The pious looking man at the extreme left side of this blog is anything but a "holy man". He is Sheik Ahmad Bahr, acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, declared during a Friday sermon at a Sudan mosque that America and Israel will be annihilated and called upon Allah to kill Jews and Americans "to the very Last One." Following are excerpts from the sermon that took place last month, courtesy of MEMRI. Ahmad Bahr began: "'You will be victorious' on the face of this planet. You are the masters of the world on the face of this planet. Yes, [the Koran says that] 'you will be victorious,' but only 'if you are believers.' Allah willing, 'you will be victorious,' while America and Israel will be annihilated. I guarantee you that the power of belief and faith is greater than the power of America and Israel. They are cowards who are eager for life, while we are eager for death for the sake of Allah.
That is why America's nose was rubbed in the mud in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Somalia, and everywhere." Bahr continued and said that America will be annihilated, while Islam will remain. The Muslims "'will be victorious, if you are believers.' Oh Muslims, I guarantee you that the power of Allah is greater than America, by whom many are blinded today. Some people are blinded by the power of America. We say to them that with the might of Allah, with the might of His Messenger, and with the power of Allah, we are stronger than America and Israel." The Hamas spokesperson might as well have been the spokesman for Senator Harry Reid.
Ten other "representatives" of OURS took a paid vacation to The Sudan, Egypt, Greece and Germany using takpayers money. This goup of seven Democrats and 3 Republicans were lead by Democratic Majority leader of Congress, Steny Hoyes of Maryland. Never mind that at least two of the Countries visited have large majorities of American hating Muslims, Sudan and Egypt.
Last week the Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs, Mohammad Riza Baghri said the following: "We believe it would be to the benefit of both the occupiers( notice he did not say liberators) and the Iraqi people that Coalition forces withdraw immediately."
Congressman Martha and Pelosi could have used his speech to promote their Congressional agenda for our troops in Iraq.
I wonder if the "ten" would have gotten away with such a visit when we were fighting Hitler? In those days only men wearing uniforms and carrying rifles made the trip. Not people carrying briefcases and wearing thousand dollar suits!
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