Because the world has 880 million automobile owners, a great deal of commerce is conducted using trucks

Here in America the primary source for energy since the early 1900s has been petrochemical products. In 1976 when the U.S. had 315 oil refineries we consumed 2.0 million barrels of oil per day. Today we have 144 oil refineries. Not one has been built since 1976!
It is reported by the IEA that today in 2007 we consume 20.5 million barrels of crude oil per day. This is 20% of the worlds crude oil production.
World crude oil production for the 1st quarter of 2007 was 85.5 million barrels per day. The world consumption was 87 million barrels a day.
It is apparent that as world population grows the demand for for energy grows as well. However, reserves and refinery capacity are not keeping pace with the demand. Thus we have had an increase in price of the cost per barrel of crude oil raising from $12.80 in 1976 to $68.10 per barrel in April this year!
The oil embargo put on Iran and Kuwait by the U.S. has reduced the import
of crude oil by the U.S. by 5 million barrels per day. This further aggravates the imbalance between supply and demand.
In an attempt to satisfy the powerful Ecology lobby and those who worship at the altar of Al Gores Global Warming temple. The President has chosen to pursue the making of fuel from grain products.
Ethanol can be made from corn, the primary source for today's ethanol.
It can also be made from rice, soybeans, sugar cane, and wheat. These grain products are now competed for by the makers of fuels and the farmers who produce the milk, beef, pork, poultry and eggs that feed us and the world.
The amount of corn used to produce enough fuel for an SUV fill-up( 25 gal.) would feed a third world child for a year. Fill up every two weeks and you could use the grain processed to make the ethanol to feed 26 people a year.
It becomes apparent that the choice of alternative grain sources for fuel instead of drilling for the known available crude oil off shore and in ANWAR may have drastic unintended consequences for world hunger.
In Iowa alone there are currently 55 ethanol plants, and the building of new plants is proceeding at a furious pace.
Not only will the use of the projected 14 million tons of grain a year for fuel in the U.S. leave only 6 million tons of current grain production left for food. We have to be ready to supply countries like China, Japan, Egypt and Mexico who produce little or no grain products.
It is past the time when we should not listen to Ecologists who wish to see the U.S. return to the horse and buggy days, and start to consider the imminent food shortages and huge price increases for food products that we need to survive.
WE put our livestock and poultry industries in danger because our politicians including the President don't have the guts to stand up to the Ecology lobby and tell them to "get lost!"
1 comment:
When leaving a large discount store this morning I overheard one of our brain numbed citizens tell his wife and children that he would be right back after he put 50.00 dollars worth of gas in his overpriced gas hog of a pickup truck.
The point I am tying to make is that the average beer drinking, Joe 6 packs who makes up the majority of America's masses have no clue as to the political greed being imposed on all Americans by our just as dumb politicians who have all but surrendered in our war against terrorism.
They have used every game plan in their playbook of socialistic insanity to further hasten the destruction of this great country
.For starters,corn production for fuel is a joke just as methanol production from manure proved worthless. America would have to grow corn in all the parks and neighborhood yards just to try and produce enough fuel which would still be woefully short.
I was in Omaha,Nebraska,that great home of the Nebraska Cornhuskers, a few summers ago and I was struck by the fact that almost every residence had corn growing in the yard.
Yes,it takes all the corn we can harvest to feed our poultry and livestock and it is a quixotic thought of liberals and fellow travellers to think that we can produce both enough fuel and food from corn.
Sadly,these idolators persist in climbing trees and watching bird and beast migrations with the tenacity of a frightened woman in fear of harm to one of her children,but deliberately turn their backs on the real solution which is drilling for hundreds of years of untapped oil under the Arctic Ice.
This apparently would be asking too much of our "wacky Eco." supporters who are content to try more failed and tax wasted trillions on what is a simple solution to a problem that easily could be remedied.
Someone once said a truly educated man fosters humility with true thought while the would-be educated men who accumulate lots of so called facts foster self pride.I am of the firm opinion that what America has representing its interests today is for the most part too much of the latter.God Bless America.
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