Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Is It Time To Start the Conservative Party?
Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” —Ronald Reagan
There are no longer sharp dividing lines between the Republican and Democrat parties in the USA Congress.Or for that matter in all levels of politics.
What we have is "Rinos"(Republicans in name only) from states where real Conservatives cannot win elections, but Democrats have historically been out of favor.
Then we have here in the South, where voters no mater how conservative they are, remember that Lincoln was the first Republican President, and vote Democrat no matter who runs. The South is also well known for "Blue Dog" Democrats, and fiscal Conservatives who run as Democrats only because very few would vote Republican.
It is past time for the Conservative Party to be formed.The dividing line between Liberals and Conservatives has been drawn in the sand. Those who believe in cradle to grave government control are on one side, and those who believe in the individual right to succeed and excel are dependent upon himself or herself is one of the dividing lines.
The other main division is the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. The Conservatives advocate this position, whereas the Liberals believe the State should allow partial birth abortion and Euthanasia.
There are many other defining positions that separate a Conservative from a Liberal. Core conservative principles include outspoken belief in God and country, and many U.S. conservatives support a fiscal policy rooted in small government, laissez faire capitalism, and supply-side economics. In foreign policy, American conservatives usually advocate "American exceptionalism," a belief that the U.S. is unique among nations and that its standing and actions do and should guide the course of world history. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, American conservatives have been the driving force behind increased U.S. military power.
Liberals think of us as people whu grasp their guns and bibles! I do not think this is a bad thing!
In the USA today, social liberalism combines support for government social programs, progressive taxation, and moderate Keynesianism with a broad concept of rights, which today includes a right to education and health care. However, this is by no means the only contemporary American political current that draws heavily on the liberal tradition.
So you can see there is a definite division between the two political philosophy's. Thus, I believe the need for a new Conservative party! And Ron Paul would be a great candidate!Paul is a member of the Liberty Caucus of Republican congressmen which aims to limit the size and scope of the federal government, just what the doctor ordered!
President B.Hussein Obama in his first forty days in office has made the greatest shift to the left in OUR government that any President in History has made. Even FDR did not make such a rapid shift to the left!
His spendulus effort has committed the American taxpayer to trillions of dollars for programs that most conservative economists believe will do absolutely nothing to raise our economy out of it's doldrums, but will make a giant step toward socializing our Country.
The history of Obama's formative years contain the names of anarchists, Communists and just plain America haters. To name just a few, we have alleged mentors Frank Marshall Davis, Rev.Jeremiah Wright and Weatherman and bomber William Ayers, and Leftist colleagues in the Democrat Party, the Socialist New Party, the ACORN crowd, Rod Blagojevich, Richard Daley, Saul Alinsky, Father Michael Pfleger, Khalid al-Mansour, Kwame Kilpatrick, Louis Farrakhan, Rashid Khalidi and Raila Odinga. I am sure they would say to BHO, "just keep up the good work"!
For most of my adult years I have been aware of the disdain that Labor has for most management, but never before has a President and his "henchmen" tried so hard to divide Americans into the Rich versus the Poor. Class hatred has become an art form in the Obama administration. All the while he and his cronies party on each Wednesday in the White House with selected guests and celebrities, all at taxpayers expense! While the Dow is in a free fall! I believe that the 27% fall in DOW average, since Obama's election, is a reflection of the people who buy stock, feeling that they can't rely on Obama to correct the falling economy with what he and a co-operating Congress have cobbled together.
As Stuart Varney(an ex-Britt.) has said on television today. He is convinced that Obama is taking the USA down the path to Socialism that Great Britain took 30 years ago. I agree with him, and it is time for those who thought the CHANGE Obama was talking about was to make the Republic we live in a better place to live and work. Was but a dream on their part!
Unless you are one of those 50% who pay no taxes, and wait each month for your government check to come. I am afraid the road ahead will be one of redistribution of your wealth, more taxes and devaluation of the money you have and earn.While Congress and Obama commit "Generational theft"!
Monday, March 02, 2009
For all his lofty grandstanding about private-sector greed (a.k.a. "free enterprise"), Obama hasn't proposed any salary rollbacks in the executive or legislative Federal government branches, much less big layoffs to reduce the size and cost of government. Instead Obama's proposals will swell the ranks of the Federal government to unprecedented levels, all paid for with your tax dollars.
So much for the federal government tightening its belt while there are massive salary cutbacks and layoffs in the private sector, or, should I say, out here in the real world.Some would refer it to "fly-over country"!
Despite all this, the biggest expansion of government programs and spending in history, Obama had the audacity to say, "There is, of course, another responsibility we have to our children. And that is the responsibility to ensure that we do not pass on to them a debt they cannot pay. ... We cannot simply spend as we please and defer the consequences."He must think we are all brain dead! What about the 1.3 trillion in spending and counting that he and Congress has spent in the last 30 days?
I believe if Obama and his "back henchmen" would look at the use of government purchase cards they could find a way to save some tax payers money.
The number of "credit cards" predictably, has expanded at a rapid rate. Spurred by legislative and regulatory reforms designed to increase the use of purchase cards for small acquisitions, the volume of government purchase card transactions grew from $527 million in 1993 to $18.7 billion in 2007. While the use of purchase cards has been credited with reducing administrative costs, audits of agency purchase card programs have found varying degrees of waste, fraud and abuse.
A 2008 Government Accountability Office audit at NASA found employee charges for seemingly personal items, including custom-engraved iPods and a Christmas tree. One former employee pleaded guilty to embezzlement in 2007 after spending more than $157,000 on jewelry, electronics and an air conditioner for her home. At least 160 cases of card abuse were referred to NASA investigators during fiscal 2007 and 2008, with 25 of those resulting in disciplinary action.
Credit card misuse is not unique to NASA. The most common risk factor is that Agencies fail to implement adequate safeguards against card misuse, even as their purchase programs grew. And employees have been able to seek improper purchases through the system.
Each FEDERAL GOVERNMENT agency is responsible for establishing its own purchase card program. Within guidelines from the Office of Management and Budget, an agency establishes internal rules and regulations for purchase card use and management, decides which of its employees are to receive cards, and handles billing and payment. Sounds to me like the fox guarding the hen house!
In another weekend breaking news story that illustrates the deception in the Presidents eloquent style of describing things. President Obama announced that he had finally chosen a replacement for the vacant post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Kathleen Sebelius, the second female governor of Kansas, the Democrat respondent to the 2008 State of the Union address, and chair-emerita of the Democratic Governors Association. She ,like Obama is a supporter late term partial birth abortion. Sebelius has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood and they have conducted fundraising activity on her behalf. Sebelius vetoed anti-abortion legislation in Kansas in 2003, 2005, 2006, and again in 2008.
Sebelius, also did not support an April 2005 amendment to the Kansas Constitution that made same-sex marriage in the state unconstitutional. Sebelius said she supported the existing state law outlawing same-sex marriage, viewed it as sufficient, and therefore opposed the constitutional amendment. The amendment passed with 70 percent voter approval.
Source: Wikapedia
If the above is not enough to disqualify her for a Cabinet position. Gov.Sebelius gave an award to the notorious Doctor George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas at the governor's mansion in September of 2005.
Dr. Tiller is the abortion doctor whom Bill O'Rielly featured on his Television program Monday Nov.06,2006 as this quote illustrates.
"The Factor" has been investigating Dr. George Tiller of Kansas. For $5000, "Tiller the Baby Killer," as some call him, will perform a late-term abortion for just about any reason.
In Kansas, the law says that abortions are legal after 22 weeks when a baby in the womb becomes viable, only if there is "irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman."
Now that's a pretty high bar. But there is the mental health exception. And that is where Dr. Tiller lives.
"The Factor" has learned that in Kansas, a mental health exception can be just about anything. However, we needed to prove that. So we tried to get Tiller's records. We could not. He cited patient confidentiality. And month after month, we were frustrated.
But now, "The Factor" has evidence that indicates Tiller killed late-term fetuses by citing "temporary depression" on the part of the mother. That was the reason Tiller performed scores, perhaps thousands of late-term abortions"
What possibly could motivate a governor to give an award to this monster? And is this woman the best Obama can find to head our National Health Care agency, just because she agrees with him on abortion issues? When will President Obama stop telling Americans and the world that he will not stand for torture and yet allow the killing, brutally of a partial born baby by crushing it's skull!
Where are you Dr. Koop when we need you, and I did not even like him!
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