President B.Hussein Obama in his first forty days in office has made the greatest shift to the left in OUR government that any President in History has made. Even FDR did not make such a rapid shift to the left!
His spendulus effort has committed the American taxpayer to trillions of dollars for programs that most conservative economists believe will do absolutely nothing to raise our economy out of it's doldrums, but will make a giant step toward socializing our Country.
The history of Obama's formative years contain the names of anarchists, Communists and just plain America haters. To name just a few, we have alleged mentors Frank Marshall Davis, Rev.Jeremiah Wright and Weatherman and bomber William Ayers, and Leftist colleagues in the Democrat Party, the Socialist New Party, the ACORN crowd, Rod Blagojevich, Richard Daley, Saul Alinsky, Father Michael Pfleger, Khalid al-Mansour, Kwame Kilpatrick, Louis Farrakhan, Rashid Khalidi and Raila Odinga. I am sure they would say to BHO, "just keep up the good work"!
For most of my adult years I have been aware of the disdain that Labor has for most management, but never before has a President and his "henchmen" tried so hard to divide Americans into the Rich versus the Poor. Class hatred has become an art form in the Obama administration. All the while he and his cronies party on each Wednesday in the White House with selected guests and celebrities, all at taxpayers expense! While the Dow is in a free fall! I believe that the 27% fall in DOW average, since Obama's election, is a reflection of the people who buy stock, feeling that they can't rely on Obama to correct the falling economy with what he and a co-operating Congress have cobbled together.
As Stuart Varney(an ex-Britt.) has said on television today. He is convinced that Obama is taking the USA down the path to Socialism that Great Britain took 30 years ago. I agree with him, and it is time for those who thought the CHANGE Obama was talking about was to make the Republic we live in a better place to live and work. Was but a dream on their part!
Unless you are one of those 50% who pay no taxes, and wait each month for your government check to come. I am afraid the road ahead will be one of redistribution of your wealth, more taxes and devaluation of the money you have and earn.While Congress and Obama commit "Generational theft"!
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