“You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached,” Dobbs said. “For them to leave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer – that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer.”
Thus, the one time dispassionate reporter of the financial news on CNN, has turned to "bare knuckle" opinions on the Bush Administration. He could be an Obama backer for all of his Bush bashing!
"It’s insane what’s going on here,” said a visibly angry Dobbs on his TV show, Lou Dobbs Tonight. “Is there any sense of embarrassment on the part of the leadership of that agency?”
On June 18, Dobbs called the FDA “excessively intellectually challenged.” The night before he called the FDA “moronic.”
“The FDA, led by complete moronic, unengaged incompetents,” Dobbs said on his June 17broadcast. “The idea that they would sit there and say that they’re not going to reveal where a cluster of this outbreak occurred, this is arrogant beyond belief. Who in the world do these idiots think they are? Who do they think they’re working for?”
This type of ranting sounds strangely similar to that off Ross Perot or Dennis Kucinich. Apparently, Dobbs is full of himself enough to be rumored to make a run at National office in 2008. Maybe he will try to be another spoiler by running as a populist candidate for president. A small town boy(Rupert Idaho) who made it big in New York come back to help the middle class?
Well, perhaps Dobbs should do his homework before he mouths off! The man responsible for the safety of the foods we eat is a London infectious disease MD, who became a U.S. citizen and was hired, by The FDA, during the Clinton Administration.
Dr. David Acheson, is Chief of Food Safety for the FDA , having assumed that position in 2002 when it was a newly created position in the FDA. He is somewhat of an expert on the bacteria e-Coli, and it is his responsibility to inform the public of any outbreaks of Salmonella or e-coli in food products.
As such he is considered the number two man at the FDA.
His comments on our food supply are pertinent to Dobb's indictment of President Bush.
"Our food supply is really incredibly safe," Acheson emphasized. "We all eat food three or four times a day or more, and we don't get sick but rarely. Billions of servings of all kinds of food get consumed without any problem."
Yet new challenges are looming, he acknowledges, including today's very efficient distribution systems of foods from foreign countries like Mexico..
Despite the fact that Dr. Acheson is in charge of food safety, it appears from reading the transcript of Dobbs program, that he is really after the head man, Dr. Andrews von Eschenbach, a close friend of President bush who assumed the position as head of the FDA in the middle of a verbal "fire storm" with the Democrat controlled Congress over the contraceptive"Plan_B'. The Democrats wanted it to be sold over the counter, FDA insisted it be a prescription drug, as it should . They were also angered by an FDA report that alleged marijuana had no medicinal properties.
So this $5 million dollar a year man is just carrying waater for the Deamoncrrats in my opinion!
1 comment:
This big mouth pseudointellectual windbag is so liberal and of the pro Berkeley mentality that it is a crying shame and an insult to half way intelligent people to hear his ignorant rants against the finest president this country has seen or will probably see for the next 8 years, if ever.The Democrat appointed do nothings appointed to run the FDA by Democratic Presidents as appointment not because they were concerned about the health of our citizens but as rewards for finandially helping elect these left leaning liberals.The Food and Drug Administration is one huge bureaucrcy that does little to nothing in monitoring most so called generic drugs produced in foeign countries including India that has one of the poorest records for hygienic practices in the world,and I could go on and on.But full of himself pretty boy Lou Dobbs calumnates President Bush with your typical liberal screed of twisted and totally false facts.Like most liberals on the attack,they reject reason for falsehhods.I hope to God Mr.Dobbs fails in whatever political charades he is planning on pandering his way into which would be a disaster added to already too many disasters in Washington.
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