We must have a cultural change in this country, and for many it will be painful. But we have to do it if we wish to preserve the Republic. We call The United States!
There is a persistent refusal by many people to accept that we are in the throes of a holy war waged on the Western world for more than 25 years without our even recognizing it, because it doesn’t fit our definition of war. It is a world war being fought in many disparate theaters around the World,with many proximate causes, but all with one single aim. To defeat Western civilization, establish Islam as the dominant power in the world and restore the medieval caliphate.
As John Stuart Mill once said, "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
There is a persistent refusal by many people to accept that we are in the throes of a holy war waged on the Western world for more than 25 years without our even recognizing it, because it doesn’t fit our definition of war. It is a world war being fought in many disparate theaters around the World,with many proximate causes, but all with one single aim. To defeat Western civilization, establish Islam as the dominant power in the world and restore the medieval caliphate.
As John Stuart Mill once said, "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
It is a sad picture in Europe where so many of the people have never learned to fight for their freedom… Where people are only good at enjoying it. Usually thanks to the USA. But it is sadder still to realize that nearly half the American people – Liberals, Democrats, the anti-war radicals with the loudest voices – agree with them… They rely for their freedoms on the exertions and sacrifices of better men than they. Our own U.S. culture has begun to give way to multiculturalism. And this is the core of the dilema that will paralyze us.
Many people think multiculturalism is all about showing respect and tolerance to other cultures and faiths. Well, we should all support respect and tolerance. But that’s not what multiculturalism is at allas I understand it.
The doctrine of multiculturalism holds that all minority values must have equal status to those of the majority. Any attempt to uphold majority values over minorities is a form of prejudice. That turns minorities into a cultural battering ram to destroy the very idea of majority culture at all.
A liberal, tolerant society - which is what the United States is- welcomes and respects minorities. But the "deal" since the "Enlightened" invented tolerance has been that, while the State makes no demands on minorities practising their faith and culture in the private sphere, minorities make no demands that the State adopt their own practices. Minorities do their own thing, but where their values conflict with the bedrock values of majority culture - freedom of speech, monogamy, women’s rights - they must give way.
Many Muslims do not accept this. And multiculturalism gives them the muscle to insist that their practices must become mainstream. That’s why in Europe they have areas under the informal parallel jurisdiction of sharia law and growing pressure for it to become incorporated into mainstream society.
But precepts such as polygamy, the subordination of women or death penalty for apostates or gays are totally contrary to American society.
It is only if we act against the Islamic ideology that is spreading falsehood and hatred, and stop its advance under the umbrella of minority rights, that we have any chance of defending the free world. That means - while showing respect to Muslims who derive only spiritual sustenance from their faith - reasserting Western values and resisting any attempt to subvert them. It also means facing down in public the lies spread about the West.Without an approach to Muslims residing here in the U.S. that includes these precepts we have little hope of remaining a Democratic Republic where individual rights are respected.
A liberal, tolerant society - which is what the United States is- welcomes and respects minorities. But the "deal" since the "Enlightened" invented tolerance has been that, while the State makes no demands on minorities practising their faith and culture in the private sphere, minorities make no demands that the State adopt their own practices. Minorities do their own thing, but where their values conflict with the bedrock values of majority culture - freedom of speech, monogamy, women’s rights - they must give way.
Many Muslims do not accept this. And multiculturalism gives them the muscle to insist that their practices must become mainstream. That’s why in Europe they have areas under the informal parallel jurisdiction of sharia law and growing pressure for it to become incorporated into mainstream society.
But precepts such as polygamy, the subordination of women or death penalty for apostates or gays are totally contrary to American society.
It is only if we act against the Islamic ideology that is spreading falsehood and hatred, and stop its advance under the umbrella of minority rights, that we have any chance of defending the free world. That means - while showing respect to Muslims who derive only spiritual sustenance from their faith - reasserting Western values and resisting any attempt to subvert them. It also means facing down in public the lies spread about the West.Without an approach to Muslims residing here in the U.S. that includes these precepts we have little hope of remaining a Democratic Republic where individual rights are respected.
1 comment:
Good one.Yes,we have reached the sick level of failed democracy because of the false notions that man can live happily together in equal union despite his differences.Despite this grand and glorious delusion, and outright lie perpetrated by would be intellectual nihlists,there is no such utopia available on earth.Inbreeding,destruction of faiths,and smothering dissension with strict punitive laws for racial intolerance are all potentially "good"remedies but man will never achieve such apple pie pipe dreams.Jealousy,hate and greed will always remain with us as part of our various heritages.War after war has resulted from these societal discrepancies of man since history was first recorded as scratched figures on a cave's wall,but man has learned not one lesson from all this turmoil.In his impudence toward others he has only worsened the world wide slide of humanity.It isn't religion itself that is causing conflicts but the politically motivated ideologies of various faiths whether faith in a tyrannical secular government,faith in a tree,or the faith in a spirit or a god.Somebody of some importance to some people once said"man can not live by bread alone".Too few remember these words of true wisdom,especially the proud,pompous,self indulging short sighted and short lived creatures of this tiny planet called earth.
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