Saturday, September 20, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stands alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

And the truth is the USA just took a hard left toward Socialism. Government control of the mainstay of Capitalism has been handed over to the Federal Government.
If France, Germany or the Italy did what Our government did yesterday. WE would say,"that is just another stupid move by a Socialist controlled government. Glad we are not that way". But, tragically we are!! The Headlines should not be "The Government bails out Banks, it should be Taxpayers hit again"!

Conservatives, like myself, are stunned by the turn of events that has left the federal government in control of one of the world's biggest insurance companies and the two largest financiers of home mortgages. And the government will not pay the bill! We taxpayers will, and it will spill over into our children's earning years.

It is a day of mourning for those who believe a person and his/her Country should live within the realm of fiscal responsibility. Spend only what you make, and never a bower or a lender be was the motto my mother and father taught me at an early age.
We have abandoned that principle long ago, and adopted the "gimme-gimme" premise. Whether by the influence of television advertisement or other media enticement, we have collectively replace God with materialism. The quest for a home, two cars, plasma TV, vacations in exotic places and all the electronic gadgets has brought the average working person to a point where he/she lives in the realm of credit card debt.

Many are unable to pay even the interest on the debt outstanding, and the accumulation of multiple credit cards has become a way of life for too many of us.
Of course the lenders, banks and credit card companies are only to glad to accommodate anyone with a credit card. They hope you cannot pay the balance each month. They make more money on the interest than they do on the fee they charge the merchant who sells the products the consumer buys.

If this were the only problem we would still not have government interference where the Constitution says they should not tread.

The problem is we have evolved into a welfare state that even gives tax payers hard earned money to illegals! Just walk into a county hospital if you don't believe me, and you will see that emergency treatment cannot be denied to anyone because of race, Creed or ABILITY TO PAY! I am not suggesting that emergency health care be denied to anyone, but this is just one form of government largess that falls into the hands of millions of illegals.

To make things worse, the government has a sneaky way of issuing Bonds when they run out of money, to get more money, to support our welfare state. You do not have to be a Rhodes scholar to guess who buys these bonds. Communist China holds billions of dollars of our Treasury Bonds, and if China redeemed them, or we defaulted you can speculate on the consequences. Financial disaster for the USA!

President Bush's request to Congress to appropriate 700 billion dollars is far more than a "compassionate Conservative" move to the left.
The plan would give the government broad power to buy the bad debt of any U.S. financial institutions for the next two years. It also would raise the statutory limit on the national debt from $10.6 trillion to $11.3 trillion — making room for the massive rescue.
The kicker is the two year limit included in the language. If Barrack is elected in Novemebr, and his Soialist programs he promises to bring wuth him, wlll need billions of dollars. What better way to finance his march into Socialism than to have a Democrat Congress extend the 2 years to an indeffinite period!

Hide your money any where but a bank or money market, because Big Brother will take it from you. Taxpayers, you have a large "bulls eye" on your back!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of expression.

The News is all about the financial crisis on Wall Street,and blame is being laid at the feet of the Present Administration. Most Democrats,liberal politicians and the Media blame President Bush.
While the crisis will pass as have all other financial down turns in American history, the amount of personal loss and and anguish is still to be determined. It is important to realize one fact.

The President, despite all the promises Obama has made to bring more welfare programs to the voters, the Congress has the Constitutional right and duty to appropriate money for all government programs.
Since the Federal Government is not a money making operation, the source of their funds comes directly in the form of taxes.

The financial failures we are witnessing today are not failures of the Financial Markets,but failures of the Federal government. The Congress in particular!
In 1977 the Congress passed the "The Community Reinvestment Act". This law intimidated Lenders into lending by offering credit throughout their entire market, and it prohibited Lenders from restricting their loans to customers in low risk "markets". The reasoning for this policy was that home values would continue to rise, but as we know they did not!
This essentially forced Lenders to grant loans to people who wanted to buy properties and homes that they could not afford. This also ended the policy of "redlining" poor credit risk areas and peoples. And it started the practice of using "liar loans" in order for people who could not pay for what they desired, to have their way.
This I believe was a form of affirmative action, and political correctness. This like most all other government programs to promote affirmative action has caused billions of tax payers dollars with unintended consequences!!

In Michigan, the results of this failed and imprudent law has caused the highest default rate on home mortgages in the nation. The result of homeowners having a negative equity as the housing marked crashed.

The significance of this singular event occurring at the same time that Our Country has a National election, is that it is rapidly becoming the most important issue on the minds of the voters.
It is important,but no President can promise he will change the economic policy of this Country. Congress has that right and duty.

While we fret over the economy the Russians are rattling their sabers, and the North Koreans are testing rocket engines that will allow their missiles to reach the Continent of the USA. Then there is Iran's quest for nuclear weapons. All put on the back pages of our Media.

The following report illustrates the Russians are again upon the road to beligerence!
Sergei Alexandrovich Markov, Director of the Institute for Political Studies in Moscow and Deputy Chair of the Russian International Affairs Forum, was delegated by the Kremlin to explain Russia's military actions in Georgia.
His explanation was crude, blunt and simplified: "Vice-President Cheney ordered the war to help the election campaign of Senator McCain". He repeated interminably that Georgian President Saakashvili is "a war criminal." American likes a weakened Russia, but Russia "will never step back."

"Just as Saakashvili was elected by fraud, so the President of Ukraine is not supported by the vast majority of his citizens. Russia reserves the right to issue passports to ethnic Russians and then protect them. He actually warned against creating a new Gavril Princip, i.e., the assassin whose shots at Sarajevo in 1914 ignited World War 1.

More ominous than the substance of these crude allegations and lies was the blustering tone, signifying that not an iota of disagreement would be countenanced by Putin and his cadre. Hostile Russian action toward Ukraine-a country of 60 million people-could trigger a disastrous war. source: "Khrushchev's Shoe Returns to Russian Diplomacy" By Joel J. Sprayregen

I try not to be an advocate of conspiracy theorists. But what better way to hide the real issue to sway the American voters minds, than to down play the real threats to our safety and independence, than to stir up fears of of our economic collapse? We have weathered financial crisis before, and we will do it again after the dust settles on Wall Street. A big correction is probably a good thing, although painful.
The Nuclear threat from Iran, Russia, Communist China,and North Korea will not correct itself!
WE must elect a President who will lead us strongly and tirelessly against threats to our National security, and he is not the Senator from Illinois!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The truth never needs to be explained or apologized for.It stand alone as a sentinel for freedom of epression.

SHARIA law has been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases.

The government has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.
Rulings issued by a network of five Sharia courts are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court.

Previously, the rulings of sharia courts in Britain could not be enforced, and depended on voluntary compliance among Muslims. It has now emerged that Sharia courts with these powers have been set up in London, Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester with the network’s headquarters in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.

Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh. Sheikh Faiz-ul-Aqtab Siddiqi, whose Muslim Arbitration Tribunal runs the courts, said he had taken advantage of a clause in the Arbitration Act 1996. Under the act, the sharia courts are classified as arbitration tribunals. The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case.

Siddiqi said: “We realized that under the Arbitration Act we can make rulings which can be enforced by county and high courts. The act allows disputes to be resolved using alternatives like tribunals.

Thus, Humpty Dumpty has fallen in Great Britain and can never be put back together!
This is a classic example of open and ncouraged immigration for Muslims and a politicaly correct action to accomidate diversity and muti-culturism.

West's Florida Digest 2d, Volume 5 gives us a clear picture of our legal history. This volume notes that the "Common Law Of England" is in full force today, where there is no existing law that contradicts same, or when it is not in opposition to the U.S. or State Constitution or otherwise prohibited. Also, the term "Common Law Of England" does not refer solely to that developed in English courts, but has been expanded on by American courts as well.

It is a little known fact that the United States has adopted portions of English law, going all the way back to July 4, 1776. These laws were adopted by the United States and have been in effect from the beginning of our nation and are still in force today! Moreover, the origin of British common law, and subsequently that of our own American legal system which has been derived from Great Britain, has as its basis a Christian philosophy. source:Steven Costen

American and British Law is similar, and not identical because England still has a state church and ecclesiastical law has no direct counterpart here in the United States. However, despite the differences there is substantial common ground, especially in common law, between the two legal schemes.

The legislative workings of both the American and British courts is fundamentally the same, being driven mainly by judgments and opinions which are provided by superior courts in individual cases where matters of law are either in conflict, unclear or otherwise in doubt or dispute. In Our case the Supreme Court.

For this reason alone, I wonder how long time will elapse before there is a case brought before the Supreme Court to rcocognize Sharia law in disputes involving domestic disputes?


When Senator Goldwater ran for President against President for one year, Lyndon Johnson. The Democrat machine succeeded in portraying Goldwater as an extremist. Goldwater had a habit of making blunt statements about war, nuclear weapons, and economics that could be turned against him.

The most infamous attack on Goldwater was, the Johnson campaign broadcast a television commercial on September 7 dubbed the “Daisy Girl” ad, which featured a little girl picking petals from a daisy in a field, counting the petals, which then segues into a launch countdown and a nuclear explosion.
Another Johnson ad, “Confessions of a Republican”, tied Goldwater to the Ku Klux Klan. Voters increasingly viewed Goldwater as a right wing fringe candidate—his slogan “In your heart, you know he's right” was successfully parodied by the Johnson campaign into “In your guts, you know he's nuts,” or “In your heart, you know he might" (as in push the nuclear button), or even "In your heart, he's too far right."

The dirty tricks worked, and Johnson won in a "landslide". However, his domestic policies helped split union members and Southerners away from Franklin Roosevelt's Democratic New Deal Coalition, which would lead to the phenomenon of the "Reagan Democrat". Of the ten presidential elections that followed, Democrats would win only three times. Columnist George Will had this to say about the lasting effects of the 1964 election: "It took 16 years to count the votes, and Goldwater won."source: Wikapedia

Fast forward to today, and we find the "smarter than you are" leftist, secular Media is trying to accomplish the same results with Governor Palin. The interview by ABC's Leftist Charlie Gibson of Palin and his subsequent comments illustrate the animus the Left has for religion and those who have the "nerve" to profess it publicly, especially on television.

For the past years the atheist, agnostics, secularists have attacked President Bush, not because he has kept the USA free from a recurrence of 9/11/01, but because he is a professed Christian!
The animus by the so called intelligentsia, and the Left in general, for any display of Judeo-Christian values is on display each and every day for anyone to see if they open his/her eyes to see!

Although I am not accusing anyone of being a Communist. This type of attack by the Democratic party and the MSM plays directly into the hands of those who would love to see our Christian principles destroyed. They are willing accomplice's of the extreme Left!
To illustrate my point I have inserted a quote from a known Communist.

“And therefore, we adopt a ruthlessly irreconcilable attitude to anyone who utters a single word to the effect that mysticism or religious sentimentality might be combined with Communism. Religiousness is irreconcilable with the Marxian standpoint.
“We are of opinion that Atheism, as an inseparable element of the materialist view of life, is a necessary condition for the theoretical education of the revolutionist.
“He who believes in another world is not capable of concentrating all his passion on the transformation of this one." source: Letter from Leslie Mason to the British Communist Party

The deprecating on television of Gov. Palin and any other politician as being a Theocrat, defies credibility if you look at true theocracies. In Iran you have a true Theocracy. The Ayatolla Khomeini is the religious leader who "pulls the strings"on his "puppet" President!
Ruhollah ibn Mustafa Musawi Khomeini,was the symbol of the opposition facing the Shah. On April 1, 1979, Khomeini declared Iran an Islamic Republic and starts an era of strong religious dictatorship.
This is a Theocracy!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


The television news, Radio, and Internet are awash with stories telling payers that another greedy Wall Street Baron is biting the dust!

U.S. taxpayers will bear the burden of the failure of this financial company and other financial firms, not just in the next year but over time. The Treasury may get money to cover the bill by pushing the deficit higher and borrowing money by selling bonds -- most of which will be snapped up by China. The IRS will want its "pound of flesh" at some point. That money will come from the pockets of the working man, or future, payroll deductions of our children.

This is a bad time for people like myself, who believed in the Capitalist System all our lives. It gives fodder to the Secular Socialists, and especially the Leftist controlled Democrat party at the most opportune time for them.

With Obama's popularity on the wane as more and more voters come to realize that he can talk the talk, but the way he walked the walk in the past belies his talk!

The problem simply is too much debt. In other words, the typical U.S. consumer is awash in debt brought about by the profligate use of credit cards. I believe some of the blame should be laid at the feet of the advertising sector of the World.

These are the people who put adds on television, radio, newspapers, magazines and even on the Internet, enticing us to buy a product that we should have," because we deserve it". Even if we cannot afford it. The Credit card companies are only too happy to oblige the card holder, because they make more money if you cannot pay the balance, but only pay the interest--usually 18% or more!

Couple this with the purchase of homes with little or no down payment, and barely enough income to support monthly payments. Overly aggressive lending practices by lenders,that poured millions of dollars into the home mortgage business, that were offered to these marginal home buyers at extremely low initial interest rates.

These low rates were come-ons, could and did escalate as the low initial offering rate period expired and the revised interest rates, in some cases, rose by 30-50%. These higher mortgage interest rates dramatically increased monthly payments, and over extended home purchasers simply did not have the income required to be able to make these increased payments. source:The Money Blog

To answer the financial crisis, the nine largest banks in the USA are forming a fund with a value of $70 billion. The banks are Bank of America (BAC), Barclays (BCS), Citigroup (C), Credit Suisse Group (CS), Deutsche Bank AG (DB), Goldman Sachs (GS), JPMorgan Chase (JPM), Morgan Stanley (MS) and UBS AG (UBS).
Reuters reports that "any one of the 10 banks would be permitted to borrow up to one-third of the total facility." This will be on top of the Fed's plan to make more easy credit available to banks and brokerages.

Top Academic Economists believe this is a bad idea, because what becomes of the fund if any three of the members need to draw the 33% to which they are entitled? That would not only obliterate the fund. It would vex the other banks who might need capital if the credit crisis grows long and much worse. And the way things are going it may happen!
Many Economists believe this is a way to disguise a "BuyOut" plan that is disguised as a "bailout" by the three largest Capital Funds,Goldman Sachs, BAC and Deutsche Bank. These three have financial assets which are the envy of the others in the Banking business.

The underlying problem facing Americans is the continued devaluation of our Dollar. This will accompany this Bank crisis and the continued extension of credit to financial giants like now bankrupt Lehman. This will only lead to more predatory lending practices, inappropriate underwriting standards, and the potential consequences of securitization of debt instruments.

This includes the packaging of bundles of mortgages and other loans into a big single investment that are sold to pension funds and other investors around the world. If the early warnings had been heeded, the world "would have avoided the kind of meltdown we are experiencing today". source:David R. Francis

In 1995, over US $380 billion were in circulation, two-thirds of which was outside the United States. By 2005, that figure had doubled to nearly $760 billion, with an estimated half to two-thirds being held overseas,primaraly by Communit China, representing an annual growth rate of about 7.6%.
As of December 2006, the dollar was surpassed by the euro in terms of combined value, and of cash in circulation. Since then the current value of euro cash in circulation has risen to more than €695 billion, equivalent to US$991 billion at current exchange rates.

Wikapedia reports that: "Economist Paul Samuelson and others maintain that the overseas demand for dollars allows the United States to maintain persistent trade deficits without causing the value of the currency to depreciate and the flow of trade to readjust. Milton Friedman at his death believed this to be the case but, more recently, Paul Samuelson has said he now believes that at some stage in the future these pressures will precipitate a run against the U.S. dollar with serious global financial consequences!"

Hopefully, we will survive this financial crisis before the Chinese call in their notes. But all Americans, both Democrats and Republicans should realize that when so many people engaged in so many aspects of Our finance have lost their ethical compass, and put their short-term personal gains above their customers considerations.The end result is default!
This was the case in the subprime mortgage market in the U.S. It has had a profound macroeconomic impact. Putting it simply, the broad economy gets hurt by greed and selfishness as ensuing financial losses mount and trust fades. source: Christian Science Monitor

Another factor to consider is the possible election of a President who promises to introduce more expensive Wekfare programs that will further burden the taxpayers. This would be a fatal financial mistake!