Friday, April 11, 2008


Little by little facts are being revealed on the internet, never to be seen on TV or in the print media, that Obama has some very hateful supporters and friends.

Fist there was the leak that Rev. Wright was a racist white hater who blamed all Black Americans ills on KKKamerica. Then the news that Obama and his wife were close friends with indicted criminal Tony Rezko in Chicago. Now comes the news of his long time association with former terrorists. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, former members of The Weatherman!

First, the hatred spewn from Wright's pulpit is a doctrine that is the inspiration of James Hal Cone, a professor of “Systematic Theology” at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Cone is also the author of several books, which a tendentious Wright urged Sean Hannity to read during a recent interview. It’s a useful suggestion. For example, there is Cone’s 1969 opus, Black Theology and Black Power, in which he helpfully explains:
"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community.... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love". And they call this a Christian religion?

Black liberation theology, as Wright has elaborated, is closely aligned with the “liberation theology” of Nicaragua during the seventies and eighties: i.e., the doctrine that catalyzed Marxist revolutionaries. It spurred an unabashedly Leftist movement that emphasized, you guessed it, the crying need for “change” — as George Russell aptly described it in a 2001 Time magazine analysis, “social change in the process of spiritual improvement.”

Old time Obama associate Bill Ayers is a self-confessed criminal and a violent one at that. Although he has not been convicted or imprisoned, he has not reformed himself or offered a critique of his past that is anything but self-congratulatory. Despite all this he is a professor at the University of Illinois. This tells me a lot about the mind set today of major Universities.

Ayers didn’t just carry a sign outside the Pentagon on May 19, 1972. He bombed it. As his memoir gleefully recalled, “Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the b*st**ds were finally going to get what was coming to them.” Whether Pentagon bombing day was more or less ideal than other days, when he, Bernadine Dohrn and their Weathermen comrades bombed the U.S. Capitol, the State Department, and sundry banks, police stations and courthouses, Ayers does not say. But on each occasion, there was surely optimism that the b*st**ds were finally going to get what was coming to them.

“I don’t regret setting bombs,” he told the New York Times in 2001, sorry only that he and the others “didn’t do enough.” Like what? We can’t be sure, though National Review Online’s Jonah Goldberg recounts Ayers’s sentiments back in the day: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at".

It was at the Chicago home of Ayers and Dohrn that Obama, then an up-and-coming “community organizer,” had his political coming out party in 1995. Not content with this rite of passage in Lefty World — where unrepentant terrorists are regarded as progressive luminaries, still working “only to educate”(aka pollute the minds) — both Obamas continued their relationship with the Ayers.

In 2002 , Ayers and Obama voted to donate $75,000 of the money they controlled in the Community Action Group to the Arab American Action Network. The AAAN was co-founded by Rashid Khalidi, a longtime supporter of Palestinian “resistance” attacks against Israel, which he openly regards as a racist, apartheid state. Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, Khalidi denies having been a PLO operative or having directed its official press agency for six years (from 1976 to 1982).

Obama was front and center with Ayers and Dohrn at a farewell "bash" when Khalidi left Chicago for New York. Khalidi had hosted a fundraiser for Obama in 2000, when the latter launched his unsuccessful campaign for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

A few weeks ago, Khalidi told he supports Obama’s presidential run “because he is the only candidate who has expressed sympathy for the Palestinian cause,” and because Obama has promised negotiations with Iran".


And despite all this, the American Jewish populace and the Jewish Congressmen/women and Senators still seem to support Obama's quest for the Oval Office. Go figure?

Thursday, April 10, 2008


If a school violates the Federal mandates regarding no religious instruction allowed within school property, or a University doesn't comply with affirmative action federal regulations. They will most certainly loose Federal funding.

Why then, can the City of Los Angeles or San Francisco get away with open defiance of the law of the Land regarding illegals?

Both cities have declared themselves as "amnesty" cities that offer sanctuary to illegals.
San Francisco is going so far against the law that they are advertising their sanctuary status.This information was publish on Michelle Malkins web page today.

"Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who is working on the planned outreach campaign to undocumented immigrants, said it will ensure “a lot of deserving people” take advantage of city services. “To me, it’s a logical follow-through.”
The announcements will feature Newsom and other city officials, according to meeting minutes from The City’s Immigrant Rights Commission.
The latest proposal is another action making San Francisco “the most flamboyant city in the country when it comes to working against federal immigration laws,” said Steven Camarota, director of research for the Center of Immigration, a Washington, D.C., think tank favoring tougher enforcement of federal immigration laws".

I think flamboyant is a kind word. I would call them most flagrant!

Perhaps the Supervisors and residents who support this unlawful act don't give a tinkers damn about the economic affect their policy has on the low wage earner, but they should consider these facts.

Statistical analysis shows that when immigration increases the supply of workers in a skill category, the earnings of native-born workers in that same category fall. The negative effect will occur regardless of whether the immigrant workers are legal or illegal, temporary or permanent. Any sizable increase in the number of immigrants will inevitably lower wages for some American workers. Conversely, reducing the supply of labor by strict immigration enforcement and reduced legal immigration would increase the earnings of native workers.Source" Center For Immigration Studies

Good intentions that have an adverse affect are the devils workmanship. It would be more prudent if the City Fathers of two of the most beautiful cities in the USA had more concern for those who are here legally and need a decent wage!


In what many will consider the most asinine request of the Federal Government, or a hint of the real loyalties of Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa. His request submitted by letter to the head of Home Land Security completely misses the point of the duties and responsibilities of this important government agency.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa wrote asking federal officials to "rethink their policy on workplace immigration crackdowns that involve established businesses and to focus on employers that mistreat workers instead" Bloggers note: is this not the duty of his welfare and police departments?

He said, "ICE should spend its limited resources
targeting employers who exploit wage and hour laws".
Chertoff has not responded to the mayor's letter, but Homeland Security spokeswoman Laura Keehner said the department believes its priorities are correct.
She said work-site investigations focus on national security and public safety and that the agency also investigates companies it believes may have committed visa fraud, money laundering, and other violations. It is absurd that a mayor of one of the largest cities in the USA has to be reminded that illegals, no matter how much he feels they are needed, are still illegal and must be apprehended and dealt with.

I realize that a Mayor of Hispanic descent got elected because of the preponderance of Hispanic residents in Los Angeles County. Probably got some votes from illegals with forged documents for all I know. But he is still a Mayor in the USA, not a city in Mexico, and as such is only making a political statement for his electorate. A statement at least sounds stupid, and at the worst sounds criminal! Perhaps his Honor should consider rescinding his amnesty rule? Law-abiding citizens of all colors are uniting against the targeting of innocent black residents of Los Angeles by illegal alien gangs. The parents of murdered high school student Jamiel Shaw met with L.A. public officials yesterday, urging them to rescind the city’s notorious Special Order 40–one of the nation’s oldest illegal alien sanctuary laws. Enough is enough! She had this to say during a hearing about her son's murder, while she was serving our Country in Iraq. “I’m safer, somewhat, in Iraq than my son is safe on the streets of the United States. It doesn’t make sense,” she told the City Council.

According to the US News and World report It is estimated that 40% of all workers in Los Angeles County are working for cash and not paying taxes. In Los Angeles, 95% of warrants for murder are for illegal aliens and more than two-thirds of all births in LA County are illegal aliens. And that’s just for one county.

Then there’s the issue of national security. In November, a report from the inspector general’s office of the Department of Homeland Security revealed that half of the 91,516 illegal aliens from terror-sponsoring countries and those of ‘special interest’ apprehended at the border between 2001 and 2005 were released into the U.S. population. I admit that Mexico is not a sponsor of terror, but it provides an avenue for easy access to the USA.

If that was not enough to support the efforts of HSS in Los Angeles, consider this: A 2006 study by Edwin S. Rubenstein, a former contributing editor for Forbes, commissioned by the National Policy Institute last year, stated that, “Illegal aliens cost the American taxpayer $25 billion more than they pay in taxes.” Titled “The Economics of Immigration Enforcement,” the study concluded that they cost U.S. citizens an estimated $81 billion per year. “Amnesty would make things worse,” stated the study, “by adding another $44 billion to government spending for services.”

I think the Mayor needs to get his head screwed on straight or move to Mexico! I also think it is time to consider treating employers that hire more than 3 illegals as we do drug dealers. Confiscate all their personal an business professions. Then we would show we mean business about illegal employment!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Wednesday, April 9, 2008


PC TRUMPS WOMAN'S FREEDOM OF SPEECH"What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death"!
The previous words were spoken at the conclusion of his speech in 1775, about the oncoming Revolutionary War. I use his words to illustrate how far we have gone off track with the Multi-culturism and Political Correct speech that has been gradually eroding away our Constitutional Right of Free Speech.A perfect example of the extremes that "PC" has brought to us, is this story from the Chicago Tribune.An Illinois delegate for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama resigned after using the word "monkeys" to describe black children playing in a tree, the Obama campaign said Tuesday. Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski, a trustee in the Chicago suburb of Carpentersville, was issued a $75 ticket for disorderly conduct after neighbors complained to police. She says the word wasn't meant racially and she will fight the ticket. "Given the incident, Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski is stepping down as a delegate and will be replaced," said Obama spokeswoman Amy Brundage. The incident occurred Saturday, when two children were playing in a tree next door to Ramirez-Sliwinski's house. She said the parents were outside supervising the children, but she went over and told them to get out of the tree because she was concerned about the boys' safety and because the small magnolia tree was being damaged. The father of one of the boys told her it was none of her business, she told the Chicago Tribune, and "I calmly said the tree is not there for them to be climbing in there like monkeys." The mother of one boy called police. Cmdr. Michael Kilbourne said Tuesday a ticket was issued because the ordinance bans conduct "that disturbs or alarms people".Editor's Note: And the politically correct hate-speech insanity comes full-circle to bite a Progressive-Leftist right in the behind!
This woman didn't use the "N" word, she did not curse or swear. She did not threaten the children, but the police gave here a ticket-YES A TICKET, for "disturbing or alarming people"!What have we come to here in the USA, when anything you say can be interpreted as hurtful and result in an arrest or citation?What happened to freedom of speech.You can publish all the pornographic pictures you want on the Internet, put a Crucifix upside down in a bottle of urine, call an Irish man a "Mic"and it all is protected by the first amendment. Or so say the Courts of the Land.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and New York City as "Hymietown." Jackson first denied the remarks, but eventually apologized and much of the fall-out blew over. He remains the head of the Rainbow Push Coalition, and continues to speak out against similar remarks by others as if he was himself above and better than such things. Double standard at work?
One of the most hurtful things a person can say is to call a person a liar. General Petraeus was called a liar by prominent members of the Democrat party in both houses of Congress, and President Bush has been called a liar in the Newspapers and on the campaign trail innumerable times. No harm, no foul? Or are some groups out of bounds and all the rest of us fair game?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


The latest news from the Obama camp makes me question if all this money his and Hillary Clinton's campaigns are raising is from Americans.

Later this week, a small band of independent Obama supporters plan to launch another fund-raising Web site,, with the goal of raising $1 million dollars in one minute.
Last week the Obama camp announced it had raised $40 million in March alone, nearly twice the amount raised by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) ring the same period. In all, he has raised some $234 million. Through February, Clinton's campaign had raised $156 million. In February alone, Obama raised $55.4 million , Hillary raised $34.5 million and McCain raised $10.9 million dollars. It looks as though this will be the most expensive Presidential campaign in history. With an estimated $800 million being spent by the candidates for the Presidential election by November.
Will it all be from Citizens of the USA?

Everyone that has watched the Clinton "machine" operate during the 90's knows that the Clintons have been able to tap into the wells of wealth. In fact the Congressional Committee on Government Reform held a hearing 5/11/1999, in which they discussed the $300,000 that Mr. Chung alleged;y received from the Communist Chinese head of Military Intelligence to contribute to Democrat campaigns.

They also revealed that 121 people they called to testify refused, and 80 more took the "fifth" when they appeared.

Names like Charlie Trie, Mr. Sun and Mark Middleton who received close to a million dollars from the Chinese were discussed. The conclusion was that there is a problem with foreign contributions that find their way into political campaigns despite the fact that it is against the law!

Now we hear of the mega millions that Obama is raising, a great amount of it on the Internet. It raises a question in my mind just who is making these contributions?

As everyone who is familiar with the Internet knows, the Internet is a World wide network. Could it be that many of these contributors are people in Arab Countries who know Obama will be softer on them than McCain or Hillary, or from European and Asian Countries that would love to see a man in the Oval Office who would weaken the military might of the USA?

It is entirely possible that the Europeans, Russians, Chinese Communists and many other Countries that hate the USA are secretly putting money in the hands of the candidate whom they believe will be more concerned with World government than he is with the sovereignty of OUR Country.

Since 2003, when the Supreme Court upheld it, McCain-Feingold has failed spectacularly in its stated goal of reining in fat-cat donors. In fact the largest domestic donors since 1989, are unions,and they tend to contribute to Democrat candidates. Top 10 domestic donors:
American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees
AT&T Inc
National Assn of Realtors
American Assn for Justice
Goldman Sachs
Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
National Education Assn
Laborers Union
Service Employees International Union
Carpenters & Joiners Union

As you can see, all but three are Unions or Trade organisations. Data provided by FEC as of 3/3/08.
Has the Political process of election been sold to the highest bidder? It appears to me that it is time for term limits, and more intense scrutiny over election contributions received via the internet.


Even as the London Times, not an admirer of President Bush, headlines the fact the The leader of the Madi army is willing to lay down the arms of his 60,000 man militia. The "shecat' Speaker of the house and the two Democratic aspirants to the Oval Office show their animus toward the Iraq war in general and the Generals leading the fight. The line in the sand has been drawn. The Democrats fervently want a withdrawal and a symbolic failure in Iraq, and no amount of good news will dissuade them or their sycophant Media to let up on the attack against our effort in Iraq.

Never the less, I enclose an excerpt from the London Times that I doubt you will find in either the visual or print media.

"Iraq’s largest and most dangerous militia will voluntarily disband if Shia scholars advise its leader to do so, officials said yesterday — a dramatic move that could quell much of the fighting in the war-torn country.
Aides to Hojatoleslam Moqtada al-Sadr said that he would send delegations to Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, a moderate religious leader in Najaf, and to senior clerics in Iran to consult on whether he should stand down his 60,000-strong al-Mahdi Army.
The sudden announcement — the first time that the rebellious cleric had offered to disband his forces — came as US and Iraqi troops were poised for a key offensive into his Baghdad stronghold of Sadr City".
A massive American and Iraqi security presence had ringed the area, with police and soldiers guarding every exit with many predicting a final, bloody showdown as popular support drained from al-Mahdi Army"

Speaker Pelosi had the gaul to warn them before General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker have spoken one word to the Congressional Committees. On April 4, Pelosi admonished General David Petraeus not to “put a shine” on developments in Iraq when he and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker testify before Congress this week.

Senator Obama appears to ignore the military success and will question the progress that appears to not have been made in forming a stable government. Obama's advisers said he also intends to focus his statements and questions on the future in Iraq, such as whether the war is making Americans safer, how it has affected the military's ability to respond to threats around the world and whether Iraqis are taking responsibility for their country.

Clinton's spokesman said she expects the committee will question Petraeus and Crocker closely on the lack of political progress in Iraq, the rising influence of Iran in the region and the strain on the military caused by the large numbers of troops serving in Iraq.
Both Democrats have changed their criticism from the lack of military success, including comparison of Iraq to Vietnam, now that the "surge" has produced positive results. They now attack with criticism of the "nation building" efforts in Iraq.

True Patriots, with good heads and good hearts, would cheer the results of the heroic military men and women;s success, and reserve criticism of the fledgling government until a final defeat of the forces of evil, raical Islam, has been ccomplished.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Since August 15 , 2007 ACLU and their leftist lawyers have challenged the legality of the Patriot Act , and the Leftist Media has been a willing accomplice in the effort to prevent the renewal of the expired act. Democrats have lined up to defend the ACLU position, despite the fact that there is evidence of spies and covert agents for China, Russia, North Korea and even Israel at work gathering classified material from all departments of our government.

Some spies have been "moles" for decades inside the Defense Department, CIA, NSA, FBI and State Department.Aldridge Ames is a prime example. He spied for the Soviets within the
CIA for many years before being apprehended in 1994.

We have the threat of Radical Muslim spies for alQaeda, and Hamas doing their utmost to learn sensitive information about our war plans to fight Islamic terrorism, and funding that comes from the USA to Muslim terrorists.

An example of the effectiveness of the counter espionage units within the USA intelligence community is this case that just concluded with the sentencing of a Chinese spy to 24 1/2 years in federal prison for spying.

According to US intelligence and Justice Department officials, the Mak case represents only a small facet of an intelligence-gathering operation that has long been in place and is growing in size and sophistication. The Chinese government, in an enterprise that one senior official likened to an "intellectual vacuum cleaner," has deployed a diverse network of professional spies, students, scientists and others to systematically collect US know-how, the officials said. Some are trained in modern electronic techniques for snooping on wireless computer transactions. Others, such as Mak, are technical experts who have been in place for years and have blended into their communities.
The Protect America Act modernized the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)was passed by Congress, to provide our intelligence community essential tools to acquire important information about terrorists(aka:spies)who want to harm America. The Act, which passed with bipartisan support in the House and Senate and was signed into law by President Bush on August 5, 2007, restores FISA to its original focus of protecting the rights of persons in the United States, while not acting as an obstacle to gathering foreign intelligence on targets located in foreign countries. By enabling our intelligence community to close a critical intelligence gap that existed before the Act became law, the Protect America Act has already made our Nation safer.

The ACLU and Media have tried to destroy the Act by spreading untruths about it that I list below.
Myth: The ACLU has claimed that "Many [people] are unaware that their library habits could become the target of government surveillance. In a free society, such monitoring is odious and unnecessary. . . The secrecy that surrounds section 215 leads us to a society where the 'thought police' can target us for what we choose to read or what Websites we visit." (ACLU, July 22, 2003)
Reality: The Patriot Act specifically protects Americans' First Amendment rights, and terrorism investigators have no interest in the library habits of ordinary Americans. Historically, terrorists and spies have used libraries to plan and carry out activities that threaten our national security. If terrorists or spies use libraries, we should not allow them to become safe havens for their terrorist or clandestine activities. The Patriot Act ensures that business records - whether from a library or any other business - can be obtained in national security investigations with the permission of a federal judge.

Myth: The ACLU claims that the Patriot Act provision about delayed notification search warrants "would allow law enforcement agencies to delay giving notice when they conduct a search. . . . This provision would mark a sea change in the way search warrants are executed in the United States." (ACLU, October 23, 2001)
Reality: Delayed notification search warrants are a long-existing, crime-fighting tool upheld by courts nationwide for decades in organized crime, drug cases and child pornography. The Patriot Act simply codified the authority law enforcement had already had for decades. This tool is a vital aspect of our strategy of prevention - detecting and incapacitating terrorists before they are able to strike. Source:Dept. Of Justice Web Site

During the Cold War, most espionage was conducted by the Soviet Union and associated Communist countries in Eastern Europe. The surprising thing is how many other neutral or allied countries have also been involved in espionage against the United States. American citizens have been arrested for conducting espionage on behalf of South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Israel, Netherlands, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Ghana, Liberia, South Africa, El Salvador and Ecuador. Information is based on the 111 cases in which offenders succeeded in passing information.

It is not surprising that 51% of espionage offenders have foreign interests. In considering the security risk associated with foreign interests, it is important to distinguish between susceptibility to recruitment and vulnerability to being targeted for recruitment. Foreign interests do not make one more susceptible (less loyal), but they do make one more vulnerable. Americans with foreign interests have valuable language skills and area knowledge. Because of these skills, they are more likely than other Americans to be in positions where they have access to classified information. They are more likely to have contact with foreigners and more likely to feel comfortable dealing with foreigners. They are also more likely to be accessible for assessment and to be targeted for recruitment by foreign intelligence services. Thus the need for surveillance of Americans in sensitive positions.

Perilous times require severe and often unusual procedures to apprehend those who would betray our Country!