Saturday, June 21, 2008
“You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached,” Dobbs said. “For them to leave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer – that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer.”
Thus, the one time dispassionate reporter of the financial news on CNN, has turned to "bare knuckle" opinions on the Bush Administration. He could be an Obama backer for all of his Bush bashing!
"It’s insane what’s going on here,” said a visibly angry Dobbs on his TV show, Lou Dobbs Tonight. “Is there any sense of embarrassment on the part of the leadership of that agency?”
On June 18, Dobbs called the FDA “excessively intellectually challenged.” The night before he called the FDA “moronic.”
“The FDA, led by complete moronic, unengaged incompetents,” Dobbs said on his June 17broadcast. “The idea that they would sit there and say that they’re not going to reveal where a cluster of this outbreak occurred, this is arrogant beyond belief. Who in the world do these idiots think they are? Who do they think they’re working for?”
This type of ranting sounds strangely similar to that off Ross Perot or Dennis Kucinich. Apparently, Dobbs is full of himself enough to be rumored to make a run at National office in 2008. Maybe he will try to be another spoiler by running as a populist candidate for president. A small town boy(Rupert Idaho) who made it big in New York come back to help the middle class?
Well, perhaps Dobbs should do his homework before he mouths off! The man responsible for the safety of the foods we eat is a London infectious disease MD, who became a U.S. citizen and was hired, by The FDA, during the Clinton Administration.
Dr. David Acheson, is Chief of Food Safety for the FDA , having assumed that position in 2002 when it was a newly created position in the FDA. He is somewhat of an expert on the bacteria e-Coli, and it is his responsibility to inform the public of any outbreaks of Salmonella or e-coli in food products.
As such he is considered the number two man at the FDA.
His comments on our food supply are pertinent to Dobb's indictment of President Bush.
"Our food supply is really incredibly safe," Acheson emphasized. "We all eat food three or four times a day or more, and we don't get sick but rarely. Billions of servings of all kinds of food get consumed without any problem."
Yet new challenges are looming, he acknowledges, including today's very efficient distribution systems of foods from foreign countries like Mexico..
Despite the fact that Dr. Acheson is in charge of food safety, it appears from reading the transcript of Dobbs program, that he is really after the head man, Dr. Andrews von Eschenbach, a close friend of President bush who assumed the position as head of the FDA in the middle of a verbal "fire storm" with the Democrat controlled Congress over the contraceptive"Plan_B'. The Democrats wanted it to be sold over the counter, FDA insisted it be a prescription drug, as it should . They were also angered by an FDA report that alleged marijuana had no medicinal properties.
So this $5 million dollar a year man is just carrying waater for the Deamoncrrats in my opinion!
Friday, June 20, 2008
It is time for all Americans to say no thanks to the Arabs. For decades the USA has relied on tankers to transport thousands of gallon of crude oil, and sometimes even refined gasoline from places like Iran and Saudi Arabia. The huge tankers are bigger than battleships, and they dock in major port cities to offload their cargoes. There has not been a major oil spill since 1969, when the Valdez ran aground because the skipper was allegedly intoxicated and asleep!
Geologists that specialize in estimates of potential oil resources, have stated that we have almost three times the amount of untapped oil in the offshore fields below the Gulf Of Mexico. Ecologists claim that drilling will damage sea life, and the hurricanes will break down the oil rigs causing catastrophic oil spills.
If hurricane Katrina only damaged some pipe line leading to the refineries in Louisiana, and did not cause any significant damage to the oil rigs themselves. This become a specious argument!
The claim that drilling for oil will damage our beaches, I live in Florida, is ridiculous. Try to find a beach that is not concreted over with condominiums. There is less and less available public beach available, and the deadly red tide that occurs periodically in the gulf causes the death of hundreds of sea animals and fish.
Forget about the ecology arguments. They would be happy if we had to all ride bicycles!
Our Governor, Charles Crist, has called for a repeal of the moratorium against off shore drilling, and he is supported by 75% of those who live here!
The issue is mute anyway, as Communist China is NOW exploring off the shores of the Gulf states to locate oil. When they do, they will start extracting oil for their oil hungry growing economy. While we listen to fools like Senator Reid who had this to say about this issue.
"We cannot drill our way out of this problem," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat. "The math is simple: America has just 3 percent of the world's oil reserves, but Americans use a quarter of its oil. And the Energy Information Administration says that even if we do open the coasts to oil drilling, prices wouldn't drop until 2030." And to think that this idiot heads the Senate is mind boggling! His figures and statistics are either lies or stupidity!
Experts say that if we drill now we could be independent of the Arabs and Venezuela in two years. Not because we will have the oil to fuel our economy, but because once the Arbitragers and mega-wealthy speculators learn that we are drilling their interest will wane and they will move on to another commodity. The price will drop rapidly, and in five to ten years we could be like Russia is now. An oil GIANT!
We should also start drilling in ANWAR immediately. When we began the Alaskan pipe line the ecology commies cried we would destroy wildlife, but in the decades since the pipeline became operational that fear has not materialise either!
WE are talking about opening 2,000 acres of 20 million acres in the North Tundra. This is less than .01% of the total land mass available to Caribou and polar bears. This area could provide 10 billion barrels of crude oil!
Leftists like the anointed Barrack Obama, insult the American public intelligence by saying, that drilling would be "A solution based on old ideas". I am here to tell you that there are many old ideas that hold this Republic together. Just a few are: Traditional Americanisms like patriotism, a stong military, the idea that Free Enterprise trumps Darwin Socialism, and Independence is much better than Dependence on some one else!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
During World War II, the leaders of the Japanese military and those surrounding the Emperor were followers of the Shinto cult. Japan also had Buddhists, Confucius followers and few other sects, but the Shinto's ruled.
Shinto's asserted Japan's superiority over all other nations. It maintained that the Japanese rulers, and the Japanese in general, were descended from the Sun Goddess. Emperor Hirohito (before his spectacular postwar rehabilitation at the hands of the General MacArthur and the U.S. Occupation) was reviled in wartime America.
The willingness of the Japanese soldiers, particularly the kamikaze (the " Devine wind of the gods" suicide pilots)to sacrifice themselves for the emperor was devastating. This fervor killed many thousand American troops, and disgusted and terrified Americans.
Fast forward 63 years, and we have another kind of religious warrior. The Muslim terrorist bomber, who straps on explosives and walks into a crowded public place and blows himself and everything and every body around him/her to eternity!
This new version of a Kamikaze does not fly an airplane loaded only with enough gas to get him to his target, and the rest of the plane filled with explosives. He/she is the instrument of destruction! In both the Japanese and Muslim situations it is a warped religious fervor that allows them to perform their heinous acts.
Today we here in the USA, have a very un-supreme court that is playing the role of a Kamikaze on the instrument that was the foundation of the this free country. The Constitution! The ruling passed down last week on Boumediene vs. Bush by the Kennedy led court, was as much of a destruction to our Constitutional as was the Kamikaze plane that slammed into the Bunker Hill aircraft carrier in 1944!
Prior to this left wing attack on the Constitution, aliens had no rights under the Constitution that guides and protects citizens of the United States of America. But with a stoke of Kennedy's pen, non-citizens who have never set foot in the United States, even alleged terrorist aliens, get special constitutional privileges because they were caught trying to kill Americans.
Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer,all leftists who vote as a block, dictated that Americans must regard enemies as if they were just criminal defendants, entitled to an exacting legal process including access to discovery, witnesses, counsel, etc.—This decision will make it impossible to detain them without shutting down interrogations prematurely and possibly informing the enemy of our national-defense secrets. I ask you, what was their justification for this decision, other than a fervor for the Deity of the Left. Destruction of our Constitution, and to substitute One World Government!
"The runaway" justices say that foreign AL-Qaeda killers, detained in Cuba can have access to the federal district courts and demand what, suddenly, are their unearned Constitutional rights.
In those courts, judges emboldened by the high court’s usurpation of Congressional and Presidential war powers, may be emboldened to make decisions as they go along: More access to classified information? Subpoenas commanding the testimony (and cross-examination) of our soldiers regarding the circumstances of capture? Miranda warnings? Prompt access to counsel,speedy trial ad nausea.
Sensational trials in the criminal-justice system with the same presumptions of innocence, privacy, and other privileges vested in American citizens? And who will adjudicate the resulting mess? Our imperial court, of course.” source:—National Review
We are at war, At least 75 Senators, including Kerry and Hillary and 296 Congressmen voted for the war in Iraq. During combat approximately 10,000 prisoners have been captured. Of this group about 800 have been sent to Guantanamo, Cuba where they can be interrogated to obtain information that might save the lives of the men and women who are voluntarily in Iraq and Afghanistan to fight the terrorists.
Since their capture 100 plus prisoners have ben released with a promise they would not return to the war sites. Intelligence reveals that at least 30 have returned to Iraq to kill more Americans!
If what the "Kennedy five" did with their decision was not the equivalent of Judicial murder,it was a bold attack on the war effort that we must win. That makes the Kennedy sycophants at the very least, giving aid and comfort to the enemy!
the judiciary simply has no power over enemy combatants in wartime. Such power is committed to the executive as part of the commander in chief's power, and thus implicitly denied to the judiciary, just as is the power to declare war is unilaterally committed to Congress.
Kennedy's ruling thus effectively overturned the congressional declaration of war -- the use of force resolution voted for by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, 75 other senators as well as 296 congressmen. If there's no war, then there are no enemy combatants. This is the diabolical arrogance of Kennedy's opinion.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
"DO NO HARM" is part of the philosophy and rationale within the Hippocratic oath that once was the standard by which all M.D.s practiced their profession.
"I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death. " A phrase that apparently has been cast aside by abortionists and those who assist in Euthanasia!
Thank God most of them(MDs), still believe in the sacred trust they have to do all they can to bring a patient from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.
There are those whose attitudes toward babies in the womb, and old people who are either inconveniently ill and require expensive and time consuming care, or have some physical or mental defect, is that they should be "helped" to get on with their death!
The partial birth abortion involves putting a surgical scissors into the fontanel of the baby's head( a place where the skull bones have not joined together) and sucking out the brains! This is done because the baby has been determined to either be deformed or has a genetic defect that it probably will become a Downs Syndrome baby. So it is killed!
We have more and more people immigrating to this country. The population is exploding with immigrants, and many are elderly. The population has not grown because there are too many births. Abortion kills a million potential doctors, nurses, and any other occupations you can think of, that this now dead baby will never get to be. Perhaps a President!
The increase in the elderly population puts strain on the business of Medicine, and a big drain on the public Treasury in costs for Medicare and Medicaid. How can we pair this down?
Why not eliminate the infirmed, terminally ill and chronically sick old people? We can say we are helping them along, so they don't suffer. Some may even want the help in ending their lives because of pain or despair.
In the last 40 years this Country has gone from the religiously based country it was founded as, to a godless, secular, relativist and hedonic politically correct amorphousism. We have lost sight of the sanctity of life, and substituted, this precious gift from the Almighty, with: "It is my body, and I will do what I want with it and to it"! Freedom has been substituted by license! WE have become a country that has lost it's moral compass!
In 1997 the State of Oregon passed the first Law allowing the murdering of old and infirmed people. It had it's restrictions. Such as, the person wanting to end his/her life would have to submit a written request two times. Their requests had to be 15 days apart, and they had to have two witnesses signatures. One of the witnesses had to be a relative, OR heir, attending doctor, or a person connected to a health care facility.
Sounds to me like an orderly at a hospice and a nurse could decide they needed more beds, so we will get rid of Herman in room 666 who is dying of emphysema, and keeps the other patients awake at night with his constant coughing!
Now from the "Left Coast" comes another petition to kill old and sick people disquised as a way to assist those who want to die in dignity! The petition is called, "Initiative 1000", it would allow doctors to administer lethal drugs to patients who couldn't do so themselves.
OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) "There isn't much John Peyton can do on his own except speak, and soon he'll lose even that.
The former Boeing computer programmer has Lou Gehrig's disease, which progressively paralyzes its victims. His doctor gives him three to six months to live.
He is using his last months to oppose a ballot initiative that would allow physicians in Washington state to help terminally ill patients end their lives. Only Oregon has such a law.
"What we're really doing, I believe, is attempting to eliminate the sufferer so we don't have to deal with them," Mr. Peyton said.
Supporters must collect about 225,000 valid voter signatures by July 3 to get the "Washington Death with Dignity Initiative" on the November ballot. The campaign has raised more than $1 million, more than enough for a successful signature drive, setting up a fiercely fought and emotional campaign.
Those in favor of the measure say it's not meant to encourage people to end their lives prematurely. That's what they say publicly!These are the same type people who decry capitol punishment and demonstrate against the war in Iraq, but killing old people is fair game! What a slippery slope to h##l we are taking!
"They are realistically accepting that their death is imminent," said Barbara Coombs Lee, president of the Portland-based group Compassion and Choices, part of the coalition supporting the initiative. "Knowing that, they want to protect themselves from unnecessary and unbearable suffering."
Outside Oregon, advocates of the idea, fortunately haven't fared well. California, Michigan and Maine voters rejected the idea, and bills have failed in statehouses across the country. But how long will it be before the Supreme Court declare it is a violation of the Constitution to forbid the"right" to kill oneself?
And to top it off, convicted killer Kevorkian, now paroled, will run for Congress in Novemeber!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
"McCain's speech was creaky, ungracious, and unnecessary," conservative blogger Amy Holmes wrote at National Review. "Watching McCain, I couldn't help but think of the astonishing contrast Barack's triumphant speech to a massive and adoring crowd will be. It was not a comparison McCain should have invited."
Republican strategist Alex Castellanos admitted that night on CNN, "It could have been a little more vibrant, let's face the facts."
The large Obama rallies offer a sharp contrast. Attendees are treated to an upbeat soundtrack, cheer loudly and do the wave while waiting for the candidate. They often are asked to arrive hours early owing to security screening and if they want to get a good seat".
THE PREVIOUS QUOTE FROM THE WASHINGTON TIMES, ILLUSTRATES THE ABSURDITY OF THE MEDIA ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO BARRACK OBAMA.It also illustrates how shallow those who report the "news" to us are in their reporting. Style, not substance seems to be the important character needed to be president. If these reporters were alive and active in Franklin Roosevelt's time. They would have reported that he is nothing but a cripple who is too weak to lead the nation!
Rock concerts and singers like Kenny Cheslie, and Faith Hill draw huge crowds in the thousands to hear them perform. Obama is something of a Media star because the Media wants him to win, and shows him only in a positive light. None of the negative items like his voting record, pro-abortion, and amnesty positions are high lighted in Obama's coverage. All we here is the empty promises of change and unsubstantiated promises of more government "free bees". Utopian promises that hit the right cord with a disenchanted youth who are a large part of his audience at most rallies.
The media and Dr. Dean of the Democrat Party have adopted a "Obamamessia" identification with their anointed candidate for President. Not unlike the idol that The newly crowned US Open golf champion. Tiger Woods, has rightfully earned in the golf world. Tiger Woods proved his ethereal abilities on the links by what he has done, and all those who love the sport of golf acknowledge his pre-eminence in the sport. He is probably the best golfer to ever play the game!
But Obama's status is a product of "Madison Avenue" and rock star proportions. He has done nothing in his political life to prove that he deserves to be president of this great country.
Obama has the premiere leftist record of all the U.S. Senators. A liberal rating of 100%. He would look good on the ballot of Germany or France , and maybe Great Britain, where Socialism is a popular form of government. But, here in the USA, where at least 50% of us cherish our freedoms, he is nothing less than a tax and spend, redistribution of wealth, empty suit who speaks eloquently!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Ever since the early 1990's when former USF professor Sami Al Arian established the Center for Islam Studies in a rented house on Pampas Place in Tampa. The influence of CAIR and alleged terrorist agents has plagued USF.
First there was Al Arian, who was accused of funding Islamic terrorist groups. He was later acquited because of a hung jury,but he pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
He was finally removed from the USF faculty, after two years of "administrative leave" granted by the politically correct president of USF, Betty Castor.
Now an Egyptian college student(USF) who videotaped himself showing how to turn remote-controlled cars into bomb detonators has agreed to plead guilty to a federal charge of providing material support to terrorists, according to a plea agreement filed Friday. Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed, one of two students arrested after a traffic stop in South Carolina in August, will enter the plea at a hearing next week in federal court in Tampa.
Youssef Megahed, 21, and Ahmed Mohamed, 24, were charged Aug. 6, 2007, with possession of an incendiary or explosive device. Mohamed said in court they were carrying fireworks.
South Carolina authorities say the students had a pipe bomb and related bomb making paraphernalia in their car when they were stopped Aug. 4 for speeding.
"Megahed and Mohamed, were pulled over about seven miles from the Goose Creek Naval Weapons Station, which houses a military prison for enemy combatants! I guess they were going to put on a fire works display for their Islamic brothers, YEH RIGHT!
One week later, Aug. 11, the FBI searched a home at 12402 Pampas Place in Tampa, owned by Noor and Ana Salhab. Authorities said the search was related to the case involving the two students.
After the Pampas Place house was searched, Noor Salhab told reporters the FBI seized a number of items, including a gas tank for a lawn mower, a telephone, his son's computer and some pipe.Pipe bombs made with gasoline, nails and explosive powder are some of the terrorist's bomb materials.
Federal court records show Salhab leased the house in the early 1990s to World and Islam Studies Enterprise, a think tank run by Sami Al-Arian, the former USF professor accused of funding Islamic terrorist organizations.It is also a meeting place for WISE, world of Islam studies!
Also appearing before the grand jury was Ahmed Bedier, who has served as a spokesman for the Megahed family. Bedier is executive director of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations(CAIR) and is a frequent media spokesman for Muslims and Islamic causes".source:Charlotte Observer
To illustrate how dangerous these people are, one of the defendants uploaded a video to U-Tube that showed how to make a bomb!
Mohamed stated that his purpose in producing and uploading the video to YouTube was to teach "martyrdoms" and "suiciders" how to save themselves so they could continue to fight the US military in Arab countries, the plea agreement said. In the 12-minute video, Mohamed discusses in Arabic and shows how to dismantle and rewire a remote-controlled toy car to make a detonator, the document said. "Instead of the brethren going to, to carry out martyrdom operations, no, may God bless him, he can use the explosion tools from distance and preserve his life...for the real battles,"
Perhaps it is time to do more thorough background checks on College applicants, particularly at USF!
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