Saturday, March 03, 2007


Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.
A Good Conservative Blunders
By jaxhawk
The "Captains Quarters author Ed Morrissey has made a blunder with a comparison to the pejorative speech by Ann Coulter.
Ms. Coulter used the word "faggot" in describing John Edwards. Whether she meant to describe his sexual persuasion, or was using a "bar room" slur to describe a person she dislikes immensely, I don't know.
Either way it should not have been used in the forum that it was uttered. But Mr. Morresey took time in his award winning blog to compare her speech with that of Amanda Marcotte, who is infamous for her hate speech against Catholics, and Melissa McEwan who called Christians, "Christofascists Godbags".
Coulters remark is indefensible, but referring to anti-religious speech as being the same as calling a person with a sexual proclivity different from normal, is a stretch.
Ann Coulters "word" is objectionable, but the other two women are guilty of sycophancy! Yes, I know some religions open their arms to Lesbians and Homosexuals. But so far, my religion does not!
Homosexuality is a group of people with a lot of political clout these days. Especially since the advent of political correctness. But using a pejorative word is not the same as speech dedicated to tear down a religious belief.
If it were the Quran would be declared hate speech, since it specifies numerous times to kill homosexuals among many other punishments for infidels.

Posted on: Sat, Mar 3 2007 3:10 PM

Friday, March 02, 2007

Time To Take a Close Look at Culture

We must have a cultural change in this country, and for many it will be painful. But we have to do it if we wish to preserve the Republic. We call The United States!
There is a persistent refusal by many people to accept that we are in the throes of a holy war waged on the Western world for more than 25 years without our even recognizing it, because it doesn’t fit our definition of war. It is a world war being fought in many disparate theaters around the World,with many proximate causes, but all with one single aim. To defeat Western civilization, establish Islam as the dominant power in the world and restore the medieval caliphate.
As John Stuart Mill once said, "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
It is a sad picture in Europe where so many of the people have never learned to fight for their freedom… Where people are only good at enjoying it. Usually thanks to the USA. But it is sadder still to realize that nearly half the American people – Liberals, Democrats, the anti-war radicals with the loudest voices – agree with them… They rely for their freedoms on the exertions and sacrifices of better men than they. Our own U.S. culture has begun to give way to multiculturalism. And this is the core of the dilema that will paralyze us.
Many people think multiculturalism is all about showing respect and tolerance to other cultures and faiths. Well, we should all support respect and tolerance. But that’s not what multiculturalism is at allas I understand it.
The doctrine of multiculturalism holds that all minority values must have equal status to those of the majority. Any attempt to uphold majority values over minorities is a form of prejudice. That turns minorities into a cultural battering ram to destroy the very idea of majority culture at all.
A liberal, tolerant society - which is what the United States is- welcomes and respects minorities. But the "deal" since the "Enlightened" invented tolerance has been that, while the State makes no demands on minorities practising their faith and culture in the private sphere, minorities make no demands that the State adopt their own practices. Minorities do their own thing, but where their values conflict with the bedrock values of majority culture - freedom of speech, monogamy, women’s rights - they must give way.
Many Muslims do not accept this. And multiculturalism gives them the muscle to insist that their practices must become mainstream. That’s why in Europe they have areas under the informal parallel jurisdiction of sharia law and growing pressure for it to become incorporated into mainstream society.
But precepts such as polygamy, the subordination of women or death penalty for apostates or gays are totally contrary to American society.
It is only if we act against the Islamic ideology that is spreading falsehood and hatred, and stop its advance under the umbrella of minority rights, that we have any chance of defending the free world. That means - while showing respect to Muslims who derive only spiritual sustenance from their faith - reasserting Western values and resisting any attempt to subvert them. It also means facing down in public the lies spread about the West.Without an approach to Muslims residing here in the U.S. that includes these precepts we have little hope of remaining a Democratic Republic where individual rights are respected.

Attack On Chritianity Is Relentless

"Pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.)
The attacks on Christianity keep coming. Not only from our present enemy the Islamic Jihadists, and in recent history from Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, PolPot and Wen Jiabo of Communist China. Now Days the anti-Christian dialogue is a steady stream of lies and misrepresentations from academia and the media. The most recent example of the blasphemy spewed by the television "prevaricators" comes from Matt Lauer.
The following is a very good example of an attempt to tear down one of the basic tenants of the Christian Church. The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ.
On Monday morning NBC News' Matt Lauer proffered an infomercial for "The Lost Tomb of Jesus," a "documentary" airing on the Discovery Channel this weekend. NBC's breathless billing described the production as a "shocking new claim" that James Cameron, the Hollywood director of "Titanic," had discovered the place where Jesus, his wife Mary and their son were buried, and promised that NBC's exclusive interview "could rock Christianity to its core." Peacock network promoters failed to note that the tomb Cameron "discovered" had actually been found nearly three decades ago -- and that credible archaeologists had long since dismissed any assertion it belonged to the Jesus Christ crucified on Calvary.
The quote is courtesy of "The Patriot Post"
Not only does this piece attempt to destroy peoples faith in the Resurrection of Jesus. It also makes the point that Jesus was not celibate, as he has asked his priests to be, but was married and had a male child. Their implication makes those with little faith, believe Jesus was just another man like us. Not the God made man who was born to die on the cross at Calvary for our sins, and rise from the dead on Easter morning.
I don't expect everybody to believe this as I do. But please don't try to tear down the basic belief of the majority of American people with lies and misinformation.
I would bet my last dollar they wouldn't try to malign Mohammad this way!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hypocrasy At U. of Minn. and Media Ommisions

Two newsworthy stories you won't find in the left wing media are the hypocrisy being demonstrated in the State University of Minnesota, and the statistics of military KIA during Clintons' administration
The first obscenity is that despite protests from the Rev. Harry Flynn, Catholic Archbishop of Minneapolis, that the play is anti-Catholic. The President of the University, Robert Bruininks, is allowing the Production of Nobel Prize winner Dar Fo's play "Pope and the Witch" to go on stage in the University theater 3/1-3/9.

This play is about legalizing drugs, a pro-abortion Witch, and a paranoid Pope who oversees evil in the Vatican. The director is Robert Rosen.
The hypocrisy is that were this play, written by the Italian writer, about the Muslim religion. The University would never let it be seen. CAIR and Minnesota's new Muslim Congressman would make sure of this.
Fos many plays also include such "jems" as Archangels Don't Play Pinball". The man obviously has an animus for the Catholic Faith, and should not be allowed to be shown in a State University funded by many Catholic citizens of Minnesota.
The second fact is the number of Our military KIA during Clintons' administration.
The media is obsessed with printing a daily kill count of the action in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can't read a paper or watch the veening news without some mention of our KIA.
But we never read or heard of the 1245 killed in 1993, 1109 killed in 1994, 1055 killed in 1995, and the 1008 killed in 1996. This total of 4,417 for the four years we were sending our troops into combat in Kosovo, and various other exotic places like Mogadishu these brave soldiers died doing their duty. I morn their deaths, but abhor the fact they went unreported by the left wing press.
This is more than an omission. It is deceptive and biased propaganda not unlike what we saw from Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germany during WWII.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Maybe Obama Isn't Black Enough

The supporters of Hillary Clinton and some Black leaders have charged this past month that Senator Obama "isn't Black enough" to expect full support from the Black voters.

Perhaps they are correct. If you look to the recent past you will find that the United States Senates only past leader of the KKK has gained support from Obama.

Wikapedia lists Senator Byrds involvement in West Virginia KKK as a "Kleagle" aka, recruiter, and later during the late 1940s as "Exalted Cyclops"(leader of the local Klan).

His racist activity does not stop with his membership in the KKK. His book,"When Jim Crow Meets John Bull" includes the following:

"Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds
When running for Congress in 1952, he announced, "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." During this campaign, "Byrd went on the radio to acknowledge that he belonged to the Klan from 'mid-1942 to early 1943,' according to newspaper accounts. He explained that he had joined 'because it offered excitement and because it was strongly opposed to communism."

With a history of bigotry and racism like his it is strange that in 2005, shortly after becoming the Junior Senator from Illinois. Senator Obama went to West Virginia to help raise money for Senator Byrds reelection. He was soliciting the sale of tickets at $2500 a plate to a Byrd testimonial.

Granted Obama is only half Black, but even 50% of his heritage being Black should have kept him far from West Virginia, and support for a man who used the "N" word on national television twice in 2001.

Perhaps the part of him that is allegedly Muslim was attracted to Senator Byrd's "anti-Communism" reason for joining the KKK? What do you think?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A March Toward Capitulation

Lex et Libertas—Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.)Courtesy of Patriot Post.
While Americans fall under the spell of Global warming and the mandates of the ecologists who want the U.S. back in the stone age.A report by Gordon Taylor discloses the following facts.
The Chinese Communists have just made and agreement with Aramco and Exxon-Mobil to expand the oil refinery capacity in the Fujian area of Southern China from 80,000 barrels a day to 240,000 barrels a day.
The Communist Provincial government and the Chinese oil giant Sinoper will own 50% percent of the operation. Exxon-Mobil and Aramco will each have 25% interest.
While the U.S. anti-energy "Jacobins" make plans to develop lighter cars that are battery powered. The Chinese, exempt from the Kyoto agreement are busily making themselves an energy powerhouse.
Why do Americans continue to support politicians and causes that weaken our once great Country? Tony Blankly calls it "vulture politics". We seem to be He** bent on self destruction with "moon Bats" like Gore getting an Oscar for a salacious movie based upon unproven data, and Congress refuses to support oil production in ANWAR and the building of new refineries. The Arab world and the Russians and Chinese will control the oil we need to sustain our way of life. But we will have cute little golf Carts masquerading as automobiles!

Monday, February 26, 2007


The liberal writers Peter George and Paul Cruichshank have written a report for "Mother Jones". A left wing rag popular with the the anti-war crowd.These two "pseudo" scientists claim that terrorism has risen 607% since the U.S. invaded Baghdad. Their statistics came from MIPT.
They used the same leftwing formula to put forth their "half-truths". They neglected to mention the Fact that Osama bin Ladin gave a "fatwa" to all faithful Muslims to" kill Americans and plunder their money". He said this in 1998, long before The United States entered Baghdad to stop the genocide Saddam Hussein was perpetrating on his own people.
They also failed to mention the 1998 world wide bombing of U.S. Embassys that killed 275 people and wounded over 4000. The cost to repair and in some cases rebuild the embassy structures exceeded 1.92 billion dollars.
The 2000 terrorist attack on the USS Cole was conveniently omitted. Seventeen sailors were killed and twenty seven seriously wounded.
And not to be forgotten by anyone but a liberal with a mission,was the 2001 terrorist crashing of two 757s into the New York Twin Towers killing over 3000.Funny how most liberal statisticians pick and choose their data. We have been safe here at home since the invasion, and it is why we should keep up the fight to defeat Islamic terrorism.

Lex et Libertas—Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm’s way around the world, and for their families, especially those of our fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who have died in defense of American liberty while prosecuting the war with Jihadistan.)COURTESY OF "PATRIOT POST"