Saturday, May 05, 2007

More Bad Legislation in the Works

Yesterday Senator Daniel Inouye (Dem. Hi.) introduced a Bill that would mandate the raising of fuel standards for passenger cars to 35 miles per gallon by 2020.
Since 1975 the U.S. fuel standard has been 27.5 mpg and because cars have been getting smaller and lighter and trucks bigger and heavier we have lost the lives of 42,636 people on the highway last year alone. This is a figure you will never See in the newspapers or on television. They are too busy screaming about the number of soldiers killed in Iraq. To publicise this figure might not fit the outline for the leftist movement in this country.
Now the worst thing to happen since Pearl Harbor, Senator Diane Fienstine, has introduced a bill with co-sponsor Sen. Dorgan that would mandate a 4% raise in fuel conservation for passenger cars by 4% a year for every year after 2020.
This bill would cost the auto industry an estimated 114 billion dollars between 2010 and 2017 for design changes and retooling to make our cars lighter and the new engines to meet these requirements.
Each year 6,000 children age 16 to 20 are killed when they are driving a car! The number killed in 2002 was 7386.
The cost of medical treatment and rehabilitation of the other 300,000 teens injured in car wrecks is $42.3 billion!
Many of these deaths are alcohol and or drug related, but not all. Many are caused by accidents in the small cars that parents buy to satisfy the mobility needs of the modern teenager, and to put less of a burden on the parents to take them where they need and want to go.
Many accidents resulting in fatalities are the result of small cars being struck by large trucks or SUVs.
We don't hear enough about these deaths. The Media is too busy screaming about the troops "KIA" in Iraq in the past four years.
Instead of spending their time in Congress drawing up bills to "defund" and force withdrawal of Our troops in Iraq. These Hypocrites should be looking to legislate more safety on the highway for our children and ourselves.Not Bills that demand better mileage!
Instead, the Congress continues to raise the mileage requirement for passenger cars and is "lockstep" with environmental activists to pressure the American public into buying lighter hybrid gas and battery powered cars, or taking corn out of the mouths of the Worlds poor to make ethanol.
They have allowed double trailer trucks and hundreds of thousands of school buses without seat belts. All of this has made the highways not only more dangerous for all drivers, but most certainly contributed to the teen death rate. Each year the average car gets lighter and the trucks get bigger and pollute more.
The loss of Our men and women, who have been killed in action in Iraq is tragic. But the inattention of the teen death rate on the highways by Congress is criminal and shows the preoccupation (and pandering) with the "fanatically" anti-industrial environmentalists by the Washington politicians and the Main Stream Media.
By the way, these hybrid cars cost on average $3,000 dollars more than the same car powered by gasoline.This figure comes from the makers of the Honda cars.
With gas at the present price of $2.95 for regular per gallon. It will take ten years of average driving to make up the difference in cost, driving the hybrid that gets 46-50 miles per gallon. There has to be a better way. How about letting more foundries be built, and drilling for oil in ANWAR before only Russia and China have enough oil to sustain their quest for world power!
If only Democrats would quit worshiping at the altar of Ecology and Global warming!

Friday, May 04, 2007

They Will Never Quit!

Senators Byrd and Clinton obviously think they run the Country not the President, so they are pressing on with their quest to force President Bush to do their bidding, and at the same time help those "poor" Islamists in Iraq who have been killing our troops and their own country men.
The news reports indicate they listened to Bill Richardsons speech about "deauthorizing" the war in Iraq.
Today the senile old Senator from West Virginia and the Scandal surrounded power happy Senator from New York (aka Arkansas and Illinois)announced that they were preparing a joint Bill to "decommission the authorization and withdraw our troops." Byrd said: "The 2002 authorization to use force has now run its course."
This from a man who at his age probably has to ask an aid when he gets up in the morning what day it is!
Laws that don't have a date specific for their termination don't need any further action. I doubt the 2002 Bill carried a termination date, but maybe the two Senators think the American public will ignore that small detail when they present their ridiculous Bill to the Armed Services Committee they both serve on.
While Rep. Murtha lies about General Petraeus not briefing him.Records show the General spent 20-30 minutes giving he and Rep.Pelosi a private phone briefing.
The Department of Homeland Security is sending out an online press release that approves of the Transportation and Safety Administrations "sensitivity training" program about Islamic traditions.
I would like to alert all involved that we are falling into the trap that Europe is already entangled in.
The following excerpt explains in full the wasted effort we Americans are spending on the attempt to assimilate and cozy up to the Islamists.
"The term human being has no meaning inside of Islam. There is no such thing as humanity, only the duality of the believer and unbeliever. Look at the ethical statements found in the Hadith.
A Muslim should not lie, cheat, kill or steal from other Muslims. But a Muslim may lie, deceive or kill an unbeliever if it advances Islam.

There is no such thing as a universal statement of ethics in Islam. Muslims are to be treated one way and unbelievers another way. The closest Islam comes to a universal statement of ethics is that the entire world must submit to Islam. After Mohammed became a prophet, he never treated an unbeliever the same as a Muslim. Islam denies the truth of the Golden Rule.By the way, this dualistic ethic is the basis for jihad. The ethical system sets up the unbeliever as less than human and therefore, it is easy to kill, harm or deceive the unbeliever.
There have been other dualistic cultures. The KKK comes to mind. But the KKK is a simplistic dualism. The KKK member hates all black people at all times; there is only one choice. This is very straightforward and easy to see.
The dualism of Islam is more deceitful and offers two choices on how to treat the unbeliever. The unbeliever can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well. So Islam can be "nice", but in no case is the unbeliever a "brother" or a friend. In fact, there are some 14 verses of the Koran that are emphatic-a Muslim is never a friend to the unbeliever. A Muslim may be "friendly," but he is never an actual friend. And the degree to which a Muslim is actually a true friend is the degree to which he is not a Muslim, but a hypocrite."
Now after you have read this tell me you still believe dialogue will win over the extremist Islamist.A "religion" that does not recognize the value of human life cannot be bargained with!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Carpet Baggers In Washington?

Being somewhat of a history buff. I frequently find myself making mental comparisons of what is going on in the Congress of the United States today with what we as Americans have experienced in years gone before Us.
In the post Civil War years the South was not only ravaged by the hunger left in the wake of General Sherman's scorched earth march to the sea. They also had to deal with Northern "Carpet Baggers".
These parasites were in the South for only one reason--get as rich as they could off the destitute Southerners who were left.
They bought properties for pennies on the dollar and traded all manner of goods for inflated prices. They got their "pound of Flesh" off the backs of the defeated.
Today the "carpet baggers" are not waiting for the end of the Iraq war. The left wing Democratic party, through their agents Murtha, Pelosi, Reid and many others have done their best, or I should say their worst, to force the end to the Iraq war by the surrender and withdrawal (aka retreat).
Not only have both houses of Congress,controlled by Democrats,passed bills to put a date certain for withdrawal . The Democrats don't seem to even want to hear what is going on in Iraq.
Last month the Commanding General of Iraqi forces, David Petraeus, gave a closed door briefing to the Congress to report on the progress in Iraq, and only ONE DEMOCRAT showed up for the briefing!
This blatant refusal to hear first hand hard facts based information on the situation in Iraq is not only irresponsible. It is arrogant, pompous and unpatriotic! Power trumps Patriotism for the Democrats. All they seem to be concerned about is filling their pockets with lobbyists money and national security be damned.
The Democratic aspirant for the Oval Office from New Mexico, Bill Richardson, even suggested in his speech last week that Congress pass a bill "De authorizing: the war in Iraq.
Don't these fools consider for one moment that our withdrawal from Iraq will leave avoid that will immediately be filled with Terrorists.
Unlike the North Vietnamese who moved into South Vietnam when another left wing movement forced our troops to withdraw. The Islamist terrorists won't stop their war against the U.S. and Israel. This is a world wide war being waged by radical Islamists who want to convert the world, with the "sword" if necessary.
Unlike MacArthur we "shall not return' once we abandon Iraq. We will just have to fight them in another country. Or we could just surrender all together and wait for the mushroom clouds that will surely come our way if we don't stop them now.
General George Patton said""You're never beaten until you admit it." He also said:'Live for something rather than die for nothing."
Nothing is what you can expect when you surrender.WE lost over 6000 Marines in one day on Saipan fighting the Japanese and we lost 407,000 men and women armed forces personnel in world war two.
All deaths are tragic, but success or failure cannot be measured by how many troops we lost in how short of time, but whether we won or lost! Military victory is not attainable without casualties, because soldiers do die in battle.
Let us not allow the Leftists in this Country to prevail. Those who have died fighting for Us shall not have died in vain if we persevere.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Senator Reid Puppet For Bahr?

The pious looking man at the extreme left side of this blog is anything but a "holy man". He is Sheik Ahmad Bahr, acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, declared during a Friday sermon at a Sudan mosque that America and Israel will be annihilated and called upon Allah to kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." Following are excerpts from the sermon that took place last month, courtesy of MEMRI. Ahmad Bahr began: "'You will be victorious' on the face of this planet. You are the masters of the world on the face of this planet. Yes, [the Koran says that] 'you will be victorious,' but only 'if you are believers.' Allah willing, 'you will be victorious,' while America and Israel will be annihilated. I guarantee you that the power of belief and faith is greater than the power of America and Israel. They are cowards who are eager for life, while we are eager for death for the sake of Allah.
That is why America's nose was rubbed in the mud in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Somalia, and everywhere." Bahr continued and said that America will be annihilated, while Islam will remain. The Muslims "'will be victorious, if you are believers.' Oh Muslims, I guarantee you that the power of Allah is greater than America, by whom many are blinded today. Some people are blinded by the power of America. We say to them that with the might of Allah, with the might of His Messenger, and with the power of Allah, we are stronger than America and Israel." The Hamas spokesperson might as well have been the spokesman for Senator Harry Reid.
Ten other "representatives" of OURS took a paid vacation to The Sudan, Egypt, Greece and Germany using takpayers money. This goup of seven Democrats and 3 Republicans were lead by Democratic Majority leader of Congress, Steny Hoyes of Maryland. Never mind that at least two of the Countries visited have large majorities of American hating Muslims, Sudan and Egypt.
Last week the Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs, Mohammad Riza Baghri said the following: "We believe it would be to the benefit of both the occupiers( notice he did not say liberators) and the Iraqi people that Coalition forces withdraw immediately."
Congressman Martha and Pelosi could have used his speech to promote their Congressional agenda for our troops in Iraq.
I wonder if the "ten" would have gotten away with such a visit when we were fighting Hitler? In those days only men wearing uniforms and carrying rifles made the trip. Not people carrying briefcases and wearing thousand dollar suits!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cure Worse Than The Disease?

Because the world has 880 million automobile owners, a great deal of commerce is conducted using trucks and millions of civilian and military airplanes fly the worlds skies each day. We have an rapidly unsatisfied need for the energy to move them.
Here in America the primary source for energy since the early 1900s has been petrochemical products. In 1976 when the U.S. had 315 oil refineries we consumed 2.0 million barrels of oil per day. Today we have 144 oil refineries. Not one has been built since 1976!
It is reported by the IEA that today in 2007 we consume 20.5 million barrels of crude oil per day. This is 20% of the worlds crude oil production.
World crude oil production for the 1st quarter of 2007 was 85.5 million barrels per day. The world consumption was 87 million barrels a day.
It is apparent that as world population grows the demand for for energy grows as well. However, reserves and refinery capacity are not keeping pace with the demand. Thus we have had an increase in price of the cost per barrel of crude oil raising from $12.80 in 1976 to $68.10 per barrel in April this year!
The oil embargo put on Iran and Kuwait by the U.S. has reduced the import
of crude oil by the U.S. by 5 million barrels per day. This further aggravates the imbalance between supply and demand.
In an attempt to satisfy the powerful Ecology lobby and those who worship at the altar of Al Gores Global Warming temple. The President has chosen to pursue the making of fuel from grain products.
Ethanol can be made from corn, the primary source for today's ethanol.
It can also be made from rice, soybeans, sugar cane, and wheat. These grain products are now competed for by the makers of fuels and the farmers who produce the milk, beef, pork, poultry and eggs that feed us and the world.
The amount of corn used to produce enough fuel for an SUV fill-up( 25 gal.) would feed a third world child for a year. Fill up every two weeks and you could use the grain processed to make the ethanol to feed 26 people a year.
It becomes apparent that the choice of alternative grain sources for fuel instead of drilling for the known available crude oil off shore and in ANWAR may have drastic unintended consequences for world hunger.
In Iowa alone there are currently 55 ethanol plants, and the building of new plants is proceeding at a furious pace.
Not only will the use of the projected 14 million tons of grain a year for fuel in the U.S. leave only 6 million tons of current grain production left for food. We have to be ready to supply countries like China, Japan, Egypt and Mexico who produce little or no grain products.
It is past the time when we should not listen to Ecologists who wish to see the U.S. return to the horse and buggy days, and start to consider the imminent food shortages and huge price increases for food products that we need to survive.
WE put our livestock and poultry industries in danger because our politicians including the President don't have the guts to stand up to the Ecology lobby and tell them to "get lost!"

Monday, April 30, 2007

ACLU Not What It Appears?

The next time you think about the ACLU and all the good things they allegedly do for civil rights. It would be good to reflect on just who founded this organisation and what the purpose was for its formation.
The ACLU was founded in 1920 by Roger Mark Baldwin an avowed Marxist, graduate of Harvard who was raised in Massachusetts as a agnostic Unitarian by wealthy parents.
He was a proclaimed socialist who worked for disarmament and eventual abolishment of the "State" itself. The abolition of the "property class" was also one of his goals.
He made friends with Anarchist Emma Goldman who was quoted as saying: "voting is the opium of the masses, Every four years you deaden the pain!"
Baldwin was executive director of the ACLU from 1920-1950, and served as an adviser until his death at 97 in 1981.
Our infamous Naval Academy graduate who "snuck" into the Oval Office, President Jimmy Carter awarded Mr. Baldwin the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1981 shortly before Baldwins death.
Not only did his political and philosophical attitude lean toward Marxist socialism, but he was an early member of the Marxist International Workers of the World Union. This Communist union called the "wobblies" in the early years is still active in the U.S. and Australia.
Although their membership is small, estimated membership of 2000 in the U.S. ,their presence is noted at all anti-war and anti-capitalist rallies as seen in the enclosed picture of their demonstration in Seattle, Wash. in 2007.
If the history of this organisation is not enough to want it "denuded" then I have eight more reasons,
1. They support the distribution of child pornography and oppose its suppression. The support NAMBLA
2. They use tax payers money to subvert the Constitution.
3. They oppose the 2nd amendment, right to bear arms.
4. The oppose tax exemptions for Churches.
5. They want to abolish the Boy Scouts as presently constituted.
6. They advocate open borders, and even assist illegal immigrant crossings.
7. They Defend Terrorists.
8. They have opposed every attempt to pass National Security Laws.