Friday, September 26, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stands alone as a sentinel for freedom of express

The present National financial crisis is a shock for most Americans who believed the Federal Reserve and Our Treasury officials would guide our nation through any crisis that happened.

But we did not understand that the very people charged with protecting our economy and our individual savings would lie to us for political reasons.

For more than four years President Bush has tried to get both the public and key members of Congress to agree to revisions in the major mortgage lending government sponsored organizations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack. But his cries for reform have fallen on closed ears!
First there was the collapse of the "FM's" and then the mortgage and bank crisis followed.
Barney Frank (D-MA), as Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Committee had ample knowledge of President Bush’s and Senator McCain’s concerns about the need for oversight reform for the financial markets, yet they chose to play the roles of obstructers instead of reformers. They had the power all along to effect reforms for the financial oversight process and failed to act! source: New Media Journal

It used to be that individuals bought homes to live in the rest of their lives.
They would put down roots, work in the community, send their children to
school, look after the neighborhood, and be vigilant with crime and decay.

Perhaps most importantly to politicians, they voted. And if legislators helped
them get that dream home the homeowners would vote for them!This thinking resulted in the formation, during the Clinton Administration of: THE NATIONAL HOME OWNERSHIP STRATEGY

Out of this logic arose the National Home ownership Strategy, prepared by
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), under the
direction of Secretary Henry G. Cisneros, in response to a request from President

In the spring and summer of 1994, Secretary Henry Cisneros met with leaders of major national organizations from the housing industry to solicit their views about establishing a national home ownership partnership. In August 1994 these
planning sessions culminated in a historic meeting at which industry
representatives agreed to the formation of working groups to help develop the
National Home ownership Strategy,”

This financial scheme was most likely meant to bolstering Clinton's legacy as a man who “cared about the little people. It promoted irresponsibly low down payments and forced lenders(Banks and Mortgage Co.) into giving home loans to first-time buyers with unstable financing and very low incomes.Most of whom had not the means to pay the loan payments.

Their Strategy acknowledged that, “In many instances,prospective first-time home buyers find that developing the proper savings patterns to accumulate sufficient cash for the down payment is difficult.”

The Strategy also admitted that, “…although the variety in loan products available to the borrower is commendable, it can prove confusing to a first-time home buyer,”
(The National Home ownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream,
Chapter 4: Financing). A great many of the present ills could have been avoided
had some of those warnings been heeded before politicians were lured by the
siren song of home ownership and the votes it brings.
They identified three types of Borrowers.

1. Borrowers who attempted to abide by the original purpose of the Strategy
should, indeed, be helped wherever possible.
2. Borrowers, usually already homeowners, who sought to increase leverage
with the creative financing tools developed to meet the Strategy goals,
whether to augment income from cash-out refinancing or to trade up to
larger houses before they can afford them in any stable fashion, need to
learn that those tools are not for them.
3. Borrowers who were mere speculators and perpetrators of fraud need to
face market discipline.

So today we have a mortgage market in which the products and approaches encouraged by the National Home ownership Strategy have been misused to increase leverage throughout the market and encourage speculation by
builders, buyers, and financial institutions, alike.

The Strategy certainly helped some renters achieve the dream of home ownership. But the Strategy was also fundamentally misused to extend more credit to prime borrowers, fueling home price inflation.

That home price inflation led builders to build ever more developments, using creative financing to sell the homes. In the process, speculators also used the creative financing to leverage their bets on home price appreciation in the bubble environment.

This has resulted in record foreclosures in the present marketplace.
And guess who was responsible for pushing the legislation through Congress? Senator Christopher Dodd and the Clinton controlled Congress!

Now he and Congressman Barney Frank of "roommate gate" fame, are trying to push this 700 billion dollar bail-out to cover their muddled leftist thinking in pushing the original legislation that put US in this financial mess!
And that is not all the Democrats want to do! House Democrats said they were still considering a separate plan to increase taxes to pay for a portion of the bailout, possibly by taxing stock transfers or levying a "surtax" on millionaires. What their definition of millionaires is, remains to be learned, but it is the same old tax and spend Democrats!
Voters BEWARE!!


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stands alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

The vernacular for some one who hides in plain sight for many years before striking a blow against their target, is a MOLE! And the dictionary describes a mole "a spy who becomes part of and works from within the ranks of an enemy governmental staff or intelligence agency. Compare double agent".

What I am about to write is not an indictment of a member of the Washington Post's Writers Group, but more of a question.

Why would someone who has written articles for 20 years with a Conservative viewpoint, suddenly begin attacking the Republican nominee for Vice-President. Sara Palin?

Kathleen Parker has an article in today's Patriot Post, and I imagine the Lame Stream Media will quickly snatch it up. In the article she asks Gov. Palin to resign her position in the McCain ticket!

This is not a singular attack on Palin. Last week she wrote an article for the Chicago Tribune which I have included partially in this blog. This is the first deadly shot I have found that Parker takes at crippling the Republican "ticket" just39 days before the November election.

" I love Barack Obama and I love Sarah Palin—both for different reasons. They both also scare me to death.
I love Obama for his style, grace, intellect and his way with words. I want the healing power that an Obama presidency could deliver to this country.
I love Palin for her chutzpah, courage, maverickness and her authenticity. As a woman, I want her to be fantastic. I want her to expose the fraudulence of identity politics and show the world that Woman is not just one thing.
But my inner eye is watching. And my inner voice is saying: These are not good enough reasons.

I worry that she(Palin) won't intellectualize enough. I worry about her certitude and her slight offness. Whatever her charms, anyone in public office who thinks out loud about banning books might be missing some aces in her deck.
I worry about a worldview that might have been shaped in part by a minister who believes that Alaska someday will be home to Christian renegades arriving for the Rapture".

The preceding is excerpted from a lenghty article about her intellectual worries about the Democratic candidate for President and the Republican candidate for Vice-President. She is comparing "apples to oranges"!
Only a person who wants to destroy a candidate, would base her "intellectual" arguments, by comparing the qualifications of the Presidential candidate to the VP candidate. One must be ready to assume the responsibility of leading this once great Nation in Wars against terrorism and the menace of the failing economy.It is the President!

A Vice-President can learn on the job as needed if necessary. But since the President does not act alone, but is surrounded by "experts" in the fields of War and Economics. It is specious to make an argument about Gov. Palins lack of economic acumen. After all, she is a governor of a very large state with a billion dollar budget.And God forbid that President McCain should die in the next four years we would be just fine with a God loving Conservative in the Oval Office. After all Congress appropriates the money government spends, and is the body that is charged by the Constitution with declaring war, not the President.

Has a left leaning mole crawled out of her hole at a critical hour in the very close race to sway voters away from the Republican ticket? What other reason would a REAL Conservative have to sabotage Palin at this late date?

I am afraid that the article she wrote for today's Post reveals that Ms. Parker is a closet Liberal with an animus for religion, and a bias that a woman married to a lawyer would have for Obama, as he is the "Lawyers Choice'!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

The Black Democrat who is the only impeached Federal Judge to be returned to the Federal government as a Congressman, is illustrating the racism of the ultra left Blacks in the cadre of BHO supporters.He also is a proven liar and perjurer!
Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings launched a racist and anti-Semitic attack against Sarah Palin on Wednesday to rally Jews to Obama. Hastings was speaking Wednesday while participating in a panel discussion sponsored by the National Jewish Democratic Council.

"If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barrack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," said Hastings. "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through." Hastings, who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, made his comments in Washington, DC, while participating in a panel discussion sponsored by the National Jewish Democratic Council...After saying that Palin "don't care too much" about Jews and blacks, Hastings argued that African Americans and Jews should come together behind Obama because there are many issues on which they agree. source:ABC News

Congressman Hastings was a judge of the circuit court of Broward County, Florida and of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida (1979 to 1989). He was impeached and removed from office for corruption and perjury. He is only the sixth federal judge to be impeached and removed from office in American history.

His reason for being impeached by a Congressional vote of 413-3, was because he accepted a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering by Frank and Thomas Romano, and of perjury in his testimony about the case. He was acquitted by a jury after his alleged co-conspirator, William Borders, refused to testify in court (resulting in a jail sentence for Borders. source: Wikapedia

In my opinion this Black Congressman is just another of the present and past criminal associates who would use lies, distortions and unwarranted personal attacks on both McCain and Palin to accomplish power over all Americans.

His career brings to question the judgement of the motives of his Congressional district, and illustrates a positive example of the Obama campaign to paint anyone who is against the election of Barrack Hussein Obama to the Presidency, as a racist!


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

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Sep. 24th, 2008 | 02:34 pm

Corrupted science revealed By, Jerome J. Schmitt
Outsiders familiar with the proper workings of science have long known that modern Climate Science is dysfunctional. Now a prominent insider, MIT Meteorology Professor Richard S. Lindzen, confirms how Al Gore and his minions used Stalinist tactics to subvert, suborn and corrupt a whole branch of science, citing chapter and verse in his report entitled "Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions?" His answer: A resounding "NO!"

Detailing the corruption, he names a series of names. Until reading this I did not know that
"For example, the primary spokesman for the American Meteorological Society in Washington is Anthony Socci who is neither an elected official of the AMS nor a contributor to climate science. Rather, he is a former staffer for Al Gore."

Although a bit lengthy, this a very important report, and is highly readable and revealing. While some of the paragraphs are a bit technical, I encourage you readers to wade through them because their purpose is to provide specific examples of how a radical cabal is forcing scientists to ignore or amend measurements that undermine the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

Scientists are literally forced to include sentences in their papers that indicate their support of AGW, even if these sentences are non-sequiturs, or even if they conflict with the overall thrust of the paper. In this way, Al Gore's uneducated political commissars are able to deliver the "coninvolving inordinate focus and concentration that cannot tolerate distractions.

For those of you who wonder why leftist radicals were able in the 60's and 70's to take over our Universities' Humanity, Sociology and Philosophy departments, the National Endowment of the Arts and the National Endowment of the Humanities, Professor Lindzen's report(CLIMATE SCIENCE) lays bare the template for their radicalization.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.


Thus, the signal has been given that the massive plan to take over bad mortgage debt, is opening the door to further government bailouts. "Such a large takeover by the government will surely be accompanied by adverse, unintended consequences," said Pat Toomey, president of the Club for Growth, a conservative advocacy group. "Already, other companies and industries are lining up at government's door asking for their own bailout."

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., in defending this heinous move, stressed that the additions were needed to ensure that student loans and credit cards( sure bail out the spoiled brats that never intended to live on a budget or pay back their student loans). These debt conveniences for modern day college attendees(i cannot use the word student )have become indispensable to the spending habits and career plans of many young Americans, unfortunately!
Student loans, which Wall Street firms packaged and sold to investors just like mortgages, already were hit hard in the widening credit crisis earlier this year, with much of the private loan market disappearing.

The cause for this is that credit cards and loans are given, almost forced on incoming college freshmen with no attempt to explain that they are not free cash!This has resulted in the government stepping in to "beef up" its direct loan programs for college students.The INTERNET is full of advertisements like this; "Borrow up to $45,000 per year to cover your 2008 college costs - including books and housing".

This despite the fact that many financial analysts feared that the credit card market would be the next domino to fall. Credit card debt also is packaged and sold to investors in complicated "derivative" securities that have become difficult or impossible to sell in recent months. In my opinion they should never have been offered as investment issues, because almost three-quarters of students who default on their loans (APPROXIMATELY 5.1% OF THE LOANS) have done so after withdrawing from school and failing to complete their studies.
SOURCE: Federal Guide to Defaulted Student Loans

And this is another problem that remains unstated on many college campus.About 1 in every 20 college students will develop a gambling problem. They usually start out gambling for fun and with friends. Then they get sucked in by either
believing they can make money gambling or by gambling as a means to cope with loneliness, stress or depression.
Every semester students drop-out because of their gambling problem. They find themselves in a financial mess, they are stressed-out, they miss class, and they
often feel angry, shameful, and depressed.
“Gambling among students on and off campus are at record levels because of the popularity of Texas Hold'em poker and sports betting on and off the Internet.”
– Sol Boxenbaum, Responsible Gambling Expert

My parents were middle class people, and they put five children through college. There were no government student loans offered to my parents. There were none available at that time. My father drove a Nash car when my brother and I attended college, We worked eight hour shifts in the breweries of Milwaukee,usually the second shift year round, to help pay for our living expenses. We made it, but my dad died at 58 and my mom at 61. No free lunch for us, and we appreciated the value of money!

What Congress is doing is bail-out the credit card companies that freely gave out their plastic to college students, and perpetuate the idea that young people can get away with spending money, but not be responsible to pay for it!
And to add insult to injury: Twenty percent of U.S. college students completing 4year degrees, and 30 percent of students earning 2-year degrees, have only basic quantitative literacy skills, meaning they are unable to estimate if their car has enough gasoline to get to the next gas station or calculate the total cost of ordering office supplies, according to a new national survey by the American Institutes for Research (AIR). The study was funded by The Pew Charitable Trust.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

Article 1 of the UN Charter states:
The Purposes of the United Nations are to maintain international peace and security, to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace; To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

Chapter 1, Article 2 of the UN Charter states:
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles:
The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.source:Wikapedia

This TREATY was signed at the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, California, on June 26, 1945, by 50 of the 51 original member countries (Poland, the other original member, which was not represented at the conference, signed it later). It entered into force on October 24, 1945, after being ratified by the five permanent members of the Security Council—the Republic of China (later replaced by the People's Republic of China), France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (later replaced by the Russian Federation), the United Kingdom, and the United States—and a majority of the other signatories.The actual United Nations did not begin until 1951.

The United Nations organization was established on October 24, 1951. It is not supposed to be a world government, and it does not make laws but should provide a means to help resolve international conflicts and formulate policies. Its 191 Members States accept the obligations of the UN Charter that sets out the principles of international relations. Its purpose is:
- To maintain international peace and security.
- To develop friendly relations among nations.
- To cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights.
- To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.

By all criteria for measurement of success. The UN has been a colossal failure that costs billions of dollars, is rife with corruption, and filled with members who represent Countries that "hate" us. Yet it still sits on the New York City banks of the Hudson River as a constant reminder of its failure to accomplish even it's basic mission. To maintain the PEACE!

Just like the League of Nations that preceded it, it has been a colossal "boon dongle". It presided over the Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, War in Bosnia, Dessert Storm, The Iraq War and the ongoing War in the Middle East between the Hamas terrorists and Israel.This while both North Korea and Iran continue their march toward nuclear arms that will be a threat to their neighbors and the rest of the Free World.

What they have managed to do is be involved up to their collective necks in the "Oil for Food" scandal in Iraq, and now they are asking countries to dig deep to help alleviate the poverty and hunger associated with it in Africa.
A noble idea, except they are asking a free World to contribute at a time of financial crisis, to nations that are run by corrupt dictators who syphon off a large portion of the food and money that is delivered to their Countries, to aid their stay in power.

Unless the UN dedicates itself to rid the world of African and Asian dictators like
AL BASHIR, BIYA, Paul, HABRE, and the despot of Ethiopia, Mengistu who had as many as 1.5 Million of his own people executed in just four years between 1975 and 1979. This ranks among the top ten genocides of the twentieth century. Those that survived the genocide had a good chance of starving, since Mengistu’s regime stole international food aid during Ethiopia’s famine during the mid 1980’s and distributed it among themselves. And unfortunately there are many, many more!

In Zimbabwae, the country is reeling under a massive economic crisis resulting from failed IMF/ World Bank neo-liberal economic policies that the government adopted under the Economic Structural Adjustment Program (ESAP) of 1990. Unemployment is widespread, now estimated at 80%. The formal sector continues to shrink with companies folding down everyday resulting in massive job loses, and rampant starvation. All this being overseen by dictator Mugabe.

Unfortunately, too many of these despots are voting members in the venal United Nations. The money requested will be poured down the funnel of corruption and waste, despite all the pious platitudes of Secretary Ban Ki-moon.

The United States should withhold contributing to any fund this corrupt organization, and continue to support private organizations, like Catholic Charities who actually see that food gets in the mouths of hungry children.


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of eXpression.

In today's edition of the Patriot Post, George Will "sucker punched" the only person we Conservatives have between us and a Socialist, perhaps apostate Muslim who would turn this Country into a Welfare State that even Karl Marx would love to live in.

Mr. Will spent his entire article belittling McCain for saying he would remove Chris Cox the Chairman of the Securities Exchange Committee. Will not only chastised McCain but went so far as to call him:"Under the pressure of the financial crisis, one presidential candidate is behaving like a flustered rookie playing in a league too high. It is not Barrack Obama."

His lengthy diatribe sounds as though it was written by George Soros or the editor of the DailyKos, not a Conservative Journalist!

I did not hear the program during which McCain uttered the statement attributed to him, but I did read the article in the Wall Street Journal that jumped with both feet on the already wounded body of McCain.

There are enough people on the left that want to see the "empty suit" leftist in the Oval Office, without having Conservative web sites publish the betrayal of our only hope to beat back the unknown threat of Obama.

In the article, Mr. Will reminds the reader that Obama is inexperienced, but say nothing about the association he has had with the Weather Man, Ayers and Dorn, or the Shady dealings with Chicago felon, Tony Rezko.

He also omitted "The handshake heard round the world took place in April, 2004, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Chicago between Barack Obama and a mysterious London billionaire named Nadhmi Auchi."

A report in the Web site Human Events, Reports that "Mr. Auchi is known as the Donald Trump of Great Britain, one of the richest men in the world, and he was present in Chicago that night to discuss his partnership with the under-capitalized Mr. Rezko in developing a sixty-two-acre vacant lot along the Chicago River not far from the hotel. At the same time, Mr. Auchi that night was well known as a 2003 convicted felon in France for colluding with French oilmen and government officials in Middle Eastern oil deals".
As would be expected, the Obama campaign has denied the handshake occurred between Auchi and BHO. But he was at that meeting while still in the Illinois Senate!

This item and many others should not be held back by an alleged Conservative, unless he has changed sides

Monday, September 22, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

The following is a post script to the blog I posted earlier today. It probably will not be seen on television or in any Newspaper story. I found it on the web site of Channel News Asia. I am including a major portion of the article unabridged to exclude any of my own opinions, and there are many!

"CARACAS: Venezuela will buy combat and training aircraft from China this week, leftist Venezuela President Hugo Chavez confirmed in a television broadcast Sunday.

The purchases will be made as part of a six-country tour, Chavez said in his broadcast of the "Alo President" television programme from the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, hours before leaving on a "strategic interest" trip to Cuba, China, Russia, Belarus, France and Portugal.

Chavez, a staunch foe of the US government, confirmed that during his stay in Beijing he will purchase 24 K-8 aircraft "to train fighter pilots”. The planes could be part of Venezuela's air force by next year.

The president also confirmed that while in Beijing he will arrange the construction of tanker vessels in Chinese shipyards, with the aim of installing a shipyard in Venezuela in the near future.

These plans come in addition to the construction of a refinery in China to process oil from Venezuela, and plans to create a bi-national company to install a refinery in the remote oil-rich Orinoco region in eastern Venezuela.

Caracas provides 500,000 barrels of oil per day to Beijing, a trade which is expected to increase to one million barrels a day by 2012.

Chavez, who describes China as a strategic ally, will move forward with a US$6 billion bilateral investment fund. China will contribute US$4 billion to the fund, and Venezuela US$2 billion. "Before we had to go to Washington to beg for money. Not now. Now we negotiate with the Chinese," said Chavez.

As China's industry continues to grow at a rapid pace, so does its energy needs. Economists predict that in next quarter-century, China is expected to account for over one-fifth of growth in world energy demand.

Beijing's pursuit of fuel resources and safe supply routes may have interesting implications for regional and global politics. Considering the competing Western energy demand – and, crucially, the needs of neighbor and economic rival, India.

Energy security is a priority for China.Unfortunately it is not a priority in the Halls of Congress!

One Country is wedged in the middle of Asian and Middle Eastern oil and gas fields, it is Pakistan. With its proximity to vital sea lanes and possible pipelines to Central Asia it has emerged an important player in this new great contest for power.

For the second time today, I repeat that this is no time to listen to those who tell us we should eliminate our drilling for oil, and find other ways to produce energy. WHILE the rest of the Worlds Nations, who are anything but allies, are doing their best to increase their oil capacity, and to augment their military capability!


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stands alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.
Todays news from Venezuela details the cutting off of oil sales to the Exxon Oil Company.Both Chavez and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez previously said the Irving, Texas-based company is no longer welcome to do business in Venezuela.

Meanwhile, Hugo Chavez has agreed to allow Russia to build a $65 million dollar refinery to process oil tars. Here at home, the Democrat leadership has succeeded in putting another road block to thwart Our oil exploration off shore. source: Fox News

On Tuesday, the Democrat-ruled House passed the American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act by a vote of 263-189. Characterized by the LameSM as repealing the ban on offshore drilling, the bill would open coastal waters only beyond 100 miles from shore, unless the adjacent state allows drilling 50 miles offshore. Oddly enough, most known deposits of oil are found within the 50-mile limit.
This action preceded today's news that Light, sweet crude for October delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose $2.33 to $106.88 a barrel by mid afternoon in Europe after falling as low as $103.35 earlier in the day. On Friday, the contract rose $6.67 to settle at $104.55 on initial hopes the rescue plan would stabilize the U.S. financial system and help boost economic growth. source: Louise Watt

On July 18th, AD 64, legend has it that Nero fiddled while the city of Rome burned for five days. It is uncertain who or what actually caused the fire—whether accident or arson. According to Tacitus, some in the population held Nero responsible.To diffuse blame, Nero targeted the Christians. Christians confessed to the crime, but it is unknown if these were false confessions induced by torture. source:Wikapedia

Now some 1944 years later the Democrats in Congress are "fiddling" with our way of life, and our national security while Russia establishes strong relationships with Marxist Hugo Chavez, Mr.Venezuela. Will missile bases soon follow? Miami is only 1363miles from Caracas!

The North Koreans have nuclear weapons, Chinese Communists have them, and very soon I believe Iran will have them also.
With rockets capable of traveling thousands of miles, and nuclear submarines able to quietly maneuver into our continental waters. WE are effectively surrounded by potential threats!

CNS News reports, “In addition, the bill retains a ban in parts of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico until 2022, bans any drilling within 125 miles of the Florida coastline, and permanently blocks drilling in all national marine monuments and national marine sanctuaries.” In other words, Democrats want to look as if they are doing something while still doing nothing!

Although President Bush has said he would veto this dastardly bill, it just shows that the Democrats are controlled by the Ecology Marxists who would like to see Us all riding bicycles instead of cars, and want to see our military ground down to an effete "force". No oil, no jet fuel or diesel for tanks and trucks.

This is no time to turn over the Oval Office to a man who has said he could talk with no reservations or restrictions to the madman in Iran!