible that the EU will turn Hard Left, and junk soft socialism. And it's not impossible that it will turn Hard Right, like the Nazis. It all depends on circumstances. In France, Dominique de Villepin certainly celebrates a Napoleonic Empire for the future, as he makes clear in his writings.
The most ambitious aim of the European Union, one that is not disguised, is to become part of a world government, a far more powerful United Nations perhaps, to unify control over the world. They are real enemies of Capitalism.
America has real enemies today. They are totalitarians who shout to the world that they are bound and determined to bring us Paradise on Earth -- as long as it's under their collective thumb. It doesn't really matter whether they are Islamists or Stalinist. They are not hard to figure out, since they proclaim their message from the rooftops. It is an ancient disease flaring up again.
Americans and other civilized countries have a record of winning out over tyrannical ideologies, at least over the longer term. But winning is by no means guaranteed. It's like a Twelve-Step Program -- first you have to recognize that the disease has gone too far. Then you can do something about it --- gently, factually, and in a persuasive way.
Winning against Neo-Communism is a matter of reaching hearts and minds, as it always is. Yes, you can love the sinners, just don't fool yourself about the sin. It all starts with telling the truth that is right in front of our eyes".
It says it all, and it is not as some critics will say, acute paranoia. It is the facts as seen today.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Just when I thought Hillary Clinton had offered the American voters enough "goodies" to convince even the biggest sceptic that she is a hard core Socialist. She went and offered more free stuff that would have to be financed by the taxpayers who are already taxed heavily.

Today she promised, if elected President, she would establish 401 K plans for everybody! The following is aquote from The Hillary Project.

"Every citizen could get a 401(k) retirement account and up to $1,000 in annual matching funds from the government under a plan offered Tuesday by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
At a cost of $20 billion-$25 billion a year, the plan is Clinton's largest domestic proposal other than her plan for universal health insurance.
The New York senator said it would be paid for by taxing estates worth more than $7 million per couple and would help narrow the gap between the rich and those who don't have enough savings for retirement.
At the same time, Clinton said she has given up another idea for a savings incentive—giving every baby born in the United States a $5,000 account to one day pay for college or a first home.
She made that suggestion last month before the Congressional Black Caucus, saying it was just an idea and not a policy proposal. The idea was criticized by Republicans, and she told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published Tuesday that it's off the table.
The campaign of her Democratic rival John Edwards suggested it was an example of Clinton setting her positions by polls. "Apparently, new polling data seems to have pressured the Clinton campaign to throw out the baby bond with the bathwater," said Edwards spokesman."

If Americans could see through the lies and false promises that Senator Clinton is spewing. They would realize that there is not enough money received by the Federal Government from the high earners to fund this plan. I believe it would not get through Congress, but it illustrates the lengths that this Socialist will go to to capture her prize--the White House!

If she gets elected every wage earner will pay the price for her Socialistic ideals!


As Reported in JURIST, A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Tennessee's execution procedures constitute "cruel and unusual" punishment, derailing plans to execute a death row inmate next week. US District Judge Aleta Trauger [official profile] held that revised death penalty protocols [PDF text; JURIST report], devised by the Tennessee Department of Corrections in April at the request of Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen [official website], do not ensure that prisoners' are properly anesthetized before they receive a lethal injection and thus violate their constitutional Eighth Amendment rights. The Tennessee Attorney Generals office has not yet decided whether or not it will appeal the decision. This coincides with an article written by a British Neurologist for the JURIST, Dr. David Nocholl, demanding that death penalty cases that are carried out using lethal injection are cruel and unusual treatment because the chemicals used could allow the person being put to death to feel pain
Putting aside for a moment the fact that the person being put to death had no concern for the person he/she killed in a heinous manner felt pain.
There is a unfathomable hypocrisy in advocating the end to capital punishment based upon the pain it causes, while thousands of doctors inflict pain on unborn and partially born babies every day during abortions.
In the period from 1976 to 2000 there were just 64 executions in the State of Florida, but records show that in 2003 alone there were 854,122 abortions performed in the U.S.
Twenty-five percent of those women who had abortions gave the reason for the abortions as: "they wanted to postpone childbearing", and only 2.8% were because the mothers life or health was endangered by the pregnancy.
Over 12% of the abortions performed in the U.S. are done after 13 weeks post fertilization.
Available scientific evidence indicates that a fetus can feel pain 20 weeks after fertilization, and they certainly feel it when partial birth abortions are performed on fully formed babies. The source for this statistic is a Time Magazine article written in December 2006 by Nancy Gibbs.

Dr. Nicholls had this to say about the chemicals used in lethal injection:

"There is no clear medical reason for the use of the muscle-paralysing agent, Pancuronium, as there is the very real possibility of a prisoner who is paralysed but only partially anesthetized will experience intense pain with the cardiotoxin, Potassium Chloride. However, for death penalty proponents, clearly it would be disturbing to see a prisoner writhing in pain, so the use of Pancuronium would be a politically astute move. It is interesting to note how even the US veterinary association regard the use of Pancuronium unacceptable in the euthanasia of domestic pets. Today’s report clearly shows a number of cases where executions have been botched with prolonged deaths, skins burns and convulsions. Why do doctors involve themselves in the death penalty, when every medical association that has studied the matter, has so conclusively opposed the involvement of health care workers in the death penalty? Often there is ignorance of ethical guidelines amongst members of the medical profession"
It is equally interesting to this blogger that the doctor refers to pain inflicted on a dog and ignores the pain inflicted on millions of aborted babies!
Abortion hurts - - physically, psychologically,and spiritually. A recent column that appeared in an issue of the magazine "George". Written by Naomi Wolf, it was titled "The Dead Baby Boom." In a few words her thesis is that partial-birth abortions are so painful to contemplate that "the image pushing to the forefront of our culture is that of a tortured fetus outside the womb." Whether the victim is a newborn or an infant, these are "suffering babies". Why are people like Dr.Nicholland the Tennessee District Judge Trauger not more interested in the pain inflicted daily not occasionally in the dastardly abortion process. I think it is all about money!






Monday, October 08, 2007


Since 12/15/1791, when the State of Virginia ratified the Bill Of Rights ,that contained the first ten Amendments to the original Constitution signed in 1787. The first amendment has been twisted every way imaginable to allow the exclusion of religious symbols from public places.

It has also been used by Liberal activists to aid and abet flag burning,hard-core rap, heavy-metal lyrics, tobacco advertising, hate speech(used against the President often), pornography, nude dancing, solicitation and various forms of symbolic speech.

Is it time to consider separating hate speech and outright lying in publications outside the purview of the protection given by the First Amendment? Many would agree to limiting some forms of free expression, as seen in the First Amendment Center's State of the First Amendment survey reports.

The recent Washington State Supreme Court decision concerning the First Amendment right to lie in advertisements about political opponents, is a perfect example of the stretch that Liberal Activists have taken the First Amendment to mean.

By a narrow 5-4 decision the Washington State Supreme Court struck down the Washington State Law that forbids lying about one's opponent in political adds.

We all know politics produces lies, and most politicians tell lies. It is part of their make-up to lie about what they will do if elected, but to try to defame an opponent by telling or printing lies about him/her is a new low in political campaigns that will only get worse with Court rulings like the Washington case.

A recent poll by The First Amendment Center revealed that 60% of those surveyed believed the press reported the news with a political bias. This is a reflection of the fact that well over 95% of Journalists vote Democratic.

The same poll showed an increasing number of people believe the press has too much freedom to print what they want. The 34% who believe this is the case is considerably less than a poll taken in 2000 when over 51% believed the press had too much freedom to print what they wanted. This is probably a backlash from the controversy surrounding the 2000 Presidential election.
"Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise"-- Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler were masters at propaganda, and ruled their press with an iron hand. Today the Liberals are using the press and the academic institutions to promote their secular, humanistic form of Marxist Socialism not unlike Adolf and Joe did in their reign of terror.
God willing, the Liberals won't be successful in their brain washing techniques using the First Amendment to hide behind. But I wouldn't bet on it.
"Did you know that Time magazine and other news organizations had a Vietnamese communist on full-time staff in Vietnam during that war? Do you remember that ABC, CBS and NBC have all rigged cars or trucks with explosives or other devices to make them look dangerous on TV, or that Consumer Reports lied about the Suzuki Samurai enough to put it out of business? Do you know that multiple "veterans" of the Viet Nam and Iraq wars who told of atrocities there were never even in the military? Did you realize reputable news organizations such as the Boston Globe and Reuters cannot tell the difference between a real soldier and a toy doll, commercial pornography and soldiers committing rape, a burning tire dump and a bombed building, a fired and an unfired rifle round, or footage of the North Pole and a clip from the movie Titanic?
When it comes to President Bush, the media have lied about his National Guard service, lied about his serving a plastic turkey to troops in Iraq on Thanksgiving and then made a big deal about that phony story, lied about his speeches, quoted him by removing the words he actually used, and admitted they would use a harsher standard with him than his opponent John Kerry. To this day, they criticize his administration's handling of the Katrina crisis, which was actually one of the most successful rescue and recovery efforts in history, but barely mention their own huge and egregious mistakes in reporting on that event."