Unfortunately their are many groups who would rather "be free than safe", as was expressed by the statement of ACLU representative, Cindy Whitfield.
Her organization had filed by 2003, 24 lawsuits against the Patriot Act , including one for the CAIR instituted suit against an American airline for violation of the civil rights of disruptive Muslim Imams.
The ACLU has spent millions of dollars on the advertising campaign against the Patriot Act . The effort is called "keep America Safe and Free".
These "quasi-patriotic" groups and organizations try to appear concerned for the rights of the "little guy", but are in fact trying to destroy the rule of law. Too many members and leaders of the ACLU are neo-Communists who are dedicated to the destruction of our way of life, and substituting their Utopian ideals of Marxist socialism.

The ACLU has defended the right of the Klu Klux Klan to hold rallies, and a famous case upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, they defended Yetta Stromberg vs. The people of the State of California. This case was brought about because Yetta had a Communist Youth Camp in California that flew the Red Communist flag and not the Stars and Stripes.
During WWI President Wilson said: "The authority to exercise censorship is absolutely necessary to the Public safety", and Teddy Roosevelt once said: "anti-war advocates are the enemies at home".
The ACLU and all the other Iraq War protesters like the "She Witch" Cindy Sheehan, should look to Russia where their speech and actions would certainly get them killed or jailed!
The "better red than dead" crowd should read the article printed in the Front Page Magazine on line, that details a forum held to discuss the death of Anna Polikovskaya, shot in her apartment in Moscow 10/7/06, and the murder in Great Britain of former Lt. Col. Alexxander Litvinenko of the Russian Secret Service(formerly KGB) 11/1/06.
The following is an excerpt from a participant, Vladimir Bukovsky. A man who as a Soviet dissident, had spent 12 years in Soviet prison camps, when asked to comment on the deaths of The Journalist Anna and the ex-RFFSS agent, had this to say.
"Consider this: in July of this year, the Russian Duma passed a law authorizing the Russian President to use secret services as "death squads" in order to eliminate "extremists" -- even on the foreign territory (Federal Law of 27 July 2006 N 153-F3).
At the same time, the Duma amended another law, expanding the definition of "extremism" to include anyone "libellously" critical of the current Russian regime (Federal Law of 27 July 2006 N 148-F3).
A stage is set for any critic of Putin's regime here, especially those campaigning against Russian genocide in Chechnya, to have an appointment with a poison-tipped umbrella. According to the statement by the RF Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov, the black list of potential targets is already composed."
And Critics of the Patriot Act think they have it bad?

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