Friday, March 14, 2008


I never took the oath that a Naval Academy Plebe takes when he enters the Academy at Annapolis as Admiral Fallon did, but we both took the Oath of Office when we became officers in the U.S. Navy.
I will never forget the pride I had being sworn in as a US Navy(not USNR) Ensign!

The Plebe says this Oath of Office:
“Having been appointed a Midshipman in the United States Navy,do you solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;that you take this obligation freely,without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter,so help you God?" (italics are mine for emphasis)

When commissioned as an officer, the oath is repeated with slight deletions:
''I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Apparently Admiral Fallon didn't feel that "true faith and allegince" applied to obeying without dissent the orders of your Commander in Chief and superior officer.

A man with a long and brilliant career apparently felt his opinions and point of view about the Iraq war differed too much from his superiors to remain quiet and do his duty.Tom serve and obey!

Fallon felt so strongly that his superior officers and the Presidnt were waging the war in Iraq wrongly, that he violated his oath of office and went public while still in uniform to express his displeasure.

Wikapedia describes his action thus:"As combatant commander of Central Command, Fallon was David Petraeus's superior officer. Petraeus is the commander of the current Iraq force, Multinational Force Iraq.
As CENTCOM commander, Fallon has often criticized Iran, while also encouraging negotiations. On May 28, 2007, he noted that the United States would continue to have a military presence in the Middle East, despite Iran wishing otherwise. However, he also said, "We have to figure out a way to come to an arrangement with them [Iran]" In an Al-Jazeera broadcast on September 30, 2007, he criticized those publicly urging war, stating "This constant drum beat of conflict is what strikes me which is not helpful and not useful. [...] I expect that there will be no war and that is what we ought to be working for." He also stated that Iran was not as strong as it claimed, "Not militarily, economically or politically."

Apparently he forgot who his Commander in Chief was--George Bush, not Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

If an O3 went on Al-Jazeera and did as Fallon, he surely would have been court marshaled! Admiral Fallon was allowed to resign with all his pension and benefits intact.

Had he been a high ranking officer in Iraq or Iran he would have been executed for his insubordination, but here in the USA he will become just one more darling "mouth piece" for the Left wing Liberals.
So Much for Loyalty!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Many devout and not so committed Christians and Jews are worried even fearful of the tidal wave of Secularist Atheism that has swept over the United States.

The God who was on the minds of the framers of our Constitution has been banished from the Court Rooms, Schools and public places in the whole of the United States.

The multi-cultists have opened their arms to the Muslim cult in ways they have denied to the followers of the religions that motivated the Original framers of Our Constitution.In San Diego the Carver school allows Muslim students 15 minutes of Prayer time each school day afternoon. In Minneapolis, Minn. every Friday Muslims are given one hour of prayer time. This after Courts have denied Christians the right to use school property to meet in prayer groups after school.
And they are doing it with the help of the ACLU. For a religion that has no desire to assimilate into the United States culture. Sharia creep has begun in Great Britain and France, and if the "PC" people have their way it will happen here.

Today secularists, Atheists and Marxist-Leninists are trying to accomplish what the Romans, Soviet Communists and Chinese Communists have tried to accomplish for over 2000 years. The eradication of Christianity and Judaism.

The Romans tortured, crucified and threw the Christians to the lions, but Christianity survived long after Emperor Diocletian retired in 305AD.

Diocletian's reign (284-305)is especially remembered by historians, for his renewed persecution of Christians that was begun by Nero. He authorized the killing and torture of those who refused to deny Christianity and accept Jupiter, his god. Three years later, he abdicated his power and allegedly died. Christianity once again flourished in Italy.

Stalin abolished all religions, Jewish and Christian. He even made the Jews scape goats for Russia's economic problems and began systematic persecution and established "gulags" for imprisoning religious followers.

Stalin made Communism the religion of his tyrannical reign, and many people around the World, and unfortunately here in the U.S., adhere to this "quasi-religion" today.

Fortunately,Ronald Reagan decimated the Communist regime with his arms race and "Star Wars", and religion has again emerged in Russia.

In China, Chairman (aka dictator)Mao, outlawed all religion. He even attacked the Buddhists in Tibet to try to destroy any vestiges of religious belief in his empire. Fortunately, like all despots, he eventually died and in the ensuing years religion has reappeared in Communist China, although not openly as here in America.

In the United States we now have false gods that have been embraced by Secularists. Money, sex, power and globalism have seemed to replace the worship of God. Ecologists have even found their own god to worship. Nature and all it's non-human creatures. Thus, there has been a substitute for the one God who says, "I Am". God finds little room in the minds of those who would create a "new world" in America.

Fortunately there are over 77.8 percent of the American population that still proclaim that they are Christians or Jews.

If we all stick together, and refuse to renounce our religion in the face of the ACLU and it minions. We will not only survive in this secular era, but flourish as those who have adopted secularism will fade into history as have Stalin, Nero, and Mao.
But in the interim, pray to your God no matter if you call him Adanai, Ha Shem or Jesus Christ, that he will protect our troops in harms way, and that this cross of secularism will pass.May God Bless America!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Do We Want To Be A Globalist?

Through out recent history the United States has been a generous contributor to the aid of developing and third world countries. The Lend Lease Program saved Great Britain and the Soviet Union, costing the taxpayers billions of dollars. The Berlin airlift saved the Capitol city of Germany from starvation after the Russians blockaded the city.

We have always sent hard earned tax dollars to foreign countries in need, but they still don't like us. Many will say it is our involvement in Iraq, but i say rubbish! They dislike us for our power, our standard of living and our freedoms. The basic evil of jealousy is the root cause. Still we send money to alleviate hunger, disease and suffering because it is the Judeo-Christian way!

Congress approved $4.8 billion in foreign aid for ambitious projects in 15 countries in Africa, Central America and other regions.Not a small sum for the tax payers to give to people who basically don't like us.
Now Senator Barrack Obama, the most probable Democratic nominee for president, has sponsored a “Global Poverty Act” that would require the United States to increase foreign aid by approximately $65 billion per year. This on top of all the tax payer funded Socialist programs he has promised the voting public!

If the Senate passes this bill, it will be Mr. Obama’s first significant legislative accomplishment in Washington since he was elected! .I doubt President Bush would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, but for the sake of argument I offer this.

The "Global Poverty Act", if passed, would be a hugely expensive mistake. The act fails on realistic grounds—it simply would not accomplish its stated goal of considerably reducing poverty.The distribution is too unreliable, and local corruption has often obfuscated the dispersion.

Stalwart Leftist politicians in Washington are so consumed with redistributing Our Country's wealth, that they never bothered to learn the most important economic lesson.: How to create wealth. Welfare like governments never creates wealth! It tends to inhibit the wealth earners.A good example is the 40 year failure of the Great Society!

Nowhere in the world can we point to a country that has escaped poverty through foreign aid—in spite of more than $2 trillion of foreign aid spending so far. Tragically, in some African countries that have received billions of dollars in aid, standards of living have deteriorated rather than improved in recent decades. As they have in the inner Cities of the United States where welfare programs are most prevalent.

Unfortunately, too often foreign aid gets siphoned off to service old debts, pay for expensive consultants, fund emergency humanitarian relief, or to Swiss bank accounts of "dignitary's" involved in the giving or receiving of the aid.

Why does foreign investment so often succeed where foreign aid fails? Primarily because investors are more careful and prudent with investments because they bear the losses when investments go sour. Bureaucrats don't!

Consequently, they are more diligent and successful at seeking out investments that will be profitable and that will actually create value in the targeted economy. Public “servants,” by contrast, don’t run the same risk. If a government “investment” fares poorly, the politicians or bureaucrats who made the investment suffer no personal loss. They are protected by the government they serve either by union affiliation, as in the United States, or because of patronage from and by the leader of their government who control his/her employment.

They simply go back to the public treasury for more funds and more failures. Private markets have proved far more efficient, of scarce capital than any government or multilateral taxpayer-funded institution.

Senator Obama's proposed legislation is troubling in that it relates to people outside the United States. Obama seems more interested in foreign peoples welfare than he proclaims to be concerned with the Americans he courts for their vote.

It would convince me that Obama is concerned about the people he wants to vote for him if he would introduce a bill that concerns the inability of the USA being able to access oil reserves in Canada.

The country with the largest oil reserves is not Saudi Arabia, Iran or Venezuela, but Canada.
Canada has an estimated 1.6 trillion barrels of oil on its territory. Saudi Arabia has an estimated 270 billion barrels. But much of Canada’s oil is locked in tough-to-excavate tar sands in the province of Alberta.
Canada’s government recently sent U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates a letter warning that it might not be able to sell the U.S. any of the oil America needs for national defense, according to the Financial Times of London.
The reason: The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which was passed with self-righteousness by the Democratic Congress,” Source: Investor’s Business Daily

Under the Act, tar sands are considered an alternative fuel, and the law requires oil sold to the U.S. government from alternative sources to emit fewer greenhouse gases than oil produced from conventional sources.
Estimates by geologists indicate that removing the coagulated oil found in tar sands produces up to five times the amount of greenhouse gas as pumping from a conventional well.
“Classifying the oil sands as a unconventional fuel would unnecessarily complicate the integrated Canada-U.S. energy relationship,” said Tristan Landry, a spokesman for Canada’s embassy in Washington.
We have a neighboring Country with the world’s largest oil supplies, and we’re going to tell them no thanks? This is the equivalent of legislative malpractice.

But We’ll have to get used to that if, as many hope and expect, we elect a Democratic President(Hillary or Obama) and increase the Democrats’ hold on the two houses of Congress.”
America, awaken to the threat we face!


There is very little that our founding fathers and our avowed enemies had in common, but they both agreed on one thing.
That thought is if the American dream is to be destroyed, it will come from within.

The following two quotes are from opposite poles of the concept of a free Republic that the United States was founded to be.The first is a quote from one of the notable signers of the Declaration of Independence, and they other from a man who ruled with an iron fist the Communist Soviet Union.

“Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.” – Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 14, 1781
I once said, "We will bury you," and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.” – Nikita Khrushchev

For those of you who believe we are are Democracy, I must remind you that because the founding fathers believed that democracies led to mob rule. They founded a nation under God that is a Republic controlled by and for the people. The electoral college keeps us a Republic even though politicians since President Roosevelt have been eroding the freedoms granted by Our Constitution.

Today we have two Democrats involved in a "fish monger" type fight to be the candidate for the November election for President of this once proud Republic.

Both advocate openly, the radical shift toward socialism that began in 1933 with Roosevelt's New Deal.

President Roosevelt captured the Presidency in a time when the unemployment was at 28.3%, most of the U.S. banks had failed and millions were homeless.

He had little trouble enacting social welfare programs that were eagerly accepted by a starving majority. He took office in 1933, and his first executive order, order 6102, made it illegal for United States citizens to own and hold gold. He did this with a perversion of the "Trading With the Enemy Act" as the justification for confiscating personal gold. An order which if done by President Bush today would lead to his immediate impeachment.

The order allowed a citizen to hold a maximum of $100 in gold coins, and failure to surrender all gold valued above that could result in a $10,000 fine and up to ten years in jail. He pegged golds value at $20.67 per ounce. He also nullified all private and public contracts that called for payment in gold! Thus began the march toward socialism.

Roosevelt had the help of an avowed Socialist in Harry Hopkins in the development of CCC, NRA, WPA, Farm Credit Act and the Wagner Act. All of these put hundreds of thousands of unemployed men and a few women to work for the government at a cost of $45 billion.. Many still hail Roosevelt for ending the depression.
But history shows that in his second term the U.S. went into another recession, and we were well on our way toward Socialism, and in 1935 the Supreme Court of the U.S. declared the NRA act to be unconstitutional! I believe Roosevelt not only saved the Soviet Union with his inclusion of them in the Lend Lease Act( $50 billion) that cost thousands of merchant seamen their lives on the trip to Murmansk, but gave away half of Europe to the Soviets at Yalta.
He left a legacy of runaway government spending and the beginning of the debasement of our currency.

Roosevelt was the hero of the Progressive Liberals not unlike Obama and Hilary have become today. They propose to expand the intrusion of the Federal government into our lives by offering Socialised Medicine(aka limited medical care) as National Health insurance, freedom from religion in place of the Founding Founders Freedom from a National religion in the disguised name of Freedom of Religion.

Today's Democrats preach what Lenin shouted in 1917 to the Russian proletariat.. "Rob the Rich and give to the Poor". Or if you would rather, give to the working man more than he earns by taking it from those who work via taxation.

The liberals preach that Capitalism is unfair, Socialism is good, God is dead, competition is for war mongering Nazi Fascists, and the Federal government should take care of you from the cradle to the grave!

And the sad part of this atrocity is that many people have bought into this philosophy,aka Religion! Why else would people be swooning over an empty suit Socialist like Obama or a known power happy Marxist like Hillary?

God Help The United States if either of them gets into the Oval office!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The commonality of Iranian President and the front runner for the Democratic Presidential nomination runs deeper than their Muslim roots. Although Barrack Obama has renounced his childhood Muslim religion and joined the Christian religion. Which by the way makes him an apostate in the eyes of all Muslims. They both feel that American troops should immediately withdraw from Iraq.Obama has even promised that if he is elected President he will have all troops out of Iraq by the end of 2008! A sure prescription for a massacre of those waiting to be evacuated last!
Obama voted against going there militarily in the first place, and yesterday during his visit to Iraq, Ahmadinejad had this to say about the United States.
"Speaking in a nearly hour-long news conference at the end of an unprecedented visit to Iraq, Ahmadinejad called for immediate withdrawal of American troops and said the "U.S. allegations — that Iran is training Shiite militants who target American troops and Muslim rivals — don't matter to the Iranians. Of course American officials make such remarks and such statements, and we do not care ... because they make statements on the basis of erroneous information," said the hard-line Iranian leader, who smiled through much of the session. "We cannot count on what they say."
He said the foreign presence in Iraq was an "insult to the regional nations and a humiliation." Source: Iran Focus News

Perhaps Obama is pandering to the Leftist political organisations such as The National Peace foundation, and other groups who want to see the United States military strength weakened. What ever his opposition to the Iraq war is will remain in his heart and mind. But his solution to the Iranian quest for nuclear arms is based on "just Talking" to them. Perhaps Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Mullahs will stop production and dismantle their nuclear program if Obama is elected President. But I doubt it!

They will look upon Obama as a weakling the same as Hitler did when Neville Chamberlain went, hat in hand, to talk Hitler out of war in 1936.
Ahmadinejad is the first Iranian head of state to visit Iraq since before the Iran/Iraq war 1980-1988 when Iraq invaded Iran in June 1980.When asked about terrorists, he had this to say about America in Iraq:
"Six years ago there were none of these terrorists. When the others stepped foot in this country and region we find a foothold for the terrorists," he told reporters after meeting Shiite political leader Abdul Aziz Al Hakim.
I guess he forgot the terror that Saddam Hussein's regime caused for the Iraqi people, especially the Sunni's.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Sunday, the pillars of the Left wing media, the Washington Post and New York Times both had articles chastising any one who votes for McCain.
New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof wrote a column that include the words that this Presidential campaign is showing monstrous bigotry about religion. He explained his theory with references to claims from the "Right" that Obama could be closet Muslim, and the anti-Christ!

The Washington Post writer James Lewis wrote that, "vote for McCain and you are a sexist pig, racist Islamophobe".

The left has to be extremely disturbed by the rancor developing between the two remaining Democrat candidates for President.
As a result they are hoping to sway people their way, the Left, by throwing the slurs at people who like myself don't want a Socialist President no matter what color or sex he/she is.

Putting aside for a moment the fact that the Left is being ripped asunder by the infighting. There is also the question of is some one an Islamophobe if he/she doesn't accept the politically correct attitude that the are Muslims, all good people, and then there are terrorist Muslims. A small portion of the Islam nation, we are led to believe.

There is just one problem with this approach. No leader of the "good" moderate Muslims has come forth publicly and denounced the actions o the Terrorist Muslims. In fact these good" Muslims met this past weekend in Toledo ,Ohio to plan the Jihad in North America.
The main speakers were Esam Omeish and Madi Bray,and Mohamed Ahram. All three are leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Bray flew in from Egypt to attend this Muslim conference whose main purpose was to organize the "civilization-Jihadist Process".
They presented an eighteen page diagram and dialog for "the work in America that is the grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their(Ikhwan) hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all religions". They spoke about " The overt Islamic Movement, and it is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad!"
There plan which can be found on the Internet, includes the establishment of Islamic Centers in every City in the USA.
This group listed 29 Muslim and Islamic groups as supporters of this Jihad movement. The list includes The Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Business Association, and Islamic Medical Society.

I have no regrets or feel the least bit guilty in apposing an organization that has as it's goal the removal of the Judeo-Christian Religious principles on which that this Country was founded, and replacing it with a "religion" that cuts off the hands of thieves and throws homosexuals off the roof!